Power Rangers SUPER Starfleet (Starfleet Humans)

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 9: Secrets of Power


One afternoon, about two days before exams, Nikki and the Jazzies were walking down the street from the mall. “So like, what did you pick out for the graduation prom?” Amber asked Dionne.

“The crispy frilly original… It’ll totes make me hot for graduation prom.”

“Hey, you two… Zip it!” snapped Nikki “I’m getting fed up with all this talk of the prom.”

“Whoa, like, what’s with you?” asked Amber. “Still upset that Lightning hasn’t taken interest.” Dionne teased. This earned them both a fierce glare and growl from Nikki. “Shutting up now…!” the girls peeped.

Nikki was still really upset that after all this time, Lightning hadn’t shown a speck of interest in her, and now she was likely never to get her chance if she passed her exams and graduated.

She angrily kicked a soda can lying on the ground, and sent it flying far up the street, indicated just how irate she was. The Jazzies could see she wasn’t kidding. They had never seen her so angry before.

“Maybe I should just give it in.” Nikki grumbled to herself.

Suddenly, as the girls turned the corner, there was an alarm sounding at the cosmetics store as a swarm of Lingos and Marla came out with bags of stolen makeup and jewelry. “What a haul!” Marla cried with joy, “It’s been a while since I did a little shopping.”

Suddenly, the police arrived right on the scene. “Freeze…! We have you surrounded. Put the merchandise on the ground and get your hands up!”

“Whoa! This is wicked!” Nikki said. Keeping well behind the corner and out of sight, but not wanting to miss any of the action, she got out her cell-phone and began to video record everything.

Marla only snickered at the police, “Put my hands up…?” she teased, “Like this…?” and she raised her hands, and fired her fingernails at the men and the cars, making sparks and small explosions fly.

The men were all knocking down, and a couple of them were injured. They didn’t stand much of a chance against baddies like these.

Marla scoffed at the pitiful men, “You Earthman are so pathetic I’m surprised we haven’t conquered this planet yet.”

“And you never will!” shouted a voice, and that’s when the Comet Ranger leapt in from out of nowhere.

“Hey, a ranger!” cried Amber.

“This ought to be interesting.” added Dionne!”

“Quiet!” snapped Nikki “I want to hear clearly.”

Marla was already irritated, “Can’t you rangers ever stay home where you belong?!” and she ordered the Lingos to attack!

Lightning lunged forth, punching one Lingo in the gut, tripping up another, and blasting three more with his comet power.

Marla then jumped into battle herself, punch and kicking like crazy, but Lightning blocked and dodged her attacks and then he gave her a huge high-jump kick in the chest, knocking her down.

“Give it up, Marla!” shouted Lightning, but Marla whined as she stood, “Ugh, I’ll get you for this, ranger! Just you wait!” and she vanished leaving all her bags of stolen cosmetics behind.

Lightning was furious that she got away, but at least he was able to return all the goods she had tried to steal. The store managers were very happy and thankful to him, as were the police and the good citizens watching.

“Happy to help out.” said Lightning “See ya…” and off he ran, round another corner.

Nikki grunted, wanting to catch more of Comet Ranger on camera. “Come on, girls; let’s see if we can follow him.” and she dashed off with her friends catching up.

Even though no one could catch up with the speed of a ranger, Lightning had merely parked his motorcycle, around a couple of corners, away from people who had gathered at the cosmetics store.

He looked around quickly, and when he could see no one around, “Okay I think it’s safe…” he pressed on his morpher and powered down his suit… unware that Nikki and the others saw him.

Nikki gasped, and her mouth hung open, as did her friends.

“No way!” cried Amber.

“It can’t be…!” added Dionne.

Nikki stood where she was, practically frozen into complete shock, but her mouth suddenly curled into a smile as she regained her senses and watched Lightning ride off on his motorcycle.

“Lightning… is the Comet Ranger!” Nikki said under her breath, and she looked down at her phone. She began to breathe like a crazy woman.

The others didn’t like where this was going.

Nikki had just snatched what she felt was her golden ticket to making Lightning all hers!

(Que Intro)

Marla was throwing a major tantrum when she got back to the tower! She kicked over tables, smashed a chair and let out a huge roar that echoed all over the tower.

“That Comet Ranger! I’ll get back at him, somehow!” she thundered.

