//------------------------------// // A Spooky Spectacular! // Story: The Most Frightening Nightmare Night/Halloween Story Ever! (Maybe) // by deadpansnarker //------------------------------// The intrepid explorers were legitimately terrified at the prospect of what lay ahead, but both of them knew instinctively: there was no backing out now that they'd come this far. Both had possessed the foresight to write out their last will and testament, record messages for their loved ones, taken all necessary precautions to further their legacy in case they were never seen again. Which, judging by the numerous rumours tossed around among their peers about this accursed place, they might very well need in the end. Their target? A draughty old mansion in the dead of night, virtually deserted and no doubt bursting full of indescribable horrors. Basically, the kind of spooky locale that could make you soil yourself where you stood. Yuck. So, what could possibly possess such usually level-headed individuals, to forsake all common sense and jump straight into this nest of vipers, without even a bottle of snake repellent as leverage? One word: T R E A S U R E. They knew for a fact they was some inside, and they wanted the booty something awful. Even if it meant wandering blithely into such a patently dangerous building, or using potentially offensive innuendo for the loot whilst on their impossible quest. The thunder cracked ominously in the sky and the wind howled briskly through the treetops as they made their way over the hill, each one's thoughts preoccupied of the dire threats that may lay ahead, because soon enough they'd truly have reached the point of no return. They tiptoed up the path cautiously, each one sure to avoid wakening the undead in this most unhallowed of regions. The pair had bought along a formidable stash of items to use in case the worse might happen, from blessed holy water to the ubiquitous wooden stake, but they wanted to avoid all unnecessary encounters with dastardly spectral forces if at all possible. The front door, surprisingly enough, was already wide open. This was probably not due to whichever foul creature lurked within being forgetful, but the disheartening fact that it regarded nopony so stupid as to brave it's lair and reemerge alive from the harrowing experience. Well today, a couple of plucky idiots were ready to call the bluff of the somewhat complacent abomination inside. Pushing aside all the feelings of trepidation that'd crossed their minds since embarking on their journey here, the burgeoning adventurers opened the door together with an audible CREAK, while glancing around nervously at their bleak, black background. "Did you bring the flashlight, Number Two?" "Of course I did, Number One. I wouldn't leave behind something as important as that." "Just checking, Number Two. Now, remember: We have no idea what kind of monstrosity lurks up there, so I want you to be prepared. If you feel like screaming, please wait until we're outside. Do you think you can do that for me?" "I-I'll do my best, Number One. It's just, from what you've told me, no matter how much I pretend it'll be okay, nothing'll fully brace me for the sheer horror that's ahead. C-Can you hold my hoof?" "Sigh, if I must, Number Two. It's a shame that I couldn't get any of my braver friends to do this with me, but I suppose you're better than nothing. Now... eyes ahead, and let's get going." "O-Of course, Number One. Lead away." They circumvented the foyer carefully, knowing that they'd picked an optimum time for when the majority of the foul minions of the demon would be absent... They gingerly climbed the steps one at a time, realising that the slightest noise could attract unwanted attention and the next move could be their last... They studiously avoided the many traps and pitfalls scattered on the second floor, just managing to skip each one in turn by shining their light on them, thus eluding a grisly end by the skin of their teeth... And then... Then... They saw it. The burrow of the beast. The den of the damned. The base of the bi... ...Basically, they were there. How did they know this? No natural being on this world could make that kind of depraved cacophony. No living form could look that wholly terrifying, not to mention ugly... ... And no way, after fully absorbing the unspeakable horror of the slumbering behemoth before them and truly appreciating the extent of it's hideousness, did either budding explorer want to be the first to approach the grotesque fiend. So, instead of doing what they should've done and intelligently tiphoofed around the napping brute to grab the sparkling prize which it guarded covetously, they squabbled petulantly like a pair of children. The feuding duo began to nudge each other, while simultaneously goading the other pony to see which one would be courageous or foolhardy enough to take that first delicate step forward into the very pits of Tartarus. "O-Off you go, Number Two! Don't worry... I'll