Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


With the weekend begun, Rarity was ready for her first big cleanse after her first week of exams, and nothing said cleanse as well as a luxury mud bath. Waking up before her parents—as was normal on weekends—she took care of a shower, and got dressed in something a little less conservative than usual.

Rarity's normal attire was blues to cool off her white skin, and to provide a bridge color to the purple of her hair, but today she felt like something summery. The first thing to do was to take care of her vivid hair. Normally she wouldn't dream of covering her locks, but a bright yellow shawl was just the thing.

Pulling on a pair of delicate panties and a bra to match—both in white of course—Rarity wrapped the yellow shawl around her hair, capturing it all and hiding it under the bright, warm color. "I do so love to wear green, and this would be the perfect time for it." A green blouse, in a light emerald tone, turned the expanse of white that was Rarity's upper body, into a sea of softer color.

A light dress in deep rose finished up her color combination, and holding it up in front of herself gave her ideas for what to do with accessories. Some green shoes would be a perfect match, or so she judged. Pulling the dress on, she found a pair of shoes that would be just the thing.

Next was makeup. Getting her face just right would be important, but not as important as taking care of her nails. Her shoes might hide her toenails, but she would be slipping out of them; for Rarity, going out without her nails painted might as well be half naked. Humming happily, she took care of her toes first, then her fingernails, giving each a similar tone to her hair.

The rest of her makeup was just as important, of course, but it was easier to correct than her nails. In a whirlwind of motion, Rarity finished her makeup, pulled her shoes on, and collected her handbag.

Heading downstairs, and despite the rise her pumps gave her heels, she navigated her way to the kitchen. Sweetie Belle was munching on a piece of toast, with another on a plate in front of her. Panic suddenly filled Rarity, and she looked to the toaster expecting to see a crater.

Sweetie Belle knew her sister's ribbing well enough by now to pick up on the joke. "Ha ha. Of course Sweetie Belle would destroy the kitchen trying to make toast." She glared at her sister with the same focus Rarity had shown the poor toaster.

Rarity glided along the floor towards her little sister. "Still marveling at how far you have come. I remember when you tried to cook pot noodles the first time." Rarity hugged Sweetie Belle from behind.

Squirming, Sweetie Belle couldn't help laughing a little. "That was two months ago! And it wasn't like I burned a hole through the pot."

Letting her sister go, Rarity flicked her eyelashes to test their weight. "Sweetie, the base of the pot was only saved by minutes, and we had to throw it away regardless. Why don't you sign up for home ec' next semester?"

Taking her ribbing for the simple fun that it was, Sweetie Belle thought about the idea Rarity had proposed. "We do get our choice of a single elective next year…" Tapping her chin, she picked up her glass of juice and sipped at it. "Do you think I could do it?"

"Darling, you just get distracted all the time. I am sure that if you have to sit in class and watch the pot the whole time, you won't make a mess of it." Rarity pulled out a little bowl of ready-made salad. "Are you meeting up with your friends today?"

"Uh huh. We're going to the mall to watch a movie and then hang out." Sweetie Belle munched on a little more toast. "You're going for your special mud bath, aren't you?"

Rarity raised one eyebrow at her little sister. "How did you find out about that?" She popped the top off the salad and plucked out a single piece of lettuce that tried to escape. "Were you spying on us?"

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and groaned. "No, we weren't spying on you. We just followed you when you were acting strange, and found out what you and Trixie Lulamoon get up to. We didn't spy or anything."

Staring at Sweetie Belle, Rarity tried to follow the fallacy. "Why on Earth would you do that?"

"Unless you missed it, we have been attacked twice by crazy mind-controlling monsters. We were just making sure you were okay…" Sweetie Belle hung her head.

The answer stung Rarity because not only was it right, but it showed that her sister cared for her enough to go out of her way on a hunch. "You're right. If you and your friends wanted to, you could come with us. It really does leave your skin so soft." Rarity smiled dreamily, her anticipation of the day threatening to overwhelm her.

"Eww! And get all dirty?" Sweetie Belle screwed her face up as if she had bitten a lemon. "No thanks. But thanks." She spared a smile for her sister, knowing that despite it not being something she wanted to do, Rarity had still offered. "You really do live up to that generosity thing, don't you?"

"Of course." Rarity nibbled at her breakfast, making sure not to mar her lip gloss. "But I do mean it. You should come and just relax for a day. We take it in turns pampering each other; a little work means a lot of delight."

