//------------------------------// // Saying good bye and A New School // Story: Its Hero time.. In a Prep uniform // by Shadow Hero //------------------------------// I woke up and stretched out the kinks out of my back and my eyes fell onto the watch it's been few weeks since I got this and I have been using it to fight crime and aliens for some reason… but by doing so I was staying out later and later. I shook that thought out of my head and I started to get ready for the second to last day of Summer vacation. I put on my black tee-shirt and a white  light sweater with a blue number 23 on it. I rushed down the stairs to see my mom cooking up a storm, the table had  blueberry pancakes, bacon, and sausages. “Smells great.” I said as I sat down. “Oh. H-hi sweetheart.” she said. Strange she never calls me that… Unless. “So mom what's the occasion.” I said as I plated some pancakes and bacon. “Nothing...but…” She started to mumble something “What was that?” “I have decided to send you the same school your father when to, Crystal Prep..” My mom said as she looked out the window with a sad expression. My father went missing about 3 years ago during a job. I didn’t know what he did, he never told me. The only thing I know it was out of town. “Why? I thought you don’t like that type of crowd.” “I am but… You have been coming home late every night and I thought it would be a great experience for you.” She said as she sat across from me. “I told you am not in a gang.” “Then are you going to finally tell me why you are out so late?” She asked staring at me with concerned eyes. I let out a sigh. “No.” I said as I slouched down on my chair “Then it’s decided then, you leave tomorrow..” After I finished eating I decide to take a walk to go say goodbye to my only friend, Steel Bull. I found him at his house working on his car. “You seem busy.” I said as I walked up to him. “I have to after the stunt you pulled on my car.” he said as he closed the hound of the car. It was not my fault he followed me when a knight attacked me. “Sorry about that, I just wanted to test out him out...Why don’t I help?” I turned the watch matrix “No wa-” It was too late I transformed into a small red imp like thing, the watch moved down and became a belt. I was now wearing a black jumpsuit with goggles, with blue hat and gloves. “Time to fix. Fix, fix!” I said as I jumped onto his car and popped up the hood. After a few minutes of tinkering I jumped of as a blue light surrounded me turning me back to normal and dusted my hands “There it should be good as new.” Steel raised an eyebrow before he went opened the driver seat door and turned the car on. It started to purr like a newborn kitten. “Wow, it never sound like this. Maybe you should help out at my parents auto-shop.” “I would but.” I moved my wrist to show him the watch. “It's not me it Jury Rigg.” Let out a sighed as I dropped as I sat down at his father's work bench. “What's wrong?” Steel said as he haned me a soda “Mom is sending me to Crystal Prep…” “I see… Will then why don’t we celebrate your going away party then. Come on.” Steel said as he opened the door with his key’s “Crystal Prep is only a 2 hour drive, plus I can always run back with XLR8.” “Come on don’t ruin the fun.” After a couple of hours at our local arcade, I decided to head home early to get some sleep… The next day I woke up by my mom knocking on my bedroom door. “You better be finished packing in there we leave in an hour.” I got up and stretched and saw that my mom was right so I hurried to pack before it hit me. “I bet this can make it go faster.” I said as I dialed up XLR8. But when I slammed down the watch I shrink to a size of a little kid, and now I have white skin wearing a blue onesis. “This can work.” I said in a cartoon voice, before splitting into four Copies of myself. “Now then let's hurry up.” One of me said. As they packed one of them was laying down on the bed reading. “What gives, Aren't we supposed do this together.” One my my clones said “I am helping by supervising you guys and you are doing gra-” The one on the bed couldn't finish his sentence because a pillow was thrown at him. “Get to work lazy bones.” The one that throw the pillow said making the one that was on the bed mumble as he climbed down and helped ‘us’ It only took ‘us’ about 10 or so minutes to finishes and right on time to, the watch seemed to timeout. “Now that's done time to go get something to eat.” I said as I picked up the book I was reading and headed down stairs. “Am done.” I said as I poured a bowl of Coookie crisp, making my mom nodd After I eat I brought down my suit case and we were off to my new school. As we drove up to Crystal prep I saw many people walking about,  some in casual clothes and others in their uniform, a purple vest but what real caught my eye was how big the school was. “Here it is, your new school for the next year.” My mom said as she parked as closes to the school as we can. When walked into thought the front door I saw a cabinet filled with trophies and plaques. “So you must be the Meteor.” A woman with magenta hair with streaks of gold and rose wearing a navy blue jacket and light dress. “Yes we are, nice to meet…” my mom said shaking the womans hand “Am dean Cadence, why don’t I show you two around” she said As we walked many of the students were giving me a dirty look. Lucky the tour did not last that long and we end up on the top floor in front of large double door that you would see in a movie. “Now then that completes our tour.” The dean said “Thank you. Now then I need to fill out some paper work so why don't you go find your dorm room." My mom said as she opened the door and walked in. Dean Cadence hand me my keys to my room and told me I was in the Starswirl building. When I final found it I was relieved, there was a man hall with a tv that was airing a show about monkeys.. Not being to interested I walked up the stairs and found my room. When I opened the door I saw there was two beds and sitting on one was a dark brown guy with blond hair reading a magazine. “So you must be my new roommate.” the guy said  as he put what he was reading down. “I guess so. My name is Drake.” I said as I put my suitcase down the bed. “What unusual name, I like it. Oh.. My name is Trenderhoof, but you can call me Tend.” As I unpacked he kept talking about all the places he went to over the summer. When I finished I decide to walk around campus and say good bye to my mother of course. As I wandered the campus I saw many people in small groups chatting away. But I was not watching were I was going I bumped into someone, I look down and saw I bumped into a girl with light purple skin and Moderate sapphire blue hair with a single bright rose streak “Am sorry about that. Here let me help you up.” I said as I put my hand out, she looked at me like I was crazy before taking my hand. “Th-thank.” she said before running off. Shrugging the encounter off I kept walking until I found myself at the front gate where my mom was waiting. “Be good and hope you make some friend.” My mom said as she gave me a hung, she never really liked Steel. As she drove away I walked over to the closest ally way, and dialed up XLR8 to take a run around town. I got shot at when ran closed to the mountains causing my to trip and fall face first. I got up as a red flash overcomes me turning back to my normal self. “What was that fo-r?” I said but as I looked around I saw a living guy made diamond and a metal ninja. “We are here for the watch.” The Diamondhead wonaby said as he pointed a laser gun at me “Like that's going to happen.” I said as a opend up the Omnitrixs, as I pressed the top down I transformed into a bipedal pterodactyl wearing blue suit. “Astodactyl.” I called out before taking off into the air. Diamondhead started to shot at me, but I deflected the shoot with my wipes but as I was not looking the ninja jumped onto my back pulling me down. “Let go.” I said as we quickly descended crashing down. “Give up.” The Diamond said pointing his guy at me. I pushed the ninja off of me and jumped into the air causing a energy shock wave. Not looking back I flew away. The Omnitrixs timed out at the worst place getting me to fall into a trash bin behind a retro looking restaurant. “Great just my luck.” I said as I tossed a banana peel off my head before heading in.