Glorious Ectonia

by Bzero


"Spike, Spike, wake up we must prepare for a meteor rain tonight ," waking up Spike.

"Five more minutes, Twilight i can't sleep well huaaah," Spike still sleeping on his bed.

"Oh poor spike Ok just prepare on list after you enjoy your sleep. Anyway i will go to sugarcube corner see ya, Spike," Twilight leave her castle and go to sugarcube corner

Five minutes later.

"huaah, let we see what on the check list. Telescope check, Starpower telescope check, everything check and check. whuuuh," Spike feel tired preparing Twilight's stuffs and fall asleep.

Meanwhile at sugarcube corner.

"Morning, Pinkie. Are the special cake i order ready for tonight?"

"Morning, Twilight the cake is almost ready you can help me to decorate it. And i am sure this cake will be the best cake EVERR!" Pinkie show the cake at Twilight.

"Let's decorate our cake -" Twilight search something on her bag "- oh no ! i forgot to bring the gems what should i do, Pinkie ?" Twilight become anxious.

"Relax, Twilight there is always be a solution we just need to think, hmmmmm. AHA!" Pinkie scream and startled Twilight.

"What it is, What it is?" Twilight grab pinkie to push her to say it.

"We can bring our cake to rarity's boutique, she should have a lot of gems and we can decorate our cake,"

"Ah... Why i didn't think about that thanks, Pinkie. Let's go to Rarity's boutique,"

They go to rarity's boutiques. they bring the cakes carefully because they won't it fell off, they walking sluggishly. Finally they arrived at rarity's Boutique and tell her everything. But Rarity don't have any spare gems left at her boutique.

"I'm so sorry darling i don't have any gems left i used them for my new dresses for festival next month-" Bring her dresses from somewhere "-Tada look how beautiful it is ? why you need gems for cake ponies didn't eat gems"

"I know, Rarity today is Spike's birthday i want to give him a surprise at meteor rain tonight and i need that gems to decorate this special cake"

"WHAT! How can i forgot Spike's birthday-" Rarity take off all gems from her dresses "-Here, Twilight take it all take it ALL OF THEM, And Let's Decorate Our Cake," Rarity Excited

They start decorating their cake, everypony enjoying decorate it. The cake become the most beautiful and delicious because the brilliant idea of designer and cake master. Rarity put special heart shaped gems with her name at middle of cake as a gift for Spike.

After decorating Spike's cake everypony back at their home but not Twilight, She need to prepare Spike's birthday and she start go to Fluttershy's Sanctuary to ask her is the critters ready or not. On it's way she start thinking about Spike, how Spike help her anytime and anywhere.

After reach fluttershy's sanctuary Twilight knocking at the door but no one answer, she wondering where fluttershy go.
WHUUUUSHHH, Rainbow dash sounds clearing sky, she found Twilight alone at sanctuary and fly down.

"Hey, Twilight what happen?"

"Hey, Rainbow dash do you know where Fluttershy go ? I'm Looking For Her"

"Oh Fluttershy, you need her to sing a song right ? I Saw her at market buying some carrots. " Pointing at market

"Thanks, Rainbow dash,"

"No Problem" Fly away.

Twilight leaving sanctuary and heading to market, she found fluttershy in trouble bring her carrots, Twilight start running and use her magic to help her.

"Let me help you, Fluttershy," Twilight use her magic and take some carrots and put it on her bag.

"Thanks, Twilight,"

"Friends help each others remember?"

After they reach sanctuary, fluttershy call all her critters and show twilight what they have learned. They singing happy birthday song melodiously make Twilight jappy to hear it.

"Amazing, Fluttershy i can always trust you thank you,"

"Friends help each others," Flutterhy smiling at Twilight.

From sanctuary Twilight headed to Sweet Apple Acres to meet Applejack and ask her is the cider ready or not. after he reach Sweet Apple She Found Applejack Harvesting apples.

"Hey, Applejack you looks so busy. I'm just come here to ask if my ciders ready for tonight?" Ask Twilight.