“Yeah, yeah, we’ve heard.” scoffed Keto “When you actually come with a plan, let us know.”

Marla growled and kicked two of her own Lingos down, and Keto decided to run for his own safety, going past Nacluv on the way. “Marla, usually this isn’t in my best interest, but I have something for you.”

He presented to her a powerful scepter. It seemed to be made from brass, but the top of it was glowing wildly. “For me…?” Marla asked “What is it?”

“A special wand that we all created…”

Bronc and Keto walked into the room, and explained how it was created; through Bronc’s forging the metal, Nacluv combining and infusing the powers within from some of Keto’s magic and the power they had stored from their failed computer takeover.

“We may be on the verge to creating a whole new line of weapons that can beat the rangers, and increase our own powers as well…” said Bronc, “But we do need to test it first.”

“And it wasn’t easy to make. So you better beat the rangers.” Keto sneered, but Marla was at a loss for words and just stared down at her new wand, already feeling its immense powers coursing through her.

She snickered wickedly, now feeling she had everything she needed to get back at Lightning!

She tested it by zapping some of the Lingos with a small zap of magic, and they were instantly destroyed in a shower of sparks, just using a small bit of the power.

“Hmm, I’m liking this.” Marla hissed.

Nacluv snickered, “Go and do us proud.”

The next day, in school, Lightning was walking down the hall for his first class of the day, when suddenly, Nikki stepped right up in front of him from around the corner. “Hi.” she simply said, her face was really close to his!

Lightning winced softly anyway, and then he sighed annoyingly, “Good morning, Nikki. Please excuse me.”

He walked right around her to continue on his way, but Nikki cockily turned round and called to him, “See ya later, Comet Ranger.”

Lightning stopped dead in his tracks, he quickly tried to cover for himself, “Um… I’m not the comet ranger.”

“Oh, yeah, you totes are.” said Nikki “After all, whenever the rangers run off, you’re always absent from class yourself, and I also have… this…!” She held up her phone and showed the video she filmed the other day, making Lightning’s stomach churn.

..He was totally busted!

“Oh, no!” he muttered under his breath, and Nikki shut her phone and fluttered her eyes wickedly at him. “I guess maybe, deep down, I always knew.”

“Nikki, this isn’t funny!” said Lightning “You have to give me that phone.”

Knowing fully-well how he’d go about this, Nikki used it to her advantage, “Only on one condition…”

Lightning had a feeling what was coming next!

“You have to take me out after school.”

“Why that’s blackmail!”

“I know…” teased Nikki “You could always refuse, and then I’d just put this vid up on the net for everyone to see, and then everyone would know who you are.”

Lightning knew he was stuck now, and going to see Cadance wouldn’t help him out of this one.

“See you in class…” Nikki cooed, and she blew him a kiss and walked off with her phone, Leaving Lightning all stunned and aghast.

During second period class, he gave the class a free period to do quiet studying for exams the next day.

Sunset couldn’t help but notice how frustrated Lightning seemed as he just sat at his desk with open files, but not even looking at them. He just had a strange and worried look on his face.

She also noticed Nikki looked up from her book every few moments and looking straight at him, then fluttering her eyebrows at him, making him feel more nervous than ever.

Twilight noticed this too, as did Rainbow, and they all began to suspect something was up. Soon, the bell rang, and Lightning didn’t even remind everyone about exams the next day, nor did he acknowledge everyone just leaving.

The girls decided to confront him, “Okay, what’s going on?” Sunset asked.

Lightning still didn’t move or make a sound.

“Lightning…?” Twilight called.

No response!

Rainbow hated herself for what she was about to do, but desperation called for it. She took a bottle of water out from her backpack, and sprinkled a little over Lightning’s head, snapping him wide awake to his senses again. “Whoa! Hey…! Rainbow…!” he snapped.

“Welcome back to Earth, Spaceman.” Rainbow sarcastically joked, “Mind telling us what alien spooked you this time?”

Lightning knew he couldn’t hide this from his friends at all, and decided to tell them.

Meanwhile, Marla was standing atop a skyscraper in town, with a squad of Lingos by her side for backup. “Now then…” she said as she stroked her powerful wand, “What clever sort of destruction could I muster up first?”

