Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Descent to Inner Conflict

Indominus had been leading the Wonderbolts for quite some time. He kept checking over his shoulder to see if Soarin was getting agitated or on the verge of attacking anyone. Fortunately, Soarin seemed to be keeping his patience because his chance to kill Indominus was finally happening. Plus he was confident that his power could kill Indominus easily, especially since the hybrid couldn't manage to beat him last time. He could afford to wait for a proper location to be chosen for their fight. His teammates however, weren't as cool and collected.

Spitfire was concerned about what would happen to them if they lost. Now that the Princesses were participating in the fight, that meant they would see the Wonderbolts trying to kill Indominus and his family. She was starting to doubt Soarin's plan, but with their lives on the line if they lost, she couldn't afford to back out now. For if she did, Spitfire would not only be dooming herself, but her entire team as well. She wouldn't be able to bear such a tremendous loss if all of the Wonderbolts she had summoned were killed in one day. Her thoughts were brought back to the present when Indominus called out to everyone.

"I've found our location, this is where we will fight." Everypony began descending after the hybrid dinosaur and they all touched down on the battle site.

The location Indominus had chosen was a rather barren area with tons of mountain ranges around them. It was far from Ponyville and with no signs of structures anywhere, nopony could get hurt during the battle. A perfect arena for the final round of the confrontation, and unbeknownst to the Wonderbolts, Discord was broadcasting the entire fight all over Equestria. All of ponykind was waiting in anticipation to see who would triumph in this battle.

Guarded amongst his friends, Indominus was getting nervous about the task he would soon be facing. Every time he had confronted the Devil, that monster had nearly made him go berserk and kill everything around him. Now he would be fighting that monster for control of his emotions and his fate in Equestria. As he prepared himself for the moment that would decide the outcome of the fight, Celestia and Luna tried to reason with Soarin.

"We're giving you one last chance Soarin, stop this madness before things get worse."

"Nopony has to die today, we can end this now," Luna added.

"It's too late for that, your majesties. No matter what you think we cannot turn away. We must teach that wretched monster the pain of having innocent lives taken."

"Yeah, that beast killed three of our teammates in cold blood," said High Winds.

"He's the monster not us. He will pay for what he's done to the Wonderbolts," said Misty Fly.

"He and Rainbow Crash brought this on themselves. We're only doing what needs to be done," Spitfire added.

Celestia couldn't believe the Wonderbolts were all on board with Soarin's quest for killing Indominus. With how well Soarin had set him up, the hybrid seemed nothing more than a destructive monster in the eyes of all the Wonderbolts. Even Luna's suspicions were confirmed from everything Rainbow and Indominus had told her.

"You're wrong! Rainbow Dash didn't do anythin' of the sort. All she ever wanted was ta be like one of ya'll," said Applejack.

"Indominus was only defending her. You rotten ponies tried to kill her during her first performance," Pinkie added.

"What was she supposed to do when you ponies kept calling her that wretched nickname that she's had to deal with her whole life," Fluttershy shouted.

"How about sucking it up and stop creating drama about a name that describes her so well?" That statement angered Twilight and Scootaloo so much, they both said things that infuriated Soarin and Spitfire.

"You think she should suck it up, when you've been acting like selfish foals and cowering behind your precious teammates like the pathetic rats you are?"

"A group of spineless provokers like you are embarrassments and don't even deserve to call yourselves pegasi. Rainbow Dash is one thousand times the Wonderbolt you stupid fools will ever be!"

"So you say we're spineless provokers, you worthless chicken?"

"Then let's see what you think of us at our best. Wonderbolts, let's show them!"

"Yes Mam," the Wonderbolts said in unison as they took out their vials and began drinking the formulas.

"Discord, change me now," Spike called out as he saw the Wonderbolts growing in size. Discord responded by firing one blast at Spike.

Once the Wonderbolts reached their full size, they were shocked to see Spike growing in size as well. High Winds and Surprise were having trauma flashbacks from the last time they had fought Spike as a monstrous dragon.

Spike bellowed a deadly roar at the Wonderbolts and it caused High Winds and Surprise to back up in fear. But Soarin wasn't going to have any of it.

