Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

The Crew

On her way home from band practice, Rainbow Dash was floating on a high. She knew it wasn't just her band anymore; the Rainbooms had grown bigger than any one of them. Fluttershy's tunes kept vying for space in her head, and whenever her mind wandered she could hear the girl's pure voice singing effortlessly in her head.

She almost managed to ride right past the place she had agreed to meet up with her friends for dinner. The Corner, as it was known, did a big trade during the morning and over lunch (thanks to it being just a block and a half from two big high schools), but in the evenings it was just as fun and less crowded.

She was first to pull up, of course. Sunset and Twilight would be walking, Fluttershy's van (while electric) was slow, and none of the rest would ever put their foot down to save themselves. Turning off her bike, she shifted a little on the seat. Inside her cleft, the remote control vibrator was silent, still.

The heat between her legs was a slow simmer, but it was still there. Playing with her friends and not having to worry about singing had left her a few moments to daydream. Rainbow Dash now had her mind filled with images of not only her six friends, but also Vice-Principal Luna, all in a huge pile of bodies, moaning and licking. Just the thought of it made her shudder.

Jumping off the bike, Rainbow Dash walked up to the front doors of the diner and went inside. The place was empty of customers, but behind the counter she could see Mrs. Cake wearing a wide smile. "Hi missus C." Rainbow waved a hand. "Mind if I quickly use the bathroom? All the girls are coming." Rainbow Dash cursed her choice of words, let alone giving in to her thought of masturbating in the bathroom.

"Of course Rainbow dear." Mrs. Cake finished polishing the part of the bench she had been working off of, and looked up. "Should I get the usual drinks ready?" She froze, realizing that Rainbow Dash was already disappearing into the bathroom. "Oh, guess someone was a little desperate."

The door leading to the diner barely closed behind Rainbow Dash before she was fumbling at her phone. "Come on. Come on. Come on!" Tapping at the screen with one hand, she pushed into one of two bathroom stalls and locked it behind her. The screen for the vibrator app came up, and Rainbow didn't care about going gentle, she needed to get off and needed it right that second. She turned the slider up to full and dropped her phone.

The buzzing coming from Rainbow's groin was a testament to the intensity of the toy. It reached a good five inches into her, and the way it buzzed turned all her muscles to jelly. Slumping to the floor, Rainbow Dash reached for her phone to adjust the speed, but lust—and an overwhelming need to rub her chest—made her limbs move like jello.

Slumped against the door, staring into nothingness, Rainbow Dash jerked her hips, bucking into the imagined lover that filled her up. Opening her mouth, she jerked back from the edge of pleasure long enough to grab her wallet and bite down on it.

When the bathroom door opened and closed, Rainbow sat dead still. She wanted to crawl up in a hole and die, only the buzzing in her nethers was very insistent about an impending orgasm.

"Rainbow, darling, Mrs. Cake said you were in here. I thought you might like to chat about your collar?" Rarity could see a shadow under the door of the stall that was closed. "I may have been a little forward with my actions earlier, but you simply must understand that I was a little,"—Rarity shook her head—"no, very interested."

Squeezing her eyes closed tight, Rainbow Dash clamped her teeth into the soft leather of her wallet. Her body was pushed nearly all the way to the edge of her climax, and she had no idea if she could keep quiet while orgasming.

Noticing something, Rarity walked closer to the stall and leaned down. "I know it's you in there, Rainbow, your phone is quite distinctive." Rarity stood up straight, holding the blue-cased phone in her hand. Tapping the screen, the previous running app was still loaded. "What on earth are you…" She trailed off, reached her thumb to the big slider and brought it down to nearly ten percent.

Right on the edge of her climax, Rainbow nearly screamed as the pleasure she needed to peak was torn away from her. Her eyes snapped open, her mouth too, and she gasped. "R-Rarity."

Hearing her name spoken in such longing, needy tones surprised Rarity. "Rainbow Dash, you are going to explain what is going on here right this second." She tapped her foot, and swiped her thumb along the slider. The readout went all the way to full, then back down to nothing.

"Rarity!" Rainbow Dash was laying on her side in the bathroom stall. "That—That's the remote for my vibrator…"

The last word trailed off, and Rarity realized her hands were shaking. She stood still for nearly a minute, and after a few moments, turned the slider up to half. "Rainbow Dash, what are you getting yourself into?"

