Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Great Victory and Tragic Loss

Back in the real world, all the battles were still raging on. Discord was keeping tabs on the fight within Indominus's mind, and could see that the hybrid wasn't struggling quite as much within the Chaos Shield. He saw that the support he had given the hybrid dinosaur was working, he was winning the conflict with his rage. All the feedback was being relayed to the Mane Six as well, so they could know that Indominus was doing fine.

"We got it Discord," Twilight called out.

"He'll have that ugly behemoth beaten in no time," Pinkie added.

"At this rate it won't take much longer til he wins," said Rarity.

"I always knew my stud had it in him," Rainbow said after she kicked Lightning Dust away.

"This time ya weren't wrong Rainbow Dash," Applejack added. "Indominus can give any animal a run for their money in strength."

Smaug overheard what they were saying and it excited his heart to hear that Indominus was close to achieving the impossible. The Dragon Lord had never heard of anyone ever being able to tame the Immortal Phoenix, let alone control it. But Indominus was the first rare gem he had ever met in his life: the hybrid dinosaur had done the impossible before and proven Smaug wrong so many times. He had beaten him in a brutal gauntlet, awakened the Immortal Phoenix during their showdown, and had even earned the respect of the Winged Dragon of Ra. Something that had never been done since Smaug himself, Ra never viewed any other creature as important as Indominus. As he excitedly threw a punch into Soarin's face, he felt it was necessary to let the Wonderbolt know that his time was almost up.

"Guess what, Wondernothing? Indominus is about to beat his Devil and then he'll destroy you."

"What are you talking about, dragon? That behemoth is just cowering behind a shield because he's too afraid to fight me."

Soarin charged Smaug, who merely shifted his body to the side and used the momentum from it to whip his tail around slapped the Wonderbolt with enough force to slam him down.

"Indominus is not a coward. He's on the verge of getting a strength that will annihilate you, impostor. Once he defeats the anger that has been haunting him, then you'll lose in the best possible way."

Soarin had no idea what Smaug was talking about, but he could see that Indominus was starting to slightly change within the Chaos Shield. His body seemed to be increasing slowly in size and the golden flames were becoming more intense. It was a sign that he was regaining control in his fight against the Devil, thanks to Discord and his family. The Wonderbolt wasn't sure what was happening to the hybrid dinosaur, but anything that had to do with the golden power than nearly killed all of them, wasn't good.

"No. I'm not about to let that animal get even stronger than before. He will fall." Soarin took flight to try and get past Smaug, but it was all in vain.

The Dragon Lord had learned well from his conflicts with Indominus, and matched the mutated Wonderbolt in flight. Spitfire took a moment to see how Soarin was doing and was shocked to see a massive dragon actually keeping pace with him in the air. Not only that, but Smaug even clamped down on Soarin's neck and forced him back towards the ground. When they were low enough, the Dragon Lord released his grip, flung Soarin at the ground and unleashed a torrent of fire upon him. The enormous fire engulfed the Wonderbolt as Smaug touched down, with Rainbow cheering in the background.

"Way to go Smaug! That's the way to show Soarin he can't mess with us."

"You're getting way too full of yourself, pitiful roo-" Wind Rider was interrupted as Rainbow nailed him with a painful kick to the groin.

"No I'm not Wind Rider. You'll see when Indominus breaks out of that shield and dominates all of you." Rainbow's celebratory speech was stopped when she caught sight of something within the flames that sent a fearful chill down her spine.

Soarin was getting back up from the blast with no apparent damage to his body at all. What was worse, was seeing traces of black fire coming from his body. She knew what was going to happen, Soarin was finally going to use his ace in the hole to get to Indominus.

"Alright you idiots. I was hoping to only use this on that ugly animal, but it seems I'll have to get serious and take care of things myself!"

Soarin roared into the sky and the black flames erupted from his body and covered him. Smaug was horrified by the black and green glowing abomination that stood before him.

"This is just like what Spawn did, only it's much worse." Smaug didn't have time to defend himself as Soarin was upon him in seconds and drove a flame covered fist into his chest.