"Come on you cowards! We're as big as that dragon now. We can thrash him easily."

The giant Wonderbolts gathered their courage and charged towards the group. Spike and the others were ready to take action, but Indominus stopped them. Rainbow's parents huddled against the hybrid as the massive Wonderbolts headed for them.

"Don't move."

"What are you talking about Indominus," said Discord in disbelief.

"Trust me, these Wonderbolts are about to be in for a rude awakening." Then Twilight and her friends began to hear what Indominus was talking about.

The beats of giant wings were heading for them as well and getting closer. Before Soarin and the Wonderbolts could reach the Guardians, they were hosed down by torrents of fire and red blasts from Rainbow Dash, Smaug and his dragon teammates. The tremendous attacks drove the Wonderbolts back a good distance and left them in a singed heap. With their enemies preoccupied, Indominus and his family could organize their plan of attack for holding the Wonderbolts at bay. The others made way and started deciding who they would take on so Indominus and Smaug could have a little chat.

"Nice to see you again Indominus and I'm proud of the decision you're making. Rainbow told me about your plan when she got to the Dragon Lands. You really intend to take on the Devil and beat your hatred?"

"Yes Smaug I do. He's too much of a threat to my family and I can't even fight at my best without worrying about hurting Rainbow or Scootaloo. I'm gonna put an end to him and then dominate the Wonderbolts for good." Smaug was shedding a few tears from hearing his prodigy's declaration.

"That was beautiful Indominus," said the white dragon.

"You'll beat that demon for sure," said the green dragon.

"We'll guard you until you've beaten him. It's our way finally being able to pay you back for giving us our freedom from Black Death," the dark dragon added.

"I hate to break up the reunion, but we don't have long before those Wonderbolts get back up Indominus," said Rainbow Dash.

"You're right Rainbow. So everyone, do you all know who you're going to spar against in the free-for-all?"

"Yes we do Indominus," said Celestia. "Unfortunately, we don't have any spells that will allow us to remain large enough to hold them off for the amount of time you'll need."

"We've got that covered Princess," said T-Rex. He then turned to the raptor squad. "Blue, do you remember what you and your girls did for AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle during the gauntlet?" It took the Beta raptor a while to figure out what T-Rex was referring to, but when she did, she was thrilled at the idea. Delta, Charlie and Echo all picked up on it as well and turned to the ponies.

"What do you say girls? Up for using our power again?" AppleBloom and Sweetie Belle gasped in excitement, they knew what Blue was talking about.

"Are ya sayin' we're gonna get to be like you girls again?"

"Oh it's going to be much more than that this time," said Delta.

"We'll give each of you enough power so that you'll all look like the form Rainbow Dash has right now," Echo added.

The Princesses all turned towards Rainbow Dash to get a good idea of what they would look like. They would have bat-like wings, sharp teeth and claws and be able to fire more powerful blasts. The CMC would get to be just like Scootaloo and fight as a trio again.

"We can even do it for you as well Princesses, if you're ok with it of course," said Charlie.

Luna and Celestia didn't really have any other options. With the dinosaurs giving them power, it would last far longer than any spell they could come up with. They would have the size and strength to take on the Wonderbolts and still defend Indominus. It was a brilliant idea and one that wouldn't backfire at the wrong time.

"Alright Guardians. Since you gave us permission to give you all the gift of speech, it's only fair that we give you permission to lend us your strength," said Celestia.

"Though, we won't lose control of ourselves and try to attack anything in sight, will we," Luna asked.

"Oh no, nothing like that Luna. You'll be in complete control of yourselves and won't be overtaken by any savage instincts. The only thing you have to worry about, is making sure those Wonderbolts don't interrupt me while I'm fighting the Devil."

With Celestia and Luna's permission, the dinosaurs got ready to give everypony some of their incredible power. Discord and his monster squad, Smaug and his dragons along with Spike, Windy, Bow, Scootaloo and Rainbow, all backed up to give the dinosaurs plenty of room for what was about to happen. They opened their mouths and out poured the same red tangible energy that they had given Rainbow and Scootaloo during their first battle. The energy was absorbed into each pony's body and then they all started to glow bright red. In the distance, Soarin and several of the Wonderbolts were starting to regain consciousness as the spectacle took place.