Rainbow Dash only moaned, her hips bucking. Somehow, that it was Rarity in control of her vibrator made the return of its buzzing pleasure an order of magnitude better. She opened her mouth to beg, but all that came out was a groan.

Rarity reached to her handbag and pulled out her own phone. With quivering fingers, she typed in the name of the app Rainbow was using, and started downloading it. "So you came in here to get a little relief before dinner?"

"Y-Y-Yes!" Rainbow hadn't hit her peak, but she was getting close. One of her hands reached up under her shirt and started squeezing and massaging her breasts, alternating sides again and again.

"You are a very naughty girl, Rainbow." Rarity tapped for setting on the app on Rainbow's phone, and copied the code into her own phone. Back on Rainbow's controls, she lowed the vibrator down to nothing again, and uninstalled the app. "Do you think you deserve this kind of—this kind of reward?"

Devoid of pleasure, Rainbow Dash whined in the back of her throat. "P-Please!"

"Please what?" Rarity restarted the app, and it said it was connected to its toy. "Please what, Rainbow Dash? What do you want from me?" A shiver of excitement ran up and down Rarity's spine, her own body felt on fire at what she was doing to her friend.

"Please… I need to… I need it so bad…" Rainbow's voice, even to herself, sounded broken. She saw a shoe appear under the door of the stall, and without hesitation—her mind flooded with submissive thoughts—she kissed it.

Pleasure exploded within Rainbow Dash. She whimpered and moaned on the floor of the bathroom, her best friend playing her body like an instrument. When her voice waned a little, the vibrations came on stronger, pushing her back into the embrace of oblivion.

"You are a good girl, Rainbow Dash, never doubt that." Rarity's hand was shaking again, the power now hers to play with her friend whenever Rainbow had the toy in. "You will wear that vibrator to school, every day."

Rainbow, still in the insane grip of the toy buzzing inside, saw her powered down phone slide under the door. She tried to fumble with it, but her hands were trembling and clenching alternately. Then the pleasure ramped down, slowing, giving her the chance to breathe. "Y-Y-Yes, Rarity."

"Good girl. When you open the door to come out, I will turn it back down. You are not going to install that app on your phone again." Rarity slipped her handbag back onto her shoulder, and slipped out of the bathroom.

Lost in a haze of lust and submissive bliss, Rainbow reached her hand into her panties and was relieved that what arousal she had loosed had been caught by her pad. She tried for nearly five minutes to sit up, and finally managed to get to her wobbly legs.

Under her skirt, within her sensitive vagina, the toy kept buzzing softly in Rainbow. Each step was a nightmare, threatening to topple her and leave her a moaning mess all over again. She got the stall door open and wobbled out.

Looking in the mirror shocked Rainbow by just how normal she looked. Her shirt was a little disheveled from her groping under it, but a shake of her head and adjusting her clothing, and Rainbow looked her normal self. The toy was so quiet, at this setting, that she couldn't hear it—but she could feel it.

"Come on, Rainbow, you can do this. Rarity doesn't—doesn't lie. She will do what she said." Rainbow Dash bit her lower lip, remembering the instructions from her friend. "What have I gotten into?"

Rarity waited, browsing things on her phone, and smiled when Rainbow pushed open the bathroom door. Swapping to the remote app, she turned the toy down to five percent. Rainbow's eyes narrowed on her, and Rarity did everything she could not to squirm in her own seat. "There she is. Rainbow Dash, we were just mentioning how you are not normally late. I didn't hear you in the bathroom."

"Oh!" Rainbow looked around the table and forced a smile, a twitch of Rarity's finger on her phone—up and down—and Rainbow smiled wider. "That session was just so intense, I couldn't believe how awesome the VP was."

"She was so amazing. I have never seen her like that before." Sunset closed her lips over her thick-shake and started slurping on it. The chill milk hit the back of her throat, and she almost purred at the extra rich flavor. Making room for Rainbow, she pressed sideways against Pinkie Pie.

For just a moment Sunset Shimmer was catapulted into the mind of her friend, and Pinkie was on top of her. Her heart sped up, and she felt Pinkie's tongue slide along her folds. Squealing out in pleasure, she didn't hear what Pinkie said to her. Feeling like she was doused in cold water, Sunset looked at Pinkie's gloved hand breaking the skin-to-skin contact.

