//------------------------------// // Chapter 22 // Story: I Just Walk Away // by madhat886 //------------------------------// The Bank of England, formally the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, is the central bank of the United Kingdom and the model on which most modern central banks have been based. Established in 1694, it is the second oldest central bank in operation today, after the Sveriges Riksbank. The Bank of England is the world's 8th oldest bank. It was established to act as the English Government's banker and is still one of the bankers for the Government of the United Kingdom. The Bank was privately owned by stockholders from its foundation in 1694 until it was nationalized in 1946. And is now the scene of the latest case solved by Sherlock Holmes and his partner John Watson where they met with their client the bank manager, to pick up their pay check. (1) "This was a waste of my time," Holmes said to Watson as they made their way out. "We have bills to pay," Watson said pocketing the check. "Yes, yes bills to pay...," Holmes said but stop as a woman step into the bank dress in a purple stage magician with a cape covered in stars, matching pointed hat and wrap around goggles. But what caught everyone's attention was her blue skin and long white hair. "Greetings one and all, you're in the presents of the great and powerful Trixie!" the woman shouted out. "Hi," Watson said not knowing what's happening. "Well this is a surprise. The famous detective Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson," Trixie said. "Been reading Watson's blog?" Holmes said scanning her. "Doing the Sherlock scan on me, finding clues about me from the small details on my clothes and body," Trixie said. "Nice power for a detective but you're no Batman." "Well, I can tell you're American by your speech or been living there long enough. Plus there's you comparing me to Batman," Holmes said. "That's because you're smart and clever like Batman but you're no match for a supervillain like me. As you just don't have the fighting skills needed to take on someone with superpowers," Trixie said. "Just because you're all dressed up doesn't make you a supervillain," Watson said. "And just because you have skills in slight of hand and what not, doesn't mean you have superpowers. This isn't a comic," Holmes said. Trixie smirks as she pointed her finger at Watson and fired a beam of energy at him. Trapping him up to his neck in red rock crystal, surprising everyone watching with the display of magic. And before Holmes could move Trixie zaps him as well trapping in rock crystal as well. Both men tried to break out but found themselves unable to move in their crystal prisons. "Sorry but you're in a comic now and you two are the closest thing to superheroes London has and you two suck," Trixie said as she began zapping all the security guards trapping them as well in crystal. Trixie walk past the panicking customers and bank staff, continuing to blast random bank staff as she made her way to the main vault. Meanwhile both Holmes and Watson continue to struggle trying to free themselves, as people fled from the bank one of them ran into Watson causing the crystal to snap from where it was grounded. Watson seeing he has some movement he began rocking back and forth managing to tip himself sending himself falling to the floor. The rock crystal cracked in several places weakening the entire construction enough for him to break free, he also gotten some of the crystal into his mouth causing him to blink as he tasted it. "It's rock candy," Watson said taking a large piece and lick it. "And it's cherry." "Watson some help?" Holmes ask as his rock candy prison is still glued to the ground. "Right," Watson said as he ran over to Holmes and began trying to tip him over to free him. Watson was suddenly zapped again as Trixie came back from the vault carrying a small lockbox under her arm. This time Watson was trap in taffy and he's glued to Holmes as he was still trying to tip him over when he was zapped. Sounds of police cars came from outside the bank, as the police quickly rushed to the bank once the alarm was sounded. "Well looks like the show is over," Trixie said as she took out a what looks like a long neck bottle with a red liquid inside of it, from her pocket. "You really don't think that will do anything to that many police out there," Watson said. "Nope but it will give me a blast," Trixie said before eyeing Holmes. "You know this was way too easy. I expected more from someone like you. But then again you just solve cases and never had to deal with a supervillain before." "You're not a supervillain," Holmes snaps. "Well, I got magic powers," Trixie said. "Just tricks, there is no such thing as magic," Holmes said. "Then explain this," Trixie said tossing the bottle behind her and a red door appeared from a cloud of smoke. Trixie open the door leading to somewhere hidden in shadows and step through it and closed the door behind her, with the door disappearing once it was closed. "Sherlock what was that?" Watson ask not believing what just happen right in front of him. "Some kind of trick," Sherlock said refusing to believe in magic. "So how did she trap us in candy then?" Watson ask. "I'll figure that out later," Sherlock said. The police entered the bank and spread out helping to free the people trap in rock candy. The police freed Sherlock but had to take Watson outside to wash off the taffy off of him. Sherlock joined the police in searching the bank for Trixie but found no trace of her anywhere in the building, even reviewing the video from the cameras came up with nothing. They did discovered how she entered the vault which was still there but with a chalk door drawn on it. The footage showed Trixie drawing on the vault door and she pushed the chalk door open letting her inside the vault. Which still worked even with her gone, leaving Sherlock to wonder how it was even possible for something out of those old American cartoons. But one thing Sherlock knows is true is that he's not going to rest till he finds out what's going on.