Then she spotted the cosmetic store she tried to rob the other day. She snickered sinisterly and unleashed a small wave of magic on the store, causing massive explosions, blowing bits of debris about and frightening the people.

Nobody was hurt, yet, but Marla was just getting warmed up. Next, she blasted at the traffic lights, causing cars to smash into one another, and then blasted at many lampposts, knocking them all down like dominoes and shorting out power in the near area.

Marla laughed maniacally, “This is incredible!

Now that I’m all warmed up… Come on out, Rangers! I’m waiting for you!”

Back at school, Lightning told the girls everything. “How could I have let this happen?!” he asked himself in frustration.

“This is low; even for Nikki.” said Sunset, “Can’t you just hold her in detention?”

“That won’t do any good,” Rainbow pointed out “She’d still upload the video she took.”

“Besides, I can’t.” said Lightning “Last day of school is the day after tomorrow. No one can put in detention at this point. Only those were already in detention are not excused.

Oh, what am I going to do?! I can’t go out with Nikki! It’s high unethical for a teacher to date a student… I’m not even attracted to her!”

Before anyone could answer, their coms went off as Celesto called them. “Come in Rangers! Red alert! Red Alert…!”

Sunset answered her com, “What’s happening?”

“Marla has been seen terrorizing the town and causing damage. Twilight, come to the base at once. The rest of you, round up the others and head downtown.”

Lightning sighed, “Great! What else could wrong today?” he grumbled.

“Let’s go!” cried Sunset, and she and the other girls dashed out of the room and down the hall, while Lightning slipped out through the window so as not to be seen by anyone else…

…But Nikki saw him through the large windows in the hall. There was no doubt in her mind he had been called to perform ranger duty. “He is so hot when he sneaks off like that!” she sighed. She looked down at her phone, “And as long as I have this… I’m smoking!”

Amber and Dionne were getting creeped out. Never had they seen Nikki getting so incredibly carried away.

Meanwhile, people downtown were running amuck in panic as Marla continued to terrorize them all with her new powers, when the rangers finally made it to the scene.

“Look at this place!” cried Buddy.

“Oh, my goodness!” whimpered Fluttershy.

“Oh, my badness…!” Marla shouted, “You sure took your sweet time showing up.”

The rangers’ features hardened, “Whatever you’re up to, it ends here, Marla!” sneered Sunset.

Marla scoffed as she held up her wand, “Ha! You’re so confident in yourselves, you didn’t even let me show you my new toy…” and she gave a little extra power to her Lingos, making them stronger than ever. “Now we’ll see who ends here!”

Sunset then gestured to the others, and declared, “It’s Morphin’ Time!”

“Morphing Sequence… Ready!”


“Cosmic Comet… Power On!”

Once they were all morphed, “It’s Time to Shine!” Sunset declared, and the rangers did their role call!

Sunset: “Evil’s Dread: Starfleet Red!”

Buddy Rose: “Let’s make the scene: Starfleet Green!”

Rainbow: “We’ll see things through: Starfleet Blue!”

Rhymey: “Though peace and Woe: Starfleet Yellow!”

Fluttershy: “Quick as a Wink: Starfleet Pink!”

Lightning: “Fighting all danger: Comet Ranger!”

And altogether they shouted “…POWER RANGERS… SUPER STARFLEET!!”

“Ha!” growled Marla “Is that all? Get them!” she called to Lingos, “…But leave the Comet Ranger to me!”

The Lingos complied and charged, at the same time, the rangers rushed at them as well.

Sunset punched hard, but the Lingo actually grabbed her fist and socked her hard in the gut, then shoved her hard into another Lingo that pushed her down hard, and kicked her in the side. “I don’t remember them being THIS strong before!”

Rainbow and Buddy each got flipped over hard.

“What’s with these guys!” grumbled Rainbow.

“It’s got to be what Marla did.” Buddy deduced “That wand she has must’ve made them stronger.”

Rhymey held his sword, and took several swings at the Lingos, but their speeds as well as their strengths were increased as well. They dodged his every attack, and then one Lingo actually caught the blade of the sword in its hands, just like that. They it flung the sword way up and out of Rhymey’s hands.

“No…!” Rhymey cried, and then…
“Whoa!” he shouted as he was kicked hard on the chest and sent skidding right into Fluttershy. “This isn’t working!” she groaned.

