Elements of Heroism Special: Reflections

by Bahamut0

Smash Through the Dark Mirror!

Mirror Sombra took a deep breath as he stared at the gates of the Castle of the Dark Sisters. "Well. No sense in delaying. CHARGE!" Burst nodded, and summoned his Chaos MAX Cannon! Firing a blast that brought the gates down! Mirror Sombra and the Elements of Heroism then charged in!

"Hey, where's all the guards?" Burst asked.

"My world's Celestia and Luna don't believe in having them. Namely because they're not scared to show just how strong they are." Mirror Sombra answered. "Meaning we'll probably be running into Luna soon enough. And chances are your counterparts are going to give us some trouble too!"

"Sooner than you think." Mirror Burst called out as he stood in the courtyard. "I've been waiting for a rematch." Mirror Burst glared at Burst. "You broke my sword last time. Not really fair to duke it out with weapons when I've got none on me."

Burst narrowed his eyes. "Just fists and magic? Works for me." Burst the activated his Chaos Form Armor! "Been waiting for a while to whip this out again." The two Bursts charged at each other! But Burst sent Mirror Burst reeling with one punch! "First we'll handle our counterparts. Then we can take care of Mirror Celestia and Luna!" Burst flew at his counterpart! Firing a powerful blast of chaos magic before reverting to his standard form. "I'm only gonna give you one chance to surrender."

"You really don't know me that well, do you?" Mirror Burst said with a sneer. "I live by one key policy: No mercy." Mirror Burst fired a powerful blast of magic at Burst! Burst countered with his own! "We might know the same tricks. But I've got different ways of using them!"

Burst frowned. "Tell me. Do you know this one?" Burst began to focus his energy and magic into his fist! A brilliant white and blue aura that surged with lightning covered his fist!

"Wh-what the-?!" Mirror Burst sputtered! "What is that thing?!"

Burst smirked. "You're gonna find out now!" Burst flew at his dark counterpart! "WHITE LIGHTNING..." Burst then punched Mirror Burst right in the chest! "OVERDRIVE!" As soon as Burst removed his fist, Mirror Burst started to ripple and distort as energy began to burst from his body! Trying desperately to keep himself together! "Looks like I've shattered my dark reflection."

"GRRRAAAAUUUGHHHH!" Mirror Burst screamed as he exploded in a burst of white lightning! Leaving nothing behind when the energy faded.

Burst turned to his friends, and noted their progress. Mirror Akage had cramped up and was groaning on the floor after trying to furiously slash at Akage, Mirror Inferno just decided to up and leave (which was most diappointing to Inferno), Tyrannus was literally wiping the floor with Mirror Ty, Steel and North were still beating down on their counterparts. "Yep. Seems about right." Burst then looked to Mirror Sombra. "Ready to take the fight right to the dark sisters?"

"This has been a long time coming. Time and time again, our clashes have ended in a stalemate." Mirror Sombra then took a deep breath. "Now? It's going to end with a certain victor. And it won't be them."

Burst smiled. "Then let's rock."

Throne room
Mirror Luna was in shock. Not only had the fighters her sister hired been easily dispatched, but Mirror Sombra had decided to storm into their castle! An act she'd never thought possible! "Celestia!" She cried as she burst into the throne room! "We're under attack! The enemy's breached through those mercenaries you hired and they're making their way here!"

"I figured those bunch of idiots wouldn't have fared that well." Mirror Celestia scoffed. "So who's foolish enough to come storming into our home?"

Mirror Luna gulped. "It's...Sombra. And a small band of warriors. Ones who bear a striking resemblance to those we hired."

"Sombra? Really?" Mirror Celestia asked with a bemused expression. "The same wimp who's scared of his own shadow? Get real! A gutless coward like him wouldn't-" Mirror Celestia was interrupted when the doors to the throne room were kicked down! Mirror Sombra and the Elements of Heroism calmly walked in. "....Well. This is certainly a surprise. Normally I'm the one that needs to make the first move."

Mirror Sombra steeled his gaze at Mirror Celestia. "Let's just say I've been working on myself." Mirror Sombra then flared his magic! But this time, now he had made peace with his dark half. And now black lightning crackled around his magic and purple light framed his eyes!

