Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom


"I don't need you ponies interfering in this fight, it doesn't concern any of you," the Devil said as he got back up.

"Well that's a darn shame, we're stickin' around to help Indominus beat ya," said Applejack.

"I don't think so." The monster unleashed a massive blast of fire towards them.

"Indominus, fly!" Without wasting a second, Indominus took to the skies to avoid the blast while everypony remained where they were.

He was about to question what Discord was thinking when the blast collided with them. But strangely, it looked as if the fire was only phasing through them. To Indominus and the Devil, it was like all the ponies were untouchable holograms that couldn't be destroyed. This relieved Indominus to know that his friends and especially Rainbow and Scootaloo, couldn't be killed within his mind. It also made the Devil's illusions that he could've put into the dinosaur's mind to plague him with more anger, useless.

"You've outdone yourself again Discord."

"I know my good friend. Now you can beat this animal."

Indominus flew back down to his family, who were all staring at the enraged dragon with smug smiles.

"Now if you're done wasting our time, let's give Indominus a reminder of why he's better than you and doesn't need YOU anymore," said Twilight confidently.

"How dare you. You smug little-" The Devil was cut off as Fluttershy shouted over him.

"Now Discord!"

"With great pleasure Fluttershy!"

Discord began emitting a powerful light that was engulfing everything around them. The Devil was astounded that he was being pulled into the light as well.

"What's happening?"

"Ya tried to stand up our memories with Indominus," said Applejack. "Now yer stuck with us."

"No! This can't happen!" The Devil was engulfed by the light as everyone was pulled into the light.

Indominus managed to open his eyes after the light faded, and was astounded to find that he wasn't in the battlefield anymore. They were inside Sugarcube Corner and were seeing a memory from Indominus's first days of bonding with the Mane Six. More specifically, it was the memory of spending the day with Pinkie and Twilight and getting to feast on apple fritters.

"Why are you girls showing me this when I should be fighting the Devil?"

"This is to remind you that you are more than rage and anger," said Pinkie. "You've been an amazing friend to all of us, and even asked for our help in marrying Rainbow Dash." Rainbow blushed at the mention of Indominus hearing that. "Do you think a monster full of rage would have bonded with all of us like this?"

Indominus took notice of how happy he and his siblings looked being around Pinkie and Twilight. It was true, he had no need for his rage and anger back then. His drive to kill had been drowned by the comfort of acceptance and friendship. Even Discord saw for himself just how much friendship had changed Indominus by seeing the memory in person.

"So what? You thought a little bit of food and happiness would be enough to change him?" The Devil began manifesting himself in front of them and caused the memory of Indominus with Pinkie to fade away. "All this friendship nonsense doesn't change the fact that you are still a cold-blooded monster. You've killed countless lives and only wanted death and destruction!"

"Oh you think he's a killing machine huh? Discord, show the memory of Indominus, Tyrannosaurus and the raptors defendin' mah family."

"Gladly Applejack."

The Devil couldn't do a thing against Discord's magic and was forced to go along for another trip as they were transported above Applejack's farm. It was the very day that the Timberwolves had decided to attack them, and the dinosaurs had gone to save them. Rainbow Dash was finally getting to see what her husband had been doing that day before bringing that barrel of cider to her place. While Indominus was attacking and being savage, he was protecting innocent ponies in the process.

"Now does that look like a cold-blooded monster to ya," Applejack said smugly to the Devil. "He and his siblings stepped in to protect mah little sister, Big Mac and Granny Smith. If he were such a killin' machine, he would've killed everything in sight. But instead, he saved us all, and for his dedication he was welcomed into our family. That is not somethin' a monster would do, that's what a savior would do."

"Pretty words farm pony, but what good do they do? He still hurt innocent lives, he even terrorized a pair of fillies. The very same fillies that attacked Scootaloo and tried to take her away from us. He should've given into his anger and killed them."

"There's just one problem with that, bozo," said Scootaloo. "Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were trying to take me away from him, not you. But that's not the point, and I can prove it."

Discord didn't even need to hear the approval from Scootaloo, for he had already caught a glimpse of that particular memory. He switched their setting to the school on the day that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon had provoked the dinosaurs by hurting Scootaloo. The Mane Six were horrified to see the sheer rage on T-Rex and Indominus's faces, and this was the dinosaurs before they received their power. Rainbow was stunned beyond words to see how savagely the dinosaurs had beaten those poor fillies. The Devil however, was simply enjoying himself at seeing Indominus give in and act on anger.

"So, this proves your point little one? I wasn't even created at this point, and yet he was still a ruthless animal."

"Wait. Watch him and T-Rex take their vengeance."

When the moment came with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon beaten into the ground and the dinosaurs looming over them, Scootaloo intervened and got them to calm down. Everypony saw the dinosaurs hanging onto every word Scootaloo had told them that day, and were surprised when both carnivores backed away and didn't kill the bullies. It especially warmed their hearts to see the dinosaurs relax from the comfort of all the school ponies.

"How's that for proof, Devil? Indominus is not a killer when he put others before himself and what they told him. My dad is not some mindless animal, he is a savior and a guardian to our world."

"Guardian huh? Would a guardian kill the Wonderbolts all because they bullied and harassed his precious girl with a stupid nickname?" It was the Devil's final trump card and since he had been the one to make Indominus kill Blaze, Wave Chill and Fire Streak that day, he was sure Indominus would accept it. But Rainbow Dash had the ultimate ace in the hole for that.

