Strange Town

by general_bad

Chapter 4 - Back to our Usual Schedule? Part 2

Strange Town 004 part 2

(Keep calm! That's all you can do for now.) I thought as I leaned my back against the door. The new development had me thrown off guard as I was slightly panicked.
(Why?... Why would it be after me? I know I was a possible target, but why now? Wouldn't Short Stuff be a better choice?... Well, whatever the reason is it doesn't matter, its after me so I'll just have to deal with it! I don't think it's aware that I know about it, so for now I still have the advantage... Well, an advantage since I don't know who it's disguised as.)

"Ah-hmm" someone sounded in front of me.

As I gazed forwards I saw Mr Freerights once again sitting on his desk with his legs crossed. (oh, right!... Counseling.) I thought, moving to the desk opposite of Mr Freerights. as I moved away from the door the lighter cooled down.
(I guess for now it's gonna back off). I thought taking a seat.

Mr Freerights looked down at me from his desk with a worried expression. "you seem... Unusual? For a moment you looked worried. Is something on your mind?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say I'm a little distracted" I vaguely answered looking off to the side.

"Well, you know you can tell me anything. It's part of my job... I think?"
He replied, sounding unsure.

(Can I?... Should I? ...Guess I don't need to go into specifics, just whats bothing me) I hesitantly thought as I considered what I could say.
"Well, I'm kinda in this situation... It's like playing tag except you don't know who's it. There coming after you but what they don't know is that your it as well. However, before you can go after them you have identify if there playing or not." I tried to explain, confusing myself as I went.

"Huh?... I see..." Mr Freerights said as he thoughtfully stroked his beard.

"Really!" I shockingly replied.

".......No!" He admitted raising his shoulders and shaking his head.

"sigh... Well, how about this. I have a problem.... My usual method of solving problems is to brute force my way through it. However, that's not gonna help me this time... So I'm kinda at a dead end." I tried to clarify.

"Hmmm, sounds like you lack confidence in your own abilities. You shouldn't look down on yourself like that." Mr Freerights said looking thoughtful.

"Trust me, Confidence isn't something I lack" I replied with pride.

With a smile he continued. "Good. I'm glad to hear you don't let your inadequacies get you down. Being stupid isn't something to be ashamed of".

"Nothing gets me down, not even my own stu-.... What?" It took a moment to comprehend what I just heard.

"And it shouldn't, Ignore what they say. Idiot, Slow, secretly gay for Flash... At the end of the day there just words. And as the old saying goes. Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." Mr Freerights said as he ignored my blank stare.

"...WHAT!... Hold on a second. What do you mean 'what they say'?... Who are they?... And I get that 'slow' and 'idiot' refer to me being stupid, but what's that LAST ONE gotta do with ANYTHING!!!" I angrily replied as I stood up with fire in my eyes.

"...You kinda seem upset. What about 'nothing gets me down?" he nervously Quoted, realizing he probable said more than he should have.

"I don't get down, I get up... In there faces and beat the crap out of them." I replied as I strongly gripped the desk below me which stared to crack in my rage filled vice grip.
"How did that saying go! Sticks and stones may break my bones? In that case lets see how they fare against a CROWBAR AND A BRICK!!!

"...Okay, we seem to be a getting little off track... Oh right! Did you decide if your gonna join the Greener Town Club?" Mr Freerights said trying to bring the conversation back under control.

"huh... What the hell are you talking about?" I said as I slowly calmed down.

"Back on Tuesday!... You asked me about the Greener Town Club!... You spoke to Tree Hugger about what it's like during art!..." Mr Freerights stated as he tried to remind me.

After a moment of thinking back over the past few days I remembered.
"...Oh right, that!... No!" I answered without hesitation.

The room went quiet as we blankly stared at one another. After a while Mr Freerights broke the silence.
"Because...?" he asked wanting to know my reason.

"huh? I need a reason for not wanting to spend time with a bunch of tree hugging hippies?" without much thought I continued.
"Well I guess if I had to choose one it would be there stupid clothes... And there dumb views... And they smell.

"Well that was actually more than one reason but that's not really the point". Mr Freerights looked confused. "I don't get it. You seemed fairly interested in the club before, what changed your mind?"

"Look, real talk." I said as I looked him in the eye's with a serious expression. "At the time I was trying to dig up some dirt on Flash Sentry. For reasons I won't go into, I thought someone in your hippie club might be able to help me while at the same time making it look like I was making an effort to change. In short, I never had any interest in joining those tree hugging smoke brained high on sunshine hippies!... And incase your curious, I wasn't able to get anything on Flash. In fact it lead to some other bull shit I could do without."

"Huh... Well I guess that's not so bad". He replied, unfazed by my words. He must have seen the confusion on my face as he continued. "I mean, let's look at it this way. You got invested in a activity at school, you reached out to another classmate for help, you even continued working on a self project after school hours... I would say that's pretty productive, wouldn't you?"

I was shocked at how sickeningly he twisted my story... And slightly impressed. " Just, wow... The mental gymnastics you just did would earn you gold. That's what your gonna tell Principle Celestia isn't it."

Mr Freerights chuckled before staring directly into my eyes. he may have had his usual carefree grin however his eyes were more serious than I had ever seen them. "Real talk!... I'm only doing this to stay in Celestia's good books. I'm not a licenced counselor, I don't even know if counsellors have a licence. But I know your not gonna change over night, doesn't mean I won't help you though. As long as you keep your trouble to a minimum we shouldn't have a problem. That doesn't mean you have to start acting like a model student, doesn't even mean you have to stop being yourself... Either do what you do quietly or don't get caught."

