Power Rangers SUPER Starfleet (Starfleet Humans)

by DakariKingMykan

Episode 7: Infection Info


Not much further to exams now, and the rangers were feeling confident about their success, and they were even starting to come up with new places to hang when school was out.

“We could always hang out in the park.” Buddy suggested.

“Oh, I like that idea.” said Fluttershy.

“No, way… I say we hang at the skating arena.” said Rainbow “I could even get a rock gig there.”

Fluttershy stammered, “Oh, um… well…”

“Or how about the library…?” Twilight suggested “Then we could read study and plan ahead for our futures.”

The others only sighed at that suggestion,

“Much as we know you like to study,
Isn’t the point of holiday to be free?” asked Rhymey.

“We do have a long road ahead laid of us,
We should enjoy some free time made for us.”

Fluttershy didn’t know how to respond. She was hardly ever good with taking side when there was more than just one.

“Well, I don’t think it really matters much,” said Sunset “Just as long as we can still hang out together. That’s all we really want.”

The others realized how right she was, and they agreed to carry on the conversation after school.

Meanwhile, The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Daphne Dill-- better known as DD, whom also attended Canterlot High’s Elementary Division, were walking down the halls to their class contemplating on how to spend their summer vacation.

“I’ll most likely be doin’ twice as many chores.” said Applebloom, “I really wish Applejack was awake by now. I really miss her.”

“Tell me about it.” said Sweetie, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually miss the way Rarity complained about things.”

Scootaloo and DD felt bad for their friends. DD still had her cousin, Buddy, and Scootaloo treated Rainbow like a big sister.

“I just makes me feel upset that we can’t do much about that.” said Scootaloo.

DD agreed, “Yeah, but at least we can be there for each other, just like we will next year at school.”

Her friends agreed, and it was one reason they liked to go to school, was so they could hang out all the time…

…But they were in for quite a shock when they passed by the main office. The door was opened just a crack, and the girls could hear Celesto talking with Luna and Cadance.

“We’re going to have to sell.” Celesto said. Hearing the word “sell” made the girls stop, and listen in.

“Are you sure about this, Uncle?” Cadance asked.

“I agree…” added Luna “Is there no other way to the budget.”

“I’m afraid not. I’ve gone over the books; we just can’t afford it anymore. As soon as school is over, we’re selling the place, and that’s final.”

The ladies sighed, but the complied with the decision, while the girls felt their hearts breaking. Scootaloo dropped her book which alerted the adults. “Who’s there?” Luna called.

Scootaloo grabbed her book and ran off with the girls before they were spotted.

“They’re going to sell the school?!” cried Sweetie.

“They can’t do that!” wailed Applebloom, “I love this school! It’s been part of my life since first grade!”

The girls fell into silence, not knowing what to do now!

(Que Intro)

At the prison tower, Bronc had been working hard for some time and finally managed to bust Hacker Jack out of his spherical prison. “Hey, what gives…?! I’m still tiny!” he groaned.

“I know!” growled Bronc, “I can’t seem to understand the technology and power that shrunk you. There’s no way I can undo it.”

Marla then cast a look at Keto, “Well, what are you waiting for? Make him grow with your Fortifizer… whatever?”

Keto felt insulted, after all this time she didn’t get the name right! “That’s “Fortissimo” and it doesn’t work that way.”

“Well that’s just swell!” grumbled Nacluv “All we’ve got is a five-inch tall monster. I’m sure we can take over the world now.”

“On the contrary, master… there may be a way.” said Bronc “We may not be able to make him grow, but with a few modifications, I may be able to give him new powers.”

Marla wasn’t impressed “Like that’ll do any good.”

“Quiet!” snapped Nacluv, “Go on, Bronc. What are you planning?”

“My plan is simple, sir,” said Bronc “To control the world, why not control how it operates. For that, we turn to the global power grid of the planet.”

He fiddled with the computers and showed to everyone, “Within all electronical devices, are circuitry and power grids that control how things work. If I modify Hacker Jack’s controls, he’ll be able to alter and corrupt the world’s power supply, and deliver all that to us.”

Hacker Jack complied with idea, “I can do all that no sweat.”

Nacluv pondered for a moment; the very thought of all the world’s power belonging to him, while all the humans would plunge into dark ages; they wouldn’t be able to survive, back up their financial costs, and many more.

