Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 3

Strange Town 004 part 3

"This here is all ya fault, Cross!" this time it was Applejack to cut him off.

"uh, I'm trying to tell y-" bulk once again began.

"My fault? Just how do you figure that!?" I asked.

"Well for starters ya took way to long gatherin tha wood!" she answered getting considerably louder.

"Maybe scraps are fine for you but not me. Besides, your the one who wouldn't shut up!" I replied in a simular tone.

"An just how was I sposed ta ignore all the hurtful thangs ya were sayin!!" Applejack shouted back.

"Well for starters you shut your mouth!! That must sound like a foreign concept to a country bumpkin like you!!" I replied in a louder tone than her.

"I'm trying to tell thou guys... Could you just..." While we argued Bulk Biceps was trying to tell us something to no avail as we kept talking over him. He was becoming more and more annoyed as he was ignored until finally he couldn't take it any more.
"BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!!! He shouted at us... Which he quickly came to regret.

"WHAT!!!" Applejack shouted, turning all her anger and frustration from me to him.

I didn't say anything as I turned my focus to the big guy, but if looks could kill my glare would have melted a hole through his skull.

"Uh... Well, I...". He quickly realised the bad position he was in as he lost all confidence. He was nervous but needed to continue, if he didn't there was gonna be repercussions for stepping between the two.
"Well, I kinda, sorta... did it."

"Huh?" both Applejack and myself said.

"wha do ya mean ya did it?" A confused Applejack asked, her tone now more normal.

"Oh, well you two were arguing and I didn't want to get involved... I don't handle confrontation very well. Anyway,I didn't wanna just sit around and do nothing, so I made the birdhouse" Bulk Biceps triumphantly said as he held the aforementioned birdhouse above his head.
It was somewhat crudely constructed but without question it was a birdhouse.

"But... how? I still have the drill. how were you able to-... Actually, I don't care" I said in a monotone voice. "I didn't have to do anything, so I guess everything worked out."

"Wha? How can ya say that? This was supposed ta be a group activity" Applejack began to argue.

"Why can't you just be happy for him? He took the initiative and really came through for the team" I replied with fake enthusiasm.

"Hmmmm" Applejack growled under her voice as she looked away.

"Well what about you Der-... Ditzy. Did you make anything while Applejack slacked off?" I sarcastically asked to annoy the farm girl.

"Yup!" Ditzy excitedly responded as she held her hand out. In her hand was a small rectangular block of wood, about the size of a bar of soap. The sides and corners completely rounded, she had created it by sanding down a plank of wood with the sand paper I handed her earlier.

"Huh, well that wasn't exactly what we were supposed to do. Guess that's what we get for not supervising you... But on the other hand no one's on fire so, Good job" I mocked as I gave her a thumbs up.

She clearly didn't understand I was mocking her as her excitement grew. "thanks. You can have it" Ditzy happily said as she held the wooden block closer to me.

"Oh, good...?" I said as I grabbed the block. "I could probably find a use for this?..." (I'm probably just gonna through this at Flash.) I thought as I slipped it into the inside of my jackets pocket.

While Bulk Biceps took our bird house to the teacher the rest of us put away the tools and cleaned the table. As we cleared away our mess I noticed all the other groups had managed to finish building there birdhouses... Well, almost everyone.
The group with the purple haired fashionista apparently hadn't even began. Seems they never even finished there blueprints.

I could over hear the girl... (I think her name wa Rarely... Or something like that) arguing with the teacher. Actually it was more like she was whining.

"Of course we never got started!!! How do you expect me to create a dazzling masterpiece of beauty and delight when all where given to use are some dried up twigs!!! My creative genius is being squandered. I refuse to create something so ugly, so wretched, so... Bland!!!" The prissy fashionista whined.

Despite the girls melodramatic outburst Mr Print just seemed bored and annoyed as he responded, kinda like his done this before. "Rarity, we've been over this before, Functionality over style. Birds are dumb, there not gonna know the difference."

"Well I'll have you know I have a friend who knows a thing or two about animals and trust me, they know!" the prissy fashionista named Rarity (I was close) proudly responded like her point meant something.

