//------------------------------// // Epilogue: A Bright Future // Story: The Encounter (A Harmony Quest backstory) // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------//          So, what happened after that?          Well, nothing special is happening. At least it hasn't happened yet. Okay, yeah. It's only been a year since the war so it's not really that long.          Everyone was happy, my friends were all good, and we get to pitch in on some of my videos from time to time. Meeting my childhood YouTube idols was fun- Now I am joining them for a ride! I got back to recording videos on my channel; Haven't done that in a while.          I eventually dropped out of school- At this point, there wasn't really a reason to continue, at least that's what I thought. So, I'm now spending the days doing the things I love: Making videos, playing video games, spending time with my new friends and what not. Besides, the campus had to be rebuilt since the war, and I didn't want to wait forever for me to go back.          I got the special age spell treatment- Something around this point of time, only people who have a great fortune to get. But I ain't need to pay for that, since I contributed so much to helping the ponies win! So now, I'm locked in the age of 25, 2 years older than Frisk.          Speaking of Frisk, apparently she started to date her brother Asriel, seeing her best friend might not always be around to keep her company.          So that’s pretty much my story of how I got to Equestria and how Twilight and I met.          Looking back, it might have happened so long ago, but our encounter was something I wouldn’t forget for as long as I live in this world. It was Twilight who gave me everything I have today. I stayed in Equestria, because of the wonders it has that Earth didn’t have.          It’s harmonious society.          There’s a lot that I’ve learnt from this journey- Most about friendship, since having such close friends was a pretty fresh experience for me. I’ve changed- In a good way with the things my friends taught me. Managing connections... Defending myself... I even learnt about love. I’ve been dating Twilight for around a year and we’re still getting along just as well as before. But, there’s one undeniable fact I’ve learnt:          Life, is a roller coaster. So, no matter if it’s good or bad, it’s not because we’ve done something hurtful- Nor is it because we’re successful. It’s a natural thing- Something that can’t be controlled. When I’m down, I tell myself, “A blessing will come.” When I’m excited, I’ll tell myself, “No need for the overreaction, for something bad will come my way.” Just like in this journey- I’ve had my fallouts with Twilight, but we’ve always had those bittersweet memories as well. And even though these ups and downs would come to us for many years to come, I know we would be ready for anything- Whether a blessing or a curse.          Our end will come someday. So, before it, just have fun while you have the time; Cherish every good laugh, and take your setbacks as lessons for yourself.          Although my future is uncertain, I’m trying to be cheerful as much as possible nowadays. Through this emotional trip, I’ve lost a lot- My identity, my original home, my reputation of the humans... and of course... My parents.          All I’m left now, however... Is a group of the best and supportive friends I can ever imagine hooking up with.          Of course, this chapter does not mean the end of my life- Challenges await me in the coming years I have. I want to change. I want to fit in with the ones I love. I don’t want to be just a shadow. I couldn’t do it own my own- Without my pals, I wouldn’t have won and I won’t be here right now. So, they’re not just my friends- They are my new family.          And they always will be, for the years to come. ************ I finished writing the last sentence, and happily scribbled the words ‘The End’ with a beautiful cursive style below the last line. “Ahhhh,” I sighed, putting down my pen. “Finally finished.” I stretched myself out- I’ve been working on the book for the whole day. I closed it, revealing the lovely cover on the front of the book. It was an adorable picture of me and Twilight, in our respective forms, leaning with our backs pressed, and a smile on our faces. We were sitting on a nice patch of grass- Just like how it all ended. The book, named “The Encounter”, was something I worked on for a long time, and after using one full day, I finally finished the last few chapters in one go. It was all about my feelings and my memories with my sweetest best friend throughout these years. I looked at the picture frame on my desk, beside