The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 20: Rest and Relaxation! (or an honest try at it at least!)

The prince of storms Ch. 20: Rest and Relaxation. (or at least an Honest try at that!)

Ponyville – Twilight’s home -

The sun was slowly filtering through the curtains as the first rays of the morning silently filled the room until they flashed blindly in Twilight’s eyes making her groan and turn around to bury her face in her pillow.

“Good morning, Twi.” her pillow answered yawning loudly as he hugged her closer to bury his face in her mane.

“G’mornin’, Maelly.” she answered sleepy and with a small smile.

“Why the sun has to be this darn bright...” another voice said as a mare spooned with Twilight to escape the rising sun.

“So nopony will think that it’s still night, Dash.” Twilight answered as she basked in the combined hug of the other two.

“We should get up, the others will be here soon for breakfast.” Maelstrom tried saying as he got up to sit on the bed.

“Five more minutes!” both girls answered whining.

“No can do, come on, I’ll shower first so you’ll have few extra minutes to wake-up.” he answered kissing both girls before leaving for the bathroom.

Hmmmm!” Twilight moaned stretching making Dash chuckle.

“Huhuhu! Somepony looks relaxed, finally!” the Pegasus mare said with a knowing smirk.

“I-I-I was not nervous!” the other replied blushing.

“Yes you were!” Dash answered snorting.

“I wasn’t!”

“You were!”

“I wasn’t instead! I was simply feeling intense emotions since I was about”

“To have our beloved coltfriend turn you into a mare? I trained him well, you looked like you were enjoying yourself!” Dash said proud of herself.

“Doing it like animals in heat doesn’t count as ‘training’! You and AJ are just s-s-shameless! I instead made sure our time was romantic to the extreme! It was YOUR FAULT if the thing turned more f-frantic since you forced yourself in!” Twilight answered indignant.

“...I was watching since the beginning, Twilight.” Dash said simply as she lied on her stomach with her front hooves crossed under her chin to show a malicious smirk.

“Y-Y-You were watching!?” Twilight shrieked shocked.

“I always watch everypony of you as you get your fix of my Stallion, just to be sure you others don’t step out of line.” she answered simply.


“You were romantic, even too much sugar honestly, luckily you then got into it and dropped the mushy stuff, I was about to throw-up!” the other mare commented nonplussed.

“I didn’t-”

“You were riding him pretty savagely, Twi! I honestly was surprised you had it in you and that his bones didn’t break with how hard you were slamming downwards...I guess it was all thanks to his Alicorn body if he didn’t die!” Dash said with a sing-song tone as her tail swished back and forth above her.

Meeep!” the purple Unicorn mewled in shame as she buried her head under the covers.

“Don’t be shy! It was high time you finally got that cherry popped like we others! Pinkie had even started insisting you would have waited until a probable marriage...or until Celestia herself ordered you to do it!” Dash said laughing loudly at the other jumping up in surprise.

“We others...YOU ALL?!” Twilight gasped in shock.

“Yep!...Well, Trixie still hasn’t to my knowledge. Last one of us before you was Fluttershy, one week exactly after Molestia has been defeated, THEY did it slowly and sweetly, I couldn’t in good conscience join and ruin it for Fluttershy, she wanted a romantic first time and she got it: date, romantic dinner, a movie…The works!”

“Then why instead you jumped-in in mine?!”

“You were holding yourself back and over-thinking it, I just helped you enjoy the ride, you tried to treat the whole thing like a checklist, and that was wrong in soooo many levels!” Dash answered.

“I did have a checklist...But it was just there in my head as a small thing, nothing too complex...” the Unicorn muttered in answer as her face turned bright red.

“Love is not something you plan, Twi,” Maelstrom said chuckling as he came out of the bathroom.

“I know! I just...Forget it sometimes.” she answered pouting.

“Bwahahahaha! We love you for this as well, Twi! Cuddle a little while I shower next ‘kay?” Dash answered as she made her way to the shower so leaving the other two alone.

“Huhuhu! Sooo...Cuddling?” the Prince asked sitting next to the girl.

“If you don’t mind...” Twilight answered with an innocent smile as she leaned closer to him.

Ten minutes later – group breakfast -

The group of Elements plus Prince and Gilda the griffon were sitting together around the way too small table with each of them yawning sleepy, or in case of Pinkie, already bright and hyper.

“Any plans for today?” Rarity asked sipping her tea.

“Outside our jobs? Not much I think,” Twilight said after a short pause of thought.

“So we can take it easy?” Spike asked hopeful as he crunched down on some gems.

“I hope so, you guys already had to deal with another crazy Alicorn, I don’t think another one should pop-up any time soon.” Gilda answered chuckling.