“Very well, Bronc… you may proceed. I want every bit of power that can be harnessed, and I want it fast!”

Bronc agreed and Hacker Jack couldn’t wait to get his hands on all that power!

After school, the Crudasers met in the playground in the closed in elementary area of the school grounds, all of them were looking a little grim over what they had heard.

Buddy came along on his way out, and he noticed them, “Hey, girls… what’s up with you? What happened to your smiling faces?”

DD looked up at her cousin and asked to confirm, “We heard Mr. Grandruler talking about selling. Is it true?”

“Sure is, girls.” replied Buddy. The girls all looked sadder than ever.

“But why…? Why is he sellin’?” asked Applebloom.

“Well, the place just isn’t making enough money anymore, and there’s no sense in putting up with it anymore.”

“Well why won’t Mr. Grandruler just put in more money?” asked Scootaloo “After all, doesn’t he have all the money in the world?”

“Well, I don’t think he has all the money in the world girls, but it’s his decision, and if he wants to sell, we can’t really argue with him, not without a good reason anyway.”

Now the girls felt upset, and angry.

“I’ll see you girls later, I have to head to work.” said Buddy, and off he went.

Sweetie Belle bolted upright, “No! I’m not going to let Mr. Grandruler shut down the school.”

“Neither will I!” agreed DD, and the other two agreed as well. “Somehow, we gotta let the people know what’s happenin’ so they’ll band together with us.” said Applebloom.

“I think I know the way to start.” said Scootaloo.

She and the girls went to a Cyber Café a few blocks away from school. Scootaloo was taught by Rainbow Dash how to use computers, when it came to playing games on the internet. “Okay, I’ve emailed all the students in our class and asked them to spread the word.” she told her friends, “By tomorrow morning we should get a ton of people to band together and stop the sale of the school.”

“I hope so…” said Sweetie “I can’t bear it if the school gets sold.”

The others all felt the same, but all they could do, for now, was wait for responses and support.

Indeed, many of their classmates got the email, saying that Celesto was planning on selling Canterlot High, and they were just as concerned as anyone else was, and they emailed friends from other elementary schools, and they emailed more friends, and it wasn’t long before parents becoming concerned…!

Celesto couldn’t close down Canterlot High, it was one of the best schools on the island--considering there weren’t that many schools on the island anyway.

Soon parents were gossiping all over town and in the suburb areas, and were beginning to make plans for protests to Celesto for being too cheap to pay up.

While all that was happening, Bronc had completed work on upgrading little Hacker Jack, so now he had the power to manipulate all electronic systems. His gaming powers were no longer useful, “But I don’t need them anyway…” he said “Once I get guys all the power, my old tricks will be as weak as floppy-disk.”

“Whatever!” grumbled Bronc “Get ready to be digitized.”

Jack agreed, and using his newly fixed controller on his chest, he digitized himself into the tower’s computer system. Bronc snickered, “Now, I’ll input the codes, and send him into the world’s power-grid.”

POW!! A beam of electrical-light shot out of the tower, bounced off a satellite, sending the light beaming into a master computer system within the United States.

Inside the circuitry, Jack was surrounded by all kinds of information, codes, systems, “All mine!” he hissed, “Now let’s cause some damage!” and he set straight to work, stealing power and disrupting the systems.

Federal and Corporal Databases were already beginning to go haywire, much to the people’s confusion.

The Worldwide Stock-Market and banking accounts began to crash, making the people fall into panic.

Worse than that, blackouts were starting to break out worldwide. Lights went out all over cities leaving homes without power, hospitals without necessities, and many people without conveniences.

Hacker’s and technicians were baffled, but try as they did not one of them could detect the source of the problem, and couldn’t seem to find ways to restore the systems. Anything they tried was automatically deleted, or could never pull through due to the systems malfunctioning.

“This is incredible!” shouted Jack “All this power, all these resources. The Earth will belong to Nacluv.” Then, as he began to attack more files, he decided, “Of course… why not have a little fun and alter some personal records. This will make the humans fall into complete and total chaos.”

The power surge hadn’t hit Mystic Island yet, and everyone was still seemingly unaware of what was happening.

Celesto was working quietly at one of his many office complexes, he was looking over some financial documents for his big sale, and he sighed heavily, “I’m going you a lot.” He said as he looked down at picture of the place.