"You handle Mirror Celestia." Burst said. "I'll handle Luna." Burst charged at Mirror Luna! Firing blasts of magic, and reflecting any blasts of magic sent his way with Bahamut Aether!

Mirror Sombra and Mirror Celestia then locked gazes. "Ladies first." Mirror Sombra declared.

"Gladly." Mirror Celestia said with a sneer as she launched a fire ball at Mirror Sombra! Only for it to be intercepted by a wall of crystals! "All that power and you still go on the defensive?" Mirror Celestia then saw a pillar of crystal sprout up in front of her! She blasted the crystal apart, but wasn't expecting Mirror Sombra to charge at her! "Your tactics seem to be getting more offensive. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're fighting like a true king now."

Mirror Sombra steeled his gaze. "It's because I'm no longer scared of myself. But you?" Mirror Sombra teleported right into Mirror Celestia's face! "Let's find out what scares you!" Mirror Sombra fired a fear spell right at Mirror Celestia's face! And as he saw her tremble in place, Mirror Sombra could see her fears clear as day. He then summoned nullification crystals, and enclosed them around Mirror Celestia's hands. "I'm sorry." He said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "But now I know how I can help you." Mirror Sombra then saw Burst defeating Mirror Luna. However, Mirror Luna wasn't lying defeated. She was simply looking at her sister. "Don't worry. I'll help her every step of the way. I know this is what you've wanted."

"I just want my old sister back." Mirror Luna replied.

Mirror Sombra nodded as he looked to Burst. "It looks like the battle's over." Mirror Sombra encased Mirror Celestia in a crystal prison, and the group made their way back to Canterlot. The Elements of Heroism, Elements of Harmony, and Princess Celestia all stood before the mirror that led back to regular Equestria. "I truly can't thank you enough for your help. Without you, this wouldn't be possible."

"No problem." Burst said with a nod as he looked at Celestia. "I've got my happy ending. Time for you to forge your own." And with that, the group headed back through the mirror to their world.

Mirror Sombra then smiled to himself. "Indeed it is." Mirror Sombra then walked to the chamber he was holding Mirror Celestia in. He saw her sitting on the floor with a sullen expression on her face. "I've been hoping for a chance to talk like this."

"Of course you have." Mirror Celestia scoffed.

Mirror Sombra sighed. "I want to help you. I truly do. I know why you're the way you are."

"You don't know anything about me." Mirror Celestia said coldly.

Mirror Sombra shook his head. "You're wrong. I know deep down you're a lonely woman looking, hoping for someone to love her. And one who will do anything to obtain that love in her desperation." He then looked Mirror Celestia right in her eyes. "You want what your mirror counterpart had."

"So that's it? I'm jealous? Because I heard so much about how beloved the other Celestia was? Because I wanted what she had?! BECAUSE I WANTED YOUR HEART?!" Mirror Celestia screamed at Mirror Sombra as she brought her face against the wall of crystal! Staring him down! And then, she sunk to her knees. "Because you're right." She then just stared at the floor. "Do you know how maddening isolation can be? How I watched Luna become loved? How I saw everyone hail you as their leader? How the other Celestia fell for you? I wanted it. I wanted you. But in the end, I knew I couldn't. Because I knew I couldn't be her."

Mirror Sombra dematerialized the crystal prison around Mirror Celestia. "You want to know something? I couldn't be the one the other world's Celestia needed either. Because I was too scared of myself." A small chuckle escaped his lips. "How could I possibly love her if I can't even love all of myself?" Mirror Sombra then got down to Mirror Celestia's level. "The point is, we're both broken beings. But together? Maybe we can fix each other. We can be whole. But you have to want it."

"You would really...love me?" Mirror Celestia asked.

Mirror Sombra nodded. "I wanted the other world's Celestia. But you need me. The question is: Do you want my help?" Mirror Celestia broke into tears and buried herself in Mirror Sombra's chest. Mirror Sombra slowly wrapped his arms around her, and a small smile crept onto his face. No words were needed. Mirror Celestia raised her head to speak, but Mirror Sombra put a finger to her lips. "No words. Just this moment." That being said, Mirror Sombra then kissed Mirror Celestia. And his whole council looked on proudly. "Every king needs his queen. I'll help you become mine. Because I'll be yours."