“I remember you that the Crazy Alicorn was my poor aunt. But yes, some peace and quiet I think will be good for us.” Maelstrom added shrugging as he emptied the small cup of instant ramen (vegetarian version) he was eating from.

“...How can you eat that stuff at breakfast, I wonder...” Rarity said sighing.

“Meh! it’s a habit I refuse to let go,” he answered smirking.

“So we are all okay with taking it easy today?” Dash asked happily.

“AYE!” the others chorused.

“No Evil Guys!” Pinkie said.

“No Dangerous Adventures!” Fluttershy added.

“No risking our lives!” Dash commented.

“No battles for the sake of the world!” Maelstrom sing-sang smirking.

“No monsters and evil magic! Only our boring jobs and quiet days!” Rarity said with a wide smile.

“No-Bleaaaargh!” what Spike was about to say got interrupted by his regurgitating a scroll in the middle of the table.



Nobody talked as each one of them kept looking in dread at the long roll of parchment resting quiet between them, nobody of them had the courage of even just breath too loud as they looked at it.

“...Maybe we should open it...” Pinkie said with a low voice.

“I-I am sure it’s just the Princess thanking us again for helping her?” Fluttershy tried saying.

“Those are both the Sun and the Moon crest, it means both Celestia and Luna are behind this message...” Twilight answered.

“It smells of Official Summoning.” Maelstrom said in surprise.

“You mean...” Dash said with wide eyes as Twilight finally took the scroll to read it.

“The Princesses are summoning us to the Castle, I think it means we need to go on a quick adventure,” The purple Unicorn said once finished reading the message.

“You said we could take it easy today!” Dash answered whining.

“That was before Celestia needed our help,”

“Seriously, sugarcube!” AJ answered sighing.

“We get it that you love the Princess, but sometimes I wonder if she is not pretending a little too much from us...I take we are the users of the Elements of Harmony...but still!” Rarity added huffing.

“Please? Apparently a whole Empire popped back into Reality after thousands of years, we probably need to investigate the return of King Sombra and stop him once and for all.” Twilight begged.

“Girls you are going nonstop as of late, it’s not healthy! We barely finished dealing with Aunt Celestia’s Corruption, I then had to deal with dragons trying to forcefully enlarge their territory and you others with a bunch of Diamond Dogs...You can’t run everywhere every time there is an emergency!” Maelstrom said massaging his temples with a tired sigh.

“But what if this is SUPER Important? She will give us further details, but she already said that this mission will be of the utmost importance!” Twilight said whining making everybody else groan in answer.

“Okay, okay. Let’s hear what Aunt Celestia has to tell us.” the Prince answered with a defeated tone.


Later that day – Train station to the returned Crystal Empire -

While there was an air of trepidation in their trip, none of them could help but wonder what crystal ponies looked like, those were the girls though, Maelstrom was still grumbling annoyed at having a new Bad Guy popping-up barely two weeks after Molestia had been vanquished as they finally saw their train arrive.

“Here we go. New Bad guy, new Mission for the sake of the world...AGAIN.” he muttered sighing tiredly.

“This is a serious matter, Maelly, we HAVE TO DO THIS, whatever happens in the crystal empire reflects on the whole of Equestria! If Sombra’s darkness engulfs that place, it will be the end of everypony else too!” Twilight explained as Dash too idly whined about never catching a break in fighting Evil.

“As usual...” the Prince muttered rolling his eyes.

Too many Bad Guys here, just too many.” Kurama added grumbling in annoyance.

“This time should be easy, Sombra is still weak as he barely returned, we can do this!” Rarity said reassuringly.

“Yeah! After all we have done up until now, I bet we will finish this Mission in an instant!” Pinkie said nodding.

“W-We can’t leave them alone, w-we have to help them.” Fluttershy added.

“Then be careful and-”

“No, Mael, I remember you that you too have to come with us. Princess Luna thinks we may need extra help.” Twilight interrupted him.

“Eh!...That’s true...I forgot.” the Prince said surprised before slumping his shoulders down and nodding.

“Come on! We’ll do fine! Trip aside, I bet we will be done in a flash of the Elements! We just have to blast him as soon as we see Sombra, Twenty minutes tops!” Spike said smirking as they boarded the train laughing.

Crystal Empire - SIX DAYS LATER -

“HE IS ON MY TAAAAAAAAAIL!” Maelstrom, he and the others looking like they never slept a second and with ruffled mane and feathers (even missing few patches of fur here and there) yelled as he threw a heart-shaped crystal to shining armour running under him.

“I GOT IT!” the stallion said as his magical grasp caught it so that he could then hold it in his mouth.

THAT IS MINE!” the giant cloud of living shadow chasing the two running stallions bellowed with a demonic roar.

