Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom


Windy and Bow had become so absorbed by everything that the dinosaurs had told them, that by the time they were finally brought up to speed, their minds were blown wide open. Rainbow had to stifle a laugh from seeing the looks on her parents' faces. Luckily Indominus hadn't told them everything about his inner conflict with the Devil, he wanted to save that conversation when he would have time alone with Rainbow and her parents.

"So all of you have been looking after Scootaloo all this time," asked Bow.

"That's right," T-Rex answered.

"You've even been made her personal guardians," said Windy.

"They've become more of a family to me than my former 'parents' used to be," Scootaloo added.

"In addition to being asked to be her new mom and dad," said Indominus as he nuzzled Scootaloo.

"Well, I'd say both of you have been doing pretty good so far."

"Thanks Dad," said Rainbow while still enjoying being held by her husband.

Windy couldn't get enough of how Rainbow seemed so at peace being in Indominus's embrace. She had seen her daughter with plenty of stallions in the past, but Rainbow had never looked at any of them the way she looked at Indominus. She seemed to just snuggle perfectly against his chest, like she never wanted to leave his side.

"Honey, I'm sorry for how we called Indominus a beast earlier." Indominus let go of Rainbow as she scooted over to her parents and they came together in a group hug.

"You two really mean that?"

"We really are sorry Rainbow Dash," said Bow. "After everything we've heard that he's done just for you, we can see that he is definitely good enough to be your husband." Windy looked up at Indominus and spoke to both him and Rainbow Dash.

"Anypony that is willing to give their life and all they have for our daughter, is instantly welcome in our family." Indominus scooted over and Rainbow pulled his face into the group hug.

"See Dad, everypony is on your side now," Scootaloo said as she flew off Indominus's back. The hybrid dinosaur didn't respond because he was overwhelmed by the amount of love and support he was getting.

"I've never had anyone care about me this much before."

"Well, things are different now Indominus, and we'll help you and Rainbow get through this anyway we can," said Windy.

"And Indominus."

"Yes, Bow?" Rainbow's parents got up and looked directly at Indominus.

"Will you accept our humble apologies, and our blessings?"

"Dad." Rainbow was shocked at hearing such a heartfelt question from her dad. It made her heart soar in sheer joy to see Indominus nuzzle them both and give his response.

"I've already forgiven you two. I know it's not easy to look at an animal like me and not automatically think I'm some kind of monster. But once someone takes the time to know me, I'm a lot more genuine and caring. That's what Scootaloo and your daughter did for me, and I also accept your blessings."

"Congratulations Indominus," said Blue from across the bed with her sisters. "Despite all that's happened, you've still got ponies that support you and have your back."

"Now how about we get you downstairs so everypony can see that you're alright," said T-Rex.

"Alright brother, and I do need to stretch my legs."

Indominus tried to stand up, but he almost instantly collapsed back onto the bed. Rainbow instantly knew why her husband didn't have the strength to get up on his own.

"Looks like the Immortal Phoenix has taken more out of you than we thought. It'll be awhile before you've got your old strength back, Indominus."

"Great. The Wonderbolts are preparing another attack against us, and I don't have the strength to protect my family," Indominus said in a frustrated huff.

"This time it's our turn to help and protect you, brother," T-Rex said as he lifted Indominus's right arm over his neck. Scootaloo joined him as she increased her size and lugged Indominus's other arm across her back.

"It's ok to have somepony help you out once in a while, dad. Don't feel like you have to do everything yourself."

"{b]Ok Scootaloo," Indominus said as they helped him off the bed and walked him out the bedroom.

As they walked towards the staircase, Rainbow's parents were curious about what she meant when she mentioned the Immortal Phoenix. She told them that was a subject that would be best for Indominus to explain.

"Hey everypony, look who's finally awake," Scootaloo said as she and T-Rex helped Indominus down the stairs with the raptor squad, Rainbow and her parents in trail.