"Maybe next time." Putting the last piece of toast in her mouth, Sweetie Belle lifted and finished off her juice.

In truth, Rarity was a little glad Sweetie Belle hadn't taken her up on the offer. Though they were all girls at the mud bath, it was—of course—done topless. "Did you want a ride to the mall? I am driving down that way, after all."

"No thanks. We're going to walk." Sweetie Belle took her plates to the dishwasher and loaded them in. "I hope your day goes well!"

Checking her watch, Rarity gasped. "I'm going to be later than fashionably late!" Her exclamation got a giggle from her sister. "Have fun at the movies!" Grabbing what was left of her breakfast and her handbag, Rarity made her way outside and into her car.

Driving out onto the street, Rarity spotted the Canterlot Mall a few blocks away, and renewed her promise to find a summer job. It wasn't all that far to Trixie Lulamoon's home, and in no time at all she was pulling into her friend's driveway. Another car was parked, too, and Rarity knew exactly who it would be.

Walking up to the house, Rarity was just about to knock on the door when a voice called to her from the side of Trixie's large home.

"Rarity, we're already getting started. Come around back with the rest of us." Fuchsia Blush waved to Rarity, and pointed back behind the house. She waited for the impeccably dressed belle of CHS made her way around. "Trixie figured she would get started on the mud. You look great, by the way." No matter that Fuchsia had done more than the usual amount of work on primping, she still didn't match Rarity for sheer style.

"Thank you, darling, you look very chic yourself. You might want to use a little more eye shadow next time. Maybe I could show you what would make your eyes really shine?" Stepping beside Fuchsia, Rarity noticed she was wearing her usual colors, but had traded out her usual leggings for stockings.

"That would be amazing!" Excited, Fuchsia almost bounced. "You should see what Lavender did with her hair, it is really something."

The pair approached what had been a boathouse, but had at some point had an old Jacuzzi fitted when the river's water level dropped. Now, two industrious girls—Trixie Lulamoon and Lavender Lace—were standing shin-deep in the mud, shoveling it into the huge tub.

Trixie's dress was hiked up to her waist, and she had already divested herself of her shoes. She wore a simple light blue shirt. Spotting Rarity on the platform where boats would have docked (about five feet above the height of the tub), she smiled. "Look, Lavender, our replacements are here."

Lavender Lace was a long way from the grace of her name. She was wearing the shortest shorts she owned, and had a simple t-shirt on. "The tubs half full, grab a shovel. Because you're late, Rarity, you get first duty." With that said, Lavender planted her shovel in the mud, and grabbed the hem of her shirt. When she pulled upwards, she revealed that she hadn't worn a bra under the top, and simply turned around and fell into the rich mud with a plop. Her thrown shirt landed on the dock beside Rarity.

More sedate with her own disrobing, Trixie pulled her dress up and over her head, taking her shirt with it. Trixie was wearing a light blue bra under her shirt, but climbed up to the dock to secure her dress first. "The Great and Powerful Trixie is happy you made it." She slipped her bra off too, and set it with her things. With all the poise of a walrus, Trixie dropped down and landed in the huge, mud filled tub with a wet sploop!

Slipped her dress down, Rarity kicked her shoes off, and started unbuttoning her shirt. "It's fair enough, those are the rules we made." Reaching behind her back, she unhooked her own bra and dropped it on the dock with her carefully folded dress. She hadn't always been quite so open with her own nudity, but Fuchsia, Trixie, and Lavender had seen her before, and she hardly wanted to get her good things dirty.

A little shiver rushed through Rarity, and for just a moment she wondered what the girls' response would be if she slipped out of her panties too. They were going to get horribly dirty, but she knew the mud washed out of the sturdy fabric. She took a deep breath, and decided—what with her new "class" starting in the evening—she would do it. She waited for Fuchsia to climb down into the thick mud, and slipped out of her panties.

Sky-clad like a pagan priestess, Rarity jumped off the edge of the dock and sank up to mid thigh in the thick mud at the bottom. "Hop in, Fuchsia, I have a little trick I wanted to try."

Blinking at Rarity's nakedness, Fuchsia Blush shrugged and climbed into the tub as well. "Didn't want to get your panties in a bunch?" Old habits died hard, but at least her pun was nicely related to Rarity's situation.

