Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A Walk on the Derpy Side

Derpy walked up to her car, right up to the front bumper, and leaned forward. Without touching her hands on the immaculate paint job, she braced her legs and leaned far enough to kiss the low-profile air scoop on the bonnet.

Standing behind his girlfriend, Flash could appreciate the ritual Derpy had with her car, particularly since it pushed her butt back and gave him a moment to walk up behind her to smack it. "That car gets more kisses than I do."

Spinning around to face Flash Sentry, Derpy Hooves' whole personality bubbled. "You're jealous of my car?" She reached up and behind Flash's back, using his solidness to pull up and against him. Her lips pressed to Flash's. It was a teasing kiss, mostly because Derpy started giggling. "It has a bigger stick than you."

"Way to ruin my ego." Flash relaxed, arms wrapped around Derpy's back, he pulled her rear against him. "But I guess I can't be too jealous, you might grab his stick, but you snuggle with me." He sighed, not in sadness, but at how right it felt.

"What's wrong?" Misreading the sigh, Derpy looked up at Flash.

"You know I used to go out with Sunset, and then I sort of chased Princess Twilight around the school like a puppy?" At his words, Flash watched Derpy nod. The worrying look on his girlfriend's face inspired him to kiss her again. As his lips broke apart from Derpy's, he continued. "In all that time no one felt as right as you do. I always had to worry about them, what they thought about me, and if I was making them look bad."

"You,"—Derpy reached a finger up to poke Flash on the nose—"make anyone look good. Now get in the car, I have some special shopping to do."

Flash turned and took half a step before he felt the sharp sting of Derpy's hand connecting with his rear. He turned to look at her, but of course her gaze was elsewhere—two elsewheres in fact. The car bleeped just as he got to the passenger door, and the central locking sprung the latch up.

He had his own car, of course, but Flash couldn't get enough of Derpy's muscle car. Old, heavy, and noisy; all words that the average person would use to describe her car, but Flash loved it. "What kind of shopping are you doing? Parts?"

Derpy laughed and slid her key into the car. Turning it, she hit the starter and the world around her rumbled. "Do you remember what Principal Celestia said about doing burnouts in the parking lot?" Derpy's foot leaned on the gas, slowly easing it in and out. The car wanted to jump, leap forward and race away.

"I kinda forget." Flash pulled his seatbelt on. "Wasn't it something about how awesome they arrrrr—" He didn't get to finish before Derpy's foot dropped the clutch and brakes at the same time, while her other foot pounded the gas down.

"Yeah!" Derpy let the car turn her tires into smoke, and spun the wheel hard as they reached the road. Easing back on the gas and shifting up a gear brought them to a sane road speed. "I don't need parts for him, although maybe more tires…" Derpy slowed for a light, then followed her indicator around a corner when it changed.

"Not 'girl stuff'." Flash rolled his eyes. "I love you, Derps, but being your boyfriend and not a boy who is your friend means I don't have to go bra shopping anymore." He swayed a little in his seat as she took another corner. "That's the rules."

"There's rules?" Derpy didn't believe in a rolling stop; stomping on the brakes, she pulled up on a fairly quiet street. Letting the engine rumble for a bit, Derpy closed her eyes and just drank in the sound of her car.

Flash knew Derpy's routine when it came to her car. He stayed as silent as a mouse until she turned the key off. "Of course there are rules. Boyfriends don't have to go on underwear-buying trips unless they are for sexy underwear, but we do get to go shopping for other things."

"Other things?" The tone she picked up implied that Derpy had brought him to the right place. Hitting the release on her safety harness, she leaned across and kissed Flash's cheek. "What other things?"

"Y-You know, 'other things'." Flash Sentry was a little surprised at how playful Derpy had gotten, but didn't want to be a downer. It was a wonderful change from "domineering" or "shy beyond reason."

Derpy giggled and got out of her car. Stretching, she spun and closed the door. "Other things huh?" She walked around the car, and waited for Flash to climb out and close his door before pressing the remote and locking it. "I think you might be in for a wake up, Flashy." Sauntering, Derpy walked under the sign that read, "Canterlot Crops."