"Oh the cider huh ? the cider is perfectly ready, Twilight," Short Answer.

"Oh thanks, Applejack need some hoof?" Giving a favor.

"Nah, Sugarcube i can handle it on my own, better you go home and take some rest you looks so tired. I'm worry about your health," Put her hoof on Twilight's face.

"Yah you right, Applejack i walked all day long in ponyville. maybe i should take a rest thanks, Applejack see you tonight"

"You can count on me, Twilight just take care yourself"

From Sweet Apples Twilight walking to her castle, when she arrive she found spike still sleeping with the checklist on his hand. Without talk anything she start sleeping too. afterward night come and everypony gathered at hill they are waiting to see meteor rain.

Mane 6 there too, they want too see a meteor rain and celebrating spike's birthday. Finally meteor rain starting everypony was amazed by it, Apparently it was a rainbow meteor rain the meteor looks colorfull from red to blue with long tail make it more beautiful.

"Wow that's soo beautiful," Fluttershy said

"That's just wonderful, we can't see that everyday," Rarity following Fluttershy admiring the meteor.

"That was best meteor rain EVER!" Pinkie scream.

"Hmmmm, girls check it out what l found. i think its a blinking planet but it shaped weird just like a mango," Twilight interrupt.

"Ah Mango *SLURP so tasty," Pinkie become crazy think about it.

"There is no mango planet darling, you silly," Rarity answer

"But A mango uhhhh a MANGO!" Pinkie start craze

"Relax Pinkie" Fluttershy calming down Pinkie.

Spike curios and take a look from another Twilight's telescope and start screaming.


"WHERE WHERE?" Everypony scared

"Look-" Spike pointing at the sky "-It getting closer take cover everypony," Spike Jump and cover his head.

"Hey spike maybe what you mean is a bubblegum meteor," Applejack take away the bubblegum from telescope and throw it. and everypony start laughing.

From somewhere sounded a song, that was a birthday song which sung by Fluttershy's critters and then everypony singing it too.

"Happy birtday too you, Happy birthday too youuuu," everypony sing

"Oh thank you everypony, i am glad you remember my birthday. i can't say anything just thanks," Start hugging everypony.

"It's not a party without-" Pinkie take the cake "-THIS TADA, Its your spike from all of us,"

"WOW the cake looks so delicious with that sparkly gems, can i eat it" Spike ask

"It's yours" Twilight answer

Spike take his first bite of his cake and he thinks its very delicious and want to eat it all, but when he want to eat it again everypony looked at him with anger.

"Oops Sorry-" Spike start cutting the cake into slices and give it all to everypony "-Here Everpony you must taste this delicious cake," Spike smiling nervously

Everypony love the cake and after that everypony get back to their own home.

At Morning in Twilight's catle, Twilight start thinking about the thing she saw it last night. It make she curious and she start learning about it, she go to library and start reading a book about planets and stars.

"Hmmm thre is nothing about mango planets or something related. Maybe they have another book at canterlot and also i need to ask to princess if they know about it,"

Magic opening library doors

"Hmmmm Let we see what we have here, a book of life? no, a book of death? no hmmm where it is-" Twilight keep searching every books in librarry "-Aha Found It A book of mango, Mangoes are juicy fruit of tropical trees it genus is mangivera, mangoes trees can grow up to 30-40 meters WAIT A MINUTE, its not about mango planets but mangoes trees duhh,"

After searching and reading a lot of books in library Twilight got frustated because she didn't get any answer about her question, finally she decided meet princess and ask they if they know something about mango planet

"Execuse me, Princess Celestia i have small question for you that i can't find the answer" Ask Twilight

"What happen, Twilight is there any problem ?" Ask Celestia

"There is no problem Princess Celestia, Im Just wondering do you know about another life not in equestria like another planets? " Twilight Explain.

"Ha ha ha ha what do you meam princess Twilight Ponies Can't live without oxygen from Trees. Maybe you should take a rest you did'nt looks so well" Celestia Worried About Twilight.