Everypony looked up at the staircase and their eyes all widened in excitement to see Indominus had woken up. Indominus was immediately swarmed by the rest of the Mane Six and CMC once he got down the stairs. He carefully leaned forward and got down on all fours so that everypony could nuzzle him. Tyrannosaurus and Scootaloo stayed by his side in case he collapsed again.

"How are you feeling darling?"

"I've been better, Rarity."

"We heard shouting and were going to come check on you, but Discord here convinced us not to."

"Hey, I thought that Rainbow and Scootaloo could handle the issue, whatever it was," said Discord.

"It's alright Twilight," said Rainbow as she and her parents landed beside her. "That was just a misunderstanding, and things are alright now."

"We're glad to see that you're awake at last," said Fluttershy.

"Yeah, Rainbow was a complete mess while you were asleep," Pinkie added. "Completely depressed, and constantly worrying for you."

"I can guess, it was her words that snapped me awake. She told her parents how much I mean to her, and that brought me out of that coma." Rainbow blushed nervously at Indominus's comment.

"I think that was mighty kind of ya to say that Rainbow," said Applejack as she broke away and walked over to her friend. "Everypony needs to be reminded of how much they mean ta somepony else once in a while."

"It helps make family bonds strong, and keeps everypony close," Applebloom added. Rainbow brushed her front leg, too touched from the compliments to speak.

The group broke away from Indominus so he could have some room. He tried to get back on just his legs, but as he started to rise up, he felt his body start to give way. The hybrid stumbled forward a few steps and everypony scattered as he started to fall forward. T-Rex and Scootaloo couldn't move fast enough in the small space to catch him. Thankfully, Discord caught Indominus in his magic before the dinosaur collapsed on the floor. T-Rex and Scootaloo put Indominus's arms around them again as Discord took away the magic holding him.

"Thanks Discord."

"No problem Indominus, I've got your back. Though I hope you don't collapse again before the Wonderbolts find us.

"What's going on Indominus," Applejack asked.

"I-I'm sorry girls. My body is still weak from using the Immortal Phoenix. I won't be myself for awhile."

"I wish there was a way we could help you feel better, brother," said Delta. That's when Windy got an idea that could help the hybrid dinosaur.

"You know, whenever Rainbow Dash wasn't feeling herself, there was always one thing we whipped up that made her feel relaxed: a nice soothing bath."

"That's actually a good idea mom. It might help his body relax more easily, I know it worked for me every time."

"Then it's settled, let's get this big boy into the bath tub and help him take a load off."

Once again, Tyrannosaurus and Scootaloo helped Indominus walk to the bathroom. Rainbow flew ahead of them to get the door open and started running the bath water. As Rainbow was running her hoof through the water, testing to see how warm it was, Scootaloo and T-Rex entered the room with Indominus. She moved aside so her husband could test the water for himself. Indominus ran one of his hands through the water and liked the warm temperature.

"It's the perfect temperature, Rainbow."

Rainbow helped T-Rex and Scootaloo get Indominus into the tub, and once he climbed in, the hybrid dinosaur felt warm relief rushing over his body. He relaxed and laid his body down, allowing the water to surround him up to the base of his neck. As the rest of the Mane Six began pouring into the bathroom, Windy put a hoof out to stop her husband.

"Sorry dear, but this is for the girls only. You'll have to wait out here until we're done."

"You too Spike," said Twilight.

"That includes you as well Discord," Fluttershy said as she shoved Discord out and back into the hallway.

"That's fine with me Fluttershy, I'm not the kind that knows how to give somepony a bath. Besides, I think the Princesses deserve to know that Indominus is awake and recovering. I'll be back later with word from them." Discord snapped his fingers and disappeared from the hallway.

"We'll stay out here to keep the boys company," said Sweetie Belle.

"You enjoy your relaxation brother," Tyrannosaurus said before heading out himself.