Suddenly his phone rang. It was one of his many clients who had called to scold him.

“What do you mean “how could I not pay money into the school?” It’s funding is just fine!”

He got two more calls on his phone, they, too, were protesters, calling him out.

“You cheapo!”

“How can you do such a thing to our community?!”

Celesto was growing frustrated and turned off his phone. “What is with these people?”

His secretary then called over the intercom, “Mr. Grandruler… we have a problem.”

“I’m a little busy right now.”

“But sir, a large group of protesters have gathered outside the building.”

Celesto opened the blinds and looked down the many floors of the skyscraper, and surely enough he could see an angry mob of students from Canterlot High and their parents, all were protesting.

“Save the School! Save the School! Save the School!”

“What is all this?!” Celesto grumbled, and he flicked on the computer to check Canterlot High’s webpage, and what he saw made him livid! “…Celesto Grandruler prepares to closedown Canterlot High due to lack of funding?! Is this Multi-Millionaire and businessman too cheap to help the kids and adults he supported so much anymore?!”

He couldn’t believe such a thing was posted! “I would never sell Canterlot High!”

He was about to print a counter-post to the article, when suddenly his computer began to act up, and the lights in the building flickered, and soon the power went out completely leaving him unable to clear his name.

“I have to get out of here.” And luckily for him, there was a secret panel behind a bookshelf in his office, that wasn’t electrical powered. It revealed a jump-tube, which he used to head for the base where he would be safe and figure out what was going on.

Meanwhile, Sunset and Buddy met on the sidewalk between the hospital and the community garden, after both getting off shift. They both heard about the protests. “I can’t believe this.” grumbled Sunset.

“He wouldn’t sell the school, especially not without telling us first.” agreed Buddy.

Rainbow came along, and held up her phone, “Did you guys hear about…?”

“We know.” the others quickly said.

“Who could’ve started this crazy thing?” Rainbow wondered aloud. The others didn’t know.

Then Lightning came along, “You guys are not going to believe this…” he said, but the others held up their phones showing him they knew about the School Protest. “Not just that…” said Lightning “I’ve been fired from my teaching job.”

“What?” Sunset snapped. “It’s true; I just got this email from the board. I’ve been let off due to budget cuts.”

The others couldn’t understand this at all, and suddenly, Rhymey came running up to everyone, completely out breath!

“Rhymey, what’s wrong…?” asked Buddy.

“Forgive me… as I… pant and… wail.
Fluttershy… she’s in jail!”

The others were all shocked beyond words. “What in the world would they arrest Fluttershy for?”

Rhymey looked to be on the verge of tears, the thought of his girlfriend in jail couldn’t be anything short of frightening.

Suddenly, the street lights began to flicker on and off, but it was too early for them to be coming on anyway. The sun was still plenty bright, and people were starting to run about in panic.

There was even a small traffic accident as a bus swerved and skidded to a halt because it’s electronic destination board kept changing, confusing the driver. This cause many cards to smash into the bus and into each other.

No one was hurt, thankfully, but the people were very angry, and upset, and began to argue fiercely with one another.

The rangers were totally speechless.

“Lightning…!” Krysta called. Lightning held out his hand for her to land on it, “…Its chaos. The whole island is going crazy!”

“We just noticed…” said Lightning.

Just then, Twilight called the rangers over their coms. “I think you guys better come to the base! We’ve got a huge problem here.”

“We’ve already a bigger problem here.
The police took my Fluttershy dear!” cried Rhymey.

“It’s okay. She’s here with us. Mr. Grandruler bailed her out.” said Twilight “Just get here, quick!”

Hearing that Fluttershy was safe, Rhymey gave a huge sigh of relief, but still, the rangers all headed for the nearest jump-tube.

Meanwhile, Hacker Jack continued to destabilize and corrupt more power systems worldwide, as well as alter citizen records, and he transferred all that power by air-waves to Nacluv’s island.

Nacluv and his minions stood atop the tower as all that energy and power was being formed into a massive energy ball. “Yes… it’s wonderful!!” Nacluv cried for joy, “All the power in the world, mine… ALL MINE!!”

“Oh, it’s so wonderful!” cried Marla “And the best part of it is, the rangers have no way of stopping this takeover this time.”

Keto gave her a nudge with his staff, “Don’t jinx it! Will you.”