A loud crack was heard across the battlefield and everypony that was watching the fight through Discord's spell, cringed at seeing the Wonderbolt's fist smash through Smaug's chest armor. All the air in the Dragon Lord was forced out of his chest from the extreme punch, it was even harder than when Indominus had hit him with the Immortal Phoenix.

"How's that for strength?" With Smaug immobilized from the attack, Smaug grabbed the dragon and tossed him aside.

The three dragons saw what happened to their king and abandoned their fights to go and help Smaug. It was unfortunately, a waste of effort because Soarin's black flame form was tougher than they thought. Before they could get to the Wonderbolt, he exploded off the ground and rammed the dragons with enough force to actually stun them. He then flew above them, then dove on the dragons, grabbed two by the neck and one in his mouth and dragged them with him.

"Down boys," Soarin said smugly before throwing all three dragons into the ground.

The dragons struggled to get back on their feet as Soarin continued after them. The green dragon managed to get away but his brothers weren't so lucky. Soarin slammed both fists into the white dragon's back, crushing his backbone and paralyzing him. The dark dragon slashed Soarin across the face to try and avenge his brother, but he was met with black flames covering his claws. The poor dragon realized too late that he wasn't able to hurt Soarin because the Wonderbolt had the same power as Indominus before Soarin sent him flying with a green blast.

"Such a waste of life and energy," Soarin said before going after the last dragon.

It didn't take him long to catch up, seize the dragon by the wings and drive him into the ground. He raised his fist, ready to drive it down on the dragon's head, but was caught off guard by a surprise blast that caused him to stumble away. The Wonderbolt found who had attacked him, standing in front of the wounded dragon: Rarity.

"That does it Soarin. I won't let you pick on these dragons anymore."

"Oh yeah, and just what makes you think you're gonna stop me, little miss fashion failure?"

At those words, Rarity exploded away from her opponent and nailed Soarin square in the gut. She then fired a blast on him at point blank range, but he instantly countered with a punch that drove her into the ground where he pinned her.

"These pitiful forms can't do a thing against me. You ponies will never be able to defeat me." He was about to claw at Rarity's face before a torrent of green fire knocked him back. Which was then followed up by a punch right to the face. Soarin steadied himself to see Spike standing in front of Rarity and taking on an aggressive posture.

"Keep your filthy hands off my Rarity, you animal."

Rarity watched in awe as Spike charged Soarin and got into a brawl of pure muscle with the Wonderbolt. Despite the burns Spike was taking from the Immortal Phoenix, he powered through and used his massive brute force to match Soarin in strength. When they locked claws, Spike used the opportunity to bite down on Soarin's face, forcing his mouth closed. Rarity cheered Spike on when she saw his bite was actually managing to draw blood from Soarin, and after a punishing round of fists to the face, Spike proved he was a force not to be ignored. He hammered Soarin into the ground and torched him with his green fire, but despite all the attacks Soarin just got back to his feet and laughed.

"Well, that's rather impressive of you. I must admit you've given me quite a bit of a struggle, dragon, at least in the area of brute force. But yet you still pale in comparison to the abomination. He was a great deal stronger, and for one thing, he was way faster than you'll ever be."

Soarin nailed Spike in the gut at top speed, but as Spike nearly fell over he used the opportunity to bite down on Soarin's neck.

"You might have a strong bite, dragon, but you're still nothing to me." Soarin retaliated with his own bite and it cut so deep that Spike released his grip on the Wonderbolt's neck. Soarin then drove him onto his back and slammed the dragon into the ground. Rarity tried in vain to get Soarin off of Spike, but it was all in vain. The Wonderbolt seized her by the throat with his claws and forced her down next to Spike.

"This is just a waste of my time. Why don't you pitiful creatures give me a real fight?" Soarin was knocked off of Rarity and Spike by another blast, this one came from Discord.

"You want a fight Soarin? Then try taking on the Lord of Chaos."

"Your chaos is nothing against my power, animal. Allow me to show you why."

"Rarity, Spike, get back while I teach this mutant Wonderbolt a lesson."