The Crusaders left the bathroom along with T-Rex and the only ones left in the hall were themselves, Spike, the raptor squad and Bow. While the Crusaders kept Bow and Spike busy by telling them what they knew about the Immortal Phoenix, the remaining dinosaurs decided to go out and hunt for their brother so he could regain his strength. They had to rely on their sense of smell to get through the sea of darkness to the Everfree Forest without Discord to help them this time. Once inside the forest, it didn't take the dinosaurs long to hunt down three Manticores and drag them back to the clouddominium. Delta chose to keep watch over the food until her brother was done, not wanting to take chances of his meal getting taken.

As for Indominus, he was getting one of the best treatments in relaxation. The Mane Six and Windy were all lathering his body with soap and lotions, while also massaging his body. It almost felt as soothing as the treatments he got at the spa, but there was one part that made the relaxation more perfect. It was having Rainbow Dash being one of the ponies that was massaging and caring for him. She was tending to his left arm and making sure to be gentle. There was just something special about letting his body get massaged by the one pony he truly loved most. Windy could see the serene and peaceful look in his eyes and it didn't take her long to guess what Indominus was enjoying most.

"Is this better than you thought it would be, Indominus?"

"I feel like I could fall asleep from the comfort all of you are giving me."

"Glad you like it so much," said Applejack.

"By the way Indominus, Rainbow said you could explain what she meant when she brought up this 'Immortal Phoenix?'"

"I can tell you, but there are some parts that probably will scare and horrify you."

"I can take it. You've saved my daughter and given her real love, I need to know what could be bothering her savior and husband."

So Indominus reluctantly told Windy about the inner conflict he'd been going through. The others had already heard the story from Rainbow and Fluttershy, but hearing it straight from Indominus himself was different. He told Windy about how the Devil had filled him with so much rage that it had caused him to attack Rainbow on that fateful day. She could hear the true guilt and remorse in Indominus's voice over what he had done as he recounted the event.

"I've never been able to forgive myself for hurting Rainbow Dash. She's done nothing but give me the best that life can offer, and I return the favor by stabbing her in the chest and almost killing her." Windy put a hoof to Indominus's lower jaw and pulled him towards her.

"None of that was your fault Indominus. You never wanted to hurt Rainbow, this 'Devil' forced you to do it. I've seen how you look at her, and I can say that you would NEVER intentionally hurt her like that. You have too good a heart for that."

"Thank you," was all Indominus could say. He was touched beyond belief that Rainbow's mom was confirming what Ra had told him. All the damage caused that day, was not his fault. Indominus was more convinced than ever that there were genuine souls that cared for him.

Rainbow was touched as well, for she had never seen her mother give words of such wisdom and comfort to anypony besides her.

"So has this monster been causing you anymore trouble lately?"

"Well I managed to keep him from taking over when I gave it my all against the Wonderbolts. I guess my determination to protect Rainbow was enough for me to overpower him and hold him at bay. After that fight, I have Discord to thank for shutting that monster and keeping him from attacking all of you."

"While he was out cold, mom, the Devil tried to take advantage of the moment and attack us. Discord stepped in and used his power to contain that beast. He hasn't tried to take over Indominus since then."

"You mean that odd creature that was hanging around all of you?"

"He's actually really nice once you get to know him," said Fluttershy.

"Discord's been a monumental help to us lately, and saving Indominus's life is the most selfless thing he's ever done." Twilight added.

"I never said he was bad, after meeting Indominus I can't judge anypony on their looks anymore. Me and your father learned that from you, honey."

"Thanks mom, it means a lot hearing that from you."

"Now how about we talk about something not so serious. Like, if you and Indominus have 'sealed the deal?'"

Rainbow's face instantly turned bright red when her mom brought up the personal question. The Mane Five struggled to hide their giggles, for they had seen Rainbow and Indominus 'seal the deal' on at least more than one occasion. Indominus turned his head away, which was all the indication Windy needed to know that her daughter had been busy.

"Well well, it seems that you two have been going at it for quite some time huh? How long have you two been making love between yourselves?"

