A Forgotten Life

by PeriwinkleLove

Chapter 7 ; The truth is finally reaveled

“Girls come here,” He said softly.

They came and saw that Discord was holding a-

“Box?” Fluttershy said confused.

“Yes my dear,”He replied”A box of many,many memories”He continued while placing the box in the floor.

“What’s inside?” Rainbow asked while seeing the box and being beside him.

“Rainbow let him take his time,”Twilight said angrily.

The girls sat down.

He then did it;
He slightly opened the box.

“Huh,” He sighed
”Well the answers to what you seek is inside...that box”He said”So many,many memories,”He said while small tears started to form and roll on his cheeks.

“Oh sugarcube,”Applejack said.

“What could be possibly be inside that made you so sad?”Rarity asked.

“Discord if it is so personal then-” Fluttershy was cut off by Discord.

“No...It’s something I need to do,” He said determined.
“You will be shocked of what I am about to reveal that’s for sure,”He was about to open that damn box until a voice interrupted him.

"Wait there a moment!" Pinkie told.

"What?" They asked.

"First,why the heck were you crying?I mean,it's a box!Even I don't get that emotional!But...em,you seemed more sad than ever before!So...might give us like a prolouge thing?"

He sighted slightly
"You see Pinkie,some things are better not to be told to the ones you love about your past,but...there are also the stupbborn ones that make you to spil it out!"

"Discord,you haven't told us a lot about your past,not even to me!You always seem to change the topic or even just say that you were alone,but you know you can't hide it from us,we know you, and if there is something importand about you then we have every right as your friends to know," Fluttershy told.

"Yeah,and how come you have been so moody?You are never moody Discord,sure annoying but not moody!It's just the first time that we see you like that,we're worried about you,"Twilight adds.

"Yes..I have my blues lately,"

"Lately!?You haven't been yourself since our first tea party here!And that was weeks before! But the only thing that surprises me is that you aren't fading or anything,and,how come I didn't even notice it?'Sight' I really need to learn you better after that," Fluttershy hoofpalms herself.

"You really should do that,I've kept that secret longer than I should have really,"

"Then why?" Rarity asks.

"Because it's about my past,a thing that I don't like to remember,I thought that you wouldn't understand or even,heck,even stone me after that,"

"Don't be ridiculious,we would never stone you back for something as silly as a 'secret' from your past," Twilight ironically said.

"You might want to change your mind after that,"

"Oh come on,you know we would never do this!"

"Obviously Applejack,yet I still have the feeling of just,well,be on guard or anything like that,you dunno how much you're going to learn about me...if you keep me free to tell my story,"

"You know,starts to get annoying,just tell us that 'secret' already! You're keeping me curious to death!"

"Well,Rainbow,you can't actually die from curiousity,unless you do some crazy things to find out the answer,that only of course,is refereed to total phychopaths,that don't know what they're doing and might end up to be dinner for timberwholves!"

"And..why are you telling us egghead?"

"Because I have just recently finished my book for understanding psychopaths,and I want this knowledge to be usefull in something!"

"No one is interested right now you know,"

"You just open that box!Or else I'll open it,and literally throw it to one of you!"

"Fine fine,geez,not much of a fun of jokes hah?Well who am I kidding you never apreciated my jokes anyways,"

She,then,still looking directly at his eye,levitated with her magic the box and was with a cold,unamused predator-like look.

"I can throw it and open your head,you either open that box,or I throw it to you and it opens your head,you understand me?"She threatens him coldly.

"Alright..why I'm scared of her now?"

"It's a question that no one can answer right now,"Rainbow whispers.

"Just OPEN the damn box!"

She threw the box right in front of him.

"Alright,alright,I'll open the box,just stop looking at me like that,you freak me out!"

"That's how I felt when I saw you like that,but I really start to lose my patience with you,now open it,"

"Emm,ok,but,just so you know,I'm sorry,"

"For what?"Pinkie asks.

"For not telling you earlier,I know I should have told you but,heck,I'll just open it and you'll see for yourselves,"

"Will it be,emm,shocking or anything?"Fluttershy questions.

"Yes,yes it will,"

The six mares were waiting for something terrible to appear from that box,as they assumed by the warning and his cold voice tone.

He then with his own magic,opened the cardboard box that had nothing but;

Two rather big books,a vase with bits and two bracelets that were made of rainbow-colored and sparkling daisies.

“What the..?”Twilight told confused,as she was not expecting to see something like this.

“Ooo these bracelets are so pretty and cute!”Pinkie said and then she picked up the bracelets and examined them.

“Thanks,she would be flattered,”He said while hesitated to touch anything from the things that were in the box.

“Who she?”Fluttershy asked concerned.

“Whelp,Fluttershy,open the first book and you’ll see who I mean,”He gestured to her to open it.

She took the book and when she saw what was written on the first page she was surprised.

"You have a journal?"

He nodded with agreement .

"Wait,wait your journal?" Twilight says and she takes the old dusty book that was in Fluttershys hooves and saw,also,what was written in the first page.

"'The journal,keep hands off' really now?That's how you named it?"

"Well,don't say that you were expecting something better than this,"

"Hm,good point,and how come you kept a journal?" Rainbow asks as she flipped the pages,obviously not reading any word.

"Just popped on my mind one day,dunno why,just seemed a fun way to pass time I guess,but,I wanted you to open the other book actually,"He admits.

After that Fluttershy picked up the other book that was also dusty,she opened and she was in the first page,
then she flipped the next page and saw the title;'PHOTOS'

"Huh?"She exclaims with confusion.

"Flip the next page,"

She after the second flip she saw a picture of Discord and-

“Who is she?”Rainbow asked.

And she was right.There was an another being,similar to Discord's body shape,but not very much,and she was hugging him,and they were both laughing.

“Well?” Applejack asked.

“I have never seen someone like her or is it him,nuhh it must be a girl,but-” Twilight was cut by Rarity.

“Who is that girl on the picture Discord?”

“Yeah she is a bit weird looking like you,well?” Rainbow continued.

“She,she….” He tried to answer but words couldn’t escape from his mouth.He looked at the photo with a little fear as someone could tell.

“Discord...” Fluttershy said curious of the answer.

“Whelp big guy who is she?We are all eager to know for Equestrian sake!” Applejack demanded.

“She...”He paused again,he knew it was his last chance to give up,he didn’t give up though.

“Oh just tell it already!” Twilight protested.

“Whelp,” He took a deep breath and said the words that uncovered a deep well-kept secret of his past that putted a light to this mystery.

“She..”He finally said with pain clear in his face.

“Come on!” Rainbow hoped that he would finally say it.

With pain in his heart,like he was stabbed he finally answered;
“She.Is my sister” Discord’s final answer…….