"huh... While I can't say I was expecting that I'm also not to surprised." I responded, thinking about what he just told me.
"That does sound like something I could actually do"

"Well I'm glad to hear that" Mr Freerights said regaining his usual laided back attitude. "But just out of curiosity, I've noticed you don't like Flash Sentry very much... Well you don't like anyone, but you really seem to target him more than others, why's that?"

"Huh... Oh, no reason" I plainly answered.

"Really?..." Mr Freerights said with an eyebrow raised. Clearly he wasn't satisfied with such a short answer.

"Honest. There isn't any deep reason for not liking the guy. People like him who don't know there place annoy me is all" I answered with disgust.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr Freerights curiously asked.

"That's simple. I'm the best around here, I'm at the top and everyone else is below me. Thats why when I walk through these halls they make sure to get out of my way... But Flash is delusional. He has it in his head that his some kind of equal and will even stand in my way on occasions. Pathetic people like him are losers. What's worse is that it's apparently contagious. I had some back water farm girl give me attitude... although that could just be she's stupid. They just don't understand, they'll never be on my level. There weak and they just don't see it."

"So if there losers what does that make you" Mr Freerights asked.

I didn't even need to think about it. The answer was so simple. "That should be obvious, a Winner. Someone like me doesn't have any weaknesses. I don't have any faults or short comings. I don't need others! I can do anything I want by myself! Others slow me down, if they want to help then they can stay where they are while I use them as a stepping stone to reach greater heights... To put it simply. You either win or you lose. Second place means nothing when compared to first place. It's first place for losers, And I don't lose... Ever!"

Mr Freerights looked thoughtful as he responded. "Hmmmm. So clearly you don't see having no friends as a fault. In fact I would even go as far as to say you ignore all your faults as you don't believe there important enough. As for weaknesses, you just don't see them."

"The hell are you talking about?". I asked slightly annoyed.

"I won't go into detail as that's something your better off discovering on your own, but I will say this." once again he became serious. "It's only a weakness if you allow it be one. If you understand your shortcomings you might even be able to use them to benefit you. Others make up for it by seeking help or improving themselves... You will have to find what suits you best. Once you understand how to turn weakness into strength you will be able to overcome any problem. Even that confusing issue you have now."

(He's not making any sense. Is he just giving me advise he collected from fortune cookies over the years) I arrogantly thought.

Mr Freerights returned to his laid back expression and continued. "Well thats enough for today, looks like it's about time for your next class." and just like that the bell rang. "Don't forget what I said. Maybe next time we can work on your ego... Who am I kidding, recess only lasts 15 minutes" and with that last smart ass remark he got up to leave.

(lot of good that did me... Wait! didn't he say someone was talking trash about me?... I'll have to let it go for now, I've got a bigger issues to deal with. I've gotta find that bug before it gets me.) I thought as I left the room.

The second I stepped out the door I felt the lighter heat up. (so it's back.) I thought as I inconspicuously looked around.

The hallway was currently flooded with students, all going to there next class. To me they all looked the same, there faces and movements blurring together.
I wasn't even sure what I was looking for. Looking to see if anyone gave me any weird looks or attention was pointless, most people do that all the time. And if I looked out for someone acting out of character I wouldn't even know as I've never paid these peons any attention.
Even if I were to remember the faces of the people here now there was no guarantee it wouldn't change it's disguise at some point to fit into my class.

Not wanting to bring attention to myself by standing in the door way I began walking to my next class, Shop.
(Darm!... I've gotta figure out a way to find it. I mean I could use the lighter to force its disguise off, but then my one advantage is gone. Right now I can't say I really care if they attack other's, but exposing them will just create a larger issue. For one, I don't know how many there are in total, if they figure out I can force them into the open they'll all come for me first. Secondly everyone will become paranoid and the creatures might switch to a more forceful approach.
My best course of action is to take care of this quietly.)

As I walked though crowds of students I would glance back every so often.
(There probably on guard after one of their's mysteriously died and there food source was taken away. If I kill the one following me around they may suspect someone's hunting them but that doesn't specifically mean it was me. I mean, the first one had no connection to me and he's dead... But why is it after me? Why now?... Well as long as I'm around others it won't try anything. For now my only advantage is that they don't know I'm aware of them.)

I soon arrived in class which was surprisingly empty. The entrance to class was located at the back of the room, so it didn't take me long to take my usual seat at a work Table in the back corner next to the window.
The work Tables in this class are quite large, usually fitting 4-6 students per table. Luckily for me however there are a surplus of tables, meaning I don't have to worry about anyone sitting with me... I prefer to sit alone being anti-social and all.

The lighter stays heated as student's enter the class. (I can't assume the first one to enter after me was the creature. For all I know it waited outside for a moment as others arrived, it's gonna be doing it's best to be inconspicuous.) I thought as I turned my attention away from the students and to the window to my left.

Soon I was lost in my own thoughts as I looked out the window. (I would say I'm out of ideas, but that would imply I had ideas to begin with. Face it, I got lucky the first time... If you consider finding out giant bugs are abducting people, feeding on them, and walking amongst you before fighting one to the death lucky... Wow, maybe I should slow down and really consider what I've gotten involved with. I figured I would have more time to come up with something, I didn't think one would come for me right away. Why not go after the ones who were freed? People think they ran away so it wouldn't be too odd if they disappeared again... I'm just unlucky, yeah that's gotta be it. There's no way they would know I killed one of them... Huh, I took the life of another living thing yesterday and I don't even care. Should I be concerned about that? It was in self defense... I think it's fine. I mean, do we ever stop and consider the bugs we step on... No! I guess I could ask Mr Freerights about it if it's still on my mind by tomorrow. Although I think it's fine to feel nothing... I mean I'm pretty sure.
I'm getting side tracked!... But it's not like it matters. I got nothing... Maybe I should just go home and try to figure out something for tomorrow... No! Right now the safest place is around others. Just like me it won't risk exposure... So, what should I do now? How can I deal with this without exposing myself?)