"You know what you saw. Later, bacon-girl." Her voice pitched low, Pinkie booped Sunset on the nose. "Swap!" Moving her hands, she switched her own drink with Sunset's.

"You two are so cute together." Fluttershy kept her tone low, but watched as Pinkie practically ended up on Sunset's lap, but somehow still not touching her skin.

Her mind working on automatic, and a little shell-shocked after the rush of feeling Pinkie inflicted on her, Sunset reached out for the double-bubblegum shake her girlfriend had left her with. Lifting it up, she put the straw in her mouth and tasted Pinkie Pie. Lip-gloss, sweet and with a hint of spice to it, now applied itself to Sunset's lips.

"Ah'll agree to that." Her twangy voice catching on all the vowels, Applejack lifted her own drink and sipped at it. "That jam really was somethin', though." The rich apple-and-custard shake filled her mouth, staining her taste buds with its delicious flavor.

Twilight, of the whole group, was glued to her phone. The message icon warned her she had an unread message, and she knew it hadn't come from her friends. Hesitation kept her fingers away from the icon, but the same curiosity that drove her science research forced her to press it.

Yo Twi! Just checking you didn't give me a fake number. Why don't we hang out some time?

Her heart beating faster, Twilight reached down and tapped to start replying, and froze. The phone suddenly slipped from her fingers as Pinkie Pie pulled it across the table. "Pinkie!"

"Oohh! Who is this from? No name on the message, and no name on the number." Pinkie's fingers flew over the keypad.

Hi! TwiTwi can't come to the phone right now, but I am here! Who are you, and do you know Twilight is underage?

Deciding being clear was better than usual shortcuts, Pinkie tapped the message in and hit send. "There we go. Oh, was that tall, old, rhymes with fimber?" She looked at Twilight and saw her friend's blush. Before anyone could say anything, the phone beeped again. "Oh, he replied!"

… is this a joke?

"He didn't know you were seventeen." Pinkie's fingers were tapping again. "I wonder if I should agree to his date, and give him the address of the police station?"

You should probably stop texting TwiTwi until she is a LEGAL ADULT. Bye! :3

"Your phone is so strange Twilight. Every time I try to misspell a word, it corrects it!" Passing Twilight's phone back to its owner, Pinkie leaned back a little and kissed Sunset on the cheek. Deliberately, she focused on kissing Sunset somewhere else, and the look of flushed surprise on her girlfriend's face—when she parted from her—made everything worth it.

"Pinkie!" Twilight looked at the last message sent and sobbed. "I really liked him! It's just another three weeks!" She looked up at Pinkie Pie, and for a moment the anger and darkness grew, until she remembered herself. Closing her eyes, Twilight Sparkle pushed at the darkness that she knew could claim people.

"Darling, he was too old for you." Rarity gave a sigh, and turned Rainbow's speed down to nothing before closing the app. She turned to face Twilight. "Just to make it clear, I am not saying you shouldn't look for someone warm to snuggle in three weeks, just pick someone you know was born in the same decade as you."

Twilight raised her voice and screwed her eyes closed. "I would have told him! I just—"

"You were going to chat with him, and maybe go on a date." Pinkie waggled a finger at Twilight. "Admit it, you totally would have organized to meet him, and then you end up in a coffee shop talking about rock sediment, and it happens a few more times and next thing you know he asks you to come home with him, and then you are sitting on his couch, and then Barry White starts to play, and—"

"We got it, Pinks." Sunset put her hand over Pinkie's mouth, and flexed every mental muscle she had to resist sinking into Pinkie's mind. It worked, until Pinkie licked the inside of her hand. Like a rush of hot fudge pouring over her body, Sunset was drowning in Pinkie. She barely jerked her hand back in time before she climaxed. "Pinkie!"

"Now look here. Pinkie, doing that was wrong. You should have talked to Twilight, helped her get through her feelings. Twilight, you shoulda listened to us." Applejack looked between the two, using her disapproving look to make sure both knew they had done something wrong. "Right. New deal. No one takes anyone else's phone without askin', got it?"

"Her settings were strange." Pinkie poked her tongue out at Twilight.

Still looking down at her message history, Twilight Sparkle gave a deep sigh. "My settings are just right." She realized she was more upset with Pinkie touching her phone than Timber. It was a hard distinction to make, but it was there, and the more she poked at it with her mind the more it seemed right.