my computer. It was a lovely picture of Twilight and I, as we looked over the fireworks show of the festival of friendship after we became a couple. She lightly kissed my cheek, as I made a charming smile. It made me think back on everything we’ve been through together, all the good times, bad times. But I know- Time, in a way, is an illusion. The only thing that’s real, the only time I can change and alter, is the present. I put down my big headphones and stopped the music I was listening to. I picked up the book and made a lovely present box, with purple and magenta wrapping on the outside. I placed the book and a letter on the back of it. Finally, I tied it all off with a pink ribbon, with a nice bow on top. I really liked it. “*blissful sigh* It’s late now... I wanna show this to her so badly...” I said to myself. So I picked up the present, and walked over to Twilight’s room. When I opened the door, Twilight was about to go to sleep. I called out to her, with my present behind me. “Spark?” She turned to me, and grinned. “Hey. What is it, Nate?” I walked over, and took a deep breath before I showed her my present. “I know it’s tomorrow, but...” I chuckled. “Happy birthday, Twilight. This is for you.” She let out a squeak of surprise and smiled. She levitated the gift with her magic aura, and started to neatly open it, revealing my book. “*giggles* You sure know my tastes,” Twilight giggled. I stopped her before she could say more. “Ah Ah Ah! Don’t get fooled! This is a very, very special book- I wrote this story. It’s about everything we went through and how I felt about our every memory. All those times we spent together, and what I went through before we met... I decided I should finally come clean with all my hidden feelings.” She beamed and looked at me. “You did this... For me?” Twilight asked. “I... I know you’re very thoughtful on doing things for me, but... *chuckles* This is wonderful! Thank you!” I blushed. “I started writing a while ago,” I explained. “There were so many questions I bet you had on your mind, but I’ve never answered them. I wanted to come clean about everything. Plus... I wrote this, to express how much of a friend you have meant to me for so long. I wouldn’t trade our treasured bond for anything in the world- Not even for my passed parents. It’s because I love you enough to dare, Twi.” She was sniffing, and I could tell she was fighting back the tears as we sat on the double bed. “*sob* Thank you, Nathan...” She sat close to me, and nuzzled dearly against my arm. Then she realized the letter. “Can I read this?” I covered my mouth with a hand, and part of my reddish face. “Go ahead.” Dear Twilight Sparkle, Spark, you make me possibly one of the luckiest and happiest people to exist. Words can’t describe the love and affection I have for you- And I have been containing it in my head for years until we were ready. I picked you, because no one else would pick me. I was alone. All of my friends were just online ones that I wouldn’t meet, even now... Or the people I deal with are ones plagued with darkness. I hated that. But you, my friend, proved you were living in the light, like me. I’m really grateful to be spending every moment, every day and of course, our every kiss, with none other than you. Twilight, I know our future is uncertain. We both don’t know much about love. But, through time, I know for a fact we can learn together. Being in a relationship means you are willing to devote all you have for someone you trust and care for. And I am willing to make the decision. I’ve lost many things. I can’t bear to lose you as a friend either. Please don’t leave me, sweetheart... Your silly little buddy, Nathan. Twilight was crying when she got to the end. “*cries* Nathan...” I felt the tear roll down my eye, and immediately hugged her tight while crying, we spent the next few minutes just resting into the embrace, crying with each other. “*sobs* I don’t want you to leave me ever again...” I said, “Please stay with me forever... Pretty please?” Twilight sobbed a few times and was unable to cough out the answer. So, I gave her a moment to calm down. I brushed her mane and dried her tears. My hands were trembling from my crying, though. I touched her cheek warmly. “I... I will,” Twilight replied with a smile. “I don’t want to leave you alone either. You’re my best friend, and I willl never ever let that change.” We blissfully sighed. “*sniff* Thank you for this,” She told me kindly. “I... I love you so much...” I cried a little more. “*sobs* I love you too...” We both let go, and I pushed my lips into hers to lock in a tender kiss. Twilight closed her eyes to accept the contact, before applying pressure. As