Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


As Rainbow Dash walked back to her desk, Rarity couldn't believe her friend. But the worst bit was she herself was only barely getting started on the test, and wouldn't be able to take out her phone to reward Rainbow until she was done.

Rainbow's parasite could sense its host's happiness, and it didn't take much examination to discover what had made her happy. It felt when Rainbow used the extra white matter, and knew she liked to feel smart. Filing away another fact, it was slowly building up its plan to make its host as happy as it could.

Slipping through the school halls, Rainbow Dash made her way to the outdoors building where her shop class was held. The place had no students in it, and so she slipped inside. Her plans for the Hemi engine were not huge, so far as her class was concerned. She pulled out the instructions for the next step of her work on it.

As Rainbow Dash bent her mind to her work, she felt light as a feather, and found herself still humming Fluttershy's latest songs. So immersed was the girl that she didn't notice time passing, and didn't notice the sound of the shop door open and close. But she felt when her vibrator twitched and then stopped again.

"Wha?!" Rainbow spun around and found herself staring into Rarity's eyes. "R-R-Rarity!"

"I promised you something special about your test, didn't I?" Every ounce of Rainbow's worry was sweet honey to Rarity. She pressed her thumb to the toy.

Rainbow felt another tremble run through her body, and it excited and scared her. "Rarity, stop!" The vibration stopped, and Rainbow felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

"I'm sorry. I just keep getting carried away!" Rarity lost sight of the game and buried her face against her friend's neck. Tears loosed themselves from her eyes, and she couldn't get her friend's voice out of her head.

Struggling with the tingle in her groin, Rainbow held her friend. "I just don't know what to do. I liked the— But it feels too strong. It's not your fault, Rarity. It's mine." Rarity's crying tore at Rainbow. She felt something rub at her throat, and was quickly reminded that she was still wearing a leather collar. "S-S-Spicy…"

Rarity tilted back and looked at Rainbow. "What?"

"Spicy Hot will know about this. He-He was the one who locked the collar onto me." Blushing again, Rainbow Dash focused on her plan. "We need to go for a ride, it shouldn't be far."

"If you think I am climbing on that contraption of yours, Rainbow Dash, you have another thing coming!" Rarity had to stalk after Rainbow Dash, chasing her to the car park. "Rainbow? Did you hear me?"

"Come on, Rarity. Get on!" Rainbow Dash climbed onto her bike and tapped the seat behind her. "All you have to do is move with me and hold on." She turned the key and felt her bike surge into life.

Confused about Rainbow's idea, Rarity realized the girl wouldn't budge without her. "I am going to make you wear dresses for a month." She was sure Rainbow Dash couldn't hear her, but then Rarity could barely hear herself over the bike. Climbing onto the vehicle behind Rainbow Dash, she felt her wrists grabbed.

Rainbow Dash pulled Rarity's arms around her belly, made sure it pulled her friend firmly against her back. Her foot twitched, and she reached back up and the bike pulled them forwards.

Rarity screamed in surprise, and held tight to Rainbow Dash. Clinging to her friend, she was barely aware of the trip until the engine of the bike cut out. She blinked a few times, trying to regain her senses.

Chuckling, Rainbow Dash tried to unwrap Rarity's arms from her waist. "Rarity, you can let go now."

"Don't you ever do that again, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity practically jumped off the motorbike, and set about fixing her makeup in the mirror of her compact. "I swear! I am never getting on that thing again!"

"Well, we do have to get back to school before the end of lunch." Rainbow Dash made sure her bike was secure and walked to the stairs of Canterlot Crops. "Come on, I have someone for you to meet." She began to walk up the stairs.

With no choice but to follow, Rarity heaved a sigh. "Who is it?" She began navigating the stairs herself, having not even noticed the store's sign above her head.

"Welcome to Canterlot Crops, how can I help you?" Sonata recognized Rainbow Dash a fraction of a second after she gave her welcoming spiel. "Oh! Rainbow!"

"Rainbow Dash, look out!" Rarity threw up her force field between them and the counter Sonata was behind. "That's one siren. Where are the others? What are you planning?!" She scanned the shop, assuming she would find Adagio and Aria.

Sonata looked to Rainbow Dash and raise an eyebrow. "Cool barrier. You have been really powering up since you kicked Adagio and Aria out, haven't you?" She leaned over the counter and knocked on the crystalline magic barrier.

"Of course. We are all getting more awesome every day." Rainbow Dash tried to get around Rarity's barrier, but her friend grabbed her arm.

"What do you think you are doing, Rainbow? Has she mind-controlled you?" Rarity clung to her friend. She was jostled, however, when the door beside her started swinging open. "This must be them…" Trailing off, Rarity was completely underwhelmed by the young man walking into the store, at least she was by his lack of siren qualities.