Discord already knew that what he was facing was indeed just like Indominus's Immortal Phoenix. What he didn't know was how savage Soarin truly was under that power's influence. The Wonderbolt started things off by throwing slashes and punches wildly at Discord, who had to dodge, teleport, weave and do everything to avoid getting hit. Any attacks he could throw at Soarin, did nothing to slow the Wonderbolt down. So just like his battle with Indominus, Discord had no choice but to tap into his true might. His eyes started glowing red again and he pressed into Soarin with near equal savagery.

Everypony stopped their brawls as Discord's fight with Soarin went to new heights. The Lord of Chaos was throwing blasts, powerful punches, anything he could think of that could harm Soarin. Unfortunately the Wonderbolt's form was also just as invulnerable to attacks, and he surprised Discord with a blast powerful enough to overwhelm all of his magic. The attack nearly got to him, but Discord teleported out of the way in time. Though he ended up taking an extremely powerful punch to the head afterwards, and then found himself getting pounded by all of Soarin's attacks. Discord managed to teleport himself out of reach of another punch, but he seemed to be getting weaker and wasn't recovering at all. It scared Fluttershy and the Princesses to see Discord in such a beaten state.

"Celestia, what's wrong with Discord? Shouldn't he be healing himself?" Celestia couldn't think of a reason why Discord was now only dodging and unable to heal himself, until she remembered the shield.

"Oh no. Between maintaining that shield, fighting Soarin taking on so many brutal attacks, he doesn't have enough magic to heal himself. If this keeps up, Discord will be out of magic and the shield will vanish. Then Soarin will get Indominus before he finishes his conflict."

Right after Celestia said all that, Soarin furiously nailed Discord across the face and the Chaos Shield started to fade. Soarin saw a window of opportunity and dove for the shield, but was stopped when a chain was conjured and tightened around his neck. Discord held that chain in one hand, and poured all the magic he could into the other to keep the shield going.

"I'm not going to let you get to him!" Soarin answered Discord's declaration by pulling the chains apart and snapping them with little effort.

"You can't stop me. I'm too strong and invincible to be beaten by a weakling like you. I will destroy you and then I'll take down that cocky rat, Rainbow Crash."

"Oh yeah? Then say that to my face, you limp noodle!"

Soarin sharply turned his head in the direction of the insult, only to be met with a high speed kick to the face. The mutated Wonderbolt was sent tumbling across the land from the force of Rainbow's attack. Her parents were cheering wildly from their perch, which thankfully, was far enough away from the action that Soarin wouldn't hear them and get any ideas. Fluttershy flew over to Discord, who looked so weak and exhausted from the attacks he had endured. Rainbow helped hold him up so he could focus on keeping the shield up.

"Are you going to be ok Discord," Rainbow asked, genuinely concerned for him after seeing such horrible abuse.

"I'll be ok Rainbow Dash, just don't let him get near the shield."

"Come on Discord, I'll protect you this time," Fluttershy said as she helped Discord over to a spot where he could rest.

The remaining Wonderbolts were going to attack them, but the green dragon shot a blast to keep them at bay. He paced around Discord and Fluttershy, firing at any Wonderbolt that dared to get close to them. With Discord focusing all his strength into keeping the Chaos Shield going, he had to hope that Rainbow Dash could keep Soarin at bay. But it was much worse than he thought, for Rainbow was double teamed like nobody's business.

With Smaug and the other dragons out of action, the Wonderbolts they had been fighting were now focusing their attention on bringing Rainbow down. She was forced to spend a tremendous amount of energy fighting off seven Wonderbolts, each one attacking her from every angle. Rainbow Dash was fending off every attack that came her way, but Soarin's Immortal Phoenix blows and the constant assaults were draining her body at an accelerated rate. Every move took its toll and burned up more of her energy. With every passing second, Rainbow was getting weaker while the Wonderbolts remained strong.

None of her friends could help her as they had all been thrown back into their own brawls. The Wonderbolts were indeed doing their best to keep anyone from assisting Rainbow. The green dragon was spending his time fending off the Wonderbolts Fluttershy and Discord had been fighting, and Smaug was too damaged from Soarin's attack. Rainbow Dash was on her own, and it was the worst situation she could've been in. One that Indominus also had the unfortunate pleasure of seeing.