“Oh, relax…” sneered Bronc “Even the rangers won’t be able to pull a fast one thing time.”

“For your sake, Bronc, you had better be right.” hissed Nacluv.

Once the rangers got to the base, Rhymey embraced Fluttershy tearfully, but not as tearfully as she was. The poor girl was positively hysterical! “I’ve never been so scared in my life!” she wept, “It was cold, and dark, and lonely… and those bars…!”

Rhymey hushed her and comforted her…

“Shh, please stop… no more!
My heart is already sore!”

Poor Fluttershy didn’t know if she’d ever be the same again. “Why would the police arrest me?” she wanted to know.

“I think we all want to know that.” agreed Rainbow.

Twilight checked computer files, “According to the All-Points-Bulletin, Fluttershy is considered Armed, Dangerous. She’s wanted for Assault…


Battery in the First-Degree…

International Terrorism…

Credit-Card fraud…

…And a whole load of loitering fines.”

Everyone gawked in such shock. “Wow! All that?” said Spike “You ought to fix those, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow gave him a small flick at his ear for that, “Spike, how could you? Fluttershy couldn’t do all those things!”

“But it’s here in the files!” said Twilight “I can’t understand it but something’s corrupting the world’s power grid. That’s why you were all brought here.”

“Yes…” added Celesto “I’m sure you’ve noticed, Rangers, so many strange things are happening, not just on our island, but around the world as well.”

Twilight punched up images on the monitors on how all electronic systems everywhere were going crazy, causing panics and widespread confusion all over. This caused police records and citizen files to get all mixed around, which was why Fluttershy got arrested.

“Whoa! I’ve heard of a bad day, but this takes the cake.” said Buddy.

Suddenly, everyone could hear the sound of babies crying. They all turned and saw Celestia and Luna brining the babies into the base.

“Sorry to drop in on you all like this.” said Celestia, “I just got the babies to sleep when a protesting mob came outside the mansion. They threw rocks at the windows and shouted so loud keeping them awake.”

“A mob?” asked Celesto “Let me guess, they were protesting for me and the whole school conspiracy?”

The ladies nodded, and Celesto groaned. Still, they managed to calm the babies down, but that still didn’t solve the mystery of the world’s power calamity.

Their base wouldn’t be affected as easily because it was powered by solar panels and water intake from the sea.

“I think I have an idea…” said Twilight, and she worked at the computer. “What are you doing?” asked Sunset.

“I’m going to feed a program of vast power into the system. Then, if whatever’s affecting the other systems gets to it, we should be able to figure out what’s going on.”

Soon she launched the program, which uploaded quickly. They all waited a few minutes, and suddenly the computer buzzed as the screen flashed red. “Got it!” snapped Twilight, “Now I’ll just isolate the source…”

Hacker Jack found himself struggling with this new program, “Hey, what’s going on? Crazy data… you’re mine!”

The image appeared on the computer screen. “Figures this would be Nacluv’s doing.” said Sunset “So what do we do now?”

Twilight did some calculations on the computer, “If the program I just launched attracted him here, all we need to do is create a strong surge of computerized data, it should burst Hacker Jack out of the computer systems… like ejecting a disk super hard.”

“Yeah, um… just one problem though.” said Rainbow, “All the power in the city has gone haywire. Where are we supposed to get enough of it?”

“That and we can’t do it here.” said Buddy “We can’t let Jack break into our secret base.”

“I’ve already thought of that.” replied Twilight “Rangers, come with me.”

She grabbed her knapsack, and headed for the jump-tubes. The others, curious as ever, followed her.

“I do hope they can solve this problem.” said Luna. The others all agreed.

All over town, people were still going crazy. So much power lost, so many files altered, a so much chaos and confusion… it was a real nightmare!

People were already beginning to loot stores and places in all the madness. The police were unable to deal with trouble this big. Even military intelligence couldn’t handle this much chaos all over the world, especially with their own computer systems down, and their own soldiers getting caught in the chaos as well.

The Cyber Café was empty, and carelessly not even locked, when the rangers came along. “Good, the place is empty.” said Twilight “And the computers are still here… perfect.”

“What exactly do you want done?” asked Fluttershy.

“First I need you guys to morph.” replied Twilight “We’ll the power the computers using your rangers powers.”

The rangers gawked,

“Yeah, I see,
Isn’t that risky?” asked Rhymey.

