//------------------------------// // 182. Steel. // Story: Short Shorts // by Coranth //------------------------------// When Luna entered the sweltering heat of the Steel Works the Foremare who saw her face-hoofed quietly, before shouting over the noise, "BOSS! THE BLUE-BITCH IS BACK--AGAIN!" "Shit--" Grumbling, cursing and swearing under his breath, the Boss of the Steel Works heaved himself away from the station he'd been working at, carefully monitoring the temperatures of the steel going in and out of the massive cauldrons as well as making sure the safeties were fine. A massive black alicorn - coat and mane coal black as the ores he mined - he stomped over to poor Luna and before she could even open her mouth, the Boss stated, "What da fuck you want mare?! Speak up or get da hell outta my steel mill!" "This has gone far enough!" Luna snapped. "Thou hast a duty to serve Equestria as a Prince, whelp! Present yourself to us at Canterlot at onc--MRPH!" He'd never attacked her before. In all their confrontations, he'd gotten loud, he'd shouted, he'd insulted, but he'd never attacked her. Just one visit too many now, she guessed; just a little too late as he squeezed her jaw shut with a hoof, forcing her to bite her own tongue. "As Prince of whut, you blue-maned night-bringing, world-ending cunt?!" he thundered. "As Prince of what?! Mining? Steel? Ores?!" Gesturing to two titanic Earth Ponies he barked, "Shut 'er down!" The Princess of the Night realized then that she'd made a fatal mistake. Before Luna could even make to breathe, heavy duty straps meant for tying down mammoth loads of steel were attached to her muzzle, wings, and legs; whilst a powerful inhibitor - used when handling the most delicate, magic-sensitive ores was locked on her horn. Once she was thoroughly unable to move, the alicorn boss of Phoenixfire Steel Works, bellowed at her, "DIS IS DA LAST TIME I'M GONNA SAY DIS, MARE! I AIN'T GOT NO INTEREST IN BEIN' A PRINCE; I DUN GIVE A FLYIN' SHIT ABOUT RULIN' OVER YA NAMBY PAMBY PONIES A CANTALOT! DA ONLY PONIES WHO MEAN ANYTIN TO ME ARE MY COLTS AN' MARES HERE," he gestured to all of the many, many factory workers watching the verbal barrage from wherever they'd been previously working. "FA FUCK'S SAKE, MARE, MAH LIFE IS MINE! I GOTS FOALS TA FEED AN' BILLS TA PAY - SO DO MY GUYS - AND NONE'A MY PONIES AN I ARE GONNA STOP WORKIN' JUST CAUSE' YOU SAY SO!" With a whisper of magic he shifted off his protective suit. "FOR DA LAST TIME: I'M A FOOKIN' EARTH PONY, I AN'T INTERESTED IN BEIN' A PRINCE, AND DESE WINGS AN' HORN--" he angrily gestured to them, "--DON'T MEAN NOTHIN'!" With that, he turned to address several of his workers, "ORDER UP," he bellowed to be heard over the noise as work resumed. Immediately several workers snapped to attention. "EXPRESS DELIVERY FA CANTERLOT: ONE BLUE PAIN-IN-THE-ASS ALICORN MARE. LET'S HUSTLE, TIME IS MONEY, PONIES..." * * * When the Earth Ponies who'd manhandled the massive steel crate into her quarters drilled out the massive rivets to open it, Celestia gasped as inside she beheld her sister, locked to the floor of the crate by massive triple-riveted iron cuffs, her wings bound in the thickest chains the solar mare had ever seen. Unable to move, her hooves locked by the cuffs and her body strapped in place, forcing her to stand, Luna cried inside the thick Iron Mask clamped about her head, its visage resembling a hideous, snarling Nightmare Moon. Sighing, unlocking her Sister with the set of custom keys thoughtfully provided, Celestia held Luna as she shivered and bawled like a foal. Later, as she held her sister, Celestia stated, "You bothered Double Cap again. I've told you so many times, Luna: this is what drove the other Alicorn Ponies away. Remember what happened with Applejack when she ascended? Remember the human David when he became an alicorn through science; through an accident?! Countless other dimensional travelers who became alicorn ponies? For foal's sake Luna: Leave. Them. Alone. They may or may not come to us for guidance when THEY are ready, not a moment before; and if they choose not to become royalty then THAT IS THEIR CHOICE!"