The amount of pride she had in that statement gained the same reaction from the teacher as it did me, confusion. It was an odd thing to take pride in the fact that someone claims birds notice style.
The rest of the people from her group didn't seem to care. Actually, they looked exhausted, probably from having to deal with her all day.

Luckily for Mr Print the bell rang signaling the end of third period. He quickly shooed the girl away and a bit of life returned to her team mates who were now free of her.
I was in no rush to as I slowly left as my next class was science.
(I can't believe it's only the fourth period! usually classes go by much faster, I gueas it could be cause I interacted with others for once... Or because of the stress of possibly being hunted by a monster! It actually slipped my mind, I was suppose to be keeping an eye out for it. Guess I kinda got distracted by those morons... Although it wasn't completely boring. Not to often someone stands up to me, especially for so long. And those other two didn't seem to mind me all that much either... No! The only reason Applejack stood up to me is because she's a idiot. she doesn't understand what she's doing, same for the other two. Der-... Ditzy Doo kept misunderstanding me and Bulk Biceps was just desperate to part of a group. That was just an isolated incident) I thought as I put the group activity behind me and focused my mind on the task at hand. Hunting the Hunter.

As I walked to class I noticed the lighter had cooled down. That was probably due to it needing to back off and assume a new form. It's been following me since second period but it can't keep the same form due to classes having different students. It needs to take the form of someone absent... Wait! Can they only take the form of people? What if they can take the form of objects as well? That would allow it to be in the class if no one's absent.

The sudden theory was causing me to become frustrated. I didn't know enough about the creatures to make any plans, well not without looking suspicious any way. But one thing was certain, for now it wasn't watching me.

(I guess while it's not watching me I'll go see if a new missing posters have been made) I thought as I took out the torn remains of the old poster from my jacket and dumped em in a bin. (I could probably fix it but it's easier to get a new one.) And with that thought I made my way to the student bulletin board.

I quickly arrived at the student bulletin board and began scanning over it. There were many different postings from different students and clubs to be found, even some advertisements.

The Greener Earth club had put up a poster on the proper way to recycle.

A 'Learn the TRUTH' poster was clearly from the occult club. I doubt they actually know anything.

'Vote Blueblood' poster was placed next to a 'Vote for Mare' poster. (guess she replaced some of her propaganda after I took it down) I thought as I moved Bluebloods poster directly over his opposition.

Another post was on a big pink cardboard a3 sheet 'FIRST EVER ANNUAL I CAN'T WAIT CAKE-OFF FUN-TACTLAR' (...I don't know we're to even begin with this).

There were many other posts, some looking to get members for there clubs like the music, chess and drama clubs.
Others advertised events, telling us to come support our school such as our next football match which was against Clouds-dale high. Another was about the reopening of Golden Oaks Library.
One was for something called the 'Rain Booms' whatever that was, the words awesome was repeated quite a few times throughout and a claim to be '20% cooler than other band's'. (guess there some kind a school band).

'Time Turner Tutoring'. 'Trixy the Great and Powerful... Available for Birthdays'. 'Flim Flam brother's... Ya need it we got it'. 'DJpon3'. The board was full of stuff like this, non of it helpful. I couldn't find one for the missing kids no matter how hard I searched.

(Maybe I should have held onto the torn poster, I probably could have stuck it back together. I thought a new one would have been posted by now... Guess I'll just have to come bac-) my thought is cut short as I see two purple slender hands in the corner of my eye pinning something to the bulletin board, that something being exactly what I need. An updated poster of the missing students.

Turning to my side I see it's the smart lavender girl who's put up the poster. I've never really gotten a good look at her before, partially due to the fact that she's never done anything to gain my interest.

In terms of hight she's shorter than me by roughly half a head. Her skin is a light purple/lavender shade. She has long straight hair that's tied in a bun with a bowlcut fringe. The colour of her hair is a darker purple than her skin with two streaks side by side, one light purple, the other dark pink. She also wore a pair of black thick framed glasses.
She was wearing a long sleeve light blue t-shirt with a purple button up vest, there was also a dark purple bow tie around her neck. She had a dark purple skirt with the image of a large star surrounded by smaller stars on the side. On her feet were light blue pull up socks that ended just below her knees, she also wore a pair of purple shoes... I don't know what type they were as shoes aren't really my thing.