"Please stop mom, this is too much."

"What? Is it wrong to ask how much action you lovebirds have been giving each other since you've been married?"

"Oh you should've seen them a few weeks ago," Pinkie blurted out. "Rainbow wanted to reward Indominus for looking after her during her first day as a Wonderbolt. He had beaten up those scoundrels, defended her and even replaced the symbol on her jacket. So Rainbow had him meet her at a special lake where they went and-"

Pinkie was cut off as Twilight and Rarity rushed over and clamped their hooves over her mouth to keep her from spilling any explicit details. Rainbow just buried her face in her hooves in embarrassment, they had all seen what she and Indominus had done that night. Indominus leaned forward and nuzzled Rainbow's mane, trying to comfort her once he saw that she was deeply embarrassed about their 'rewarding' night being discussed. Windy saw what Indominus was doing and held her daughter in a light hug.

"Honey, I didn't mean to embarrass you. I just wanted to know if you and Indominus have been enjoying having each other in your lives."

"But did you have to bring up such a personal subject?"

"I merely wanted to know if you've loved having him around and above all, being your husband."

"Yes, I've loved having him around," Rainbow said as she pulled Indominus's face towards hers. "He's treated me like a queen and he somehow manages to make my days better."

"That's what I was hoping to hear, and I won't ask on the details of your 'personal time,' but can I ask you this one question?"


"Did he make you happy every time you and him loved each other?"

"Yes. He's made me happier than I ever was when I first tried out for the Wonderbolts." Windy was overjoyed at her daughter's response, and just needed one more confirmation.

"Indominus, have you enjoyed being with my daughter?" The hybrid dinosaur thought for a moment before he gave an answer.

"Every moment I've spent with her, has made life worth living. She's given me a reason for wanting to remain in this family, and I honestly can't see myself being with anyone but Rainbow Dash."

"Wow darling, that was adorable," said Rarity.

Everypony else was touched by Indominus's kind words, Applejack was shedding tears of happiness again. Now Windy had solid proof that Rainbow had chosen a true heart of gold to be her stallion. Indominus had just shown over a thousand times the amount of love any previous stallion had ever shown around her. With Indominus and Rainbow looking so at peace being close to each other, Windy thought that the two deserved some time to themselves

"I think we've given Indominus plenty of massage time. How about we leave you two alone so that you can have some quality time together?"


"Don't be too lovely with her Indominus," Pinkie said as the girls began to head towards the door.

As everypony left the bathroom, Windy had one more thing to tell the hybrid dinosaur.

"Oh and Indominus."


"Thank you for taking such good care of my daughter," she said while gently stroking Indominus's face with one of her wings. For a moment, Indominus seemed lost in the comfort and from the comment before he could respond.

"You're welcome."

Once Windy left the bathroom, Rainbow increased her size, climbed into the bath and snuggled against Indominus. She truly appreciated that Indominus hadn't given away any details about their time together. It had even warmed her heart more to hear the dinosaur tell her mom why he loved being her stud so much. Indominus could feel the warmth from Rainbow's body as she just laid in the water and held his arm close to her.

"Thank you Indominus, for being such a gentlecolt about our time together."

"No problem Dashie," Indominus said as he gently licked her face.

Outside, everypony was pressed against the wall, trying to peek in through the keyhole and listen in on the couple. They were just too curious about Rainbow and Indominus's unbreakable bond to not hear the lovers exchange their feelings with each other. Plus Windy and Bow were hoping to hear more of their daughter's romantic vocabulary. Discord reappeared behind them and everypony hushed him so as to not miss hearing anything. The Lord of Chaos pressed his ear to the door to try and listen himself.

"We're the same Indominus. You and I are just a couple of hot-headed, ignorant fools that always get themselves into trouble."