In his mind, Indominus had gained control in his fight with the Devil. The demonic monster wasn't able to get inside the dinosaur's head, and all his attacks were now being matched. The hybrid dinosaur was still pressing his relentless assault with slashing strikes and blasts to the monster's face. He was doing well, but the fight outside and Soarin's assault on Discord were starting to show in his mind. As Indominus hit the Devil square in the chest with another powerful blast, he caught sight of Discord and his family starting to fade.

"Discord, what's going on?"

"Soarin's causing havoc on the battlefield and he's gone loose with his own Immortal Phoenix." Discord managed to open a pair of portals that showed what was going on in the outside world through the hybrid's eyes. Indominus was stunned to see the destruction and harm Soarin was bringing to his teammates. Witnessing the havoc distracted Indominus long enough for the Devil to restrain him and force him to watch.

"So it seems I'm not the only demon you have to deal with in life. huh Indominus. That animal looks like he could be my long lost brother. Let's watch him devastate your precious family, shall we?" Indominus couldn't break the Devil's grip on him and was forced to watch.

In the middle of Rainbow's conflict with seven Wonderbolts, her luck had finally run out. Her reflexes were slowing down too much from fighting so many opponents and it provided an opening for Wind Rider to nail her in the back. She lost her momentum and Soarin followed up with a punch to her gut. After that it was a chain reaction, every Wonderbolt was attacking her together and Rainbow was unable to defend herself any longer. After getting kicked in the face by another Wonderbolt, Spitfire and Lighting Dust struck her in the back with enough strength to send her crashing into the ground, right in front of Indominus.

"Take her," Soarin said to the Wonderbolts as he zoomed after her.

Seeing his girl was more than Indominus could stand. He struggled against the Devil, calling out to her.

"Get up Rainbow Dash! You have to get up!"

"It's too late for your precious girl. Now watch her suffer."

Indominus was at the very edge of the Chaos Shield, trying to see if Rainbow was still ok. She struggled to get back up and looked into Indominus with sorrow in her eyes.

"I'm sorry Indominus," was all Rainbow could say before Spitfire and Lightning Dust seized her and held her up by her front legs.

Soarin descended with the other Wonderbolts at his side, and started advancing towards the shield. With no one to get in his way, he had the perfect chance to make Indominus pay.

"Alright Soarin, she won't be stopping you anymore," said Spitfire. "Now tear that shield apart and destroy that beast at last."

"Yeah, then we can get back to destroying this smug excuse of a pegasus," said Lightning Dust.

Soarin clenched his fist and focused a good chunk of strength into it.

"Now monster, you'll know what true pain feels like." Soarin said before bellowing a roar and throwing his fist forward. What came next was so horrifying, it haunted everypony long into their lives.

Soarin had gone and attacked, but instead of puncturing the Chaos Shield, he had changed the aim of his fist and punched clean through Rainbow's chest. Everything went dead silent from the second the sound of Rainbow's body being pierced echoed throughout the area. All the ponies that were watching had been rendered speechless as well, for they had never seen a Wonderbolt do something so cruel and brutal. For the first time in her life, Spitfire was truly and in every sense of the word, shocked by what Soarin had done. She had thought that Soarin only wanted Indominus dead, she never wanted Rainbow Dash to be killed. Yet Soarin had deceived her, lied to her face and committed one of the most horrendous acts she never wanted to see. Spitfire backed away in horror as Soarin pulled his fist out of Rainbow's body and watched it fall to the ground.

Within his head Indominus was also at a loss for words. He didn't want to believe what he had seen, but when Rainbow disintegrated within his mind and the others remained, he knew it was indeed true. There was no denying the stone cold truth: Soarin had killed Rainbow Dash in cold blood. The Devil then made the foolish mistake of taunting Indominus in his moment of loss.

"Now without your precious pegasus, you'll never be able to beat me. Whether you were to beat me or not, it doesn't matter anymore. With her gone, you have nothing to live for. So you might as well give up and let me destroy everything for you, Indominus. I've won, you've lost."