I was becoming frustrated with myself as no matter how hard I thought about it, I couldn't come up with a solution. (there's gotta be a way to find and kill that thing without exposing myself or others?... Maybe I could wear a disguise?... No, That's stupid... Well I'ld feel stupid... I just don't know enough about those things. If I had more info I could form a plan!... Probably?... I don't even know any more.)

Any hope or enthusiasm I had this morning was completely gone at this point. I was out my element and I could feel it. However before I could indulge in more self pity, my attention was drawn to movement I caught in the corner of my eye. I turned away from the window to find a large muscular figure sitting across from me, a muscular figure I recognized.

(Hey that's!... Actually I forgot his name, but his in my P.E. Class.) I thought as I looked at the white skinned, short blond haired brick house that now sat across from me. (Why's he sitting at my desk? I don't think I've ever even spoken to him, at him maybe, but I'm sure I'm on bad terms with everyone here.) I thought as I continued to watch him.

He seemed odd... I think? Honestly I wasn't sure. But he kept giving me this nervous unsure smile while keeping eye contact. (Clearly he doesn't feel comfortable here, so then why is he here? Was it part of some prank? Was he dared to?... Either way it's unusual... Wait! Could he be the monster? Is it trying to approach me like they did with Short Stump?) After I moment I realized just how intensely I was stairing at him when I noticed his look of discomfort become... More discomforting?. (Darm! I gotta play this cool, Just be my usual fun loving self.) I thought calming down.

"The hell do you want!" I demanded in my usual rash annoyed tone. (Nailed it)

He seemed surprised by my words as he struggled to reply. "uh... Well, I just thought... You know, that we could all work... together?".

"What the hell are you talking about? I work alone... Always!" I said, now angry and confused. (that was pathetic. Was that really it's best attempt... Wait a second).
"What did you mean by, ALL work together?" I asked.

Now he seemed confused, as if I asked a question with an obvious answer. "huh?... Uh, I guess what I mean is... Well...-"

Before he could finish his sentence a familiar voice cut him off.

"He sayin since we be working togetha, we outa try ta get along!" Said the familiar slack jawed voice.

I turned to see that the muscular brick house wasn't the only new addition to the table. That Slack jawed farm girl was also beside him.
she was wearing a short green flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, it exposed her muscular well toned abs and biceps. She also wore her brown cowboy hat. And while her lower half was hidden by the work bench, I'd guess she was wearing denim shorts as the girl clearly took enough pride in her body to show off her muscular thick legs. She probably had a pair of cowboy boots too... Because she's a farmer.

Before when I spoke I was faking annoyance, this time it was real. "oh, It's... You?"

Just like the big guy, she didn't seem overly happy to be here either. "You? What do yah mean you? Did ya forget mah name" she angrily snapped at me.

"Yes" I casually admitted. "Although in all honesty I forgot your face as well. It's your fat ass and slack jawed accent I remember" I continued.

"Slack jawed! Fat ass! Why ya no good varmin" She snapped at me once again now standing. Her eyes full of rage glared at me. It was clear she was holding herself back. "Mah name is Applejack! Don't go forgetting it!"

Of course I ignored her little outburst and turned my attention back to the big guy "More importantly, why are you two idiots at my table? And what did she mean by working together?" I asked.

"Actually... there's three of us" an unfamiliar voice corrected from my right.

Turing to see there was now someone in the seat beside me my annoyance grew. Directly next to me with one eye focused on me and another else where was the walking disaster, Derpy. She might look innocent but she's just as dangerous as me... Maybe more so.

I turned my attention back to the other two. "There better not be anymore of you backwater rejects hiding just out of sight... Seriously, if there's anyone right behind me I strongly suggest you leave!" I waited a moment for a response before continuing. "Good, in that case. what are you THREE idiots doing here? Shouldn't you be sitting with your own loser kind? You know, your... What's the word?... Friends? Yeah, that's it!... Class should be starting soon."

Applejack looked confused as she replied "What R ya talkin 'bout? Class started ten minutes ago. Weren't ya payin attention?"

My look of confusion must have answered there question as the big guy continued explaining. "uhh yeah, the teacher put us into groups. Were making a bird house!" he said excitedly.

"Darm it! Usually I'm able to talk my way out of group activities. The teacher took advantage of me being zoned out and threw me into some make shift team... And by the looks of it he gave me all the slow people." I said to no one in particular.

"Well, none a us R overly glad ta have ya on tha team either" Applejack grudgingly responded.

"Well I was distracted when team Slow was put together so I wasn't able to refuse being part of this. What's your excuse? At least one of you must have been paying attention" I argued.

Applejack was qusick to respond. "unlike you, were not disgusted by tha thought of helpin one another. We can actually work togetha!"

"Well I'm not like you and I hope I never em. So what ever moral your trying to push can stop right here" I arrogantly said.

Applejack rolled here eyes. "Fine, I'll put it in a way ya'll understand. Let's shut up an do tha work. That means we'll only talk to each other when it's necessary. So no smart ass remarks" she grumply said now pointing at me.

After a few second to consider the idea I responded "I can't promise no smart ass remarks... But alright, let's give this... Team?... a try" I unenthusiasticly replied wanting to get this over with.

