[Displaced] A Forced Hero (OLD)

by DisplacedWriter

A Knight's Job. (P1)

Link was escorted back to his room - after Celestia asked a guard to lead him back to his quarters - while she made her way to finish making preparations to start Open Court… but not before introducing him as Trinity’s guard to her and a few officers, just to let them into the loop.

Thanking the guard once they arrived, Link entered the chamber… and grabbed his arms to return some heat into them as he went straight to the bathroom.

Once inside, he found his toothbrush, and applying some toothpaste on it, he started brushing his teeth, automatically thinking about the turn of fate his life had just taken… only to spit as he smacked his lips, tasting hay in the toothpaste. Link glared at the offending tube, until now noticing that the tube said “Hay-Flavored” in its label.

‘Being trained by ponies... Now how is that for irony?’ Link thought jokingly to himself as he rinses his mouth out to get the flavor out of his mouth. “Note to self, pay more attention to the toothpaste labels in the near future,” he groaned before rinsing his mouth with more water from the sink.

‘They might have to adjust their training regulation since they’re teaching me rather than a pony or a minotaur. Hmm, I wonder if putting on the silver gauntlets would be a wise choice…’ He wondered before shaking his head… and said out to his reflection in the bathroom, “nah, wouldn’t be honest if I used them.”

Once that was said, Link rummaged through the coffer at the feet of the sink… where he saw different flavors of toothpaste: hay, neutral, and strawberry. Link frowned when there was no mint flavor in the mix.

Once ready, he moved outside his room, where the same guard led him to a meeting room… where there was already the sound of ponies talking inside. Opening the door as the guard gently nudged him to go inside, Link took a look around at all the ponies as he was feeling a little bit nervous.

Inside, he saw the one he knew as Silver Bullet, along with several ponies that had either ornamented armor, or nice suits.

Silver Bullet was talking with a unicorn mare of brown coat and orange mane, while a purple-armored guardsmare - whose armor was of a different design than the regular guards - was talking with a stallion wearing a frock… and who was sporting an epic mustache and three crowns on his flank, which showed his white coat.

‘I guess he’d be the general I met before?’ Link mentally guessed as he stood among the group of ponies, literally sticking out like a sore thumb due to his height when compared to them.

Both Silver Bullet and Epic Mustache turned their attention to face him, while the guardsmare and the unicorn mare turned their faces at him, and glared at him.

“Well, if it isn’t Link! Quite an interesting duel you had with your friend the other day! How’s he, by the way?” asked Silver Bullet to Link, who by this point was trying his best to keep his cool… and slowly failing at that from the looks and glares he was receiving from the ponies.

“Happy, last time I saw him,” Link said to the unicorn general.

“Well, considering how you two went at it… humm… you wouldn’t happen to know the reason why we were gathered at this time?” Silver Bullet asked Link again, seriousness and professionalism in his voice… with a little smile that betrayed his true feelings towards him.

“I don’t know, I’m only here because Celestia wanted me to,” Link explained.

This time, the pony with the epic mustache approached Link, as he asked, “Well met, Link. I am Lord Fancy Pants, and do forgive my asking… what specie are you? Never seen your kind before!”

“I’m a Hylian… and got ripped from my home by some magical accident,” Link replied sadly, keeping part of the truth to himself and those he chose to entrust with.

“Perhaps Princess Celestia could help you with that, young stallion,” Fancy Pants said to Link, while the glares from the two mares had actually softened from that revelation.

“I won’t hold hope to that, there are many universes out there… and I really doubt she would find the one I came from.” Link said.

“Well, now’s that a pity,” the brown-coated unicorn mare said softly, while the armored one approached Link.

“Well, sir… I have been informed about some… facts about your reason for being here, and please do know, that I’m sorry to hear that - that there is no way home for you,” the armored guardsmare said to Link kindly, before the doors creaked open, letting in Princess Celestia and Princess Trinity - the latter trying to hide behind her aunt’s back legs.

“Nothing to worry about, while I may not be able to get home, at least I’m welcomed here.” Link said on a more positive note.

The guardsmare smiled a little before squaring herself along with Silver Bullet, while Fancy Pants and the unnamed unicorn mare inclined themselves in respect.

Link nodded and remained silent while inclining his torso a little as a show of respect.

“Please, rise my little ponies - there is no need for that,” Celestia said to the ponies - and human - present as they rose from their positions.