For the first time, the Devil didn't get any response from the hybrid dinosaur. He was silent as a graveyard, almost as if seeing Rainbow being punched through had traumatized him beyond the point of return. Then the monster felt the hybrid's entire body rumbling and starting to glow with a shade of gold. He was losing his grip on Indominus as the dinosaur seemed to be drawing a new kind of strength. Then, Indominus blew the Devil away from him with one thunderous roar that shock the entire landscape. When Indominus turned to face him, the Devil noticed right away that something was very different.

Indominus's body seemed to be giving off a faint gold glow, and his eyes had completely changed. There weren't any pupils present, just a powerful bright red glow that was more menacing than his own. He heard Indominus utter two words before the battle resumed.

"My turn."

The dinosaur exploded towards his demon with incredible speed. The Devil threw a punch forward to bring him down, but Indominus's attack was so strong, it broke the bones and bent the left arm backwards. The monster wasn't given a second to react as Indominus with punches strong enough that every time one made contact, shock-waves echoed out from the impacts in response. Indominus dug his claws deep into the Devil's hide, tearing flesh away and spilling massive amounts of blood all over the area. He attacked with pure brutality and knocked out several of the Devil's teeth with a punch to the face.

As Indominus closed in on him, the Devil fired a blast upon him at point blank range. The attack engulfed the dinosaur's whole body, but when the flames cleared away, Indominus didn't even appear to be fazed. It was as if the blast had gone through his body, like it was intangible and unaffected. Indominus's demon threw a punch with his only good arm, Indominus blocked it and then clamped down on the monster's mouth with his teeth. With the Devil stuck in his jaws, Indominus had the perfect chance for a true point blank attack. The beast was forced to watch Indominus fill his mouth with energy, and then blast him directly in the face.

The attack was so close that it burned away much of the Devil's scales as he laid in a smoking and thrashed heap. He struggled to try and get back up, but his body had taken far more abuse than he thought. He glared up at Indominus, who was towering over him with a death stare in his eyes.

"NO! You're not strong enough! YOU'RE JUST A CHILD!" Indominus seized the crippled monster by the neck, picked him up and threw him like a rag doll across the battlefield.

Then the silent hybrid dinosaur added serious injury to insult. With the Devil pinned and weak, he began tearing out the numerous spikes that were around the beast's head and violently jabbed them all throughout his body. With every spike that was rammed through his body, the Devil was screaming out in agony. Discord teleported himself and the rest of the Mane Five out of the area, for things were becoming too violent for any of them. Indominus then pulled him off the ground with his jaws by the neck and before the Devil could fall again, the hybrid nailed him with a right hook that drove his head into the ground.

Bleeding, drained of strength, slashed and pulverized in so many ways, the Devil no longer was the vicious, intimidating beast that had threatened Indominus's sanity. Seeing Rainbow stabbed through the chest had caused something to snap within Indominus and had given him the strength to overpower his own rage. Now the conflict was nearly over, there was just one last task for Indominus to complete before he could return to fighting the Wonderbolts. As he loomed over the Devil's body, the monster begged for mercy.

"You can't.....Indominus.....please. I didn't mean any-" He was forcibly cut off as Indominus sank his claws into the beaten Devil's neck. His glowing red eyes far more menacing than the weak look of begging and desperation on the dragon's face.

"You're nothing compared to me now, and what I'll do to you is child's play compared to what I'm going to do to that wretched Wonderbolt. I don't know what's going to happen to me once I do this, but I only hope that I can save Rainbow with it. If I'm too late though, may my new power have mercy on every unfortunate soul that crosses me. Now it's time to free myself of this cursed for good. Goodbye, Devil!"

Indominus threw his head back and unleashed a tremendous blast of golden fire that bore down and burned the Devil's hide. The demonic dragon roared out across the landscape in agony as the fire burned his skin and vaporized his body, erasing him for good. For the first time in his life, Indominus was finally free of the rage that had plagued him for so long. It was a great victory, but he couldn't reflect on the win. After the Devil was killed, golden fire began erupting everywhere. Indominus only roared into the reaches of his mind as the flames enveloped him and began the change into the power that Ra had promised, the power that would allow him to beat the Wonderbolts for good.