"I just thought it would be nice to feel it everywhere, you know?" Fetching the two shovels, Rarity set them to the side and flexed the part of herself that worked magic. Visualizing what she wanted, she felt the rush of excitement as she ponied up. Her ears migrated to the top of her head, and her hair lengthened so much that the shawl was lost, and worse, her hair was in the mud. Ignoring the muck—after all she would soon be neck-deep in it—she used one of her magic shields to scoop a whole pile of mud up and into the tub.

Three voices cried out in shock for a moment, then laughed.

"I vote Rarity fills the tub from now on!" Lavender had mud covering her completely now, and she relaxed into the grip of it. Every movement took more effort than it was worth, so she just calmed down and set her head onto the soft side of the tub.

"You need to be naked to do that?" Gesturing with a mud-covered arm, Fuchsia gestured at Rarity.

"No, Darling. As I said, I just wanted to feel completely liberated. Now, the usual?" Using more of her magic, Rarity pulled the little box down from where it was safely dry beside the tub. She watched two pink feet push from the water, and plucked out the pedicure kit first.

For Fuchsia, getting her feet done while relaxing in a huge tub of therapeutic mud was just about the best thing ever, which was what their Mud Days were all about. Each would take turns pampering one of the others. Cotton wool was carefully placed between each of her toes, which made Fuchsia sigh. "You are the best at this, you know that?"

Rarity knelt in the mud, feeling the gloop grip all the way up to her belly. She was sunk in the mud, now, but of course she knew she was naked. "How have your finals been so far?"

Normal discussion was the order of the day, and it was easy for the girls to forget that they were all mostly naked, laying in mud, and just behave like regular friends talking about the week. By the time Rarity was done with Fuchsia's toes and nails (dried, of course), everyone was ready to shift along. Trixie was on the end of the tub, and Fuchsia was to be her servant for a time.

When Rarity slipped down into the mud, there was a primal sense of rightness about it. She felt it on every inch of skin—even her face when she closed her eyes and dipped her head down. Wiping mud from her mouth, Rarity blew her nose in as lady-like manner as she could.

"Okay, hold on a second." Lavender sat up in the tub and pulled her legs up. "I gotta try this, because Rarity can't have all the fun." Shimmying around, she produced a pair of mud-stained shorts, and threw them up onto the dock above. Slipping down, she gasped when the cool mud contacted her privates.

None of the girls noticed the short, thin worms in the mud. The parasite larva were not even an inch long, and didn't move in the daylight hours, with their prey nearby. When Trixie, and finally Fuchsia, divested themselves of their underwear, there were more plops of dark, mud-stained clothing on the dock above.

When it came time for Rarity's treatment, she was surprised to have Trixie volunteer to take Lavender's turn. Rarity looked up at Trixie, and slowly rolled over in the mud. "A massage, please." A tingle of arousal flickered in Rarity the moment she said it, and she had to bite her lip at the warmth between her legs.

"You saved Trixie at the camp, so don't expect this too often, but thank you." Trixie climbed into the tub and straddled Rarity's waist. Her weight forced Rarity a little deeper into the goop, but it was the best position to do what she knew Rarity wanted. Leaning forward, dripping mud from her arms, chest, and chin, Trixie gently took hold of Rarity's shoulders.

The first stroke of Trixie's fingers on her shoulders had Rarity exhale sharply. She closed her eyes, relaxing every muscle and sank a little more with her nose and mouth barely above the mud. Each movement of Trixie's strong fingers—trained by hours spent practicing guitar—was pure bliss, and despite the situation being completely non-sexual, Rarity's mind drew up a scenario where her slave girl would see to her every whim.

Not only was Rarity naked in the mud, but Trixie was too, which added to Rarity's fantasy. What really did it for her, however, was that Trixie almost seemed to act perfectly in the part of a slave girl. When muscle-teasing fingers worked further and further down her back, Rarity felt Trixie adjust her position, and resume.

"Trixie thinks we are almost at the point where Rarity would have to pay a very, ahem, professional masseuse to continue." Despite Trixie's words, her hands worked on, not stopping until she was massaging Rarity's rump. Part of her was excited to be able to work her hands over Rarity, while two other parts of her were both platonically grateful for being saved, and jealous of Rarity's body, respectively.

"My thighs too?" Despite Rarity knowing she should say "please," even thinking the word, half in her fantasy still, seemed impossible. Rarity shifted, lifting one leg up and offering it to Trixie. Eager hands found her thigh, and sent her once more into blissful relaxation.