"I have undeniable proof that he would never intentionally kill the Wonderbolts. The time Princess Luna told me what he said to her after that fight."

Indominus brought up this memory himself so all could see it. It was the dream after his battle with the Wonderbolts where Princess Luna had come to check on him. It was the one part of the conversation that would confirm everything Rainbow knew about Indominus.

"Indominus, I'm going to ask you something personal and I need you to answer me honestly. Do you really want the Wonderbolts dead, or does the monster within you want it?"

"Yes, I've wanted to kill them ever since I saw them harassing and bullying Rainbow Dash. However, I know how much Rainbow idolizes them, and I know she would never forgive me if I did carry that out. So I've had to restrain from doing so, until the point where Soarin attacked her in front of me and I lost control entirely. I gave into my rage and killed three of them without any restraints, but despite my attempts, I actually hurt Rainbow Dash. The monster within me wanted me to kill her, but I stopped myself after I realized that I had hurt the pony I love."

Twilight, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity were all completely touched at the hybrid's words. Even Discord found himself tearing up slightly at hearing how much regret Indominus had for hurting his wife. Indominus may have wanted to kill the Wonderbolts, but against every instinct in his body at the time telling him to do it, he refused to because he didn't want Rainbow to see him as a monster.

"He can't possibly be a monster when he always put me and Scootaloo before himself. Indominus is a caring creature and is a true guardian to our world, not a monster or some puppet for you to use!"

"She's right darling," Rarity added as she stood beside Indominus. "But that was only the beginning of your time as a Guardian to Equestria. You've become a true friend to all of us."

"You befriended Discord and have given so many ponies to see him in a better light, like I have," Fluttershy added.

"You even gained the respect of the Dragon Lord and have done something that seemed impossible: cooperation between both species," said Twilight. "Right now Smaug and the dragons you and your family saved from Black Death are fighting alongside us against the Wonderbolts. Indominus, you've practically united ponies and dragons because you befriended them both."

"We all trust ya Indominus. Do ya trust us enough to know that we believe in you and that you can destroy this monster?"

Indominus mentally weighed everything he had seen, everything he had heard. Compared to all the rage the Devil had tried to drill into his mind, his friends and his girl were more right than the monster was. They had all shown him solid proof that he wasn't the monster he thought he was. The ponies of Equestria had welcomed him, the dragons had become allies and valuable partners when he needed them. He had even received praise and wisdom from a god that had given him the wisdom to be where he was. On top of all that, Rainbow Dash had continued to love him through all he had shown, proving her utmost loyalty and devotion to him. Indominus finally knew the truth: the monster within him was wrong and his friends had been right all along.

"My family is right, I'm not a monster nor was I ever alone in this. You're wrong on so many levels Devil, and I am not giving up who I am to be controlled by some form of hatred."

"You cannot destroy what you've already become."

"Go get him my stud," Rainbow said before Indominus squared off again with renewed confidence in his heart.

He changed back into his guardian state as the Devil charged him again, outraged that he had failed to poison the dinosaur's mind. This time Indominus had all the confidence he needed, and matched the Devil move for move. Every attack the dragon tried to throw at him, Indominus countered using his strikes to block and harm the beast all at once. Indominus unleashed another blast on the monster's face after blocking another punch, and this time went in and clamped down on the dragon's neck. The Devil hadn't expected the dinosaur to attack so close and it made him open to the beast's claws, but Indominus threw him across the landscape before he could use them. Just as the Devil got back up, he was met with a blast at point blank range.

The Mane Six, Scootaloo and Discord were cheering wildly at seeing Indominus dominate over his manifested rage.

"That's what you're in for, beast. Sure you don't want to consider giving up?"

"Give up? Who do you think you're dealing with?"

The Devil violently drove one fist into the ground and hundreds of dark sharp pillars erupted around Indominus, trapping him inside. As the dinosaur punched and tore away at the stone that surrounded him, more tendrils seemed to sprout from within the dark structures. Binding Indominus and restraining him as the Devil walked through and held him by the throat.

"I have taken root within you Indominus Rex. Did you really think you could destroy something that was inside of you since the day you were born? I'm part of everything that makes you what you are, that means I'm part of you in mind, body and your very soul." Indominus struggled against the tendrils, but they only tightened and began pulling him into pure darkness. "Why bother struggling? There's nowhere you can hide from me."

A huge volley of blasts suddenly tore through the pillars and and sent the Devil skidding away. Indominus felt several hooves gripping onto his arm and pulling him out of the darkness. His family got him out of his restraints and lifted him back to solid ground.

"There's no need for Indominus to hide from the likes of you," said Twilight. Then everypony said the same line in perfect unison.

"He's stronger than you think."

"Thank you my friends, and my awesome wife."

Indominus flew back into the fight, and tore into the Devil with brutal savagery. He did not let up on his assault of slashing and tearing away at the Devil's hide. Indominus was attacking faster and harder than he'd ever fought before, because if he let the monster get any ground, he would get stuck and restrained all over again. Indominus was finally proving to himself that he was stronger than his own rage, and their fight was clear proof. His attacks were getting to the Devil and the Mane Six could even see the results.

After one strike across the face, everypony noticed that the Devil was bleeding more heavily. Indominus was gaining the upper hand and finally turning the tide in his favor. But nothing could've prepared him for the devastation that he was about to witness outside his body.