//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: Mutant Ponies: Origin Stories: Silver Wings // by Creativa-Artly01 //------------------------------// A few days later, Silver Wings gets another letter from her sister. As she sits at breakfast that morning, she happily reads it with a smile on her face. "Dear Silver," she reads, "everything is great here at home now that dad is gone. Mom turned in the divorce papers at the end of last week. We don't have to see him anymore. When are you coming back for your next visit? Little brother and I miss you. Please write me back whenever." She then puts the letter down by her bedside and goes to her desk and writes a response letter to her sister. As she writes the letter, she can't help but smile. She writes about how life's been going at the school, how she's made several new friends, among other things. Once she's done writing it, she seals it, stamps it, and walks it down to the school's post office where she puts it in the box. The next morning, it's one its way to her family. She can't wait for them to receive it. Meanwhile, a few hours later, after breakfast, and at training, Silver can't help but think about the letter as she does dueling practice with Sol and Aqua. Eventually, she gets her head back about her and perfects her extra hour of training that Doctor Hoofman made her do. Once she's finally done with training for the day, she finally returns to her room for some much-needed rest. She plops down on her bed and after hours of staring at the ceiling, she falls asleep and ends up napping until lunchtime when she is awoken by Sol and Aqua. The three then go and find Crystalline before going outside to enjoy their lunch together. As they eat their lunches, the four chit chat back and forth about all sorts of things including their families and friends they left behind in order to attend the school. She's glad that her friends are actually from boats similar to her own. Crystalline's parents didn't approve of her powers and kicked her out of the house when she was ten years old. Sol and Aqua's parents kicked them out when they were around fifteen and twelve years old when their powers first arose. Silver just smiles as she embraces all her friends in a hug. The four then go off and throw away their trash before going off and swinging together on the swings for a little bit before their afternoon session of training.