Marla laughed as she stared Lightning down, “Looks like your chums have had it, but that’s nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you!”

“You think I’m scared…?” snarled Lightning. “Oh, you will be, once you get a taste of my wand and the power it gives me!” protested Marla, and she fired a large blast at Lightning, which he evaded and then he leapt right over began to brawl with her.

He punched, he kicked, but Marla skillfully blocked his every attack, and then struck him hard with her wand making sparks fly. “Is that the best you’ve got?” she taunted, and she blasted him hard, sending him rolling along the ground!

“Man! This is tougher than I thought!”

“And it’ll only get tougher still!” Marla thundered, and she used the power of the wand to make herself even stronger still! Her muscles began to bulge, and her face became more monstrous than ever! “YEAH…!!” she roared.

“Uh, oh… I’ve got a bad feeling about this!” said Lightning.

Marla raised her wand up high and roared loudly, unleashing a spreading wave of power that struck all the rangers, and even her own Lingos, and the rangers were all hit hard, and their suits powered down!

All of them felt beat up, while all Marla could do was laugh at them, “Looks like I have all the power now, Rangers, and it feels GREAT!!”

“We can’t beat her like this!” cried Sunset “We better retreat.”

The others agreed, and they all ran together trying to break for a jump-tube.

“Oh, no you don’t! Not this time…!” shouted Marla, and she aimed her wand and fired a huge burst that just barely missed the rangers, but the force of the explosion knocked them all over anyway.

“You rangers aren’t giving me the slip this time! I’m going to destroy you all right here and now!”

She fired another blast.

“Scatter!” shouted Sunset, and everyone jumped away, just missing the attack and the explosion.

“That won’t work this time either!” shouted Marla, and she raised the wand up high, creating a huge electrical pulse that began to zap many small lightning shots all around, making big explosions wherever they hit. The rangers were barely able to keep up and avoid them.

“We’ve gotta get out of this place,
And retreat to the base!” shouted Rhymey.

“Easier said than done…!” Buddy called.

More shots and explosions were fired out, and the rangers ended up all jumping into one place, all huddled together, to avoid the shots.

“Now I’ve got you!” thundered Marla, and she aimed the wand right at them to fire again…!

…But nothing happened!

“Huh? What the…?” Marla grumbled. She tried again, and again, but no magic fired from the wand.

“Now’s our chance!” cried Sunset, and she and the team succeeded in making a clean getaway, much to Marla’s outrage! “A’RGH… WHAT WENT WRONG?!!”

Bronc and Keto appeared on the scene, and Keto explained “You used all the wand’s power and exhausted it. Maybe you shouldn’t have gotten so carried away attacking the city, or the rangers would have been destroyed by now.”

Marla growled angrily, but Bronc calmed her, “We’ve come here to give you a recharge, but this time… don’t blow it! Nacluv is losing patience.”

With that, he got out a special box that contained more of the magical energy created to help recharged the wand.

“By the way… like your new look.” teased Keto. Marla only growled like a bear at him.

Back at the base, while the rangers waited for their powers to be fully-charged up again, they also contemplated on how to beat Marla and her new wand. Even though they had escaped, they could tell she would recharge and strike again.

As for Lightning, he still had his own trouble. He had received and message from Nikki over Canterlot High’s website. He viewed it on his phone: “See you tonight, Handsome… unless you want OUR little secret to get out there.”

“Ugh!” Lightning groaned.

“Wow, she’s really holding all the cards on you.” said Spike. Lightning gave him a straight telling him that he wasn’t helping.

“Right now, we have other things to focus on.” said Sunset. She turned to Twilight who was working at the computer, “Got anything for us?”

Twilight turned in her chair, “I’ve analyzed the flow of the energy from your discerption. It seems to be a combination of electro-magnetic discharges and some of Keto magical spells from his mugic. Your suits can’t handle it too much.”

“Yeah, I think we pretty gathered that.” said Rainbow “But what can we actually do about it? I don’t think we can hope for her to waste the wand’s power again.”

The others agreed to this, but what would work against Marla while she had the wand. Just looking at her was enough to tell them they couldn’t beat her through normal means.

“How about our Able Boost?” suggested Buddy “Could it give us an edge?”