be right behind you! Honest." "N-No you do it, Number One! You're the leader of this expedition, so fulfil your job description and lead the way!" "B-But I have so much to live for, Number Two!" "Well, I'm not your slave anymore Number One, so if you want the treasure that badly, you'll..." "WHAT ON EQUESTRIA IS GOING ON AROUND HERE?! I'M TRYING TO GET MY BEAUTY SLEEP! WHO DARES DISTURB ME AT THIS OBSCENELY LATE HOUR?! SPEAK NOW, IF YOU VALUE YOUR SORRY LIVES!" "AARRGH!!" Screaming shrilly together as a single entity while holding onto each other as if for dear life, Number One and Number Two realised too late that they'd stupidly rattled the monster cage with a stick, and the creature inside had finally decided to answer their call. The beast now rose up in all of it's foul glory: Green face, curved proboscis, and some kind of weird vegetation on it's eyes. It was so angry at the unexpected intrusion you could literally see the steam radiating from it's ghoulish aura, and it looked about ready to dish out some serious pain. The foolish trespassers were surely doomed... Unless... Thinking quickly, the resourceful Number One quickly galloped over to throw the soft, feathery barrier which had once kept the beast prisoner over it's head once more, while grabbing the precious jewellery it protected before the struggling, muffled shape could escape it's temporary confinement. Grabbing the hoof of a nonplussed Number Two while in retreat, Number One didn't even pause for breath as she dashed off, torpedoed down the stairs and burst out of the front door of the mansion. Her poor companion was literally dragged through the air all the way... still, at least she got to experience, albeit briefly, what life must be like for a member of the pegasi class. Once safely ensconced outside, Number One couldn't utter a single word, so shaken up and exhausted as she was by the trauma of her ordeal and the subsequent egress at light speed. Number Two on the other hoof, was far more lucid, and had plenty to say for herself. "Diamond, you know how much I enjoy playing make-believe with you, but only when I'm pretending to be scared. Anyway, can't you just have asked Spoiled for your tiara back?" "Don't be silly, Silver... you know what she's like. Once she decided to punish me for giving a few bits to that charity collector, she was never gonna change her mind. Besides, you know I can never withdraw from a challenge." "Sometimes Di, I think that if Apple Bloom dared you to take a running jump off a cliff, you'd do it. That's another thing... when are you going to pick up all your toys off the floor in your house? If somepony slipped and fell over the balcony, they could get seriously hurt!" "Relax, Silv. I'll do it tomorrow I swear... or, maybe Randolph will. In any case, I have my crown that Daddy bought me back now, and I feel much more complete. Are you ready to go trick or treating?" "I dunno Di, after seeing Mrs Rich in that state, I'm not sure my jangling nerves could cope with a lot more jolts tonight. Can't we postpone it until next year?" "Please tell me you're joking Silv... and miss out on all that delicious candy?! No chance! Besides, we're only young once: in a few years we'll be too old for 'this kind of nonsense'. So buck your ideas up, go home and grab your costume. What are you going as this year, anyway?" "Well Di, I was going to go as a grisly, gruesome zombie... until I witnessed your mother in her curlers and sleep mask. I'm not sure I could compete with that level of advanced horror, so I think I'll go with something a bit less formulaic. Like a werewolf, perhaps. "Erm... you do realise a werewolf can only only be stopped by a silver bullet, right?" "No I didn't, actually. Why would I need to know that, Di?" "I just thought you'd appreciate the irony, that's all, Silv. Now as to what I'm going to be: I've given this matter a great deal of reflection, and I think I've finally settled upon the most horribly disturbing thing you could possibly think of." " Whoa, that sounds awesome, Di! What is it... Queen Chrysalis? King Sombra? Crazy Pinkie?" "Wrong, wrong and wrong again, Silv! I'm going to be knocking on doors, demanding sweeties as... myself! Bet you never suspected that, huh?" "...Not really, Di. Mainly, because it's a really stupid idea. Not to mention, lazy. Besides, how are we going to scare candy out of the locals if you're the same pony they see every..." "Get out of my way, blank flanks! Is that your mane, or a mucky bush you glued on just for fun? I'm so perfect, I'm so wonderful, the rest of you are losers..." "Oh, you mean yourself before the election, Di. I stand corrected... I can see everypony shaking in fear already. Very appropriate for Nightmare Night, indeed! Okay, let's do it! Shall I meet you back here in say, ten minutes, so we can earn a record amount of goodies? "You better be here Silv, or I swear I'll..." "Er Di, save it for the customers please." "Tee-hee, sorry Silv. Jus' getting into character."