//------------------------------// // The Beginning Of The Date // Story: Spike The Dog // by bakersong //------------------------------// As Maple shut the door she gave him some encouragement and made him start walking toward town. As he grew nearer he could see the sun setting, which made him gulp as he could feel his nerves act up. But he shook his head knowing that this is what he wanted. He knew he was close to the post office and he couldn't stop thinking that it was stupid of him to dress up. After all, Winona is a wild spirit who likes to get dirty. But he once again shook his head and knew that's why Rarity made him a simple plain shirt. To top it off he knew the gems were magically glued onto the collar, so he knew that wouldn't be an issue. He was snapped back to reality as he heard Winona call him, and when he saw her he couldn't help but blush. Though it wasn't really as to what she was wearing, he just couldn't believe she agreed to this date. But what she was wearing didn't hurt, in fact, he could tell it was a Rarity original dog dress. He knew because she had been wanting to do pet fashion for a minute, but the way he knew this one in particular was because of the well-aged fire ruby sewn into the front. Winona said making him blush. He replied making her blush in return. Winona spat off fast, and that made him know for sure how nervous she was. He asked hoping it would cut the nervous energy. Winona replied as she turned and started to walk making him follow. He asked. Winona replied and asked making him want to paw palm. He answered making Winona give a small nod. Winona said. He mentioned. Winona asked. He replied with a tone of actual curiosity. Winona answered stopping to look him in the eyes. He said making Winona tilt her head in curiosity. Winona asked. He replied. Winona said and started walking again. While they walked they made some small talk, both were nervous and excited about the date. Though he couldn't help but think of how nice she looked in her outfit. For him it made it feel like a real date, not that it wouldn't have been but it did help him relax in a strange way. Winona asked practically jumping up and down in excitement. He answered. Winona said before suddenly stopping mid-bounce. He asked. Winona asked as he sat down next to her. He replied. Winona answered making him shrug his shoulders. He started making Winona lock eyes with him. Winona said. He said, taking a deep breath though before he could say another word a bright streak came out of the trees and into the sky. Winona asked, though he could tell he had caught her attention so he nodded in agreement.