The girl took notice of me staring at her as she turned to face me with a curious look of her own before speaking. "don't mind me, just putting up a new poster of the missing students." something must have caught her attention as after she finished speaking she squinted her eyes as she focused on me.
"um, your... Cross?"

"And your... Purple?" I sarcastically replied.

"Actually, it's Twilight Sparkle. Not to be confused with that other girl who used to go here with the same name... And looked like me. She moved away, I'm kind of new." she confusingly replied.

"I never met her! and this is the first time we've talked!... Also I don't care! Having a look a like isn't something special to brag about... that's quite common now" I said with little care.

"huh? Oh okay, anyway, did you by any chance... take the missing students poster a few days ago" she nervously asked.

"hmm? Does this answer your question?" I asked as I reached past her and tore the new missing students poster from the bulletin board. Twilight seemed shocked as I smugly grinned at her before I began to walk away.

From behind me I could hear Twilight calling out. "Wait Cross! Why are you taking that? I worked all night to find the right font to use."

Stopping, I turned around with as menacing grin and confidential replied. "Twilight was it? Your smart, so tell me. do you know what kind of person I am?"

"well, going off what my friends say, as well as data I collected. Your kind of... a dick..." Twilight nervously responded.

"Don't be nervous, your right! Most times I do what I do to purposely annoy others, and this is no exception" I calmly tell her as I fold the poster before putting it inside my jacket.

Before I could make my exit Twilight said something I wasn't expecting. "Then why were you looking for Short Stick?"

"What!?" her question caught me off guard. (How did she know about that? Wait, the girl who worked there... Porky Pie? Whatever her name was, she said she goes to this school. She must have told her, but why? Well it was her poster I took). I thought realising I needed to say something to throw her off my trail.
"Bully Bingo!"

"huh? Bully Bingo?" Twilight looked confused.

If I was gonna sell it I needed to truly believe it. So starting now it was real. "That's right, Bully Bingo! It's a game I invented to pass time. I take something from the bulletin board that contains names or photos, then I hunt them down. Points are decided by three things. How much can I take from them, how fast can I find them, and how much can I hurt them" I maliciously lied to her.

Twilight was shocked, but she didn't look convinced as she replied. "But all those people are missing?"

"I like the challenge. Besides, three of them showed up, everyone knows there around somewhere doing drugs or something stupid. There a bunch of loner cry babies who want attention." I coldly answer her before turning once again to leave.

"Those kids could be in real danger! Maybe those three were doing something stupid for attention, and maybe they weren't. We can't jump to the conclusion that just because those three showed up the same can be said for the other seven. People don't know if their situation is related to those three. We need to use every source we can to find them before it's to late. The police can't deal with this, their not even trying... Most people are giving up and for now all I can do is spread the word. it's not much but it's something." Twilight said as if she was giving a heart felt speech.

I stopped as I thought about what she said. "...what do you mean?" I asked.

Twilight, looking hopeful at my interest continued. "every bit of information helps. If we all come together and pool our informat-"

"No!" I interrupted. "What do you mean by, 'the police can't handle it?' they all ready found three of them." I once again turned to face her.

"huh... Oh that, well..." Twilight seemed nervous as she replied." I mean, maybe the three that were found were in a different situation from the remaining seven? They just kinda showed up... I guess."

My instincts told me I was onto something, I just needed to push. "All ten ran away in a similar fashion, leaving simular notes and having simular motives. It's possible the three found just copied what the remaining seven did, but that's not what's got you thinking there's something different between the three that were found and those that are still missing" Twilights eyes were wide with shock as I over annualized what she said.
"No, the reason you think they must be unrelated is because, like you said, 'they just kinda showed up!'"

Twilight looked panicked, she began to fidget with the bottom of her shirt as she looked to her side. "wh-what... That's not, I..." she was tripping over her words, struggling to respond.

