Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 4 Day: Uncle Lucifer

Celestia was now ten, physicaly and mentaly according to Metatrons research, though, on earth it had been close to a hundred years. While time had little meaning to Angels, Rose still felt time pass, and despite the hundred years, to her it felt like yesterday when Castiel snapped her out of the illusion of her heaven, and gave her a second chance at motherhood.

As she was preparing bread and apple pie for Celestia, Castiel bringing her items from earth when she asked to better accommodate Celestia, she felt a poke at her back, followed by a rough flick to the back of her head. She groaned. “Hello Lucifer.” Rose groaned.

“Hello meatless soul.” Lucifer replied, his vessel, the egyptian prince, still being used. It was a strong vessel, and while the soul had long since moved on, the body was still very usable. “Where’s bird daddy and little Celly?”

“Castiel is trying to teach Celestia to fly, she has wings and wants her to use them. Though, I have never seen his wings...nor any of yours for that matter?”

“When we are in a host our wings are more...well, let’s go with ethereal, for lack of a better word. When we are without host, only we can see each others true forms, and wings.”

“So in other words I’ll never see them?”

“Bingo. Give the monkey a banana.”

Rose replied by shoving an apple slice in his mouth. “Birdy should learn to keep his beak shut.” She said with a sly grin.

Lucifer rolled his eyes, quickly chewing the apple slice before speaking. “You know the only reason I tolerate you is because of Celestia right?”

“As you’ve told me for the past hundred years, yes.”

“In any other circumstance I would take you to use as energy.”


“You’d cease to exist and- are you ignoring me?!”

“Give the birdy a cracker.”

“What’s a cracker?”

“I don’t know, I’ve been around Gabriel too much I guess. His randomness has been rubbing off.”

“Why dad made him like that I’ll never know.”

“Must have been an accident.”

“Oh. You think God the Almighty can make mistakes?”

“He made you and humanity didn’t he?”

Lucifer chuckled at that. “Okay, okay.” Lucifer’s attention was drawn to a light near what would be the front of the home. Coming from it, Castiel, holding an older looking Celestia, her necklace making her appear human, though over time Lucifer noticed small things that gave the illusion away. On rocky, or hard dirt roads the sound of her hooves hitting the ground was noticeable, when she grabbed things with her magic, her “hands” mimicked the right moves, but if she was too fast moving it, you could see the item float in mid air. It was things like that mostly, but it was still good enough to fool humans. “Hey, Rose here was telling me about how you are learning to fly. How’d it go Celly?”

“I fell on my plot from the moon…” Celestia said sadly.

“The moon?”

“I thought the low gravity would help.” Castiel said. “It did, but she lost control and fell to earth.”

“I messed up Auntie Hael’s project.” Celestia said sadly.

“She said it was alright Celestia.”

“My face is imprinted at the bottom of her Grand Canyon…”

That made Lucifer laugh. “Wow, that’ll give the humans something to ponder about. So Celestia, you ready to have some fun. Bet I can teach you to fly by the end of the day.”

“What makes you think you can accomplish that?” Castiel asked.

“Um. I’m older than you, more experienced, stronger than you. Plus I’m just better than you.”

“Wanna make a bet of that?” Rose asked.

“Ha, what’s the stakes?”

“If you can’t get Celestia to fly by the end of one EARTH day, you have to be human for a year.”

“I’ll hold your grace if it comes to that.” Castiel spoke up.

“Alright, alright. And if I Win?”

“You can move in.” Rose said. “Spend all day every day with Celestia, driving Castiel and I up the walls.”

“Oh-ho. Deal.” Lucifer said, shaking Rose’s hand. “Come one Celestia, once you’re up flying in the sky I can move in to drive your parents crazy.”

“Uh...yay?” Celestia said as Lucifer grabbed her hand, the two vanishing in a blink.

“...Are you sure about this?” Castiel asked. “Lucifer may be...unreliable, but the missions he has done are done with results beyond expectations.”

“If he wins, he wins. Just means I get to make his life miserable, because he can’t say or do bad to me with Celestia around.” Rose stated, going back to her pie making.

“’s a win for you either way?”


“Now that is jenga.”




Atop a hill, a hill soon to be a mountain in a few more hundred years. Grass and trees decorated the hill rather beautifully. Here, Lucifer brought Celestia. “Alright, I think I know where Castiel went wrong.”

“Where did dad go wrong?” Celestia asked.

“Your body's physical. While yes, you can use magic, and some of heavens powers, you can’t fly using your magic, you need wind under those wings.”

“You think?”

“Yes. I should know, I helped Dad make birds, and figured out how to help them fly. Now, I’ve carried you lots of times, so your bones aren’t hollow, but the muscles around your wings are strong. I think since you have wings, but no hollow bones, this means you magic only aids in keeping you airborn.”

“So...I can only why when there’s wind?”

“Yes, your magic helps keep you airborne, but you need to control it like a bird, glide, flap your wings, that sort of thing.”

“So...we’re up on this mountain to…”

“Get a better lift off. The wind up here is strongest.” As Lucifer said that, a strong gust of wind blew, nearly making Celestia fall backwards. “So, now spread your wings out and- SHIT!”

Celestia spread her wings out, they caught the wind and blew her backwards. Lucifer was about to race to catch her...then saw her pendant on the ground before him. When he looked up, he saw her in her true body, flying in loops. She was flying so naturally. Just like his birds. “WO-HOO! This is amazing!” Celestia yelled in chear.

“Yes! I am moving in! I am gonna drive Castiel up the walls and Rose I...wait…” Lucifer thought about his deal...then he realized Rose’s angle. “Oh that sneaky, sneaky monkey!” He screamed, enraged that a simple human, well, human soul, tricked an archangel. He then looked up at Celestia, who was thrilled to finally be flying. A smile made it’s way onto his face. “Well...Might not be too bad.”