//------------------------------// // Stupid in School (Combined) // Story: Stupid in School // by Khushi1428 //------------------------------// Lyrics were taken from the video! I didn't made them, I just edited them. They don’t know. They would have been a lot better off if they’d studied more when they we're growing up, y’know. But you know where it all went wrong was the day they started the spelling bee. Because up until that day they we're an idiot but nobody else knew. When the spelling bee day popped up- "Alright, kids, up against the wall. It’s time for public humiliation." The announcer announced the students. The CMC's admired a kid, who wanted to spell wrong so he can go back to his seat. He knew he wasn’t going to win, so why stand there for 3 hours. "First round. “Cat, K-A-T, I’m outta here.” Then as he passed them, “Ha! I know there’s 2 T’s.”" I remember Miss Cheerliee asked them, “Scootaloo, what’s the ‘i’ before ‘e’ rule?” "Um… i before e ... ALWAYS!" "What are you, an idiot, Scootaloo?" "Apparently." So she explains it, “No, Scootaloo, it’s: ‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’ and when sounding like ‘a’ as in neighbor and weigh and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May and you’ll always be wrong no matter what you say.” That’s a hard rule. That’s a rough rule. Plurals can be hard, as well. Cheerilee was teaching her students about plurals. She topped a question and asked them to answer it. "Okay, students! Today we'll be studying about plurals!" Cheerilee said to her students. "Yes, Cheerilee!" The students said in unison, but they were not happy to say louder, as they we'rent interested in that subject. "My first question is to.. Scootaloo!" Cheerliee pointed to her first student. "M-me?!" Scootaloo says nervously wh. "Yes you, Scootaloo." "O-oh, yes! Yes, Miss Cheerliee!" Scootaloo got up from her seat. "Can you tell me that how we can make a word a plural?" Scootaloo thinked for seconds, then it was time to answer. "We put an 'S', at the end of it." Scootaloo answered. "When?" Cheerliee grinned. Scootaloo sighed while thinking. "On weekends, or holidays!" Scootaloo cried. Cheerliee went blank from that un-precise answer. "No, Scootaloo, No.. Let me show you." Cheerliee facepalmed. Cheerilee then pointed out the names of the good and intelligent students of her class, suppose Twist. "Okay, Twist. Tell me the plural for Ox?" "Oxen.. "The farmer used his oxen."" Twist answered. "Good! Scootaloo?" "What?" Scootaloo laughed exasperatingly. "What is the plural for Box?" "Boxen." The class went blank. ""I bought two boxen of doughnuts."" "No, Scootaloo, No.." Cheerilee sighed. "Okay, let's go to another one. Twist, what's the plural for goose?" Cheerliee questioned Twist. "Geese! "I saw a flock, of geese."" "Good! Scootaloo?" Scootaloo can be seen, holding a pin in her hand and opening the lock of her classroom door in order to get out. "What?" Scootaloo laughed exasperatingly again. "Tell me, the plural of MOOSE!" Cheerliee cried. Scootaloo thinks for seconds again. "MOOSEN!" Scootaloo cried. "I SAW A FLOCK OF MOOSEN! THERE WERE MANY OF THEM, MANY MUCH MOOSEN! Out in the woods, in the WOODEN! IN THE WOODSEN! THE MEETS THEY WANT A FOOD, THE FOOD IS TO EATASEN. THE MEETS WANT TO PUT IT IN A WATESEN, AND THE FOOD IN A WHATINASEN!" Scootaloo screamed while answering, and panted. "Scootaloo, Scootaloo.." Cheerliee stopped her, along with facepalming again. "You're an imbecile." Cheerliee said. "ImbeCILEN!" Scootaloo replied. "What, are you speaking German, Scootaloo?" "German. Germain! Germain JACKSON! Jackson FIVE TITO!" Scootaloo cried. "Scootaloo, what the heck are you talking about?" Cheerliee said. "I dunno. I don't know, really." They thought the worst day was the day the science project was due. Waking up that morning…that was fun, huh? One of their head would pop off that pillow, “Oh, no! That’s due today.” They had nine months to work on it; Scootaloo did nothing. She had a cardboard box... or boxen. And you’d show up; she's scared because she don’t have anything good and you find out all the other kids their parents made theirs for ‘em. She hated that, yanno? They’re backing them in on flatbed trucks. One kid with a volcano…he didn’t know how to zip up his own pants but he built a volcano.“How’d you swing that?” Scootaloo didn’t know what to do for her project so she brought in a paper cup filled with dirt just hoping that she’d know I’m an idiot and just walk right on past me just as long as I was holding something. “What do you have there, Scootaloo?” “It’s a cup of dirt. Just put an ‘F’ on it there and let me go home.” “Well, explain it.” “Well, it’s a cup with dirt in it. I call it ‘Cup of Dirt.’ You should move on now. Just go ahead and move on. Head on down the line there.” So she went to this one kid; there’s a kid in my class who made the same solar system like 19 years in a row. A bunch of Styrofoam balls held together with coat-hangers. “Hey, you’re breaking some new ground there, Copernicus.” He’s going, “The big yellow one’s the sun. The yellow one is the sun.” “OK, alright, what are these other planets?” “The big yellow one is the sun.” “Alright! Calm down!” “Uh…(shouts) ALRIGHT!” THE END