Applejack looked relieved as she went to bring her hand she had been pointing at me back. However before she could, Derpy reached out and placed her hand on top of Applejacks.

"TEAM SLOW!!!" Derpy cried out excitedly.

For a moment Applejack was stunned by the wonky eyed girls stupidity. "huh... No sugarcube were not tea-"

However Applejack was cut off as the big guy also placed his hand on there's and screamed.
"YEAAAHH!!! TEAM SLOW" this got the attention of the class, causing him to became nervous as he quietly continued. "Sorry. I'm just glad to be part of this."

I then realized both the big guy and Derpy were looking at me excitedly with huge smilies on there face, waiting for me to join in. Meanwhile Applejack was face palming herself.

"Team Slow" Derpy repeated quietly trying to egg me on.

It was at that point I realized something.
"I've made a horrible mistake".

After a moment of silence I continued. "Well... what do we do now... Captain" I said sarcastically to Applejack.

Applejack recovered from there show of stupidity as she broke there gathering of hands. "Captain? Are ya sayin ya want me ta lead our group? I figured you'ld wanna be tha leader."

Hearing hear words I looked over the group. "Me? Leader of... This? Why would I want that?" I responded with confusion.

Applejack looked sceptical as she answered "Well, ya just don't seem like tha type ta follow orders. Actually figured ya'ld fight me on waning ta be in charge."

"If I was giving orders how would I be able to moan and complain about them?" I said arrogantly. "Besides, let's be honest. When it comes to dealing others, or idiots in this case, I'm out of my comfort zone. You on the other hand, should have no problem at all... It'll be just like when your at home with your family."

"Hmmmm!" Applejack growled to herself. "are ya callin mah family DUMB!!!"

With a malicious grim I replied "I'ld call your family many things. But to answer your question... Yes!"

Her eyes were full of rage as she stood up and slammed her hand on the table. "DON'T GO TALKIN 'BOUT MAH FAMILY!!!" She screamed.

I wasn't fazed by her outburst as I placed an elbow on top of the work bench and let my head rest on my hand. My bored attitude seemed to anger the farm girl further. However, her mood changed to one of surprise when she turned her attention to where she struck the bench.
I followed her gaze and noticed what she was so surprised about. Where she had struck the bench had cracked, the wood had shattered leaving a large dent on the bench. Smaller cracks stretched across the table all originating from the large crack she had placed in it.

(I was so distracted by all her yelling I didn't even notice she smashed up the table. I put a crack in desk earlier but that was just a flimsy writing desk. This is a tough sturdy work bench. And while I left a small crack she practically shattered the whole thing.) I thought as I examined the desk. Derpy and the big guy were now standing and had backed off a bit while I remained seated.
I turned my attention to Applejack. She looked just as shocked as the othere two. (The girls strong, that much I can tell just my looking at her) I thought while paying close attention to her abs. My attention slowly lowering to her wide hips. (huh, guess I was right. She is wearing denim shorts. They really make her ass look huge with how small they are... And it's already pretty big to begin with.) I though losing my train of thought as I admired her ASS-ets.

Snapping myself out of my fantasy I returned to thinking rationally. (okay, she's strong. But is anyone strong enough to smash the table like that? also she didn't look like she was trying very hard either, looked more like an accident. Could she be... The Creature?).

I realized the whole class was now focused on our group as Applejack began to talk "I...I didn mean ta..." she seemed to be nervously stumbling in her words and failing. All the attention from the scene she made was getting to her.

"SO WHAT!!!" I spoke loudly for everyone to hear.

Applejack looked confused, her focus now back on me.

"So you busted up a desk, big deal. It's nothing to be amazed about, seriously. This school has lots of warn out old equipment that's ready to brake at any moment. Lockers practically burst open if you touch em with too much force. And our writing desks are mostly chip wood. Heck, we still use VHS... Half the people here don't know what a VHS is!!! So don't go thinking it's some kind of achievement that a 50 year old work bench that's probably been eaten away by termites is something to marvel at!" I arrogantly stated before turning my focus to Derpy "Besides, with the walking disaster on this team we're lucky it didn't just explode."

"Uh, yeah" Applejack said nervously as she retook her seat.

(Seems like she's just gonna brush of the incident. I'ld better keep an eye on her.) I thought as the other 2 returned to there seats.

With that most students went back to doing there work. Our group was especially quiet as Applejack lost her motivation to work. After a moment of silence the big guy got us back on track.
"uh... So how about me and Cross go and get wood and tools? Oh, and you girls can start drawing up the plans... I'm not very good at designing things." He said with a nervous smile.

That seemed to snap Applejack out her funk as she was now paying attention. "huh? Oh, uh, sure".

"You mean we're gonna put some distance between us and on the rag barnyard Barbie?... That actually sounds like a great idea. Less time around tha-" my smart ass remark was cut short as the big guy excitedly pulled me from my seat. He seemed way too excited as he practically carried me to the wood bins. (Guess he really is happy to part of this. Even with how bad it's going... I'll never understand others.)

He finally puts me down as he begins to search for wood. I can already tell we've been left all the crappy pieces from what I can see. We argued and took so long that everyone already started some time ago. I stand off to the side, out of the big guys way and soon become lost in my own thoughts.

(could the farm girl really be the creature? Her strength does seem unusual, although besides her ass she's mostly muscle) I think as I look back towards her. She's currently explaining something to Derpy when I find myself once again focusing on her round ass and thick legs. (those shorts look like they could tear at any moment... What the hell em I doing! I keep ogling her wide hips and thick legs. Don't tell me I've developed some kinda fetish for thick thighs?... No!!! She's just unusual compared to most girls, yeah, that's why my eyes keep noticing those well toned legs... And pillowy round hips... And her glistening abs...
STOP!!! I gotta stop day dreaming. I'm being hunted by a race of sentient humanoid bugs and she might be one of them. Except, something's wrong? The one I meet ignored my insults, but she didn't. She lost it when I insulted her family, why would a fake care? Could she just be that strong?)