“WHERE IS CADENCE, GODDAMMIT!?” the Wind Alicorn yelled as a new wave of Clones went turned to black crystals instead of stopping the shadow.

THAT THING HAS ONLY ONE FUCKING WEAKNESS! SINCE WHEN THEY HAVE ONLY ONE SPECIFIC GODDAMN WEAKNESS!? WHERE IS THAT BITCH!?” Kurama also yelled as even a Biju Dama had simply flew through the shadow without harming it.

“WE ARE HERE! WE ARE HERE!” Twilight, she and the other girls looking like having walked through a blender and with the unconscious Spike tied to the purple unicorn’s back, yelled frantically as a pink Alicorn limped her way forward exhausted.

“SHINING! MAELLY! THIS WAY!” Cadence yelled with wide eyes as dark crystals kept randomly erupting from the ground around them trying to impale them.

“THAT’S MY MAREFRIEND! BUCKING HELL I AM SO HAPPY TO SEE HER!” Shining yelled with a shriek as a tendril of darkness launched him against Maelstrom making both pummel to the ground at barely a feet from the girls.

“SHOOT THAT THING! FIRE! FIRE!” the Wind Alicorn yelled as they managed to break through the wall of dark crystals separating them from the girls with a desperation-powered Rasengan to throw the Crystal Heart at Cadence that caught by surprise fumbled with it a little to grab it in her hooves.

“SHOOT HIM! SHOOT HIIIIIIIM!” both Stallions screamed as the Shadow Form of Sombra was above them.


“GYAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Cadence (and everyone else) Shrieked in a high-pitch as an explosion of pure light erupted from the Crystal Heart pulverizing Sombra and covering the whole Crystal Empire cleansing it.



Later that day – In front of the Royal Castle of the Crystal Empire -

The bearers of the Elements of Harmony, Prince Maelstrom Knight, Shining Armour and Princess Cadence all stood in front of every single crystal pony of the land, celebrating with them the victory against the evil Sombra and the freedom of the cursed land from the tyrant’s clutch on them all…

Although, few onlookers could swear the heroes’ smiles looked a bit stiff.

“I’ll chew your head off for not telling me you were dating Cadence another day.” Twilight muttered through her smile making Shining gulp.

“It was supposed to be a surprise...” he tried saying.

“Even my horn giving you a prostate exam will be a surprise you won’t see coming.”


“Twilight please-”

“This goes for you too, Cadence.”


Several hours later – Canterlot – Throne room -

Luna and Celestia were having a late tea break when the doors to the throne room opened to let the roughed-up Elements and Prince enter with all of them showing an unreadable expression while looking clearly exhausted.

Shining and Cadence instead had decided to not come back with them but remain back in the Crystal Empire to help them recover from their thousand-year-long curse.

And escape Twilight, especially to escape Twilight.

“Twilight! You others are back! You simply disappeared for days, what happened?!” Celestia said shocked.

“Maelstrom! What happened to you?!” Luna asked in horror at seeing their appearances and blood-shot eyes.

Sigh! “...FUCK!” Maelstrom yelled collapsing on the floor, and his reaction apparently gave start to a chain-reaction of mental breakdowns that had been apparently barely held back until they were finally back home, and all of them happening one after the other at that.

Waaaaaah!” After the Prince came Fluttershy as she started crying and wailing with a broken voice making Discord rush out of nowhere to hug her as she kept howling in tears.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!” Dash in the meantime roared as she fell on her back kicking wildly with all four of her hooves as she screamed and screamed.

“FUCK! FUUUCK! FUUUUUUUCK!” all the while Maelstrom kept cursing at always louder volume and Pinkie curled into a tight ball with her mane losing its fluffiness while she mumbled incoherently and rocked back-and-fort.

“AH CAN’T BUCKIN’ DO THIS ANYMORE!” AJ yelled with wide eyes as she cried and held her two front hooves on her mane as if trying to grab a handful of it.

“This was seriously bucked-up! WE ALMOST DIED!” Spike yelled as he almost clawed his own eyes out with how violently he rubbed his face.

“Do you agree?!” the small dragon then asked Twilight.

“BUCK YES! That-t-t-this was insane! That was pure luck, I WAS NOT IN CONTROL OF THAT SITUATION AT ALL!” Twilight answered as she and the small dragon collapsed into a heap crying hysterically.

WAAAAAAAAH!” in the meantime Fluttershy kept crying making Discord look around in panic with no idea what to do.

“S-S-Sister?” Luna asked looking at Celestia with a very disturbed expression.

“L-Look at this, Aunt! Look at my fucking hooves! Look at this shit!” Maelstrom asked shocked as he showed the two Princesses his violently shaking front hooves.

“WHY YOU KEEP DOING THIS TO US!?” Rarity asked in horror to both Alicorn mares as fat tears kept escaping her making both rulers flinch in soul-crushing guilt.