I wasn't gonna give her a chance to talk yet as I pushed it a bit further. "why do you find it odd that they just kinda showed up? The kids are runaways, they can come back anytime they want. Then why think of those who did return as separate to those who haven't come back? Is there a reason to believe they shouldn't be able to return? Add what you also said about 'the police not being able to handle it' and it sounds like you know something the rest of us don't!" I said as I intensely watched the girl.

Twilight was absolutely panicked. It was clear she knew something, something she didn't want others to know. The question was how much. She stood there with her mouth agape as she tried and failed to gain any control of the situation as words failed her. Was she shocked because of how intense the situation was becoming, or maybe it was because she wasn't used to seeing a brutish thug like me using his head. Either way she just stood there.

looking at her feet Twilight finally spoke. "I... I gotta go to class" she nervously said as she began to walk past me.

"Science right!" I said Just as she began to pass me. "Were in the same class, so I guess we're going the same way."

"...Yeah" was all Twilight said as she began walking again.

I left a few meters between us as I followed Twilight to science class, she seemed uneasy as I she knew I was watching her from behind.
We soon arrive at class which had already began. Just before entering the class I feel the lighter heat up to my annoyance.

"Twilight Sparkle! Cross! how good of you two to finally join us" said a sarcastic monotone voice. It was the teacher, Mr Reaction.

Mr Reaction, or Chain Reaction if I'm not being formal, was our science teacher. He looked to be around early 20's with spiky medium length hair that was one half black and one half white, his skin was a light yellow. He wore a white Lab coat that covered most of his body and a pair of safety goggles.

"Sorry I'm late. I was putting up a new missing poster for the runaway students" Twilight nervously said.

"That's alright Twilight, you already know most of this stuff anyway" Mr Reaction said before turning to hear my excuse.

"I was tearing down a new missing poster for the runaway students" I bluntly said.

"oh?" he said as he looked to Twilight for confirmation, her loud sigh at Being reminded that I stole her poster right in front of her was all the confirmation he needed. "Well, I guess that explains why you both showed up at the same time. For a second there I thought you two might have secretly been taking... Chemistry Together!!!... Eh! eh!."

"I take chemistry but Cross isn't in my class" Twilight answered.

Mr Reaction was thrown off "what? No, I mean... You know" he noticed me roll my eyes as I headed to a seat in the back. "He gets it!" he said a bit more cheerfully.

From my seat I watch Twilight as she takes a seat next to a cyan girl with rainbow hair. I've seen her hanging around both Applejack and Sunset.

as I watched the lavender girl I thought about the information I had gathered. (it seems as if that girl, Twilight knows something about the situation of the runaway kids. But how much does she actually know about it? Does she know about the creatures? It could be that she's in a similar situation to me, maybe she's seen something or noticed something she shouldn't have and now she doesn't know what to do... That's a theory, but it doesn't help me. It could also be that I over analyzed what she said. She could just be nervous because it was me she was talking to... I have that effect. Either way I don't have anything I can use yet, for now I'll try to keep an eye on her... Although I don't know if it'll do me any good)

As class goes by I keep a watchful eye on Twilight. A couple times she turns my way before quickly turning back around. I want her to know I'm watching her, I could tell she was very nervous. I spot Twilight pass a note to the rainbow haired girl sitting next to her, after reading the note the rainbow haired girl turns and gives me a suspicious look before turning back to twilight and quietly whispering to her as Twilight ripped up the note.

(That's it! Right there, now I'll see if this leads any where) I thought as I grabbed a pencil from the person sitting next to me. "You got sharpener?" I asked the mint green girl who's pencil I had taken.

"am I gonna get this stuff back? I'm kinda borrowing the pencil from a friend." The girl nervously asked.

"Sure...? I guess" I vaguely answered. And with that the girl handed me a sharper.

"Good!... Now what else do you got!" I more or less demanded to her dismay.

After a moment I had gained a stapler and two blank pages torn from her work book.

"Give him a an inch and he'll take a mile" I heard the girl angrily mumble, which I ignored.