“Maybe, but it’s the best we’ve got.” said Twilight “The monster won’t be able to resist feeing on your ranger powers, and he won’t be able to absorb them with what I’m planning.”

She then began to move six of the computer tables so that the computers all formed a special hex-like circle. “If this works, we can channel the power at different angles, which will trap the monster, and eject him right in the middle.”

The rangers all blinked once, “I suppose… it could work…” Fluttershy said, pretending to understand it all.

“Well then, come on guys…” said Sunset “It’s Morphin’ Time!”

The others agreed, and the first five rangers morphed…


…then Lightning morphed.

“Cosmic Comet… Power On!”

“Okay, what next?” Sunset asked, but before Twilight could answer, everyone heard a small clattering coming from behind the coffee counter.

“What was that?” cried Fluttershy.

“Who’s there?” Buddy called out, “I’m coming over!”

He leapt up and over the counter, and when he found no one was there, he assumed someone was hiding in the cupboards on the counter-island.

He opened the doors, “Oh…”

It was the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and they looked nothing short of terrified out of their minds as Buddy walked them round the counter.

“Girls, what are you doing here?” asked Sunset.

“We were scared!” cried Sweetie, “When all the lights started going crazy, and the computers shut down, the people went crazy like pigs without their slops.” added Applebloom.

“We couldn’t go home because we didn’t want to go out there with all the accidents and people running about outside.” said Scootaloo, “So we hid in here, hoping everything would quiet down.” added DD.

The rangers saw no harm in letting the girls stay with them, as long as they promised not to get in the way of things that were about to happen, as well as keep the secrets they were about to learn to themselves.

“Okay, let’s get started.” said Twilight.

Each ranger stood in front of a computer in the circle as Twilight booted up her laptop to prepare the upload. The girls all watched over her shoulder, “Now remember, girls, not a word about this to anyone.”

“It’s okay…” said Scootaloo “We hardly understand much of what you’re doing anyway.”

Soon the program was ready, “Okay, Rangers, activate your morphers.”

One-by-one, each ranger activated their morpher, transferring the energy to other computers, and Sunset went last, “Time to shine!”

The power surge from the morphers, flying out in six different colors, actually powered the computers, just like Twilight planed. “Too cool!” said DD.

The rangers were told to stand exactly where they were and to keep the power going. Moving away would disrupt everything.

“Right, now the program…!” said Twilight and she enabled her new codes into the system. “It’s got to work! It’s got to!”

Inside Cyber-Space, Hacker Jack was starting to feel a bit full up, “I think… that just about do it!” he grumbled “Master Nacluv should have all the power he needs about now.”

Suddenly, a new stream of power he had never seen before caught his attention, “Hey, what have we here…?”

He followed the power and discovered it and many identical streams just like it. “Come to papa!” he hissed, and activated his controller to absorb the information, only for the process to suddenly stop “What?!” he snapped as he read the warning “Cannot be Downloaded?!” No tells Hacker Jack what he can and can’t take!”

Try as he would, that little monster just couldn’t seem to get the programs, and he ended up chasing them all around, unaware of the trap he was about to fall into.

Twilight managed to track the monster on her laptop, waiting for the signal to reach the center of the screen, “Not yet…!


The girls were shaking nervously, and the rangers continued to hold their positions and kept their powers going, but they, too, were growing nervous. Rainbow muttered softly behind her helmet, “Come on… work…!”

Fluttershy gave a nervous squeak!

Jack tracked the power sources into one place, “Ha! Now I’ve got you!” he shouted, and he made a dive for them all, but suddenly, the powers began to go crazy, actually ensnaring him. “Hey, what’s going on?”

“Eject!” shouted Twilight, and she pounded on the “Return” key, engaging the command, and all the computers glowed brightly, each firing a beam of light into Twilight’s laptop, and… POW!! The monster came shoot out like a cork on a bottle, and he crashed onto the café counter… still tiny.

At the same time, the energy that Nacluv was harnessing at the tower simply stopped, and it vanished into the air. “What?!” snapped Nacluv “What happened to my power?”

“It’s gone!” shouted Keto.

Marla couldn’t believe her eyes, and Bronc was livid as he growled, “No…! It cannot be…!” He quickly dashed downstrairs and realized that Hacker Jack had been ejected from the power gird.