Twilight typed up a simulation of the rangers all using their Able-Boost: “Scenario Failure!”

“It wouldn’t work. The time limit on the mode wouldn’t last long enough for you to do enough damage to her.”

The rangers all sighed, but Rhymey suddenly had an idea,

“Maybe we’re looking at this all wrong,
Marla may be very strong,
She could beat us all on a dime,
But what if instead… we attack her one-at-a-time?”

A moment of silence followed, and everyone seemed to like the idea. Twilight even punched up another simulation “Fifty percent chance of success. It could work.”

“Well, I say we try it...” said Fluttershy. The others agreed with her, and the rangers prepared to head off.

“Lightning… a moment please…” Celesto said.

“Uh, oh…” Lightning murmured, feeling he knew what this was about. “Look, sir… I’m sorry about all this.”

“Never mind all that.” said Celesto “…What are you going to do about Nikki?”

Lightning shrugged, “I don’t know what I can do. As long she holds my secret, maybe I’ll just have to comply.”

“You could…” said Celesto “But consider this: What if there was a way to use that secret to your advantage? What if you could make it so it wouldn’t harm you anymore?”

For a moment, Lightning seemed puzzled. Then, all at once, he had the perfect solution.

“Hey, Lightning! Come on!” Rainbow called to him.

“Ah…!” cried Lightning and he rushed off with the others. He stopped for a moment and turned back to face Celesto, “Thanks again.”

Curious, Twilight asked, “What do you think he’ll do about Nikki?”

“I’ve known Lightning a lot longer than you, Twilight.” replied Celesto “Sometimes even he needs a little help to choose his course of action, just as everyone does. But usually, whatever he decides can have very surprising results.

…Just wait and see.”

Meanwhile, Marla, with her fully-charged wand, was still terrorizing the city, but she didn’t let herself get carried away this time, not wanting to waste her power, and she didn’t even have to use the wand…!

Thanks to the power she absorbed before, she had more than enough strength to lift a car up with just one hand, and she threw he hard against a wall making a huge explosion, sending bits of burning debris flying all over and frightening the people.

The police, once again, foolishly tried to stop her, and this time, they were joined by the swat team! The men were all armed with fancy armor and carrying strong looking guns.

“Huh! Some bozos just never learn.” hissed Marla, and she used just a small bit of power form her wand to zap all over at the cars and fans, blowing them up and sending all the men flying all about and crashing to the ground, injuring them. Those who didn’t get hurt ran away in panic!

“Who’s up next?!” thundered Marla.

“…You are!” shouted Sunset, and she and the rangers all leapt onto the scene.

Marla laughed at them, “So, have you come to your senses? Are you ready to surrender yet?”

“Not on your life!” sneered Buddy.

“When we’re through with you, you’ll be the one wanting to surrender!” added Rainbow.

“Wrong answer!” thundered Marla, and with that, she summoned more Lingos, and enhanced their strengths with the wand’s power. “Go get ‘em!”

The Super Lingos charged forth, but the rangers suspected this. “Okay, just do as I do.” said Sunset, and she leapt into action, and rather than fighting the Lingos herself, she merely dodged and evaded their attacks, until the two accidently attacked each other. The forces of their enhanced strengths caused them to knock each other out!

“What?” snapped Marla “Impossible!” but she watched to her horrors as the other rangers did the same thing: dodging the Lingos’ attacks, and letting them inadvertently take out each other. “They may have increased in strength…” said Fluttershy,

“But their brains are still small in length.” rhymed Rhymey.

Marla was livid, but then Lightning stepped up, “Ready for round two?” he cockily asked. Marla roared, having wanting to get back at him all day. “When I’m through with you, you’ll be magical dust!”

“We’ll see about that! Able-Boost, Activate!”

“Able-Boost Mode… Engage!”

“There, that about evens the field!”

“Ha! It’ll take more than a little boost to beat and my wand!” thundered Marla and she fired a blast right at him, which Lightning dodged swiftly with his enhanced speed.

“My turn!” and he leapt up in a high-jump kick, striking her hard, but not doing her much damage.

Marla swung her wand, and batted him hard, but Lightning managed to stand strong and attacked furiously, landing a few punches on her before his Able Boost time was up. “Oh, no! Not now!” he groaned.

This gave Marla an opening to jump-kick him hard and sent him skidding hard along the ground, crashing into a lamppost.