Stapling the two blank pages together I made one large sheet of paper, which I then rolled up and put under my jacket. Waiting until there were ten minutes left of class I got up and made my way to the bin at the front of the class, making sure the pencil and sharpener were visible in my hand. With my back to the class I began to sharpen the pencil for a second before taking out the stapled pieces of paper from my jacket. I dropped the sharpener in the bin, pretending to have lost my grip. As I reached into the bin to receive the sharpener I took the stapled paper from my jacket and pushed it down into the bin which was half full. It pushed against the side of the bin so nothing could fall past it from above, you couldn't see that the pages were stapled together as the shadows helped hide it.
With that I made my way back to my desk, dropping the borrowed pencil and sharpener on the mint green girls desk.

"Your welcome!" the girl sarcastically said as she glared at me. I however just ignored her. All I had to do now was wait.

Time past and Finally the bell rung, class was over and it was time for lunch. I stretched back in my seat and let out a yawn as I cracked my back. (That took forever) I thought. The mint green girl didn't hesitate, and before I knew it she was gone. I also felt the lighter cool down as students left. However before I could do the same, two slender cyan hands slammed on my desk.

"Cross! Are you stalking Twilight!" a loud angry obnoxious voice demanded.

As I looked up from my seat I saw the rainbow haired cyan girl standing in front of me. She was looking down at me with an angry expression. I could also see the Nervous Twilight Sparkle standing anxiously at her desk with a look of panic.

" I stalking Twilight?" I confusingly asked as I looked passed the rainbow haired girl and right at Twilight before looking back to her. "No!"

The girl looks back to twilight who gives a nevious smile before turning her attention back at me "Then why have you been... all over her?"

"The hell does that mean!" I replied in a simular tone to hers.

"Your acting weird! You kept staring at her during class, you asked her a bunch of weird questions... apparently. And you've been tearing down her posters." she answered.

At this point I stood up, I was taller than the girl by a head. Looking down at her I replied. "And how is that 'weird' compared to how I usually act! Why don't you tell me what I'm like!"

That threw the girl off as she responded. "well, your brash, you act without any care for others, you generally make others feel uncomfortable... Oh, and your a dick!" The girl answered with a smug look.

"Good. Now tell me, how does everything I did not meet thone standards?" I replied confidently.

"Because..." the girl froze up, her eyes going wide at the realisation. In terms of my character I was acting normal.
Tearing down her posters was me being a dick, staring at her intensely made her uncomfortable, any questions or the pressure caused by them were also me just giving her a hard time.
"Well... I guess that is just normal for you" the girl said with a confused look on her face.

"That's right Pride Parade! Before you go accusing me of something, you should make sure you got proof. The reason I was intensely watching your friend there is because I've been on edge recently and have been looking for someone to take my frustration out on. Usually I would just nap for the whole class, but I'm really on edge! So maybe you and your little friend should get out of my face if you'ld rather avoid a trip to the nurses office" I menacingly stated as I coldly looked down at her.

The girl was practically grinding her teeth with anger, but she knew better than to push it any further. "hmph... whatever, let's go Twilight! I told you this guy was just a creep."

As they were leaving I could her Twilight talking to the rainbow haired girl. "I said we need tact not attack!... You know what tact is right?" as they passed the bin on their way out Twilight took some paper scraps and tossed them in the bin. Soon the girls were gone.

With no one left in the class I made my way over to the bin. The torn pieces of the note had fallen on the the stapled pages I put in earlier, without it the torn up note would have gotten mixed up with the rest of the trash. I quickly fished the pieces out of the bin and was easily able to assemble them on a desk.

The note read. 'I think Cross might be looking into the missing kids!!! I think his onto us!!!'

(What does this mean? The lighter didn't react to her so she's not one of the creatures, then what is she talking about?) the note made two things apparent. First, Twilight clearly knew something. And secondly, so did her Rainbow haired friend. But there were some questions that remained unanswered as well. I couldn't be sure if the 'us' her note was referring to was just her and the Rainbow girl, it's possible more are involved. Also, how much do they know?