I was brought out of my thoughts as I felt a hand shaking me.
"_oss?... Cross? Are you paying attention"
It was the big guy trying to get my attention.

"What!!!" I angrily snapped at him.

He took a step back before replying. "oh! Well, I was just saying I got us wood" he held up the small pile of wood for me to see. most of it was either broken, splintered, or riddled with knots. The rest was no better, being molded or rotted. He must of recognized my look of dissatisfaction as he began making excuses.
"uh,well. Were kinda the last group to start. So, all the other groups grabbed up all the good pieces."

"What are talking about? There's plenty of good pieces, you just gotta know where to look." I said as I turned to look at the class "I'll take care of finding wood. You just get us some tools."

The big guy looked back at the wood bin with a look of confusion before turning his attention to me. "uh,sure... I guess? I don't know we're your gonna find wood though. Uh... also, what should I do with the pieces I already collected"

Without turning to face him, I answered his questions. "Firstly, I'm gonna ask our fellow class mates to spare a piece. This is a GROUP exercise after all, who wouldn't jump at the chance to help us. Besides, I can be quite persuasive." I said with malice in my voice.
"Secondly, I don't care what you do with that trash wood! Drop it on the floor, throw it at others, I don't care. Your job was to get wood and tools, you already failed one of those tasks... But it's not like anyone expected you to complete a simple task like, go get item X and bring it back. So if you manage to locate a hammer and get it to our group you'll have already exceeded my expectations." I turned to look at him to make sure he understood his task.

He just stared at me blankly. "so... I'll go get us some tools then?"

"...Yes!" I bluntly replied as I rolled my eyes. Just before we parted I stopped. "Actually big guy, before you go I have a quick question for you."

He stopped and turned to face me once again. "huh?... Oh, me. It's Bulk Biceps... Oh, it's just... You haven't said my name this whole time. I was thinking that maybe you didn't know it." he said nervously.

"I didn't! I also didn't care!" I said slightly annoyed. "That farm girl, Applejack? Do you know how strong she is?"

"Well I can't say I know how much she lifts, but back during our trip to camp Everfree she was lifting things I couldn't even budge. she was lifting huge boulders, logs and all sorts of things. She's definitely stronger than me... Must be her farm upbringing... Or magic?" He said with a dumb grin.

"Magic?... Why would you suggest magic?" I asked giving him my full attention. However all I received was a confused stare.
(I... I think his messing with me. Could he know about magic?... No! I only learnt it existed yesterday, well real magic that is. I doubt he'ld know. He's probably just using the term 'magic' in the sense that he doesn't know, like how you'ld call someone who guesses right psychic.) I assured myself before realising he was still staring.
"Forget it!" I said as I walked off.

(the trip to camp Everfree was awhile ago, and according to what I've learnt these creatures don't stick to using the same form for extended periods of time. That's why the Baker, Mr Cake never sold sugar to the same person twice. Meaning that if what they say is true, Applejack isn't the creature. So then why's she so strong? Guess that's not important right now.) I thought as I approached the first group of students.

Everyone in the group were busy doing there own part to get the job done. One was cutting the wood, another sanded, and the last two hammered it together. They looked to be about halfway through already. when they noticed me approaching they all appeared to have sour looks on there faces. I recognized the guy cutting wood, it was Valkyrie.

The second our eyes met he quickly turned around and began frantically sawing the wood. As I get closer I hear him whispering something repeatedly under his breath. "please just walk past! Please just walk past!-".

The others all looked away as I now stood directly behind him. I placed a hand on his shoulder, which caused him to jump in his seat as his whispers suddenly stopped.
"Well if it isn't my good FRIEND, Valkyrie!... Friend? Did I use that word right? Felt weird." I said.

"Fr-Friend?" he repeated nervously, unable to see me.

"Of course. You helped me with that little problem on Tuesday, and FRIENDS always help each other with there problems. In fact, It was all thanks to you it got done. That makes you my... What was it again?... Acomplis?... No, that's right, FRIEND!" I said with malice. I was trying to remind him of his involvement in stealing Short Sacks stuff to make him more compliant. Not that I really needed to.

"I'm not... I had nothi-" Valkyrie nervously replied before I cut him off by applying pressure to his shoulder.

"yeah thats great" I boardly said. "any way, I need a favour. See, my group is having a little problem. Were running low on wood."

"So, your just here to ask for wood?" he replied somewhat calmer.

"No!... Why would I do that? If I ask for something you'ld have the option to refuse" I stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "No! I'm telling you I need it!" he suddenly retook his nervious expression.
"But don't worry, I only need one piece... For now! I mean I might comeback later if the other groups aren't to cooperative... Heck, I may just wait till your groups done and take the whole thing." by the look on his face that seemed to stress him out... But I didn't care as I held out my hand and waited for a response.

Valkyrie nervously looked to his other team mates for support but found nothing

I needed to persuade him just a little more. "hey don't worry. I only said it was a possibility that I'ld come back" I said in a calm tone before switching to a harsher one. "But if you don't give me a piece I can guarantee you that I'll be back." With that he finally handed me a plank of wood and I was on my way to the next group.