“I-I-I-I don’t know! Ma-Ma-Maybe I believe everypony can be redeemed, Maybe I r-refuse to deal with problems once and for all! I-I-I DO-DON’T KNOW!” By now she too panicking at the situation, Celestia tried answering with a frantic tone.

Guuuuh!” As one all girls fell to the bottom and started quietly sobbing while Maelstrom simply opted to scream ‘Fuuuuuck!’ for a couple more minutes.



“...We need a vacation.” Pinkie finally said with a dead tone as she lied on the floor spreadeagled on her back to look at the ceiling with wide and unblinking eyes.

“Help?” Celestia muttered to Luna as she looked her beloved student, her dear nephew and the others spiral always lower down into deranged wailing.

“Here, here, my son...We’ll fix this, we’ll fix this, have no fear.” Luna whispered sweetly as she hugged and gently rocket her beloved son that had FINALLY stopped cursing, and she considered that a small step forward worth of notice.

The next day – Lotus and Aloe Spa Parlor – Canterlot -

“Welcome! What can we do for you?” Aloe, a pale-pink earth pony, said with a gentle smile as the Element Bearers plus dragon plus Alicorn Prince entered from the door.

“They requested the whole parlor for themselves, sister! Private SPA Party!” Lotus said excited.

“After some recent...Issues, we deemed necessary to give our friends some well-deserved rest and relaxation.” Luna said as she entered the Spa as well soon followed by Celestia.

“And since WE are paying, we are joining too. I hope it is not a problem.” the Sun Alicorn asked with a light laugh.

“OF COURSE NOT, YOUR HIGHNESS!” both Spa managers answered as one while looking giddily.

“Then I guess we can start, any preferences?” Luna said smugly as she trotted towards the sauna.

“MASSAGES!” both Maelstrom and Dash said at the same time.

“Then I guess I’ll go for the mud bath, you coming, Spike?” Rarity said happily as she and the dragon followed Aloe away.

“Of course, Rare!” Spike answered nodding.

“Sauna for me too,” Twilight said joining Luna and Trixie in the sauna.

“M-M-Me too, if it is not a problem.” Fluttershy asked.

“Come along, shy pony. Trixie doesn’t mind.”

“Ah don’ know...All this stuff sounds too girly...”

“We have a new apple-juice bath and massage treatment if you want!” Lotus offered giggling.

“That Ah can do!” the farm mare replied happily.

“Nothing with sugar?” Pinkie asked excited.

“No, I am sorry.” Lotus answered uneasy.

“Aaaw...Then I’ll do what AJ does.” the pink mare answered.

“Good! Then I think we can offer you our brand-new Detoxifying Vapors Treatment! We finally fixed the collateral effects!” Aloe said nodding.

“Collateral effects?” Celestia asked curious.

“The first time we used it the removed toxins took life and sentience and tried to take over the world as a Toxic Version of the pony that tried it for us.” the Spa Pony answered blushing.

“Yep! Me and Shining had to use lots of fire to kill that thing.” Maelstrom confirmed nodding amused.

“But now it doesn’t happen anymore, we changed the formula and tried again: the treatment is now 100% safe.” Lotus confirmed.

“Then what are we waiting for? let’s start!” Luna said unable to wait.


Several minutes later – Massage parlor -

“Ooooh, God! This is always so amazing!” Maelstrom said as he was lying face-down with a stallion massaging him.

“Glad to see you return for more, your Highness.” Quake the masseur answered pleased.

Uuuhm! Why we didn’t have massage parlors back in Konoha?” Kurama, he too feeling the massage through the link, asked purring.

There are, they just cost too damn much for the money I had at the time.” the Prince thought in answer.

“Zzzzz!” next to him Dash instead had long since fell asleep thanks to the ‘magical’ touch of Quake.

“Oooh!” as a particular stiff knot on his back went worked-on, the Alicorn left-out a satisfied sigh closing his eyes sleepily.

“Your back is a mess, Prince Maelstrom, what happened?” the masseur asked surprised.

“A very tiring week.” he answered groaning.

“Then relax, I will make sure you’ll come out as new.” the stallion replied nodding in determination.

“Thank you...” Maelstrom answered with a relaxed whisper.

It was in that moment that the door of the isolated room slowly and silently opened to let Celestia tip-toe inside and lock eyes with Quake.

Sssh!” the Sun Princess said with a wink making the masseur nod.

As she neared her nephew’s bed she signaled Quake to leave making him raise his eyebrows in surprise.

“...” she simply replied by showing a wide smile.

“...” believing this to be a prank, the stallion accepted and barely suppressing his laugh he silently left the room.