After a beat, she started talking, “the reason I gathered you here, is because I finally found the ideal subject to become Princess Trinity’s bodyguard… and how to handle his naturalization, since he’s not of Equestrian origin,” she then turned her serene gaze to face Link, her eyes betraying her amusement at his surprise as she added, “of course, you seem to already know one another, so at least there is some progress in that regard.”

“Princess Celestia? I don’t mean to question your choice in the matter, considering what nearly transpired six months ago… but is he really up to task?” inquired the armored guardsmare while pointing a hoof at Link.

“If you’ve heard of my past deeds then you’d understand,” Link said to the guardsmare, who snorted.

“Now, Captain Rolling Axe… I know you and the Guard feel that this is an intrusion upon your duties, but I assure you, Link’s more than capable of passing the Royal Guard’s test, once the issue of his citizenship is solved,” Celestia said serenely.

“Princess Celestia? What does the citizenship test entails?” Link asked the ruler, who turned to face Silver Bullet.

“General Silver Bullet? Would you be so kind, as to explain Link about the details?” Celestia requested to the stallion, who nodded.

“Certainly, mo- I mean Princess Celestia,” Silver Bullet said regally before approaching Link and saying to him, “Link, the Equestrian naturalization process to grant citizenship involves several parts, including a theoretical test on the knowledge of Equestrian Culture, as well as our laws, duties, obligations and rights…”

Taking a breath, he continued, while Link paid close attention to what was being said, ”the residence part, where you’re required to live within our borders for at least an entire year while serving under the Crown, with up to three guaranteeing naturalization and citizenship; the Royal Oath to uphold our laws and values; and…”

At this point, Silver Bullet turned to see the Princess’s face again - which was looking at him with expectation - and finished with resolve, “and, our Princess’s proposal in your favor do certainly give weight to your case for earlier approval, if you do pass the Guard’s Training Course and the educational aspect of it,” the unicorn said to Link with a determined look in his face.

“Understood.” Link said with no objections, assuming at this point that all his education might be entirely different. “Just one question. Are there any rules or limitations of what we can use for our equipment?” he asked.

This time, Captain Axe turned her eyes on him, and said to him, “we don’t allow aids of any kind, nor any equipment - not until a diagnostic has been done as to the trainee’s skills and capabilities… why do you ask?”

Link pointed with one hand at his pouch.

“I’ve got a lot of equipment I’ve used throughout most of my life,” he said to her, while the others just watched the exchange with interest.

“Well, if you’re going to be training with us, then these articles won’t come into play until later,” she pressed a hoof on Link’s leg for emphasis, “for now, I want you to get used to the castle… and in a week’s time you’ll join us to the barracks, where you’ll be measured and issued trainee’s uniform…” at this point the mare started to join dots together, and finished asking with a little blush on her, “just to know… do you have a sheath? I don’t want any of the recruits getting an eyeful, you know?”

“Depends on which sword I want to use. I’ve got four kinds, each one with their own sheath,” Link explained.

A moment of silence passed after Link’s statement, which threw him off as he wondered ‘Did I say anything wrong?’

The moment of silence was broken by a hearty, good-natured laughter as Link turned to face Lord Fancy Pants laughing, while the Captain was blushing profusely at being laughed at while keeping her glare on the noblestallion.

“Well, Captain, he’s got you there!” Lord Fancy Pants said to the Captain after he had laughed, while the others present were still giggling at the now red mare.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that!” the Captain squeaked before schooling herself, and said to Link, “I meant… if you have any issues, since you’re wearing a full set of clothes, Link.”

“O-oh... You mean THAT sheath...” Link said with embarrassment. “I’d prefer if that part was covered... It’s a bit of a custom that being naked in my world is taboo,” he explained to the thoughtful - and no longer red - mare.

“Hum… Link, I believe that our tailor will want to take a look at your clothing… so that it preserves your modesty,” then she eyed his face again, before asking, “... may I ask why you wear the rest of it?”

“It's what I chose to wear, it is meant for exploring, adventuring, fights, traveling. Though I have two other sets of clothing,” Link explained, not bothering to mention the fierce deity mask which kind of has its own armor. “I’m very prepared for almost anything that comes my way.”

The Captain’s look was of interest - with a gleam of curiosity in her eyes - as she asked politely to Link, “Hmmm, when you pass by your own skill the preliminary course… would you be opposed to letting our experts have a look at your gear? The making is certainly interesting, and must be special if your wanderings for the last seven years, or ten as I was recently informed, have barely left on it a scratch.”