Not looking up at the sign (Flash's eyes were on things a lot closer to ground level), Flash followed Derpy to the stairs. "Flashy? Are we into the the part of going out where we can use cute names?"

"You call me Derps, that means I get to call you something. You started it." Derpy was at the door to Spicy's shop, and made the most of the angle to look down at Flash. "Come on, slowpoke."

Spicy turned from where he was reading a magazine on the front counter. "Welcome to—" He froze in his regular greeting when he saw Derpy hold a finger to her lips. Raising one eyebrow, he turned his magazine closed, finding his customer much more interesting.

"So what if I call you Derps? I have been calling you that for years!" Flash entered the store behind Derpy, and he was so focused on his girlfriend that he didn't at first, notice the contents of the shop.

Right then, however, Sonata put an opened box of black rubber dildos on the counter. She turned them so the cut-down front of the box made the toys very visible, as well as the sale price on them. "Hi! Welcome to Canterlot Crops!"

Derpy Hooves leaned up and kissed Flash Sentry's cheek. "Happy birthday, Flashy. Pick anything you want, and I will wear it for you." Expending more effort than usual, Derpy reined in her wandering eyes and gazed directly into Flash's shell-shocked ones.

The walls of toys, restraints, leather and rubber clothing, as well as myriad other naughty things; had Flash's attention until Derpy's eyes caught him. He looked into her excited, naughty expression and sighed. "You know I love you just the way you are."

"That won't do!" Spicy could see that if he didn't step in, the potential sale would become a non-sale. "Sir, please step back for just a moment." Grabbing up a crop from the shelf beside him, Spicy pushed Flash Sentry back a step. "Now look at your girl, really look."

Flash was used to doing what he was told at school, and he liked looking at Derpy. His eyes started at Derpy's eyes—back to their wandering state—and traveled down. Petite nose, wide smile, perfect chin; he was barely getting started. His girlfriend's breasts weren't huge balloons, but they filled his palms on the two occasions she had let him play with them.

Spicy clicked his tongue. "A breast man, typical!" Turning the crop on Derpy, he gently prodded one shoulder. "Turn around, let him see all of you."

Derpy turned, even looked back over her shoulder. Flash's eyes had traced down her back and to her ass. Tilting, she pushed her rear out a little.

"Or maybe I was wrong. Looking at that would almost turn me straight." Spicy carefully ran the crop down one side of Derpy's back. "Since your eyes are irrevocably glued in place now, why don't you tell me what you want to see her in?"

Gulping hard, Flash was trapped in a net of his own making. He gazed at Derpy's rump, and couldn't stop himself from thinking about her in the sexiest lingerie. "C-Clothing."

"Are you sure you couldn't go with a strap on? I have some lovely hollow ones." Gesturing with his crop, Spicy pointed to the other side of the store. "If you were a really good boy, I might be tempted to give a demonstration."

Unable to stop herself, Derpy began giggling at Spicy Hot's antics. "A strap on?" She looked at Spicy's knowing expression and laughed. "I think Flashy needs something a little more reserved." As she watched Spicy's face fall, she almost started to rescind her comment, but a carefully angled wink was enough to tell her he was playing a game.

"Clothing it is then. We have underwear, edible, stickable, lockable, and squeezable." Spicy gestured to the clothing section towards the back of the store, and while Derpy practically bounced through the aisles, Flash seemed to be a little bewildered still. "What's the matter? Do you need some incentive?"

Embarrassment, Flash realized, was the name of the shop keep's game. "No, but—"

"Oh? Butts? Of course!" Turning so he was right in front of Flash, Spicy mimicked Derpy's earlier pose and thrust his rear back. Swinging an arm out, he brought the crop down on his own back end. "Follow the butt!"

Flash rolled his eyes, but couldn't suppress a grin at Spicy's drive. "Derpy!"

"Be nice to him, please." Lifting a tiny rubber bra off the shelf, Derpy turned to look at Flash and Spicy. "I need him functional."