“Quake?” Maelstrom asked curious at the lack of massage only to sigh happily as the thing restarted.

“Sssh.” Celestia whispered as her hooves started trailing small circles on his back.

“T-There!” her nephew moaned as she touched a particular stiff spot.

“Feeling relaxed?” the Sun Alicorn finally whispered in his ear as she lied fully on top of him making him tense.

“A-A-Aunt Celestia?” the Prince asked in dread.

“Uh-uuuhn!” she answered while covering the back of his neck in kisses.

Please tell me she is not Molestia again.” Kurama asked in dread.

“No I am not, I am just helping my nephew relax,” Celestia answered making the Biju yelp in shock at being heard.

“I know you two were comparing my backside to the ones of the girls...How did you call it? Gloriously Plump, I believe was the term.” the mare purred happily still whispering in his ear.

“...” Both Biju and Vessel preferred NOT answering to that as their face got red at being discovered.

“My-my! What a dirty nephew I have, lusting after his own aunt.” Celestia said with a soft chuckle.

To be honest it was not lusting...Just comparing measurements.”

“And in order to do so, you had to steal several looks at it, am I right?” she answered making both turn redder.

“Wanna know a secret, my dear?”

“What?” the Prince asked.

“Dear Molestia inside me didn’t immediately disappear once hit by the Elements, she had few suggestions to give me before fading away, one of which was to not let you go...”

“And the others?” Maelstrom asked shivering uneasy.

You got a better body, personality and can actually deep-throat him for real...Among other things.” she replied giggling faintly.

“What about dodging?”

“Dodg-WHAM!” surprised by the now-awake-Dash question the Princess failed to dodge the stool the cyan Pegasus used as a mace to hit her face launching the Alicorn away from Maelstrom.

“You okay!?” Dash then asked worried.

“Yeah, I was freaking-out a bit though.” he answered moving to sit on the bed.

“...And that thing?” the mare asked looking at his crotch with narrowed eyes.

“A mix of fear and past memories...” he answered uneasy as he used his wings to cover his privates.

“You should not hit a Princess with a stool.” Celestia said huffing as she trotted towards the two without even the smallest bruise on her face.

“And you should not seduce somepony else’s love-WILL YOU STOP THAT?!” Dash shrieked when instead of listening to her Celestia started mouth-rape-kissing Maelstrom.

SMOOOOOCH!-GUAH!” the Prince yelled in elation as he finally shoved the mare away.

“WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU!?” he asked in horror.

“I AM HORNY OKAY!?” the other answered.



“...Oh, God.” Kurama commented in shock.

“WHAT?! Just because I am over two-thousand years old and a very busy Princess it doesn’t mean I have not needs! I FINALLY LOST MY VIRGINITY AND I WANT MORE, OKAY?!” Celestia yelled in rage.

“You lost...You were...A Virgin?!” Dash asked shocked.

“YES! Is it so hard to believe!? Luna had her precious Storm, me instead, nopony dared to get closer to ‘Princess Celestia the Goddess’! Everypony thought they were not worthy! And I was forced to wait and wait and wait and hope for a valiant stallion...Or even a mare as I was getting desperate once I turned 1800...To come and sweep me off my hooves!”

“Incest is wrong though, Princess.” Dash said with a sad tone of voice.

“Buck it! It doesn’t work like that for Alicorns! Sheer Magic power and augmented Healing means that there won’t be deformities!...Don’t ask me why Starswirl knew that detail though...There were times that old stallion crept even me out.”

“But why me?! I bet I can present you LOTS of willing stallions!” Maelstrom offered.

“Me too! I am certain few colleagues of mine would sell their soul to Tartarus for the honor of dating you!” Dash added nodding.

“...I was Molestia, remember? I probably already know all of them and how they act and think for real.” Celestia said in a dead-pan.

“Yes? And?” both Dash and Maelstrom answered uncertain.

“And you are actually dating the first male Alicorn in the latest six thousand years.”


“You and the others are dating the only being able to satisfy an Alicorn mare, and I am not talking about sizes only, but Stamina and Endurance as well; I WILL kill every normal Stallion I mate with, either from exhaustion or because I unconsciously clenched too hard and ripped-off their penis.” Celestia explained annoyed.

Yikes!” Maelstrom shrieked crossing his back legs in reflex, along Kurama doing the same inside the Seal.

“Ouch!” Dash winced in sympathy.

“So you see now? I can’t honestly let go of my chance, the chance of both pleasure AND of the Love.”

“I don’t love you actually! I mean, I do as a nephew loves his Aunt, but I don-”


“Okay I’ll shut up!”

“If not Love then I will settle for the Pleasure only...For now.” the Sun Alicorn said smirking.

“And we will be there to stop you!” Dash growled angrily.