“Well, well… looks like your little plan’s a bust.” Marla teased.

Bronc roared at her like a furious lion, scaring her off. “I’m not finished yet! I’ll send out a robotic knight! Launch!”

The Lingos obeyed, and launched the robot off for Mystic Island.

“Get him!” shouted Sunset, and she and the rangers jumped to capture the tiny monster.

“Uh, oh!” snapped Jack and he leapt out of the way. Due to his small size, he wasn’t very easy to see, and he had tons of space to leap too. “Looks like bigger isn’t always better, Rangers!” he teased.

Rainbow jumped at him, Buddy jumped at him. Rhymey and Fluttershy jumped for him and ended up bumping into one another while the monster roamed free around the café.

“Don’t let him get away!” shouted Lightning, but suddenly Celesto contacted the team. “Rangers, red-alert…! A robotic knight is attacking the city!”

Lightning decided to go for the robot solo while the others would stay and try to catch Jack. “Good luck, Lightning.” Sunset called to him.

“Right…!” replied Lightning, and he dashed outside and already could see the gigantic robot heading straight for the town.

“Comet Striker, Armor up!”

“Summon Armor!”

“Comet Striker, Ready!”

One Lightning was grown and armored up, her turned to the metallic menace, “Okay you overgrown bucket of bolts, let’s rumble!”

The robot eyed at Lightning, rather fiercely, ready to show off its upgrades that Bronc had installed on it.

Lightning punched and kicked hard, but the robot blocked him with its strong arms, and slashed him hard with its sword, and then started up its buzz-saw. “Oh, boy!” groaned Lightning.

The robot swung his huge saw, forcing Lightning to swerve and dodge to avoid serious damage.

Meanwhile, the other rangers were still having a hard time catching Hacker Jack.

“Each time we miss!
We can’t catch him like this!” shouted Rhymey.

“He’s right!” cried Fluttershy “Every time we spot him, he jumped somewhere else! He’s just too small and fast!”

Rainbow jumped at him and missed him again, “There’s got to be a way to slow him down!”

“If were outside we could blast him with our weapons but not in here.” Buddy pointed out.

The Crusaders had been hiding behind the counter the whole time watching the rangers fruitlessly trying to capture the tiny monster.

“Look, I know we were told not to butt in…” said Applebloom, she didn’t have to go any further. The girls all agreed to help the rangers catch the monster.

Sweetie Belle noticed the pictures still full of cold coffee and loads of sugar shakers, “And I think I know just how.”

Thinking cleverly, the girls poured a load of sugar into the coffee, making a very sticky mix, now all the needed was to duck behind the counter and wait for the right moment.

The rangers jumped, and lunged and rushed at the monster, but still Hacker Jack eluded them, causing the rangers to crash into the tables and each other.

“Your processing isn’t up to speed, Rangers!” Jack called to them.  He looked over his shoulder and saw a broken glass window, “Now I’m outta’ here!”

He leapt over to the counter to leap through the glass and out of the café. “Now!!” shouted Scootaloo, and she and her friends popped up from behind the counter and sploshed him with pitchers full of their sticky stuff…!

“WAAAAAAAAH!!” roared Jack, “I... I can’t see!” he tried to jump, but found he was stuck to the top of the counter.

“Hey… great going, girls!” hollered Buddy.

“Awesome!” added Rainbow.

Sunset then stepped up, and activated her morpher, hitting Jack with a beam and imprisoned him in a sphere, “Got’cha!”

The gang all rejoiced.

While outside, Lightning struggled as he held the robot’s sawing arm hard, with the whirling saw just inches away from him. The robot then prepared to swing at him with his sword, but at the last moment, Lightning ducked down, causing the sword to miss him, and the robot ended up slicing his own sawing arm off, severely damaging its internal circuitry as well.

“Ha! Missed me…!” Lightning teased, and he extended his blades, “But I won’t miss you!”

The others all ran out of the café just in time to see Lightning unleash his finisher.


POW!! Lightning struck the robot hard, making is spark and jolt like crazy, and it fell over backwards and was blown to bits!

“He did it!” cried Fluttershy.

“All right!
Out of sight!” Rhymey cheered.

All the gang rejoiced, and Sunset and Lightning both looked at one another, making the call together.

Sunset held up the imprisoned monster, “Monster Captured…!” and Lightning gave her a high thumb, “…Mission Complete!”