I saw her smile, I knew she loved me kissing her. At that moment, I didn’t want anything else- I just wanted her to be by my side. And I know, she did too. We finally broke the kiss to look at each other. “Have I told you something?” I asked. “What?” I nervously chuckled. “Y-You... You look really, really beautiful and cute. I’ve always wanted to say it but-“ Twilight silenced me with a big hug. “*giggles* Hahaha, awww! You look great too. I mean, not extremely handsome, but... You know what I mean.” We both laughed. “Well, Love isn’t about the appearances, Twi,” I said, holding up her face. “But, I appreciate your compliment.” The two of us stayed silent for a while. That is, until Twilight had an idea in mind. “How late is it?” “It’s only nine. What’s up?” “Good,” She said, blushing. “You... You wanna come with me?” I followed her to the balcony, that lets me look over Ponyville. The town was like I remember- Nothing much changed. I stood beside Twilight as we peered over the railing on the edge, under the starry sky. “The stars are sparkling tonight,” I said, admiring the stars. Then I turned to Twilight. “But they’re not nearly as pretty as you.” Twilight giggled. “Haha, stop it.” “So... What is it that you want us to do up here?” The princess turned my body to look at her. She had a very special invitation. “I have never done this with a boy before, and I’m not familiar with it,” She said. “But...” She held out her hoof as she bowed slightly. “You want a dance?” I was really shy- I haven’t danced with anyone since high school, and that was a nightmare. I have played dance games with my friends before but not like this. Even so, I didn’t want to crush her dreams. I took her warm hoof, and lifted her up, trying to help regain her balance. “You okay?” I asked. “Mhmm!” She replied. “Is it okay if I play a song?” “No worries. Just use magic.” The music kicked in, and since it wasn’t that fast, we were able to get used to the rhythm nicely. At the beginning, as a warm up, we just swayed side-to-side. As we got into the chorus, we would occasionally spin each other around. We had great chemistry- Matching every movement even though we were only amateurs. And at the final chorus, we held each other by one hand and spread out, then bringing each other back together. Twilight winked at me, and flew up a bit, trying to be more daring. With magic, I spread out my green wings too. We started spinning mid-air, holding onto each other. Finally, when the song ended, we flew back on the platform, spinning in a hug as we landed. We let go and bowed before we spoke. “You weren’t that bad,” I said. She smirked. “Really? I’ve never paid attention to dancing, being a bookworm and all.” I nodded as I held her hooves. I gave her a little spin, and caught her from her back. “Trust me, the only reason why I do these tricks that I’ve seemingly never done before tonight,” I told her, “Is because I trust you would be okay if I messed up.” “Haha, looks like we’re even on how daring we were tonight.” When I looked at Twilight again, she was beaming- She has never danced with anypony. And this special hangout meant a lot for me and her. But something was missing. So I gave it to her. “Aww, you sweet little biscuit,” Twilight grinned. She forced herself into another tender kiss. I gently held her tight, and tipped over to let her fall a little before applying pressure. It wasn’t easy as I’ve seen before, though- It was nonetheless bittersweet. She broke away a second later. “May I return the favor?” I offered. “Anything.” “I want to snuggle with you tonight.” “*giggles* I was waiting for you to say that,” Twilight giggled. We stepped close, and I lightly kissed her hoof before I took it and walked back down the stairs. And in less than 5 minutes after we settled ourselves back to bed, we were in complete cuddling mode with each other already. We even straight up just collapsed on the bed as we kissed when we came in. I rolled over to bring Twilight onto the bed. We started snuggling and purring against our lover. Twilight held me in her wings as she nuzzled deeply against my chest. I put a hand on her head and petted her, before I got a turn. When I did, I nuzzled her nose and cuddled her affectionately, my whole body tingling with excitement with every giggle she gave as I squeezed her. I realized- This wouldn’t be possible, if I never met her. If I had never met her, I would’ve died now. Twilight meant a lot to me and I wanted to repay her by doing everything I could to make her cheery every day. She gave me a lot in my life, so it was only fair I treat her with the same respect, love and kindness she gave me. As I kissed her ear from behind, I