It didn't take too long to gather a decent pile of timber from the other groups. Some had overheard my conversation with Valkyrie and had prepared a piece in advance.
I even managed to help two groups who were arguing about who owned a plank they both claimed to own, by showing them the wonder of sharing. It was simple, I cut plank in half... Then kept both halves... And to make sure they unstood the lesson I took an additional plank from each of them. I consider it my good act for the day.

Even with the pile I collected I wasn't yet ready to return to my group. There was still one group I had yet to collect from, and while my stack of wood was acceptable I had a second reason for meeting all the other groups. I was keeping an eye out for the monster. Sure I didn't know what to look for, but I had to do something. I hated to admit it but I was frustrated. With my luck I probably already past it.

I approached the last group who were no further then my group at completing the project, seems they were still planning. Every time someone threw out an idea they were shot down by a prissy white skinned girl with curly purple hair.

"Were you born without a fashion sense? that would look atrocious!" I heard the girl say as she stuck her nose in the air. Her voice sounded... Elegant? She kinda sounded like Blueblood... But feminine.
"I'm sorry darling, but until we have a design that is both functional and fabulous we must start from scratch... Although I'm willing to compromise on it being functional." she continued to the annoyance of her team mates. One had already given up and had his face pressed against the work bench.

(and here I thought I had it rough with my team) I thought as I approached her from behind.
"Hey!" I said trying to gain her attention. As she turned around I got a better look at her.

She had snow white skin and long purple curly hair. She wore much more make-up than the other girls at this school do, such as light purple eye liner and cherry red lipstick. She wore a light blue blouse with a hole in the top showing plenty of cleavage from her large breasts. (She might not be as busty as the art girl, Flutter something, or the baker girl. But she's was definitely larger than the Farm girl).
She also wore a light purple skirt with the image of three diamonde imprinted in it. (while she beat Applejack in bust size, her ass and legs couldn't even compete with with the farm girls... Darm it, I think I might have really developed some kinda fetish for thick lower halves) I found myself thinking as I examined her lower half.

Before I could finish my observation of the girl she distracted me with what she did next. The moment she saw me her eyes went wide as she backed into the table, and with a loud squeal she pointed at me.

The whole class stopped what they were doing as they focused on the girl.

"What is that?!" The girl shouted hystericaly. I quickly turned to see if something was behind me. Seeing nothing I turned back to her. "How can you not see it? it's right under your nose!!! She continued. I now realized specifically were she was pointing.

"...Are you... talking about my jacket?" I asked somewhat confused as I grabbed hold of my jacket.
Hearing my question the class strangely seemed to go back to what they were doing.

"Is that what you call it? Any civilized person with even a shred of decency and a pair of eyes would call it what it is. Trash! rags! Abomination to fashion! Take your pick" she continued hystericaly.

"I realise its not in it's best condition righ-" I began before she cut me off.

"It went out of style way before it's condition was reduced to that of a oil rag. The best you can do is throw it out, hope everyone forgets you owned it, and burn any pictures of it and you together!" She continued to berate me.

"...are ya done?" I asked with an irritable tone. I could see the disheartened looks on the faces of her group.
(Poor bastards, I've only spoken to her for 30 seconds and I've had more than I can handle. They've had to deal with this for over 20 minutes, class isn't even half way through.)

"fine, I'm done... Just like your jacket!" she finished.

"Good! And hey, maybe next you could tell me about something you like... so I can shit all over it." I said sarcastically.

"I did not mean any offence. I just wanted to make sure you understood what your doing." she clarified, which only annoyed me more, but in a familiar way.
That's when I recognized her. Well, I'd seen her around. she usualy hung around Flash's girlfriend, Sunset. Actually she was one of the girls who stopped me and Applejack from fighting in the cafeteria on Monday.

"Hold on girl, your one of Sunset Shimmers friends!" I said as I suddenly devised the fastest way to deal with her.

"girl? Is that anyway for a gentleman to refer to a lady who's name is unbeknownst to them? Well I suppose you are far from being a gentleman. My name is Rarity, Rarity Belle" she stated.

"yeah, shut up for a minute... Rarity. Look, our groups running low on wood. so Barbi- I mean, Applejack sent me to see if you could spare a piece." I lied

Rarity looked to my group before returning a skeptical look at me. "are you certain? It doesn't appear that Applejacks even started.

"yeah well, I was doing what she asked me to. If you don't trust her I don't blame ya. She doesn't look like the most trustworthy person around." I continued, trying to guilt Rarity.

"Not trust worthy!? Why, I'll have you know Applejack is the most Honest person in all of Ponyville! If Applejack says she needs a plank, then that's what I'll give her!" Rarity said as she held the final plank of wood out to me.

(That was easy... Sort of.)
With a grin I took the plank from Rarity and with no last words of thanks I was on my way back to my group.

I could see Bulk Biceps had already gathered a small collection of tools such as hammers, nails, a saw, vice grips, glue, sandpaper and other such tools... Half of them we probably didn't need.

"'Bout time ya showed up! How long does it take ta scavenge up a few pieces of wood?" Applejack complained as she cast her gaze towards the wood bin.

"I got it didn't I, so stop complaing!" I snapped back at her as I dumped the collection of wood in the center of the table.

Ignoring my attitude Applejack continued. "well why ya was takin your sweet time, I managed to complete the draft of how we'll be makin our bird house. we only got 'bout 30 minutes or so ta put it all togetha."

"thirty minutes? Class is only halfway done? It feels like a lot more time should have passed!... I guess dealing with idiot's just feels like more work than it is." I said with a fake disheartened tone. I was aware of how much time we had.

"It sure is." replied Applejack as she blankly stared at me.

I rolled my eyes at her as I was in no mood to argue.