"I'm back, Sonata." Spicy Hot couldn't get all the way in the door because it was blocked by Rarity and her magic. "Oh, customers? Rainbow Dash! Welcome back."

All her time spent looking around had Rarity's mind trying to poke her consciousness for attention. Heeding the call of the more sane part of herself, Rarity actually looked at the things that were behind Sonata, and froze. "R-R-Rainbow Dash?"

Catching her friend as she fainted, Rainbow groaned. "Rarity! Come on, this is just a fashion shop… Kinda…" She held her friend up, and was thankful for Rarity's barriers collapsing with her loss of consciousness.

Spicy and Sonata froze, staring at Rarity. Sonata was too stunned at seeing one of the legendary Rainbooms fainting, which meant Spicy got to express his surprise first. "She actually fainted because she walked into a sex toy store?"

"It's Rarity," Rainbow Dash said, as if that alone explained everything. "She would faint if she saw a frayed hem." Holding her friend up, she felt Rarity start to twitch and move.

"W-What happened?" Rarity blinked her eyes open and struggled to get her balance under control. "Rainbow Dash? Why did you bring me into a…" The world wavered a little, but Rarity struggled and won the fight to remain awake. "You brought me into a house of ill repute!"

"House of—? This is not a brothel!" Spicy Hot stepped through his front door fully, but held it open. "And I don't like being insulted. If you don't like it here, you can leave."

"Hold on, please!" Rainbow had to grab Rarity's arm to stop her from following Spicy's directions. "Look, Rarity, this thing we have started is—is scary, but it is also kinda fun."

Rarity's world crumbled for a second time as she heard her friend discussing their very private matter seemingly in public, although she felt it wasn't quite fainting worthy.

"Spicy is a nice guy. He is a bit pushy sometimes, but I think that might be the same kind of thing. I figured if anyone knows anything about this, it would be him." Pointing at Spicy Hot, Rainbow finally let go of Rarity's arm. "So you have a choice. We stop now and you leave, or we can maybe do some stuff, but you will need to talk about it."

"An apology would be nice too." Spicy still held the door, waiting for the teenage girl to respond to Rainbow's demands.

"To Sonata too. It was totally my fault for not telling you about her. She isn't with the others anymore." Putting her hands on her hips, Rainbow Dash was waiting for Rarity's answer.

Rarity struggled to hold her air of superiority. She was outnumbered, and it appeared the one person who had actually interested her in any intimate way was giving her an ultimatum. She wavered for a moment. "Rainbow Dash, you are sure that Sonata isn't just mind-controlling you?"

"She isn't. She couldn't. We broke their gems, remember? Princess Twilight told us they were how they used magic." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at her friend's reluctance. "She did bad stuff with magic, we stopped her, and now she regrets it. Does this sound familiar to you?"

"Oh." It wasn't hard for Rarity to draw parallels to Sunset and Twilight. She gave a sigh. "I may have overreacted. You must admit, you and your friends were awfully competent as far as villains went." She looked at Sonata. "I am sorry if I was out of line."

Taking a deep breath, Rarity turned to Spicy Hot. Almost everything about Spicy offended Rarity's sense of fashion. Today he was wearing a long-sleeved fishnet shirt over a white singlet, with black leather pants. Just as she was about to give up and walk out, however, she saw Spicy grin. Somehow, his smile lit up his features, and everything seemed to suddenly just work for him. The singlet meant that the chili pepper tattoo stood out, and it just served to compliment his clothing choice.

Taking her time, Rarity started putting facts together and built a little picture. "You sold Rainbow Dash that remote control—" Rarity had to fight to use the right word, "vibrator. And you locked those things on her?"

"She tried to lie to me about what she needed when she first came in, so I locked the wrist cuff on her. Then she needed a favor, so I made her agree to wear the collar." Spicy let the door swing closed, estimating that at the very least he might be able to fit more items on Rainbow Dash before the day was out. "And now I have to wonder, why did she bring you here?"

Opening her mouth, Rainbow was about to explain when Rarity cut her off.

"I found her using the remote toy in the bathroom at a diner. I didn't know what she was doing at first, but when I did I started using the remote." If Rarity had closed her eyes, and was alone, she would probably be masturbating to the memory of what she had done. "Then I copy the code to my phone and told her to wear it again."

Rainbow Dash watched Spicy walk right up to Rarity and stand an inch away from her. He invaded her space, and to Rainbow's surprise Rarity didn't back down.

Glaring at Spicy, Rarity put her hands on her hips. "What are you doing?"

A chill ran down Spicy's spine. He took a step back and shook his head. "Well, the good news is I know why you were both caught up doing what you did. And the better news is that I can explain it."

"Well? What's going on?" Rainbow advanced to stand beside Rarity, partly for solidarity, and partly to be ready to catch her friend if she fainted again.

