The spongebob and my little pony musical

by jedibrony567

chapter 7: parriots and a ghost/ poor pirates

Back at the city, tempest was interrogating capper, Ren, and stimpy of where our heros were heading to. Ren and stimpy were shaking in fear.

“Ok, Ok, No need for violence.” Capper said. “They’re heading-” But he paused for a moment when he saw the buttons rarity gave him earlier and remembered her generosity to him, making him not want to betray her again. “They’re heading east to black skull island.”

“But I thought-” Stimpy said before ren smacked him since he didn’t want to betray them either.

“Yep that’s where their going.” Ren said giggling nervously.

Tempest and grubber weren't so sure they were telling the truth.

“So, uh, glad to be observance to his majesty, the storm king, we’ll just be on our way.” Capper said before he, ren and stimpy were stopped by tempest’s guards.

“ When I get my princess,” Tempest said. “Until then, your fate is still in the air.”

“Oh your going in to spair, which is a boat, an airboat.” grubber said.

Ren and stimpy cried as the three of them were brought on board and grubber compliment to tempest of how they made a great team.

Meanwhile, on a familiar looking ship to spongebob, the gang was hiding from the crew which oddly consisted of anthropomorphic parriots.

“What do you think twilight?” applejack whispered to her. “Should we ask them to take us?”

“Last time we trusted somepony he tried to sell us.” Twilight whispered back.

“Well he shouldn’t be as worse as these guys.” squidward said. “I mean look at this ship, disgusting. I’m going to complain to the lazy guy who owns this crude.”

“I swear I seen this boat before, but where?” spongebob wondered. When all of a sudden, They were caught by one of the crew members. Everyone but SpongeBob gasped.

“Hey guys, come check this out.” The large green parrot said as the other crew members came to see what’s going on.

“Looks like a group of stowaways.” The parrot with the eye patch said.

“What are we suppose to do with them?” asked the female parrot while another parrot with a metal beak brawked in curiousity as well.

“Well we could rid them of their innocence.” the large green one said while SpongeBob was still wondering who’s ship it was.

“What about starving them.” the eye patch one said causing Patrick to gasped.

“Or squish them.” The female one said causing plankton to gasp.

“Well actually, I Think we tie them up.” The large green one said causing applejack to gasp.

“Or we clip their wings.” The female one said causing rainbow to flinch.

“No, we scar them.” The eye patch parrot said causing rarity to scream a bit.

“Emotionally.” He finished causing fluttershy to cry. “But the second in command would rather take their souls.”

SpongeBob then realized who it was who own the ship because it was also the only person he knew who would take souls. “Ok, now I know who it is, Now I just need to place the name.” He said thinking again.

When a green smoke appeared as the parrots made way for a ghoulish ghost pirate. “AAAAAAAOOOOOWWWAAAAAAA.”

“No, no, it’s not AAAAAAAOOOOOWWWAAAAAAA.” SpongeBob said still thinking while everyone else was shocked.

“Tis I! THE FLYING DUTCHMAN!” He said introducing himself.

“OHHHHHHH The flying Dutchman that’s it.” SpongeBob said realizing now.

“AAAAHHHH! SpongeBob, what are you doing here!?” the Dutchman said in shock and fear since he was annoyed by SpongeBob many times.

“Oh it’s a long story Mr. Dutchman.” SpongeBob said. “But first, squidward wants to complain to you.”

The flying Dutchman gave Squidward a cold stare with one eye which made him afraid.

“I-I-I-I-I-uh no I don’t.” Squidward said.

“Then what was all that fuss with him having a dirty ship and being lazy?” pinkie said. the Dutchman and the parrots gasped while Twilight gave an angry look at pinkie not wanting to get in more trouble.

“I-I never said that.” squidward said giggling nervously.

“Their’s only one type of man who is worse than a man insulting a mans ship.” The large green parrot said.

“And that’s?” Spike asked curiously.

“A man insulting a man’s mother.” the Dutchman answered.

“No, no wait it was his mother you said was dirty, not his ship.” SpongeBob said remembering wrong causing twilight to turn her angry look at him while the Dutchman burned squidward with flames coming from his nose while the parrots laughed.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!” Squidward yelled in pain. “ow.”

“Your next.” The Dutchman said while aiming his nostrils at SpongeBob and Patrick. They screamed and then jumped off the ship.

“SPONGEBOB, PATRICK!” Shouted twilight distress of their fate of falling from a flying ship.

“That was a close one.” SpongeBob and Patrick both said in relief only to somehow land back on the ship.

“Welcome back.” The Dutchman greeted while the others (besides the parrots) wondered how that happen.

“AAAAAHHHHHH!” SpongeBob and Patrick screamed before jumping off again.

“That was a closer one.” SpongeBob said when he and Patrick somehow fell on the boat again.

“Welcome back.” The Dutchman said again but SpongeBob and Patrick screamed and jumped off the boat again.

“Uhhh are you doing that twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“No.” Twilight said awkwardly. “I don’t know what’s going on.”

“This is starting to weird me out.” Plankton said.