At the tower, Bronc was outraged, “How can this have happened?!” he thundered “My best plan failed me!”

Marla could only scoff, “I told you it wouldn’t work.”

“Yeah, thanks for jinxing us!” grumbled Keto.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash as Nacluv burst furiously into the room. Bronc felt he was in for a bigtime scolding form his master, but sparingly, he calmed down and said, “Well done, Bronc.”

“What…?!” snapped Marla and Keto.


“We lost a lot of the energy, but I managed to store a good deal of it. It could prove to be most useful to us in the future.” he snickered “Again, well done.”

Bronc bowed respectively, “Thank you, sir.”

Nacluv left, and Marla and Keto were livid, while Bronc could only snicker at them, “Looks like I’m not as useless as you two after all.”

His comrades were in disgrace!

The next day, thanks to the rangers, computer systems were able to reboot and restore all the data lost with backups and hard drives. Power restored normally, and files were corrected.

Fluttershy received one-thousand dollars from the police for their falsely imprisoning her, which she donated to the animal shelter clinic she worked at.

Lightning got his job back as well, even though in a week, school would be out.

There was, however, one thing being address, and that was the news of Celesto selling Canterlot High, when it was discovered that the column on the school site was real, and not from the chaos.

The Crusaders confessed to their deed, and early in the morning before school started, they were brought to the Principal’s office by the rangers, to await a hearing from the grownups. Their teacher, Cheerilee, was there too.

“I’m really disappointed in you girls.” she scolded them “Why in the world would post such a column on the school’s website?”

The girls felt ashamed, “We just didn’t want Mr. Grandruler to sell the school.” said Sweetie.

“What?” said Celesto.

“Sell the school?” added Cadance.

“Oh, girls… we aren’t going to sell the school.” said Luna.

The girls blinked once, “You’re not?” they all asked. “Of course not.” replied Celesto “I would die before I sold off Canterlot High. I built and run this school to help people. This school is a gem in the community, and it’s done so much for so many.

Whatever made you think I would sell it?”

The girls felt embarrassed to admit it, but Applebloom came forth, “We heard you talkin’ in the other day, and you said you were gonna sell the place when school ended.”

The adults exchanged concerned looks between one another, and Luna finally understood that loud crash she heard outside the door, “Apparently, you didn’t eavesdrop on our private conversation long enough.” she scolded.

Celesto agreed, “We weren’t talking about selling the school.” And he reached into his briefcase and pulled out a photo of an old restaurant called “The Place”

“It’s been on the island long before I first came here.” Celesto explained “They make really great chicken fingers. So when the owner retired, I bought the deed to the joint. But now it’s really growing old, it’s falling apart in ways it just can’t be fixed, and it’s just not making money the way it used to. So I’m going to sell it.

These things happen, but we’ll all miss it, and we’re doing this for the better of the community.”

“Oh…” said the girls, now they felt really silly, “We’re very, very sorry now…” said DD.

“Well, sorry as you may be girls…” said Cadance “You still caused a lot of trouble for Uncle-- I mean, Mr. GrandRuler.”

Celesto agreed, and even though he knew of the girls being very heroic in helping the rangers to catch the monster, they still didn’t know that he himself was in charge of the rangers, and even so, their heroisms did not excuse what their actions had caused him. All the embarrassment, humiliation, as well as the windows on his house that protester broke with rocks and bricks.

“You will stay after school every day until summer-break and help prepare the building for summer shutdown, and then you will come to my mansion and work off allowances for the windows that were broken by protestors. Fair…?”

The girls nodded in agreement.

“Good, that’s settled.”

As the girls left the office to head for class, the rangers were outside the door waiting for them. “Well, I hope that’ll teach you girls not to eavesdrop.” said Sunset.

The girls promised not to eavesdrop anymore, unless it was good reason. “You know, it’s kind of your fault too.” Scootaloo said to Buddy.

“My fault…?”

“Yeah, you didn’t tell us they were planning to sell a restaurant.” said Sweetie.

“Well, I thought you knew. Everyone’s heard of “The Place.”

The girls shook their heads, and much to Buddy’s surprise, none of his friends had heard of it until today either. “Ah, come on… anybody?”

Everyone just shook their heads at him again. “Well, that’ll teach me to get my facts straight too.”

Everyone chuckled at him.