Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

A day in the mind of a stoner brony

Chapter 12

I awoke with a smile on my face. The tension and pressure from the past few days gone. Waking up to no worries is the best. But the best part is waking up with my lover next to me, snuggled up close and hoof over my chest.

I smiled to myself, remembering last night. That was my first time, and with a pony! I don't care, still felt great.

I looked over at Twilight, still asleep. I nudged her with my nose.

She slowly opened her eyes and blinked at me. She began to smile brightly, "Good morning Lance."

I smiled back, "Morning Twilight." I gave her a peck on the cheek.

She blushed, "Last night was interesting."

I smiled, hell yeah it was, "It sure was. I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime." I said as I stroked her slightly messed up mane.

She smiled and sat up, "Oh no! I forgot I told Spike I would be back before it became to late!"

I sat up next to her and put a hoof over her, "I'm sure hes okay Twilight."

She looked at me and smiled, "Maybe, but I still need to get back to check on him."

I nodded, "We can go back to Ponyville, I have nothing to do today."

"Thank you Lance, now let me get my hair done and we'll head out."

"Alright, I'll be down stairs." I said as I stood and left the room.

When I closed it behind me and turned, I was greeted by David, grinning from ear to ear.

I looked at him strangely, "What?"

He nodded, putting on a smirk, "I heard you and Twilight last night."

My eyes widened in surprise, "What! I mean.. What are you talking about."

He laughed at me, "Dude, I heard her screams and moans through the walls. I also heard you moaning."

I shook my head, "No! I wasn't moaning, she was the one doing the moaning."

He smiled victoriously, "So you admit to having sex with her then."

Damn it! He tricked me into answering him, "Well, that's one thing you don't have and probably won't get."

David smiled and laughed loudly, "Oh yeah. I have something you don't."

"What would that be?"

He turned his flank to me to reveal a... Cutie mark! It was a paint brush with a canvas next to it.

"How did you..."

He smiled, "I figured out that I was great at drawing. Then this baby appeared. To bad you don't have one."

And I'm still a blank flank, "I'll have one soon."

"What are you good at then?"

I have no idea, "I'll figure it out."

"Of course you will." He said while slugging me in the arm playfully.


Greg's eyes popped open.

Where Am I?! Did I forget to... Oh that's right. I'm in magic talking pony land, sweet.

He nodded his head lazily and stood up. Books about magic falling off him.

Wow man! What was I doing last night? That's right, learning magic to bring my magic plant here. Once I figure it out...awww yeah!

Greg walked over to the door and turned the nod and pushed. The door didn't open.

What the hell man! Why won't this damn door... Oh, its pull not push. He pulled the door open and walked out into the hall.

He heard two voices coming from the stairs. But who cares, he needs to get out into the environment and find that purple plant that was in that one book.

He walked over to the front door with a lag in his step. He looked up the stairs to see Lance and David talking.

Greg shrugged and opened the door and left the house.

That magic plant grows in... umm.... what was that place called... That's right! It grows in... shit I forget. Maybe if I walk to around, I may see the magic plant.

He began walking down the street.

A white mare walked up to him and looked at him strangely, "I do say, but what are you doing here in Canterlot.'

Greg looked over at her and got a stupid grin on his face, "Dude! A talking marshmallow! Fucking sweet!"

The mare looked him over, "Are you right in the head?"

Gregg let out a messed up laugh, one drunk person would use, "Right in the head? I think... I think I should be asking you if you was... what was that again... Shit! Oh that's right... How much for five minutes?"

The mare looked at him like he was crazy, which he seemed like, "I beg your pardon?"

He reached into his saddlebag David gave him and pulled out two bits that Lance had given him, "Here, that should cover it... you don't look like your worth more than that."

The mare, finally understanding, backed away in disgust, "Sir!"

Greg stood on his two back hoofs and waved her off with his top two, "Awww, screw you. You seem like the stuck up kind anyway."

She turned and put her head in the air and walked off.

Greg laughed loudly, so that everypony could hear him.

He put another stupid grin on his face and began walking away. Magic plant that increases a unicorns powers, I'm on my way.


Winona paced back and forth. She stomped and stomped her paws against the ground.

Stupid Louie, doing that and running away. How dare that mutt! She stopped her paws again and barked loudly.

If I have pups, I'm sending them all his way!


Greg stood in the library of Lance's home, holding the purple plant the book said would increase a unicorns powers and give them all knowledge of magic for a short time.

He smiled to him self, now to just eat this magical plant and I'll be able to bring my magic plant here.

He swallowed the purple plant whole and coughed. That taste like crap!

Oh wait a second, whats this strange feeling in my stomach! I think its... its.

A pop came from behind him. Greg started laughing crazily. Awww man, just gas.

His head started to spin out of control. Wow man, it feels like I'm high.

There was a pulsing in his brain, followed by a cold feeling.

He looked straight up and yelled, "I know every thing!"

Greg looked over at the plain old plant on the table and focused his new found magic on it. The plant glowed and disappeared for a second. It reappeared as something a different kind of plant. Marijuana.

Greg smiled to him self. Hell yeah! I've brought weed to pony land!

He nodded to himself a few times before smiling. Idea! He picked up a pile of scrolls and placed them on the table. Once again focusing his magic on them. They to disappeared and reappeared. This time as something different.

Greg jumped with joy. I brought blunts here to! I can now have an endless supply of them.

His head began to spin again.

He shook his head and blinked. Awww, there goes my magic pony powers. But at least I have the weed!

A smiled formed on his face, "Party time!"


I walked up the stairs to my room. I'm so glad to be home.