Marla chuckled, “So much for your power, now have a taste of mine!” she raised her wand, ready to blast him, when suddenly as she brought her arm down, Rhyme blocked her with his sword, having activated his own Able-Boost.

“Oh, no…
I don’t think so!”

Then he began to battle with her, showing off his skills as a fencer. He got hit once or twice, but managed to return Marla the favor by slashing at her twice, making sparks fly.

Then his able boost ran out, “Why you…!” Marla thundered, and she swung her arm to hit at him with the wand, but Rhymey flipped way up, dodging the attack, and there stood Sunset and Rainbow, boosted up and having  their weapons charged up!

“Surprise…!” Sunset shouted, and she and Rainbow fired their weapons, hitting her hard making sparks and explosion.

Marla fell over, and in her stumble, she threw the wand way up, making it fire a huge blast that began to bounce off the buildings and the street.

“Look out!” shouted Rainbow.

“I got this!” called Fluttershy, and she leapt up high, already boosted and intercepted the blast with her shield and sent it right back to Marla striking her hard in a big explosion.

“The wand…! Where is it?!” she thundered. Then suddenly she spotted it lying on the ground, but as she reached over to grab it, Buddy lassoed it with his whip, “Uh-uh-uhn… mustn’t touch!”

He then flung the wand way up high, “Now guys!”

With that, each and every ranger charged up their weapons, and slashed at or blasted at the wand, utterly shattering it to bits, and releasing the magic in a bright, flashing explosion.

“NO…!!” screeched Marla.

The rangers all rangers huddled together and Sunset called out to her, “It’s over, Marla! Make it easier on yourself and just give up!”

Though Marla had lost the wand, she still wasn’t willing to admit defeat, “You may have destroyed my wand, but I still have the power I absorbed earlier!”

She demonstrated what she meant by making herself grow into a giant, using the bit of magic from Keto that was fused into her. “Still think I’ve lost now?” she thundered at the rangers!

“She just can’t take a hint.” said Lightning, and he activated his morpher, “GIGANTIFY!”

“Giant Mode… Engage!”

…And he grew large himself, not bothering to don his armor, needing more speed.

“Jet-Star Megazord…!” Sunset called, and the ranger’s megazord appeared.

The rangers were all beamed inside. “All right… let’s get her!” said Sunset.

Marla growled as she flexed her sharp nails, “Which one of you should shred first?! I know… both of you!”

Lightning and the Megazord charged forth, but Marla soon proved to be she was just as strong as she promised. She clawed at the Megazord, hitting it hard with each slash, making sparks fly all over and rocking the rangers inside.

Marla then gave a huge kick, knocking the megazord down on its back.

“Hey! No one does that to my friends!” shouted Lightning.

“Oh, yeah?!” sneered Marla, and she fired her nails right at him, hitting him in multiple strikes and sparks. Lightning barely managed to stay on his feet and he lunged over, kicking and punching hard, while Marla blocked his every attack her with arms, and then she whirled round and her long hair tripped him up like a whip.

He landed flat on his back, and Marla loomed over him pointing her sharp nails at him fiercely, “Any last words, Ranger?!”

Suddenly, she felt something tapping her back; she turned round just in time for the megazord to punch her hard in the face, actually knocking her away.

“Ah, yeah…! That felt sweet!” said Rainbow.

“Are you okay, Lightning…?” Fluttershy asked, and she controlled the megazord to give him a lift up. “Yeah, thanks guys.”

Marla groaned as she rubbed her face, “What’s happening? How could they have done that?” she began to pulsate and feel weaker. “No! My extra powers…!”

This was the chance the rangers had been waiting for. The megazord drew out its sword, “Let’s get her!” shouted Sunset.

The megazord and Lightning dashed forth, attacking hard. Marla tried her best to defend herself, but as her powers weakened further, she found herself unable to keep up.

SLASH!! She got hit by the sword.

POW!! Lightning kicked her hard and sent her rolling along the ground.

“We’ve got her on the ropes!” cried Lightning.

The megazord nodded at him, and… as Marla stood up, not only was she losing power rapidly, but she was beginning to shrink in size. “NO… I DON’T BELIEVE THIIIIIIIIIIIS…!!”