"Yeah, I guess we are the same. We rush headlong into situations that are way over our heads. We're too stubborn to listen to reasonable advice, and we're near impossible to control. In a way, we're both"

"Like fire huh," Rainbow said as she snuggled closer to Indominus in the bath. "That's a pretty accurate way to put it, considering what I'll make you once this is finally over." Everypony nearly gasped in surprise at hearing Rainbow's little tease to Indominus, except for Rarity and Applejack, who already knew about her promise to the hybrid dinosaur. Windy and Bow were red in the face, it was so wild and strange to hear their daughter talking in such a seductive manner. Discord was bright red and speechless, he never imagined that Rainbow Dash would ever say anything like that.

"Have any of you known that she's been like this?"

"Well, I've heard her talk sweetly to him before, Bow, but never like this," Scootaloo whispered.

"He truly changed her into a romantic pegasus," Twilight added.

"Wow, I'll have to give my daughter some personal advice for when that day comes," said Windy.

"Dear! Keep that between us."

"Hush everypony," Pinkie whispered while looking through the keyhole. "Rainbow's not done serenading him yet." Everypony silenced themselves and pressed their ears against the wall to hear Rainbow and Indominus continuing their conversation.

"But if we're comparing ourselves to fire, then I guess you could say I'm like raging fire."

"After how you wrecked the Wonderbolts' shit, it definitely suits you," Indominus said as he licked Rainbow's cheek, causing her to blush. Windy and Bow had to cover their mouths with both hooves to even remotely muffle their squeals. "Though if you're like raging fire, then what does that make me?"

Rainbow pulled Indominus's face towards her with both hooves and kissed him before she said in a sexy and seductive voice, "a blazing inferno."

Discord had to put a sound muffling spell over everypony's heads to keep their squeals from bellowing throughout the house. Now Rainbow's parents had officially seen everything, they had seen the romantic side of their daughter that had been born when she and Indominus first kissed months ago. The rest of the Mane Five were fangirling like maniacs, no matter how many times they saw them together, Rainbow always managed to say something that astounded them all. Discord decided that it was a good time to take everypony away before they caused a scene. So he teleported them all away from the bathroom door and downstairs to the living room.

"Are they gone?"

"Yep, Discord took them all downstairs. Now we're finally alone."

"I'd say that'll keep them talking for at least an hour."

"That's why you and I are such a great team, Rainbow. We're too good together."

The lovers had partially said all those things because Indominus could see everypony's heat signatures outside the door. It was meant to tease and tug at their hearts, and it worked all too well. Rainbow and Indominus couldn't help but laugh at thinking about the looks her parents must've had when they heard all those teasing comments. While they were laughing about the moment, Rainbow surprised Indominus by grabbing him around the neck and rolling him onto his back. The hybrid dinosaur had no time to react as Rainbow laid herself on his stomach and kissed him. When the kiss broke, Rainbow's eyes seemed to be filled with worry and on the verge of crying.

"What's wrong Rainbow?"

"I didn't want my parents to see me like this, but.....I thought I was going to lose you, Indominus." He didn't utter a single word as Rainbow poured her soul out to him. "When I saw your body on that battlefield, I really thought you were dead. I almost believed that I had lost the only creature in this world that truly loved me, I thought my soulmate had been killed."

"I'm sorry that I made you worry like that, Rainbow," Indominus said as he pulled her into a warm hug. "I only did that because I didn't want to risk you being killed."

"It tore me apart to hear you talking to me and Scootaloo like you wouldn't be coming back to us. I can't imagine my life without you, Indominus, you've become too special to me."

"It's ok Rainbow, I'm not going to make that mistake again. Because I won't turn you away anymore, and I'll need you for what I'm going to attempt next."

"What would that be?"

"Defeating the Devil and then the Wonderbolts."


"I'm finally following Ra's advice Rainbow. If I turn you away again then I'll be killed, if I face the Wonderbolts as I am I'll be killed, so there isn't any other choice. I'll do it during the battle while you and everyone else guards me until I can beat the Devil for good. Once that's done, then whatever happens next will decide what happens to us and the Wonderbolts."