smiled. “How are you feeling?” I asked. Twilight hummed in bliss. “Very nice. Mmmm... You’re really, really soft and snugly.” “Awww, please stop,” I begged. “I hate being embarrassed.” “Oh, really?” She stared at me before she kissed my cheek. “Twilight!!” She burst into hysterics, but still apologized and said it was a joke. “I say that, but...” I gulped. “Actually, I’ve been blushing whenever you and I are together alone, ever since the day we met. Cool, right?” She turned and continued nuzzling her head under mine. “I knew you had a soft spot for a long time,” Twilight said. “I never knew why until you beat those people. It was then I developed feelings for you, Nate. I wanted to show you why we wanted you to stay with us. If you really chose to leave, this wouldn’t have happened. I know you must’ve had a crush for a long time but I wasn’t sure... Great, now it doesn’t make sense, if you wanted to be with me, why would you leave?” I was very shy. “Because I was blinded.” “By what?” I flipped the blankets to cover our bodies. “As I said that day... The only reason why I wanted to be friends with you all, is because I just wanted the company, happiness and encouragement from you guys. All I wanted to do in my life was prove to them I wasn’t one to be messed with. *sigh* But I was wrong in one way, I knew that.” “Huh?” “Twi, look at me.” We both starred at each other, and I placed my hands below her chin, holding her head. “The reason why I stayed,” I confessed, “Is you.” She gasped. “Really?” “When you walked up to me, you reminded me how much you meant to my life. You were the one who gave me hope when I’m down. You were the one that gave me encouragement to fight. You changed my life for the better. I owe you everything I have now. Sometimes... When I walk around Equestria, the land I love and belong... I couldn’t help but feel thankful. I know, I know, Frisk was the one who established the idea, but if I didn’t meet you, we wouldn’t have happened.” I explained. I pulled her into a tight hug. “We’ve had our fallouts,” I said. “But it doesn’t matter. I could never, ever hate you, Twi. I love you more than anything and anypony else in Equestria.” She smiled and accepted the embrace. “I love you too, Nate.” When we let go, we looked at the clock- it was ten at night. Yet, we were already yawning. “I see we’re both tired,” Twilight said, yawning afterwards. I did too. “Right, we better sleep, then. We haven’t had a sleepover like this for a while, haven’t we?” She rested herself closer. “Well, it’s going to be like this all the time now.” We both chuckled. Nuzzling our noses, we kissed once more, pulling the other’s neck and refusing to let go. We let out some very cheerful hums and sighs as our heads moved back and forth, since we applied more pressure to the contact. It wasn’t till it was a few minutes later I found out this wasn’t right. Twilight was obviously trolling me. So I trolled her back with a tickle attack. “Ahhhh! No! Nathan!!!” She tittered. “Haha! The fun has been doubled!” I said triumphantly. “Okay! I’ll stop it!” I stopped tickling- and she did stop trying to kiss me, in a good way. I brushed away a part of her mane that covered her charming face. “This... This is where I belong,” I said. “Thank you, Twi, for helping me realize it.” She put a hoof around my head. “You’re very welcome, as always.” The two of us started closing our eyes, our vision getting hazy. Our foreheads drew impact, and we leaned for a kiss again. As we sighed in content, drawing in each other’s breath, we were in complete peace and bliss. “Good night, my little sparkle,” I said to her. She definitely heard it, because her smile grew wider. “Sweet dreams, my sweet human friend.” I smiled too, as I used magic to turn off the lights. As I drifted into dreamland, sharing a nice romantic dream with my new girlfriend, I thought to myself: God, I now see your plan. You have given me such a splendid life to cherish in my later life, I see it now. With reward, comes with pain, I know. It was indeed correct- I was seemingly destined to suffer for my whole life... Until I met her. She changed my life path- But I realized- It was never changed. It was meant to happen. I don’t know why it had to happen on me, but it did, so the only thing I can do is accept my past, the present and what comes next. Even if it’s bad. The future is unknown and weird. As I was dreaming, having quality time with my girlfriend even in dreams, we both knew- The future is unpredictable, anything can happen. When she asked me, about what my future life would bring, I just gave her a kiss and told her this: I don’t know, my love. But it’s certainly going to be better than my past.