(For now I think there not working with the creatures, Twilight shows general concern for the missing kids. I think her and whoever else is involved with her are definitely in the same situation as me, they stumbled onto something they shouldn't have.) I think as I begin to leave the class. (I don't know what to do with this new information just yet. I'll have to think about how I can use it... can I use it?")

As I exit the class the lighter heats up, once again the creature is stalking me. (right, I'll need to deal with That as well. I still don't know how but I promise, before lunch is over I'll have squashed that darm bug) I promise myself, full of conviction. (But first... I need something to eat.)

All the stress and over thinking has taken a toll on me, I need to restore my energy. As I head to the cafeteria the lighter remains warm, constantly reminding me of my unwanted stalker.
Once I make it to the Cafeteria I cut to the head of the lunch line to everyone's dismay. I buy a roast beef sandwich and a can of Pepse, I then locate an empty table and begin to eat my lunch.

(man, I really needed this. My life wasn't this stressful just the other day) I think as I eat. (all I had to worry about was how long I needed to wait before Blueblood gave me something fun to do... Oh shit! Blueblood! I was supposed to be helping him with the scheme of his to raise his popularity! I've been to busy dealing with my own issue I forgot.)

I continue my thought as I take another bite of my sandwich (If he did need me it's not like he has any way to contact me besides the notes he passes in school. I don't use social media and I don't own a mobile phone... Why would I, I don't have anyone to contact.)

At that moment a phone is placed in front of me in a simular manner as whenever one of Bluebloods notes are delivered as I the person who put it there begins to leave. However unlike the other times he doesn't leave, instead he circles the table and takes a seat opposite me.

I don't recognise the boy sitting across from me. He has medium length silver hair thats been combed to one side while his skin was light grey. He wore a bronze singlet with the word 'limit' with a streak of silver crossing it out printed on it. He also wore silver sweat bands on his wrists and forehead. However it was his silver eyes that got my attention, as in his eyes was something I don't see to often, Determination. Unlike other students he wasn't nervous, and he wasn't angry. If anything, he looked curious.

"Who are you?" I asked the boy.

"You don't care so why bother asking" he bluntly replied.

"Your right, I don't! Then what's with this phone. No... That's obvious too." I already knew who the phone was from, it was from Blueblood. I recognised it as I had stolen it awhile back from some guy for Blueblood. There was a message on the phone but I'ld get to that later. "Tell me... What do you want?" I asked the silver eyed boy.

"I was curious. I want to know why you can do what you do... No, not why... How?" he asked. He must have noticed my look of confussion as he clarified the question. "You don't follow the social norms that others do. People make friends and group up while you choose not to. Despite how others say things should be you go against them for the sake of going against them. You prefer to be alone and because of this you always end up having the odds stacked against you but can come out on top." the boy confusingly said.

"Is there a point to this" I impatiently ask.

"You have your own way of thinking and acting that's unlike others. Despite the odds and consequence you do your own thing with no regard for others. How?" he curiously asked, giving me his full attention.

"oh! That's easy" I begin as I coldly meet his gaze. "I do what I want because I can! I come before others no matter what. People are tools to be used, the only thing you need to worry about is how best to use them. There are billions of other people, but theres only one of me. Realising just how great you can be is the first step, there's nothing beyond my ability" I proudly answer.

The boy looks thoughtful after hearing me promote my ego. "But just how far can one go?" he says to himself as he gets up. "Thanks, I wish I had more time to understand you... But I guess this is it" the boy sadly says as he began to walk off.

(He makes it sound like this is the last time he'll ever get to talk to me! Could he be the creature!) as the boy leaves the cafeteria my fears are put to rest. The lighter was still warm despite him being out of range. (nope, wasn't him... That was strange, I guess I do have my own way of doing things. And no matter how unconventional or stupid it's not a disadvantage, it's just my way and nothing's wrong with that...huh!)

Something clicked inside my head as I rembered the convisatition I had with Mr Freerights earlier about not letting weaknesses be weaknesses or something. I was over thinking this whole mess with the creature stalking me. I already had exactly what I needed to win... Me! I now had a plan.

(Before lunch is over, that monster is gonna be stain on the floor.) I think as a sinister smile creeps onto my face.