"That sounds like a crazy and completely insane idea, Indominus. But it's the only way that it can work. You've put your trust in me, now I'll put my trust in you. For now though, will you stay with me like this? I'm not sure if this'll be the last time we get to hug each other."

"Of course Rainbow." Rainbow wrapped her front hooves around Indominus and the lovers held each other in the bath, while listening to the beats of their own hearts.

Downstairs, Discord was giving everyone the news on what the Princesses had told him. Luna and Celestia were delighted to hear that Indominus was awake, and more importantly, he was on the road to getting his strength back. They informed Discord that they were be returning to Rainbow's home in a few days, ready to help fight the Wonderbolts. First, the Princesses needed to hone their magic in preparation for fighting against the horrific abomination that Soarin had become.

"Is that everything they told you, Discord," Twilight asked.

"They warned all of us to not let anything happen to Indominus, because even Luna and KK are convinced that he is the only one capable of stopping those blasted Wonderbolts."

"You've been a huge help to our brother, Discord. We'll find some way to make it up to you," said Blue.

"Hey, it's no trouble. I'm just glad to give my help to my friends. By the way, how is the dinosaur of the hour doing?"

"He's upstairs with Rainbow Dash and they're spending some much needed time together," said Windy.

"Are you and the boys going to stay here until the Wonderbolts make their move, Discord?"

"Yes Fluttershy, we're not going to leave until the fight is over. Indominus brought us together, and we're not going to abandon the dinosaur who helped me make so many friends."

"I want to help in this fight too," Spike said, which caused everypony to turn toward him.

"Spike, Ah hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the Wonderbolts are too dangerous for ya to handle," said Applejack.

"Applejack's right Spike. The Wonderbolts are giants, and Soarin is a mutated monster. There's nothing you could do against them."

"You're right Twilight, there's nothing I can do, but there's plenty the real dragon in me can do."

"What're you-" Twilight stopped herself mid-sentence. The realization of what Spike was talking about came flooding into her mind, he was referring to the incident that took place on his birthday. "No. No! No Spike, you can't be serious!"

"What's he talking about Twilight," asked Rarity.

"Spike's talking about becoming the same giant dragon that rampaged through Ponyville. He wants to fight the Wonderbolts like that."

"No way!"

"Not happening in a million birthday parties."

"Be reasonable Spike. The last thing Equestria needs is to have you go another greed-filled rampage again," said Applejack.

"Besides, if you became that giant dragon again, there's no guarantee that you would actually fight the Wonderbolts."

"That's why I wanted to ask Discord if he could turn me into the dragon, but with my mind still intact so I won't lose control. Then I'd be able to help Indominus fight the Wonderbolts, and protect all of my friends as well."

"I for one, think that sounds like a brave and great idea." Everypony turned to see Indominus and Rainbow at the top of the staircase. They were astounded to see him walking down the stairs without Rainbow helping him. "If Spike has a way for battling the Wonderbolts, then let him assist in any way he can. Honestly Twilight, we need all the help we can get in this fight. Remember, Soarin was too much for me to fight by myself."

"What do you think Discord? Could you do all that?"

"Ugh, what part of 'Lord of Chaos,' and 'I can do anything' don't you seem to get, Princess? Of course I could do it, it's easier than most of the chaos I make on a regular basis."

"Then it's settled, Spike will get to play his part in the battle ahead and fight alongside us," said Blue. "Now Indominus, we have a few bodies waiting for you to feast on."

Indominus followed his brother and sisters out of the clouddominium and managed to glide down to the ground. Once he caught sight of the Manticore bodies, the hybrid lunged at them and began devouring the meat like a carnivore that had been starved for a week. In only a matter of minutes, the hybrid dinosaur had eaten every inch of the Manticores with only a pool of blood left over. The relaxing bath had definitely given the dinosaur back a good deal of strength, now he was starting to feel like his old self. But Indominus only had three days, before his confrontation with the Devil would test his absolute limits and decide his fate against the Wonderbolts.