“Unlikely, just watch.” Celestia said opening the door and moving towards the Sauna where she knew Twilight, Luna, Trixie and Fluttershy were in.

“Sorry the intrusion but I need to ask: can I have few random quickies with Meally?” Celestia asked peaking inside.

“FUCK NO!” was the chorused answer from every mare inside.

“Pretend I didn’t ask then.” Celestia answered calmly closing the door.

“Okay that was unexpected, but it only means I will need to be more subtle about it.” she then said grinning.

“...You are joking.” Dash said grumbling.

“Maybe I am, maybe I am not...Who knows?” the Princess answered airily as she walked away.

“Nobody likes Trollestia.” Maelstrom said in a dead-pan.

“The only ones that don’t, are the ones being trolled!” she answered chuckling as she closed the door.

“...By the way. NO, I was not joking, watch your back, Rainbow Dash.” the Sun Alicorn said after few seconds of silence as she peaked inside and then slamming the door closed.

“Damn youuuuuu!” the cyan Pegasus growled furious.


“Everyday something happen.”

Sigh! Dash simply sighed tiredly at her coltfriend’s, sadly real, words.

Later that day – Sauna -

“I can’t believe it! She declared war on us! ON ME!” Dash growled as the hot steam in the room made it practically impossible to see at an inch of their nose.

“What did Twilight say?” Applejack asked groaning as she poured more water on the hot rocks renewing the cloud of steam.

“Curiously she was against the idea,” Maelstrom answered groaning and huffing as he squirmed a little while sitting.

“You okay?” Pinkie asked.

“You tell me? You AAAAAAAre the-the-the one suuuckING!” the Alicorn hissed moaning.

“...No, I am not?” the pink mare answered uncertain.


“Wait a minute!” Dash yelled in anger once noticed that Pinkie was actually sitting next to the Prince and dispelling with a rapid flapping of her wings the hot mist enough to show a fourth pony inside the Sauna with them.

Sluuuu...” Celestia, still with her maw fairly occupied, looked upward towards the group of mares and her surprised nephew she was eagerly savoring.


Tch!” Ignoring her completely, the Sun Princess gave a challenging glare and moved down with her mouth until her face was deeply buried in the Prince’s pelvis and his thing going extremely deep in her throat.

“Guuuuuuh!” Maelstrom growled in surprise as he tried to push her away.

“Look at me in the eyes and tell me you DON’T like what I am doing and didn’t like what we did back in my Corruption.” Celestia huffed angrily once freed her mouth.

“IT’S WRONG!” he answered scandalized.

“I didn’t ask that. Did it feel good: yes or no?” she repeated her question.

“Too easy, you were doing that, something he likes, OF COURSE he liked it.” Dash answered growling.

“And ya were doin’ a sloppy job.” AJ added annoyed.

“Sloppy?” Celestia repeated sounding almost offended.

“We hardly do that, but even Shy can do a better job at that.” Pinkie added nodding.

“He can’t possibly fit!” Celestia answered indignant.

“He...Where did he go?!” Dash started saying before noticing the stallion disappearing in a burst of smoke.

“Darn it! That was his Shunshin, you scared him away!” the Sun Alicorn hissed annoyed.

“WE SCARED HIM AWAY?!” the others yelled in rage.

Mud Baths Area – barely a minute later -

“...And that is why I am here.” the Prince finished explaining as he joined Rarity, Spike and Luna in the ample bath.

“My sister is out of her mind...” Luna groaned in annoyance.

“I guess being a thousands-years-old virgin can be a pain, but assaulting her own nephew is wrong.” Rarity added shaking her head sadly.

“She is a beautiful mare, so I can’t understand why she does this, she would have no troubles finding a stallion...I mean...She is Pretty AND Smart...It’s rare to find both qualities in a single girl!” Maelstrom said confused.

“Huhuhu! That is a very sweet thing to say,” Luna answered with a proud smile as she moved to sit a little closer to him.

“Aaaw! Thank you, Maelly!” Celestia added as she circled his neck with her hooves from behind.


“...Luna?” the Sun Alicorn asked curious at the strange look in her sister’s eyes.


From outside the SPA Parlor the ponies passing by could see a giant, thick stream of condensed magic shooting upward like a laser with at its front a mare-shaped shadow shrieking as it flew towards the Royal Castle and its throne room.

Royal Castle – Throne Room -



“...There are times I think Luna simply overreacts a little...” Celestia groaned from the middle of the giant crater her landing caused in the middle of the now in-ruins room, luckily she then lost consciousness, otherwise she knew the pain from all that would have been quite the issue.

Later that night – Royal Castle – guest room -

“...Can I know why I was blindfolded?” Maelstrom asked as he was sitting on a chair tied-up and blindfolded.