“There’s… quite a lot in my pouch, it may take you a long time without me to explain them all.” Link said with a nervous titter, “it is enchanted to carry a lot of things within a small pocket dimension,“ he explained to the now openly curious mare as she looked at him.

Captain Axe hummed as her eyes gleamed with the possibilities… only to be interrupted by Princess Celestia as she cleared her throat - speaking clearly in a matter-of-fact tone,  “Now that all of that is out of the way… Link will be currently be employed under the specialist clause, as a loyal agent, independent from the Guard for the time being… until he fulfills all conditions, as to become a full-fledged Equestrian citizen. Do all present agree? I have provided you with documentation of his actions outside our borders, plus the most recent ones here.”

The ponies turned to meet each other’s eye, before answering to Princess Celestia, “If you’re willing to entrust him with the security of your family and our royals, then we will bide by your will, Princess Celestia,” Silver Bullet announced as the unofficial spokespony for all gathered, while Trinity just looked at them from behind Celestia’s back leg.

The princess turned to meet Link’s sight, and said serenely, “Well, Link… as you are now a specialist employed by the Crown, please meet your charge…” Celestia’s wing gently pushed Trinity to the front, where Link could see her more clearly as she looked at him shyly, “Princess Trinity, here is Link - your new bodyguard and companion. Link, here is your charge - Trinity, fellow princess of the Equestrian Royalty, and my niece.”

Link smiled at Trinity in an attempt to appear more friendly for the young princess - even kneeling down to get near her level as to not appear as threatening as before, “I’m sure we’ll get along just fine,” he said before reaching into his pouch, pulling out what appeared to be the mask of a fox. “Princess Trinity? Here is a little something that I think you’ll enjoy wearing to play,” he said as he handed her the fox-like mask, which she looked at with childish curiosity.

“Thank you, Mister Link…” the young filly said shyly to him before giving him a little smile.

Link followed a guard with Princess Trinity in tow as he got a small tour of the castle’s interior; from where were Trinity’s quarters; right on to the path leading to the dining area; and what path led to the castle’s courtyard and the nearest guard’s barracks in case of emergency.

All the time which the guard introduced Link to his environment, he was giving Link quite the look of displeasure deeply masked in professionalism.

‘Ignore the look, it is something that’ll happen often because of how I look, but I’m sure he’ll change when he sees that I’m capable of the job,’ Link inwardly said to himself.

‘More to the point… who would want to incur Princess Celestia’s ire by kidnapping her niece? Why would they risk that?’ Link thought to himself as the tour reached an end and the guard gruffly excused himself as he left them in front of the Library.

“Humm… Mister Link?” asked Trinity to her new guard with a lot of uncertainty in her voice, while wearing her present on her face, giving her a foxy look in the process… with style, thanks to the scarf she was wearing.

“Yes, Princess Trinity?” Link said as he turned his head to look at the young hybrid.

“... Would it be possible for us to play checkers after I’ve done my homework?” She asked him shyly as she tried to hide behind her mane a bit, giving him the classic ‘puppy-eyes’ while at it.

Link tittered softly at her shyness. “Sure, Princess.” he said with a smile. He pondered if he should go easy on her or play at his best.

Trinity giggled a little as she made her way into the Library, with Hylian in tow.

“... and done!” Trinity exclaimed after two hours of work, where she occasionally asked Link about one question or another, relaxing ever so slightly as time passed by.

“By the way, Trinity…  None of the other ponies have picked on you, have they?” Link asked in concern.

Trinity went quiet, looking with barely contained anger at her parchment with the answers to her homework… before she sniffed and said quietly, “the bullies at school say I’m a freak… that I’m not a pony at all…”

Link frowned at those words. “They need to take a page from your aunt then. I mean, I’m different - but she welcomed me with open wings.” he said.

Trinity sniffed again before replying with certainty, a determined look in her eyes, “not all my schoolmates are mean, but they… they fear me… and the mean ones keep that fear up front while keeping their distances… and the few who try to get close to me, they bully too.”

Link went silent as he tried to figure out a why to help Trinity without being blamed or at fault for it. “Trinity.” Link began as he walked toward the nearest one. “Have you ever heard of the stone face of the everfree forest?” he asked.

“Humm… I remember a filly that researched that, and got an A+ despite her delivering her homework late,” Trinity replied as her tail moved, one ear straight while the other one stayed folded, head tilted in thought as she was momentarily distracted from her dark thoughts.