“Wait a minute,” Squidward said. “How come when they act up, all they get is the welcome wagon? If you ask me, it’s-” Squidward was about to finish but the flying Dutchman burned him again. “AAAAHHHHHHHHH!” Then SpongeBob and Patrick landed on the ship again.

“So, Are you gonna try that again?” The Dutchman asked.

“Probably.” Patrick answered causing the Dutchman to burn squidward a third time.

“How about now?” The Dutchman asked again.

“Wellllllllll-” Patrick said before squidward covered his lip.

“No, No their not!” Squidward sighed in reliefed only to once again be burned by the Dutchman. “AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait.” The eye patch parrot said. “What say the book captain celaeno?”

Then a female pegged leg parrot approached everyone holding a book with the same symbol of the storm king. she opened the book finding the rule of what to do with stowaways. “Storm kings rule says..........Throw them overboard.”

Everyone was confused because of what happened with SpongeBob and Patrick while one of the parrots opened up the plank.

“Wait a minute.” Plankton said. “What’s the point in throwing us overboard if were gonna end up like those two idiots?”

“Hold on, I got the second part.” The Dutchman said getting his storm king rule book out. He put on a monocle and began to read the second part. “ahem, Once the stowaways have gone overboard by force (stowaways going overboard willingly doesn’t count.) and land back on the flying Dutchman's ship, they must become members of his ghostly crew, and be under supreme command of the storm king forever........and uh ever.”

This showed that SpongeBob and Patrick going overborad willingly didn’t mean squat but they were all about to be forced off.

“SpongeBob, I’ll let you go at the next stop we make since I would rather suffer a thousand physical painful things in my old body then have you around.” The Dutchman said. SpongeBob wasn’t about to let his friends suffer a horrible fate.

“No Dutchman,” He said. “If they go overboard by force, I go overboard by force.”

But the Dutchman threw SpongeBob aside behind him and the parrots as they were ready to do the deed until a whistle blew loudly.

“ALRIGHT, THAT’S LUNCH!!!!” Captain celaeno shouted.

The next thing SpongeBob, twilight, and the others knew, they were having lunch with the flying Dutchman and the parrots. It was some sorta mush with bird seed in it. They were all confused of why they would do that after almost throwing them overboard. Rainbow dash was the first to speak up.

“Woah, woah, woah, so you were about to toss us overboard, and you stop for a lunch break?”

Twilight was annoyed at rainbow because she needed time to convince them not to do that.

“I don’t understand, is their a gas leak in hear?” plankton asked.

“Storm king only allows one break a day for meals and it’s back to all and goods.” The large green parrot said.

“So your delivery guys?” spike asked.

“And gals,” Celaeno said. “The uniforms aren’t doing us any favors.”

“Aye, even for a ghost like me, these are real itchy.” The Dutchman said scratching his shoulder a lot.

“Then can you deliver us to mount eris?” Twilight asked.

“Sorry, we only do the storm kings orders, or we suffer his wrath.” Celaeno said.

“Right.” Twilight said. “Still going overboard.”

“But what about you dutchy?” SpongeBob asked. “Your the most fearsome, scariest ghost in the world I know, why would you take orders from some king?”

The Dutchman was touched by SpongeBob's complement so he decided to explain. “Well you see, Three months ago, The storm king wanted to make a deal with me to work for him as long as he saw fit. In exchange, I would get his soul. I agreed to it, but I realized too late he has no soul. So now, I’m forced to work for him till he gets board of me. But It’s not all that bad. These parrots have been very nice to me since they know how it feels to be force to work for the storm king and were like family now. But He change all my rules and laughed about it.”

“Oh, I’m so sorry that happened.” SpongeBob said in pity for him.

“Well, Don’t take the overboard thing personal.” The pink parrot said. “Pudding?”

“Yes please.” Patrick said.

“Theirs pudding?” Rarity said in delight but it turned out to be more mush with bird seed. Rarity was disappointed while Patrick ate hardily.

“Can I have that?” Patrick asked rarity.

“Gladly.” Rarity said in discuss while she gave Patrick the slop and he gobbled it down.

“You weren’t always delivery people, were you?” Rainbow asked. “What about before the storm king?”

“Yeah, we use to be much more adventurous.” Celaeno answered a bit depressed. She removed a storm king poster revealing a flag with a skull and crossed bones behind it.

“Oooo, I met that guy at the desert.” Pinkie said since the skull was a bird skull. Rainbow was amazed.

“Woah, you use to be.....Pirates?” Rainbow said.

“Uh we prefer the term swash buckling treasure hunters.” The eye patch parrot said.

“So pirates?” Rainbow said.

“...Yes, We use to be pirates.” The Dutchman said confirming rainbows answer. “But even before the storm king got us, we still didn’t had it all easy back then. Sure, sailing the seas or air is thrilling, and looking for treasure is exciting, but not even pirates have it easy. Not even today.”

“what do you mean?” SpongeBob asked.

“Allow me to explain in song.” The Dutchman said as he and the parrots got instruments and began singing how hard being a pirate is.