“Because Rarity told us what you said about the Princess.” Dash’ voice said huffing.

“You shouldn’t praise another mare’s beauty, it is very mean.” Pinkie added.

“Please, girls...” he answered chuckling a little in discomfort.

“M-M-Master should have eyes only for us.” Fluttershy added making him perk-up a little.

“So we decided ya needed punishment, so tonight we’re gonna use ya until we calm down.” AJ added taking his blindfold in her mouth to take it away.

“A-Are those Leather corsets?” the bound Prince asked swallowing hard.

“The Sexy and Powerful Trixie suggested teaching you a lesson: you belong to US and nopony else, and after tonight, you won’t be able to find any other mare outside us attractive, ever.” Trixie answered smirking evilly.

“Get ready to walk bowlegged, honey, and we have still the pills your friends prepared for us when we faced Celestia...We won’t stop, we won’t rest and we won’t slow-down until we will be sure no other dirty mare will even just attract your attention.” Dash whispered before giving a long, kinda deranged, lick to his cheek making him shiver in both arousal and dread.

“Bottoms-up, girls! We have a mean toy to dry-up.” Twilight said smirking as the girls’ eyes landed with voracious hunger on the Alicorn’s privates making him blush deep-red.

“Yeaaaaah!” the other girls replied gulping down said pills and going wide-eyed in an instant.

“H-H-HOY! They-They-” PANT! “They weren’t this strong last time!” AJ gasped in shock as she started trembling and her behind started leaking arousal like a faucet.

“T-T-TWI! I-I-It itches! Aaaahn!” Pinkie said moaning as she almost collapsed while drooling.

“W-W-What’s happening?” Twilight groaned as he tongue hung out as she panted heavily.

GUH!” to their further shock the same pills went forced down his throat making his horn spring-out in a monstrous erection that by his groaning was apparently painfully demanding release.

“I am pretty good at potions, so making those pills grow tenfold in power was not difficult.”


“W-W-Who’s there!?” Trixie demanded with half-lidded eyes as she felt like crying from how hot she felt.

“You all have been such Dirty Ponies...” a new voice said amused as Celestia walked into the room wearing black high leather boots at her four hooves, black choker collar and black hat (with a hole for her horn) while she held a long whip in her mouth.

“C-C-CELE-GUAH!” Twilight tried saying in surprise as handcuffs closed around every girls’ hooves so to block them around a seal-tag similar to Maelstrom’s old world wrapping around the present unicorns horns.

“Twilight…You others forced me to do this, I won’t be denied anymore,” the Sun Alicorn said as he a piece of cloth went gently tied around Maelstrom’s mouth gagging him.

“And you...You also need punishment for all the sleepless nights you forced me to endure.” the older mare said giving a long lick to her prize.

“T-T-That’s mine!” Dash growled as she tried slithering towards the bound Prince.

“You mean this? This big, juicy thing? All yours?” she answered as her tongue traced slow circles on its tip making the bound Stallion whimper in agony.

“Stop it!” Dash said still furious no matter her panting.

Uuuhm!” Celestia answered winking at her while plopping the head in her mouth to lightly suckle on it letting it rub against the soft inner-side of her cheek.

GUOOOOOH!” finally no longer able to hold back the Prince let the explosion came showering Celestia’s face completely with few drops even landing on Dash’ face making her growl louder.

“Let him go!” she ordered.

“Huhuhu! Nope!” she answered as her tongue slowly collected the gooey mask for her to drink it.

“Uuuuuuh!” Fluttershy whined in answer to that, thing that surprised the other deeply.

“Have no fear, the night is still young! We have LOTS of time and we all will have a lot of fun!” Celestia answered as she gently rubbed her folds against the Prince’s horn making him groan even louder.

“You monster!” AJ said growling.

“No monster, Mistress! For tonight at least, tomorrow? Maybe we’ll go with the dirty schoolfilly thing! I have a thousand years worth of missed opportunities to recover after all!” Celestia answered winking.

“Lu-Luna will stop you!” Pinkie tried saying weakly.

“My sister will be too occupied to do a thing, I made sure she would have faced her worst enemy tonight: Canterlot Accountants! She will be too occupied chewing numbers, charts, Expenses and Taxes reports to even move a hoof!” Celestia answered giggling mischievously.

“N-N-NO! Not the accountants!” Twilight gasped in horror.

“Yes instead! Now...Let’s begin!” the Sun Alicorn answered as she slammed her butt down impaling herself on her nephew’s horn and throwing her head back with a throaty moan.

Meanwhile – with Luna – Meeting Room -

“As you can see, standing by last month revenue, we can guess an increase of the 2,3% expenses for the maintenance of the public fountains,” the boorish-looking Accountant pony said adjusting her glasses as she droned on and on.