Seeing my unwillingness to argue Applejack took charge. "Anyways, let's get to it. I'll mark the wood for cutting and drilling" she said as she grabbed a pencil and ruller.
"Bulk Biceps, your cuttin." She continued as she passed Bulk a saw.

"oh! I can do that!" he replied excitedly.

"Cross, ya'll be drillin tha holes" she followed up as she slid a power drill towards me.

Before she could continue I pushed the drill to the center of the table. "yeah... pass." I said.

"...wha do ya mean?" Applejack replied with a grumpy tired expression.

"look! I humored this whole, TEAM, thing longer than I thought I would have. As far as I'm concerned I did my part. From here on out I'm gonna let you idiots do the rest." I answered somewhat mentally exhorted.

"Ya bearly did anythin!!!" Applejack snapped at me.

"The fact that I did anything that remotely helped you losers is an amazing feat alone" I boardly replied.

The table went quite as Me and the Farm girl both locked eyes. She wasn't gonna just let me have my way but I wasn't gonna back down either.

The silence was finally broken as the cross eyed girls spoke up. "I can do the drilling" she said as she reached for the drill.

Applejack wasn't happy with the sudden development. She wasn't gonna let the cross eyed girl enable my anti-social behaviour. However before she could speak her mind I quickly snatched the drill.

"No!... Derpy, your a walking disaster who can turn the most mundane items into hazards. A clumsy Idiot like you would end up screwing me to the table. I mean sure, seeing that happen to one of you three idiots might be good for a laugh but your right next to me, it's too risky. Just the other day you lit some guy on fire, so I don't wanna see what kinda damage you can do with a power tool... At least go sit next to Farm girl first." I scolded her as she backed up.

"NOW HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!!" Applejack butted in. "first ah all, don't go callin her names! Seconly, it was only his scarf that caught fire. And third, if ya ain't gonna help out than ya might as well let Ditzy Doo do tha drillin!" she argued.

"Okay, first, I called all of you names. Second, the amount of him that caught fire wasn't questioned, your either on fire or your not. And third... Who?..." I asked as I looked around.
"I thought all groups only had four people? I know you morons all look alike to me but there's only four of us." I stated. Unsure of who she meant by Ditzy Doo.

Our group fell silent, both the big guy and farm girl seemed confused by my statement. It felt like they were waiting for me to say something.
When it was apparent I had nothing left to say Applejack finally broke the silence. "Ya serious?... Yeh, Ya are!" she said shocked".

"I'm always serious... Quit staring and tell me!" I impatiently replied, unsure why they both seemed confused. I looked to my side to see if Derpy was as confused as they were?... It didn't do me any good, she always looks confused. She did however seem fine despite my earlier words.

"That's me!" Derpy said, seeing my attention was on her. Her happy go lucky tone makes me feel like my words would never effect her.

"Not now Derpy!" I said ignoring her. I turned my attention back to the other two. "well, who's Ditzy Doo?"

"she is" Applejack stated.

"she who?" I replied

"Ditzy Doo!" Bulk Bicep chimed in.

"but who is that?" I replied.

"I'm Ditzy!" Derpy happily said.

"I know your a ditz but this isn't about you Derpy! Who the hell is Ditzy Doo!" I angrily said, my patience was at its limit.

"she's next to you" Bulk replied.

"STOP!!!..." I yelled as I slammed both hands on the table. "Everyone just shut up... Okay, Let's try this again. Farm girl-"

"Applejack!" the farm girl corrected.

"Farm Girl!... Point out Ditzy Doo!" I commanded.

With a roll of her eyes she lazily pointed to the wonky eyed blond girl besides me.

"Derpy? Are you pointing at Derpy?" I asked.

"Her name ain't Derpy, it's Ditzy Doo!" Applejack grumpily said.

"Is that true?" I asked turning my attention to Bulk Biceps.

"yeah" he quickly responded.

I turned to Derpy who had a smile on her face, she nodded answering my question before I could ask. I looked to the center of the table, placing my riget hand on my chin as I began to deeply think about what I had been told.
The group was silent as they patiently waited for me. After a moment of thinking I returned from my thoughts with only one thing to say. "No!..."

"No!... Wha the heck do ya mean by, No?..." Applejack shockingly asked. It wasn't just her who was confused by my statement, both Bulk Biceps and Derpy were just as shocked.

"...your messing with me... I think?" I skeptically continued.

"wha?... Why would I do that? Your messin with us!" Applejack replied.

"I don't know what your all trying to do, but I know her name is Derpy, and it always has been since primary school." I confidently said.

"Ya gotta be kidding? You have three people, one of which is the person, tellin ya her name is Ditzy Doo! Why would we make that up?" Applejack said clearly frustrated.
"Derpy isn't her real name ya idiot, it's a name kids made up to make fun of her. Tell him Ditzy!"

She didn't seem to be lying but I didn't want to believe her either. If what she was saying was true it meant I was calling her by the wrong name for years.
Turning my attention to the wonky eyed girl I noticed she was looking me up and down pretty intensely. I had never seen her so focused before, her wonky eye even seemed to be focusing as she squinted.

She finished examining me and backed up. She tilted her head to the side with a confused look. "you went to primary school with me?" she asked.

"Yeah... Why?" I responded.

"Hold on an apple pickin minute!" Applejack interrupted. "I went ta Ponyville Primary with Ditzy an I don't remember ya at all Cross!"

"uh, I also went there... I don't remember you either" Bulk Biceps added.