"You,"—Spicy Hot pointed a finger at Rainbow Dash—"are about as submissive as they come." He saw both girls open their mouth, and so he continued with a sharp note in his voice. "In the bedroom, or related to bedroom things."

"I totally am not!" Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and shook her head. "Have you even met me? Even my friends tell me I have the biggest ego around."

"But you let me put two cuffs and a collar on you, and you haven't demanded I take them all off." Spicy turned his hand to point at Rarity next. "And you are so dominant you just sent chills up my spine—literally! I am not into girls, but if you commanded me—in that tone of voice—to drop to all fours and kiss your feet, I would."

Rarity blinked at the confession. She certainly wasn't used to this level of honesty from anyone, but it seemed a little freeing in a way. "So? You are saying the reason we acted like we did is because we like the idea of being in control, or being in someone's control?"

"BDSM." Sonata grinned, watching both girls react in the same shocked manner. "Oh don't even try to act innocent. All it means is: bondage, dominance, submission, sadism, and masochism. You,"—she pointed between Rarity and Rainbow—"are already into at least three of those things."

"And what do you know about it?" Stepping forward, Rarity accused Sonata without thinking fully. "You can't be any older than we are."

"Uh, hello?" Rolling her eyes, Sonata couldn't help but rub her experience into Rarity's nose. "Thousands of years old monster, here." What she didn't expect was the silence in the room after her statement. "Oh come on! I have been in this world for a thousand years, and looked like a late teenager for the whole time. I can promise you I have seen more than you could ever want to."

"I'm submissive?" Rainbow ignored Rarity and Sonata's outbursts, and instead looked at Spicy Hot.

"So am I. So is Sonata." Gesturing at his employee, Spicy shrugged. "Nothing strange about it. Sometimes it is nice to give someone else all the control." Spicy remembered how Rarity had been moments ago, and the words came out with a longing to them he hadn't fully intended to portray.

"That sounds horrible." Pursing her lips like she had just had a sour candy, Rarity narrowed her eyes. "But you were acting dominant to Rainbow Dash, and you just said you were submissive. How is that meant to work?"

"People can be both. Not at the same time, of course, but that is called a switch. And that is me." Spicy tapped his chin. "Maybe I should charge money for a class or something. Do you think I could hire a classroom at Crystal Prep?"

Rarity froze at the thought, and tried to avoid cracking into a fit of giggles. But she failed. Hiding her laughter behind a hand, she took her first breath without being tense since she walked into the shop. "Rarity." She held out her hand to Spicy, only for him to confusingly put his hand in hers as if he were a young maiden of old times.

"Spicy Hot." Spicy sketched as best a curtsy as he could in his tight leather pants. "And the first thing I have to tell you both is: this is all perfectly natural. Some people are straight as a line. Guys with girls, girls with guys, neither doing anything naughty apart from missionary."

The words were soothing to Rainbow in a way she couldn't identify. They validated her and her choices. Except for one. Rainbow Dash still worried about what she and Thunderbolt were doing, at least a little.

"Others might be gay." Spicy struck a stereotypical pose of flair. "And all sorts of other combinations. In the same way, people might be dominant, submissive, a switch, or neither."

"So you're trying to say that doing this to my best friend is normal?" Rarity lifted out her phone and, rather than open the app, she deleted the thing off her device.

"Have you both tried to just kiss?" Sonata cut in on Spicy's explanation, and beat him to trying to answer Rarity's question. "Try it now. Kiss each other and see how it feels." When Sonata saw the look of longing on Rarity's face, and the look of confusion on Rainbow's, she knew what the problem the two girls were having was.

Rarity turned to Rainbow Dash, and saw the panic grow on her face. "R-Rainbow Dash?"

"She doesn't like girls, Rarity." With a sigh, Spicy walked past the two, and made his way to the staff refrigerator in the back of the store. "Tell me I'm wrong, Rainbow Dash."

"But I have totally fantasized about girls before!" Rainbow remembered back to when she imagined Derpy eating her out, and realized that without the rush of horniness of the moment, she didn't feel that good about it.

Spicy opened the refrigerator and pulled out four bottles of fruit drink. "You like guys. There is certainly nothing wrong with that. I happen to like them too." Spicy walked back towards the girls, passing each a bottle. "But Rarity, I think you see the problem here."

Taking the drink and opening it, Rarity took a dainty sip from it. The oddly peppery drink almost set a fire in her throat that its own coolness couldn't offset. "It's not going to work between us, is it darling?"

Having taken a longer pull of her own drink, Rainbow Dash started coughing at the burning in her mouth. "What the…" She barely got herself under control, and realized she still needed to answer Rarity. "I could try—" A single, white finger pressed to her lips.

"I understand." Tears started in Rarity's eyes.

"Hey you two, you make it sound like your lives are over because the first girl you tried to bang wasn't into you. Both of you have found out some things today, and those things will make your lives easier." Spicy took a deep breath. "Sonata, we need to talk!"