"What in the world is going on over there," said Surprise. But when the light faded, her jaw dropped to the floor and Spitfire's eyes went wide with shock.

Twilight, the Princesses, CMC and her friends had all been changed into the same brutal pony/dino hybrids that Rainbow and Scootaloo had become.

"Oh we're gonna have fun with this form," said Luna.

"I can't wait to sink my new teeth into those Wonderbolts," said Pinkie.

"Wonderful, now we're ready to fight," said Twilight.

"Even with those claws and teeth, I still think you look great Fluttershy."

"Thanks Discord, and I'd like if you would fight alongside me."

"It will be my pleasure."

With the newly transformed ponies taking their stands and getting ready to start fighting, that was the cue for Rainbow to get her parents to safety.

"Mom and Dad, this is gonna get dangerous really quick. It's time for both of you to get to a safe distance so you won't be caught in the crossfire."

"We'll be cheering you on from the safety of the clouds," said Bow.

"Just promise us one thing, ok honey?"

"Yes mom?

"Promise you'll come back to us in one piece?" Rainbow gave her parents a group hug to give them reassurance.

"I promise I'll come back to you two. It takes more than a mutated Wonderbolt to take me down."

"Alright. Go get em honey, we believe in you," her parents called out before going into the sky and perching on some clouds that were far beyond Soarin's reach.

Back on the ground, the Wonderbolts had finally recovered from the blasts and were preparing to make another charge at the transformed ponies. The Mane Five, CMC and Discord's monsters all stood at the front with the dinosaurs behind them and Indominus in the far back with Rainbow and Smaug. Discord was preparing the spell that would help shield Indominus from any attacks that would veer his way. Smaug and Rainbow were getting some last advice from Indominus before the fighting started.

"So do you both know who you'll be taking on?"

"Of course my stud. We'll be taking on that mutated excuse of a Wonderbolt, Soarin."

"Since he didn't get the message that I hammered into his skull last time, I'll have to show him my real strength."

"Are you sure that you and Rainbow can hold off Soarin without getting in over your head Smaug?"

"Trust us Indominus," said Smaug. "We know how to take care of ourselves. We've got you covered."

"Ok, I trust you two know what you're doing, but I have one condition I want you both to follow." Smaug and Rainbow leaned in to hear what Indominus had to say. "While I'm fighting the Devil, I don't want either of you to do anything reckless. Don't even try to get drawn into a battle with Soarin, he will destroy you with the Immortal Phoenix. Just hold him off until I'm done and then I'll take care of the rest, ok?"

"You got it stud."

"We'll take your word for it, Indominus."

"Good. i'm not sure what will happen to me after the Devil is gone, but if anything happens to you guys, I don't know what I'll do. Just promise me one thing Rainbow Dash."

"Sure, what do you want me to promise?"

"Stay alive, ok?" Rainbow gave Indominus a kiss on the side of his face.

"You worry too much my stud. Just focus on killing the Devil and we'll make sure you're protected."

"Thanks Rainbow. Alright Discord, do it!"

"Chaos Shield!"

Smaug and Rainbow backed away while everypony watched as Indominus was suddenly surrounded by a defensive shield of pure energy. Outraged at seeing his opponent once again hiding away, Soarin roared furiously and charged at them. Rainbow gave Indominus one final look before she exploded off the ground and charged towards the Wonderbolts with everyone else. With the Chaos Shield surrounding him, Indominus had all the protection he needed in order to concentrate on the task at hand. As the area outside of the shield erupted into numerous fights and scuffles, he called out to his friend.

"Go for it Discord!"

"Alright, here goes nothing. Good luck Indominus," Discord called out before shooting a blast that passed through the Chaos Shield and struck Indominus in the face.

The hybrid dinosaur felt like his whole body was being set on fire as the Immortal Phoenix began to surge within the shield. As the golden fire began to erupt from inside his body and flooded the Chaos Shield, Indominus felt himself falling away from the world around him. He was being pulled into his mind so he could fight his inner monster on even terms at last. As Indominus descended into darkness, he heard a familiar demonic voice calling out to him.

"It's time, Indominus."