I was quick to reply in my usual arrogant way. "Of course you idiots went there. Were a small town, we only have one primary and highschool. Unless your rich enough to afford to go to Canterlot High your options are limited to one alternative... Here! And as for not remembering me... so what? I don't remember you two, infact I forget your names and faces on a daily basis since there isn't any reason to remember you. The only quality you two have is your stupid, but that's not remarkable. Heck, I couldn't wave a stick around in this school without hitting someone greater than or as equaliy stupid as you two... I mean farm girls got the fattest ass in school so I guess thats something."

I could tell my words were annoying the two of them, Applejack more than Bulk. However before either of them could reply I stood up and began walking to the front of the class. During my arrogant speech I had thought of a way to clarify Derpy's name.

"Hey! Were the heck r ya goin Cross? Don't think I'm just gonna drop what ya said 'bout me." Applejack called from behind me, which I ignored.

I made my way to the teachers desk at the front of the class. The teacher, Mr Print, was leaning back in his chair with his legs on the table as he read a magazine.
Blue Print, or Mr Print as we call him is a somewhat short middle aged man with brown skin and very short orange hair. He wears dark blue overalls and doesn't have any noticeable features. When it comes to teaching he is as motivated as Mr Freerights is qualified, although what would you expect? this is a public school.

He didn't even notice me approach which is fine since I had no need to talk to him. What I wanted was the class roll, which i quickly located it in the center of the desk and snatched it up. Mr Print still hadn't noticed me at this point... or was he just ignoring me?
I scanned over the class roll and while I couldn't find Derpy I did find Ditzy.... But I also noticed something that disturbed me, I was on the roll... Twice. Once as Drifting Desire who was marked absent all year, and again as Cross who while not always absent had missed alot of days.

(This could be a problem. I know I'm never called by my name but I thought the teachers at least knew it... I wonder if my other classes have me on the roll as two different people?... I'll have to sort it out later) I thought as I put the roll back on the desk and made my way back to my group who had started working while I was gone.

As I passed the wonky eyed blonde girl apparently named Ditzy Doo, I snatched the power drill from her just before she could use it before taking a seat.

"oh, Cross, ya back?... Where did ya go off ta? I figured ya were just gonna leave class... Wouldn't be tha first time" Applejack said somewhat disheartened, her question was her likely just being polite than generally curious.

"I went to find out walking disaster here's name" I answered as I gave Ditzy the sand paper. She didn't seem bothered by me taking the drill and began sanding the edges off the cut planks.
(the only reason I came back is that some creatures hunting me. As long as I'm around others it won't try anything.) I thought to myself before continuing.
"I guess I was... Not as right as I thought".

"Ya mean ya were wrong" Applejack said in a smug tone as she marked were to cut the wood.

"No!... I mean I wasn't as right as I thought!" I arrogantly replied as I began to drill holes in the cut planks of wood.

"That's basackly the same thang!" Applejack said under her breath. "Well. Isn't there somethang else ya wanna say!?" she continued returning to her smug tone.

"I have a lot I wanna say to you people! But I don't wanna use up all my insults at once or else whats left for everyone else... Although I guess most of them only apply to you farm girl, it's just so easy to make fun of the backwater inbred yokal" I said looking up thoughtfully.
I was having a tough time choosing a demeaning nickname for the country girl, the whole Derpy business showed me I needed to put more effort into being mean. Barnyard Barbie was simple and classic but Applefat was meaner.

"That's not wat I meant!" an annoyed Applejack replied, interrupting my train of thought. "Isn't there somethang ya wanna say! Specifically ta Ditzy?"

"...Are you asking me to pick on Ditzy?" My question gaining me a look of shock from the farm girl.
"I mean, I was just gonna leave her alone... Sure there's a lot to pick on her for but just look at her" I said as I looked at the wonky eyed Ditzy to my right. "There's nothing I could say that's worse than what lifes done to her."

Applejacks mouth was agape. "NO!!! I was sayin ya should apologise!"

"Apologise?... What for?" I asked without the slightest clue of what she was talking about."

"Well besides that horrible stuff just a moment ago, how 'bout for calling her Derpy!" Applejack replied.

"No" was my sudden response.

"Wha do ya mean, no!?" Applejack asked, clearly not satisfied with my answer.

"I mean no! I refuse to apologise, I don't feel sorry and there's nothing to feel sorry about" I stoically explained.

If she didn't like my answer before she must've hated this one. I could tell she wanted more of an explanation as she started at me angrily... It was kinda weird how her body language reminded me of the farm boy Big Mac, she easily conveyed what she wanted through a simple stair... Must be a farmer thing.

"I didn't know her name was Ditzy, nor did I have any way of knowing. I honestly thought her name was Derpy. And she's aware of that so what's the issue?" I tried to clarify.

"How could ya think it was Derpy? Who would name there child Derpy?" Applejack argued.

"I've heard others call her Derpy! Besides everyone has a dumb name like something sparkle or Apple something, so Derpy doesn't sound too far off. It's not like it was something wacky or weird like... Steve, John, or Bob. Those aren't even real names". I argued back.

Applejack wasn't happy with my response and seemed she wanted to argue my reasoning, And she probaboy would have for the rest of the school day. Our personalities just seemed to clash, although I pretty much clash with everyone. If we weren't interrupted by the teacher we would have been stuck like that all day.

"Alright, 5 minutes left. Time to pack up!" Mr Print said to the whole class.

"WHAT!!! but we've barely even started!" a shocked Applejack shouted.

"uh, well there's no nee-". Bulk Biceps began.

"Well maybe if you spent less time talking and more time doing the actual work, you would be done." I mocked, not caring that we didn't finish.

"Well we di-" Bulk began to say before he was cut off, this time by applejack.