"Ah yeah princess celestial silly me he he he-" laughing nervously "-and thank you"

"your welcome princess twilight"

After ask princess twilight feels upset, because she can't find an answer neither from library and princess
Twilight doesn't feels well, she decided to take train to go to ponyville. Finally twilight ariived at train station.
While waiting train suddenly BOOOM a loud sound hear.

Everypony wondering what is that sounds. That sound is from canterlot right at front of princess castle, twilight fly away as fast rainbow dash.


Everypony can't see well what is that, That was an meteor filled with white smoke, and shining armor worried it will explode.

"Everypony don't get too close maybe it will explode" Shining armor alerting guards who stand there included Twilight.

When slowly the white smoke fade away, they can see a green colour and everypony thinks it was an changeling egg.

"It was an changgeling egg, prepare your weapon. " guards shout

Every guards take their position and prepare weapon and spell to protect canterlot from changeling invasion.
But, When the white smoke fully cleared they can see a small capsule with a pony inside, his body full with bloods and his scientists clothes full with red colour.

Princess celestial and Luna come.

"He Need help, he is injured, QUICK somepony bring him to castle"

"But how we can know he will not attack us when he is awake" ask shining armor .

"It's number two, we need to save his life first"

Finally guards bring him to castle and treat him, he seriously injured and take time until he awake.

"Ahh Um Hello? Where Am I?" Scientist ask but nopony was there when he wake up and he unconscious.

Princess Celestia and Twilight Get In To Room and waiting the scientist pony to wake up in castle, he delirious about monster or something scary he keep shouting HELP HELP.
After few hours he finally awake. He scared when he see Princess Celestia And Twilight.

"Relax, Don't be afraid we won't hurt you," Twilight try to calming down.

"Wh...Who Are you and Wh..Where Am I?" He Looking Around.

"I'm Princess Celestia And Who Are You? You kinda diferent from other pony? are you from somewhere else outside equestria?" Princess introducing herself.

"I'm Pr... Dinu, Your Majesty Thank You For Helping Me."

"Pr?" Twilight Ask.

"A Proffesor" Dinu smiling nervously.

"Your Majesty, Let Me Introudce Myself. I'm Dinu From Ectonia i'm here to save my home from extinction, Ectonia Realy Need Help The Trees Is Falling Out, I Need To Research Serum To save trees there," Explain Dinu.

"So You Are From Other Planets ? Is That A Mango Planets?" Twilight Ask With Excited.

"Yes, I'm From Ectonia A Mango Shaped Planet. How Do You Know That?" Dinu Confused.

"I Saw Your Planet Blinking Or Giving Us Sign To Help Your Planet that in trouble," Twilight Excited and have a lot question to ask.

"But how can you get here, you get here weak and seriously injured," Ask Celestia

"I'm on My ship and flying to back home, but i didn't realize there was an meteor rain in front of me and the meteor hit my ship very bad, i got hit by the meteor and i ran away to escape capsule, but i don't remember why my capsule landed here it's doesn't make any sense since my planet is kinda far with this land your majesty," Explain Dinu.

"How Lucky You Are Professor Dinu, How Can You Get Back To Your Planet?" Twilight Ask

"I Need To Wait My Partner To Pick Me Up Here-" Dinu Thinking "- Wait why i can breath very well here?"

"beacuse we have oxygen," Twiliht Anoying Smile.

"You Want To Research Our Planet? It's Ok Feel Free To It. Just Assume this is your own planet, and Princess Twilight You and your friends can give Professor Dinu A Tour Exploring Equestria?" Celestia Smiling And Leaving Room.

"Ay Ay Ay Princess Celestia. Let's Go TO PONYVILLE" Twilight Excited.

After calling his friend Dinu and Twilight Go To Ponyville using a train, when they arrived to train station Professor Dinu Ask.

"They Still Use A Train Here?"