“I believe I can help you… somewhat. See, that stone was actually me wearing an enchanted mask, I can be with you with that mask on and if anypony tries to bully you, I’ll just give them a harmless taste of their own medicine.” Link explained.

Trinity’s previously dulled eyes shined again with life as Link finished saying that, and rising on the desk as if she were a puppy, she looked at Link in the eyes with wonder before saying, “Really!? You can come!? And nopony would see you!?”, tail swishing around merrily as she looked upon Link with a new light.

“I’ll be as interesting as a stone. So if you see one with a dull face, you’ll know it’s me.” Link said with a smile.

She made a ‘squee’ sound in reply to his statement as she quickly bagged her schoolwork and books in her saddlebags, right before biting Link in the pants’ sleeve… all while trying to take him elsewhere, tail swishing quickly while at it.

“Whoa, where are we going, princess?” Link said with a amusing laugh at her eager antics.

“My homework is done, and now we will play ‘till dinner!” Trinity replied muffedly with her mouth still clinging on to Link’s pants, as he laughed as they made their way to her quarters… only for Link to hear a familiar voice giggling at them before saying, “Triny! Don’t forget we dine at seven!”

“We will be there, Caddy!” the filly replied again, muffedly because of the cloth on her mouth, as Link laughed at the scene.

They spent the evening laughing as they played… until dinnertime came, and went to the royal’s private dining room.

As they walked towards the room, Link couldn’t help but think, she’s being picked due to her appearance… I think a little something called Karma outta straighten out the bullies. But how to go about it without scarring the bullies into thinking she’s even more of a freak?’ he asked himself as he planned his discreet guarding assignment of his charge.

Not aware of Link’s musings, Cadence chirped to the newcomers, “hello! How was your first day together?” before taking a bite of her apple salad… daintily, of course.

“It went better than I thought.” Link said as he turned his head toward the pretty pink pony.

“Yes, it was a good day…” Trinity said softly before smiling genuinely at her cousin and aunt, both of which seemed as if glowing from contentment alone as they heard her say that.

“I am glad to hear that, my little pony… now come, and eat up!” Celestia replied with a happy look in her face, before her eyes darted for a second to look at Link… and her look softened up considerably as she returned to her meal.

The rest of the night was calm, and thankfully for Link, no sight nor show of the Night Mistress to ruin his slumber as he grabbed his covers to keep the heat in.

“We are here together, to discuss the news concerning… that thing that Celestia brought over from elsewhere, for it to watch over the abomination she calls a niece,” an educated, and quite cold masculine voice echoed through the chamber - lit with candles hanging from chandeliers - that was currently filled with twenty ponies, all in elegant and tasteful attire… many mares and quite a few stallions among the mix.

“The rumors speak of a biped that eats meat like her - the horrible brute! We must take measures to rid us of such a monster!” a mare exclaimed, before using her forehooves to keep her hairstyle in place.

“Quite true! Our efforts to keep our land free of other species has so far been successful, even in spite of our… royal highness’s attempts to break through our work.” Another mare stated coldly as she sipped daintily from her cup of tea.

“The failure from six months past complicated matters considerably, and we can’t afford to waste more time, if we are to obtain that which we want from that monster,” the same educated and cold masculine voice stated to his audience.

“Cold Cash… what is your proposal?” a mare dressed in fine clothing and covered in jewelry asked the stallion, who just looked at her with the same glare he used for everyone he met.

“... I propose that we contact our benefactor, and inquire about the employment of some… muscle to counter the thing that the alicorn brought into the palace.” Cold Cash replied with a flinty tone to the mare who inquired, before she lowered her sight from his unyielding glare.

“What will it cost us this time, Lord Cash?” Another mare asked with the same tone that he used - only to see that it didn’t affect him in the same way as the ponies around her.

“... We will ask now, Lady Widow,” Cold Cash replied before using his horn to rise a briefcase that had several glyphs sealing it all over the surface… all of them shining briefly before they went dark, and the briefcase opened up…

Showing to all present a stone that had the shape of a pig-like entity sitting on its haunches, with a gemstone on its forehead, a dark granite being the making of the statuette.

“Sosin Do Yol… Sosin Do Liz… we have business to speak with you.” Cold Cash proclaimed to the stone, which began to shine with purple, green and black…

And the cackling of two feminine voices resounded through the room.