//------------------------------// // Season 1, Episode 1:A Whole New World, Part ll // Story: The Doctor of Equestria, Season's One and Two // by FoxySkies //------------------------------// 3rd P.O.V "Come on!! Please....I promise that I'll behave Dad, please just let me go with you." Said a boy with a British accent. The boy wore a red shirt beneath a sweat shirt, jeans, and red shoes. The boy was looking at man that was really old that wore something out of 1912, the man looked down at the boy with a serious look. "I'm sorry, son. But you can't, you still haven't finished at the academy or learned what being a Timelord is really about." Said the man with a strict tone. "But Father please! I always wanted to see what the inside of a TARDIS is like, the console room and all of those rooms. Plus, you're testing out the new Type 40 TARDIS. The Type 40 TARDIS!!! I mean that's fantastic! I know what being a Timelord is about already, Mum's told me that I am a Timelor-" He was cut off as his dad interrupted him. "When are you ever going to understand?! YOU WILL NEVER MAKE A GOOD TIMELORD!!! YOU HELP PEOPLE, YOUR KIND TO PEOPLE, AND WORSE OF ALL!!! YOU TRY AND SAVE PEOPLE, YOU DISGRACE OF A SON!!!! I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN, THEATA! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A DISGRACE TO ALL TIMELORDS AND OUR FAMILY! THE MAIN REASON THOUGH OF WHY YOUR DISGRACE TO YOUR FAMILY AND ALL TIMELORDS THOUGH IS THAT YOU CRIED WHEN SOMEONE DIED, NO TRUE TIMELORD CRIES. I HOPE YOU ARE BANISHED FOR YOUR DISGRACE TO THIS FAMILY AND ALL OF OUR KIND!!!" The Image soon changes to the boy hiding under his covers on his bed, crying as a man and women fight in the background. In the room was a bed(which the boy was in), a dresser with the name 'Theata' on it, a few posters that seemed almost holographic like, and a small cylinder like object that had a first prize ribbon for 'Best Type 39 TARDIS model'. "YOU TOLD OUR SON WHAT?!?!” "OH, HE'S NOT OUR SON. THAT BOY WILL NEVER BE OUR SON!!! HE CRIES AT PEOPLE THAT DIE, HE'S KIND TO PEOPLE, AND WORSE OF ALL!!! HE HELPS PEOPLE!!!!" "THAT BOY IS OUR SON AND A HECK OF A BETTER TIMELORD THAN YOU'L-" the women was interrupted by the man screaming. The man screamed, "THAT BOY IS NOT A TIMELORD, AND HE'LL NEVER MAKE A TIMELORD!!!! HE'S DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER BOY'S AT THE ACADEMY!!!" The scene once again changes to a classroom with fifty to forty boys and girls sitting at desks, at the front of the room stood a old man that could slightly remind you of Dumbledore from Harry Potter. The man soon said after the room had quieted down, "Welcome Timelord's and Ladies, my title is The Professor. Though my name was Danny Dore, now you all are wondering why you're all here. Right?" -the boys and girls nodded, including a particular teen that wore a blue shirt, unzipped sweatshirt, jeans, and red shoes- "Good, as you all know! One important phase of a timelord is choosing your title, the title will define who and what you are! It will represent you and be a promise that you make, it'll be a code! You cannot break this promise ever! If you break it once at any time, then you have not only broken your own code and promise that you made! But you will have destroyed who you are! So never and I repeat, never break the promise you make! Understand?" -everyone nodded in the room- "Good! Now, choose a name that represents you! Something that defines who you are when I say begin, then you will write down your title on the paper! Begin!" The man finished as he started walking around, while all the teen's started thinking long and hard. However, two particular teen's immediately wrote something down. But the teen with brown hair a little slower than the one with the black hair, The Professor walked towards the teen with black hair first. He looked down at the teen's paper and nodded as he said with pride, "The Master. What a wonderful title! Powerful and strong, quite fit for a true Timelord. An amazing choice Koschei, I bet you'll make a fine Master of everything!" He finished with a smile as the teen smiled. The Professor then walked over to the teen with brown hair looked at his paper as he said, "The Doctor?" -The professor looked from the paper and to the boy with confusion- "I don't believe anyone has ever chosen a title like that....But, The Doctor? A man who heals and saves people? That is not what being a timelord is about, though you chose the name....so it's too late now." -he turned to the teen- "Congratulations, Theata. You are now officially The Doctor, the man who saves people. But a warning, Gallifreyan's will most likely present you as a renegade Timelord and will push you away from their lives..." The teen nodded with confidence and said, "Don't worry, Professor. I'm ready and well aware of the risks, I'll be ready for whatever the universe throws at me. The Professor started walking away and muttered to himself, "I sure hope you are, Doctor....." The entire image soon turns to blackness. The boy who made a promise.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U19f3umhGNI BBC AND HASBRO Jason Griffith Lyra Heartstrings The Doctor of Equestria Episode One A Whole New World Written by, Unknown ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st P.O.V My eyes snapped open as I woke up with eyes as wide as plates, I was breathing very heavily. I had no idea of what I just saw, but it kind of looked like Gallifrey. Ya know the Gallifrey from Doctor Who, but the strange thing is....that it should be impossible, it was like I was literally The Doctor. Which is odd because I know that for one that I'm not a Timelord, plus even if I was...I'm not The Doctor. But, I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and got up out of my bed. After stretching a little, I felt something hot in one of my pockets. When I went to feel what it was, I discovered that it was a key....a gold key, glowing and hot . This glowing and hot, gold key reminded me of the one from The Eleventh Hour. Except ya know, I look like the Ninth and not the Eleventh. Wait....if I'm the Ninth right now, does that mean if I gain the ability to regenerate that I'll regenerate into Ten or will I regenerate into another incarnation. Since technicality, this is my first incarnation and not the ninth. But here's something weirder, strangely I felt smarter than I was....like I had the knowledge of the stars, planets, and even knowledge that most people would forget about or never know. It was weird and I couldn't put my finger on why I knew this knowledge, but I pushed it to the back of my mind and went over the phone box that was my new and recently got TARDIS. I put the key in the hole and unlocked it, before going inside. Once I got inside, I saw....a mix between the Eighth Doctor's TARDIS and the Seventh Doctor's TARDIS? Ok, I was not expecting that....I was expecting Nine's TARDIS, not this mix between the Seventh and Eighth. Oh well, maybe it'll change to Nine's at some point. I mean seriously, Gallifrey might exist here and if it does....than that means I won't have to worry about a Last Great Time War, at least I hope so.... I was then cut off by a scream from upstairs, my head swung away from the TARDIS and to the floor above me. I looked on as a loud voice said, "YOU WILL COME WITH US!" TO BE CONTINUED....