After taking Twilight home, I went to work for over time. Which was harder than normal work. Then had to fly home, in a damn wind storm. That is hard as hell to do.

I sighed and walked up to my door. I put my hoof on the nob but stopped. I smell smoke, but not just normal smoke. Smoke with a scent behind it. Kinda like...

I walked over to Greg's door and opened. I was met with a wall of smoke that blew out of the room and into my face. I coughed loudly.

"Lance, buddy, amigo, dude! How ya.... what was I saying... Who am I talking to?"

I looked in the room to see Greg, a blunt in his mouth. Where the hell did you get that?! "Greg! Where did you get that thing?!"

He laughed, "Magic book told me to go to forest and pick magic purple flower. It... it gave me something... Oh yeah, it gave me magic to bring my magic plant here."

I knew I should have locked the library last night. "Greg, put it out. Its unhealthy for you."

He shook his head, "Have you seen the news man! It can save... save... save something."

I shook my head and walked in, "Give it."

He turned his head, the blunt still in his mouth, "No!"

Damn, its like talking to a child, "Hand it over. Now!'

He turned to me, "Want it, come get it." He stood up and made a brake for the door. But was to out of it to know where the door was and slammed into the wall, hard.

I smiled to my self, "Now, hand it over."

He looked up at me dazed, "You'll have to dig it out." He said as he swallowed the blunt, still light.

I winced, that had to burn going down.

Greg shook his head and looked up at me, "Get it now."

I laughed, I couldn't help it, "Dude, I hope that burns your ass coming out."

I walked out of the room laughing.

If only I was watching where I was going. The smoke must have made me sort of high, because I didn't see the stairs coming up.

I tripped on the top one and began to roll down them, my head connecting with each one.

A loud slam singled me hitting the bottom floor.

David ran out of his room and looked down, "Shit man! You okay."

I looked up, my vision doubled. "What do you think!" My head slumped back and I passed out.


I opened my eyes and gasped loudly. I sat up quickly and looked around. A hospital? Good, David was able to get me to one.

I put my hands to my face... HANDS!

I looked down at myself. Human? I'm human again, what the hell is going on?!

"Lance! Your awake!" Said a familiar voice.

I looked over to see Jane. But how? "What the..."

She put her hand on my back, "I know, you want to know what happened."

Unsure of what to do, I nodded.

"When we was at the party, you fell back laughing when the clock struck twelve. But you didn't get back up. Luckily, you was just in a sort of coma."

A coma? A fucking coma! But, Equestria. The ponies. Twilight. It all looked and felt so real. This can't be!

I shook my head and pushed her hand off my back.

She smiled, "I know what your going through. Can I do anything?"

I looked at her blankly, "Leave."

She looked confused, "What?"

I looked back, slightly angered, "Leave now! Please."

She nodded and left the room.

How could all that be a dream. I could feel everything, see everything, taste everything! Please tell me god decided to take back the rapture!

I pulled the IV's out of my arms and stood. If that's true, then I don't want to live. I want to go back to Equestria!

A weird feeling came over me, like everything around me was sped up. Weird?

A voice, sweet and loving echoed through the room, "Lance, please be okay."

Twilight? Was that Twilight?

The feeling returned, this time it felt faster.

Again the same voice echoed through the room, "Lance, I found out something. Please wake up soon."

Whats going on here?

The feeling appeared again, this time more distressed, "Please, please wake up. I love you."

Then everything stopped, no sound, no movement, no nothing. Just me in a empty hospital room.

I walked to the window and looked down. Ten stories up huh?

The same voice, this time struck with a sadness that broke my heart, "If you don't wake up.. I don't think I can live much longer without you. I've been by your side this whole time, I can't bring my self to leave you."

I fell to my knees and started crying. Crying harder than I have ever before. I looked down to the street below. Nothing moving. A frozen world.

I shook my head, I can't keep going, not without her.

I stood and wiped my nose with my arm.

The voice returned, "I love you Lance."

I picked up a chair, and charged through the window.

I began falling, fast. As I fell, I had but one thought. I'm better off dead than with out her.

My body hit the concrete, but no pain was felt.


I felt my self coming to, like I was asleep for days.

Where am I? Please don't tell me I survived that fall.

"Lance!" Said a familiar, sweet and loved filled voice.

I looked over and almost screamed in delight. Twilight!

Tears filled her eyes, "Lance, they kept telling me you would never wake up. I knew they was wrong." She said as she jumped up on the hospital bed and wrapped her arms around me in a tight embrace.

Whats going on? "What happened?"

She pulled back, a smile of joy on her face, "You was in a coma for awhile."

"How long is a while?"

She looked down then back up, "Almost two months."

I opened my eyes in shock. Two months! So I wasn't back on earth, it must have been a dream. A horrible dream.

"Two months!"

She nodded, "I haven't left your side since. I just couldn't bare leaving you in this small room alone."

I smiled and wrapped my hoofs around her, "I know, I think I heard you in a dream I was having."

She nuzzled my neck, "A dream?"

"Yeah. More like a nightmare."

She sat back, "A nightmare? What was it about?"

"I was back on earth, and this place was just a dream. I couldn't live without you, so I jumped..." I let my voice trail off.

Twilight smiled and pulled me into a tight hug, "Its okay Lance. Your back here, and I'm going to make sure you stay here."

I smiled and joined her in the embrace, "Thanks Twilight."

She then sat back and looked uneasy.

I looked at her, "Whats wrong Twilight?"

She gulped, "Lance, I have to tell you something the doctors told me a month ago."

What could it be? "What did they say?"

She looked down.

I put a hoof over her, "You can tell me."

She nodded and looked me in the eyes. "I'm pregnant."