She was back to her normal size and normal looks as well. Seeing how she didn’t stand a chance now she decided it best to flee. “You’ll pay for this, Rangers! Mark my words!” then she vanished and was gone.

Lightning and the megazord slapped each other a high five, “Well, we didn’t capture her…” Lightning said, and Sunset agreed, “Nevertheless… Mission Complete.”

Down below in the streets, many civilians were cheering and hollering out to the rangers for saving the city. Although many damages were made, it wasn’t too serious, and everyone had good insurance anyways.

“Hey, this is perfect.” Lightning said to himself, and he shrunk down to his normal size.

“Hey, what’s he doing?” Buddy wondered aloud.

Lightning then powered down his suit exposing his true identity for all to see.

“Hey, I know that guy.”

“He’s a teacher at the school.”

“Somehow, I always knew it was him.”

The other rangers were still confused at why he had just revealed his identity like that.

Meanwhile, the three minions were shoved into Vulcan’s old solitary confinement cell by Nacluv.

“Why are we being locked up?!” whined Keto, “Marla’s the one who screwed up!”

“Be quiet you…!” Marla sneered.

“As far as I see, all three of you blundered in this one.” said Nacluv, and he had a point. Marla failed in her mission, and Bronc and Keto didn’t build the power strong enough, “Why don’t you all take a time out and think about what PATHETIC FAILURES YOU ARE!!”

With that, he sealed them all inside!

Bronc angrily pounded at the metal-door with his huge fists, but he couldn’t even dent it! “Well that’s just lovely!” he grumbled.

“Why am I being punished for something you did, Marla?” growled Keto.

“Why you little…!” Marla thundered, and she proceeded to strangle him, when suddenly the three of them could all hear soft snickering echoing through the tiny vent shaft in the cell.

Three female voices then called to them…

“You three serious need a break.”

“If only you were more like us…”

“…Then you’d actually get somewhere.”

The minions felt insulted.

“And just who are you three?” Marla called through the vent.

“Uh, uh, uhn… you be nice now.” said one of the voices, “Or we may not tell you how to get rid of Nacluv.”

The minions all fell silent and pondered over an idea. Would they dare take up these mystery voices on their offer, or how did they know these three could even help them overthrow their master.

Only time would tell…!

The next day… This was it-- Exam Day, and Nikki was in a rather bad mood.

“Like, what’s got you so riled up?” asked Amber.

“You like you totes lost you credit-card.” added Dionne.

Nikki held up her phone which showed images of the morning paper, showing Lightning’s face and a headline reading “Comet Ranger Reveals Face.”

She had totally lost all control over making Lightning date her!

And… as Lightning walked through school, every student stopped to stare at him, some even asked for his autograph, and other girls asked for his number, now that they all knew who he was.

Of course, Lightning, as a teacher, did not accept such overblown praise and hushed them all, “Quiet! Off to class, you have exams today.”

The students naturally complied.

Then Lightning approached Nikki, and he actually fluttered his eyebrows at her, knowing he had beaten her at her own game for good! “Hope you studied for exams, Nikki.” he teased.

Nikki felt most insulted and broke her phone in half in her raging fit. “Oh, no…!” she cried when she realized what she had done. Her friends could only pity her.

As Lightning walked off to teach his first class, the other rangers and Twilight caught up with him.

“Smooth move, Lightning.” said Sunset.

Lightning agreed, “It sure feels good not having to keep this secret anymore. Besides, like I said, School’s nearly out anyway. I won’t have to put up with Nikki anymore.”

Fluttershy felt a bit concerned, “Are you sure it was a good idea? I mean, what if someone you care about gets in trouble?”

Rainbow scoffed at that, “That’s already happened many times, and we always end up saving the day anyway.”

Rhymey agreed,

“As long as we believe in each other and what we can do
There just may not be a thing that we can’t pull through.”

Lightning cleared his throat, “I… uh… hate to break this up, but shouldn’t you all get your classes?”

“He’s right. It’s exam day!” Twilight exclaimed excitedly. The others just stared at her awkwardly, “Only you could be this excited about it.” Buddy joked.

The rangers all split up to head to their homerooms, and as for Lightning, he stopped outside the door to his first class and realized he could wear his morpher in public now. He grabbed it out of his pocket and stuck it on the front of his shirt. “Much better…”