//------------------------------// // Morning 3 // Story: Child of the Fog // by Renaissance Muffins //------------------------------// Yet again, the morning was greeted by a thick blanket of fog. Pinkie arose, just as she always did. This time, instead of heading out for a walk, she decided to eat breakfast at her home with the Cake family. She cooked a stack of blueberry pancakes and made sure that the milk they had in the fridge wasn't expired. Two glasses she would mix with chocolate, one with strawberry and banana, and the remaining two she would leave plain. The smell of the pancakes attracted the Cake family to the kitchen. They ate, talked about strange dreams they had that night, and laughed at the silliness that some of the dreams had. There was a point in the conversation, where Pinkie remained silent and simply looked on at her extended family, enjoying the fact that they were happy. Which in turn, made her happy as well. It was then she stared out the window, faintly seeing a pair of glowing white eyes. When she blinked, unsure of what she saw, they were gone. She couldn't help feel that she was being watched. Perhaps Miss Fog didn't trust her. Perhaps it was a subject, simply sent to observe to try and see what joy looks like. Why would she not see for herself? Pinkie called back into the conversation by Mrs Cake, quickly eliminated the question from her mind and thought about the day she had planned. It wasn't too long that Pinkie finished her breakfast and headed out for the day. Upon opening the front door, she was greeted once again, by the warm blanket of fog. The sun made it shine brilliantly in some places, as if the fog was trapping the rays of light into little pockets of warmth. She marched on, heading to Twilight's castle. She arrived to find Twilight in the library, as usual, looking through a multitude of books. Pinkie spoke up, telling Twilight about her meeting with Morning Fog. Despite the slight confusion with the name, Twilight was quick to understand what Pinkie meant by it. This sparked a new idea, instead of looking for legends about the fog, Twilight focused on looking for any sort of reference to that singular name. However, knowing where she was born and when she was born would be of great benefit, narrowing things down to birth records and ledgers made from the time period. In short, it would still take some time to figure it out. Could take days, could take months. Pinkie then asked about books about joy. How it's explained, maybe through a simple fairy tale. She knew a dictionary definition just wouldn't do. It's too stiff and vague. Pinkie went on, listing more thoughts about how to express joy. A photo album of fun times with the family, small moments that lighten the mood, sweet foods that make you happy. Twilight added that happiness, joy, and laughter, often go hand in hand. Any of those mentions could be used to show joy. Portraying, or teaching, an emotion can be difficult, as those feelings often come naturally and by imitation of others who are feeling the same way in their surroundings. Pinkie thought about Twilight's words, rummaged them around and compared them to memories in her head. Specific events, both large and small, where ponies felt happiness and joy. There was one memory that was both sad and joyful. It was when she had moved away from her parents home and into Ponyville for the first time. Her parents were glad that she was going for something bigger in life, but sad at the same time because she wouldn't be around. Had she never moved out, she wouldn't be where she was today. The feeling lingered bittersweet. Her thoughts quickly changed when she came across the Cake family walking together. Pound and Pumpkin Cake were both walking pretty well on their own. The twins seemed... aware of what they were doing and calmed down with their antics of flying around and using random spells to get around. Pinkie was happy and joyful. She celebrated by hugging the twins and letting a tear shed from her eyes. Mr and Mrs Cake were both happy about it too, it meant that their kids would be somewhat easier to keep an eye on. Pinkie agreed. They went separate ways from there. Pinkie thought of Morning Fog on her way back to the bakery, pondering what she could make her. What activities she could present her with. What gifts she could give. Thing was, it wasn't her birthday. It was confounding, to try and make a cake that wasn't celebrating anything in particular. Perhaps she didn't need to make a cake at all. Perhaps she just needed to show Morning what joy meant. What happiness joy could bring and how it can make the heart flutter with sweetness. Food, enjoying a hobby, and experiencing new things could do that. It wasn't a feeling that you could force. No feeling is, really. If it was, it only ruined the authenticity of it. Pinkie decided to instead, bring nothing but herself, and her wits. Maybe an instrument, for extra effect.