"Wow, In Your Planet They Don't Use Train What They Use?" Twilight Ask Back.

"Actually They Still Use Train But Different Model, Train is also main vehicle to go anywhere in Ectonia. They Use Magnetic Field So The Train Is Floating From It's Rail"

"Wow i can't imagine that," Twilight Amazed

The train finally arrived to pick up they to ponyville, On its way Professor Dinu Fall Asleep and Twilight Wake Up Him When They Arrived At Ponyville.

"Professor Dinu Wake Up We Have Arrived, Well You Enjoy Your Train Trip Huh?"

"Uh... Sorry Sorry Princess Twilight I'm Kinda Tired And I Really Like When Wind Blow My Face It's Kinda Special To Me,"

"Please Call Me Twilight,"

"OK Princess Twilight I Mean Twilight," Professor Dinu Awkward Smile.

Since Night Have Come Twilight Decided To Bring Professor Dinu To Her Castle To Sleep.

"Welcome To Castle Of Friendship Where Friendship Is Magic,"

"It's Beautiful, I Rarely See Something Like That," Professor Dinu Amazed.

They Get In And Preparing For Professor Dinu To Sleep. Spike help Twilight Without Asking First Because He still happy from last night and he doesn't care about anything else.

"Professor Dinu This Is Your Room, it's not big but we don't have any room left, feel free to ask if you need some help."

"Ah Thanks This Is More Than Enough Thanks Twilight,"

"See Ya In Morning Professor Dinu," Twilight Leave Him Alone On His Room.

Professor Dinu look around and lied down on bed, he take a something from his bag and that was a photo of him and other pony.

"I will save our world father, i will continue your hard work and i promise will not stop until it's finished, I Love You" Professor Dinu Kiss The Photo And Take A Sleep.

"Morning Professor Dinu-" Get In To His Room But Find he is not there "-Ah Where is he?" Twilight Search Him

"Hey, Spike you know where professor Dinu at? He is not in his room"

"Good Morning Twilight, Ah Professor Dinu, he is at library" Spike pointing at library.

Twilight come over to library, she found Professor Dinu Sleeping On Book.

"Morning Professor Dinu"

"Uh What ? Oh Morning Twilight, I'm Sorry to make your library messy, i will clean up after i take a bath," Professor Dinu startled with Twilight arrival.

"No It's Fine, Spike Will Clean Up It For Us I will be here waiting, if you done just come back here so we can begin our tour," Twilight Excited.

"Thank you Twilight," Professor Dinu leaving library and take a bath.

While waiting Professor Dinu Take A Bath Twilight Curios About What Professor Dinu Read Until He Fall Asleep At Library. She Found Copy Of Her Journal, and a lot of books about basic knowledge and daring do novels.

Looks Like Professor Dinu Really like Twilight's Journal Because He Create A Lot Note Next To It. While Twilight Reading The Notes Which Professor Dinu Write Suddenly Professor Dinu Come To Library.

"I Really Really Sorry Twilight, I Didn't Realize I Have Writing On Your Book, I Suposed To Use My Own Book Sorry," Professor Dinu Beg Her.

"It's Ok You Can Take That Books, We Still Have A lot Copy Of Them, Now Let's Go Explore Ponyville,"

"Thanks Again Princess I Mean Twilight,"

Both Of They Leaving library and start exploring ponyville twilight bring Professor Dinu To Town Hall Explaining A Lot Of History About Ponyville, from there She Decided to bring him to fluttershy sanctuary because she know Professor Dinu is Like Small Critters.

While Twilight And Professor Dinu Exloring Ponyville Spike left alone at Castle Of Friendship, And Must Clean Up Everything Alone Poor Spike. Plus He Got An Extra Job He Need To Tidy Up Messy Library, A Lot Books Scattered And He Need To Arrange alphabetically.

"Oh Sweet Celestia, Why I Should To Do This Alone Again And Again Why Always Me Why?-" Picking Up Books And He Realize"-Who Is That Green Pony With White Mane?"