“At the same time we registered a lowering of the 0,003% income in the upcoming taxes we believe should we looked on in great detail,” the mare’s assistant, a grey-furred stallion with VERY dull voice added piling papers after papers on the table in front of the Moon Alicorn.

“We also need to take in consideration that by the renovating of the various shops and their interiors, the expenses for the improved plumbing system and the extra money needed to rebuild the local SPA’s roof, we’ll need an increased...”

They are still talking...They don’t stop...Their mouths look like a parallel universe trying to suck-out all the warmth of Creation...Numbers...So many numbers and percentages...” Luna thought as even her most powerful spells felt useless against the overflowing dull the ponies surrounding her were emanating like a beefed-up Bureaucratic Version of the Elements of Harmony.

The Elements of Dullness? This is how I will perish?” the Moon Princess wondered weakly as she felt her conscious thoughts slowly fading away like ashes scattered to the wind under the Legalese assault.

It will be dawn already when she will finally return in herself and see that she had compiled, signed (In triple) and stamped every paper perfectly like she would have normally while in her trance and the Accountant ponies happily taking everything every paper and merrily skip away to file all that in proper order like they apparently loved to do.

“I-I-I did it...I DID IT! I DID IT!” Luna screamed with broken glee as her bloodshot eyes scanned the room just in case a last lawyer or accountant was waiting in the shadows like a bureaucratic ninja and only finding blissful silence welcoming her ears.

“I SURVIVED AN ACCOUNTING MEETING! I DID IT! THIS NEEDS CELEBRATION!” Luna bellowed in happiness as tears of elation escaped her eyes while she ran through the corridors laughing maniacally as she looked for her beloved sister and son.

“SISTER! MAELSTROM! LET’S HAVE BREAKFAST IN CANTER-WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING HERE!?” the Moon Princess roared in fury at the complete and utter chaos, and the stench of intercourse, in the room.

“Oh?...Ah! Good Morning, Lulu!” Celestia said yawning tiredly as she got up from the floor making Trixie hugging her fall to the floor groaning.

“Who’s there?” Maelstrom asked tiredly while still spooning with Twilight and Fluttershy.

“Celestia...” Luna hissed as her eyes started shining in barely-controlled magic.

“Ehm...Eeeehm...” immediately understanding how much she fucked-up, Celestia tried coming up with an explanation, only to come up with absolutely nothing.

“YOU!” the Moon Alicorn bellowed in pure madness as she started foaming at the mouth.

“I-I-I can explain!”

“You forced us to undergo the greatest torture known to Ponykind...Just so that THOU COULD FORNICATE WITH MINE SON AND THE ELEMENTS!?” the Moon Alicorn screamed at the top of her lungs making the windows explode.

“I-I-I like his dick-AH!” Celestia blurted-out before covering her mouth in horror and blanching.

Three seconds later – Lotus and Aloe Spa Parlor -

Sigh! “It will take a while to rebuild the roof, eh?” Lotus asked sighing as she watched the plastic sheet that had been taped on the hole on their roof.

“Have no fear, sister. The Princesses themselves said they will take care of everything, the repairs will be done in no time!” Aloe answered with a reassuring smile.




“...Then may also mean that it may take a while longer to finish rebuilding.” Aloe said watching the unconscious Sun Princess in the new crater in their now-half-demolished Spa parlor.

Lotus instead simply opted to break-down in a sorrow-filled crying fit.

Extra file: a Tribute to a friend story.

Ponyville – ‘Small Paradise’ Massage Parlor -

“...So your mother demolished the whole place?” the human masseur behind the desk asked in surprise.

“Accidentally, Buck.” Maelstrom answered sighing.

“It explains why lately I have more clients than usual,” Buck answered uneasy.

“...Mom still thinks you are evil?” the Prince asked sighing.

“I don’t blame her, I am the first human outside the ones she has met in your world, and she has no idea who I am, so I cannot exactly hold it against her.” the other replied shrugging.

“And Aunt Celestia loves your massages even too much, that too may be a reason.” he said with narrowed eyes.

“Look! She was stressed and I just did my job! I had no idea she then used you others to calm down once I was done massaging her.” Buck, also known as Blackbeard, answered with a sorry expression.

“I am not blaming you, but after this...I fear mom will be planning against you with even more fervor than before.” Maelstrom answered grimly.

“Hurray...” the human masseur said sarcastically as he deflated in his seat.


Chapter finished and omake too written.

It is not a proper omake actually, but a THANK YOU to Tremor230 for finally writing a MLP story as I asked him to do! XD

(The title is “It’s the hands, I guess...”) a parody/crackfic of sorts, one that I find honestly hilarious even if it still has only 3 chapters XD.

Even if it was not a crossover with Naruto.