At the sight of Derpy with the rubber bra stretched across her chest, Flash almost stumbled. A little voice in his head reminded him that she had brought him here, and that he was allowed to pick something for her.

"Lost him again. Miss!" Spicy turned and glared at Derpy. "Please stop showing this man your breasts, they are unlicensed weapons!"

Far from relenting, Derpy leaned into the rubber a little, testing how tight it would be. "Maybe this outfit?" Her words seemed to pull Flash Sentry from his stupor. "Or maybe I should pick you something out too?"

"M-M-Me?" Flash quickly moved to Derpy's side, and circled around her so Spicy was out of reach. "Why would you get me something?"

"Silly. I was going to the races on the weekend with Rainbow Dash, I figured I could get you something to make up for it." Derpy didn't notice Spicy's eyes widen a little at mention of her friend.

Flash, however, did notice Spicy's look change. Although he completely misinterpreted it. "Well… it is only fair. There was something I always wanted to see someone wear, and I think you are the only someone I ever want to now."

"Finally we are getting somewhere!" Spicy threw his arms up in the air, and was happy to see Flash roll his eyes. "Tell us, oh Spankiest of Butts, what have you wanted to see your beau in?"

"One of those." Pointing over Spicy's shoulder, Flash drew all eyes in the store to the rack of corsets. "I want to see you wearing—" The rest of his words were cut off in a kiss. It was as good an indicator as any that he had picked something good, particularly when Derpy reached her hand up the back of his head and pinned him against her lips.

Spicy leaned sideways and cupped his hand to Sonata's ear. In a whispering voice, he said, "I think she likes the idea."

Derpy walked down to the short shelf of corsets. She tried not to wince at the cost of them, and realized it was probably going to mean she couldn't do so many burnouts for a while. She started to reach for a corset, when a crop bopped her fingers.

"Uh uh! Your studmuffin gets to choose, remember?" Spicy drew the crop back. "Now, mister…"

"Flash." Walking along in Derpy's shadow, Flash Sentry looked at Spicy, but his eyes kept flicking to the shelves. "You can call me Flash."

"And you can call me anytime." Turning to look at Derpy, Spicy winked and placed the crop's shaft between his teeth.

Trying to ignore Spicy's humor, Flash tried to picture Derpy in each of the corsets, and the more he looked at them, the more he had to focus on not making the thoughts turn to full fantasy. One particular one caught his eye, and he must have stared at it a moment longer than the rest.

Grabbing the corset from the shelf—and thanking his lucky stars it was in a petite fit—Spicy pointed his crop to the back of the store. "Come, young maiden. We must prepare you for your knight's pleasure!"

Spicy kept pushing Derpy along, and finally into a change room. "Your choice. You can take the shirt off and wear it with just a bra, or you could wear it over your shirt." His fingers worked at loosening the lacing of the corset.

"I…" Derpy thought of how good it would be to have the corset on her skin, but realized it meant she couldn't wear it home. "Over my shirt."

In his element, Spicy was grinning from ear to ear. "Arms up, then. I knew I was going to get a pretty little thing into a corset this week." He unlocked the clasps on the side, and worked the corset around Derpy's body. It was a snug fit, but he had no problem fastening the catches back up.

Derpy squirmed a little. The leather wrapped tightly around her, and pushed up just under her breasts. She was ready for Spicy to tighten it, when he instead pulled it upwards. She gasped, her bra now held up by a pair of cups at the top edge.

"This is a full support piece. Your ladies will be shown off quite well. If you would like, you could take that bra off?" Spicy cleared his throat when Derpy just mutely nodded, and as if he had had more practice than his alignment would suggest, he slipped fingers down the back of her shirt and unfastened the bra.

Without a word, and without really thinking, Derpy leaned forward and realized her shirt had to come off too. Spicy unfastened the corset, she slipped her shirt up and off—keeping her back to Spicy, and then pulled it back down.

"Cup them, please." Spicy wrapped the corset around Derpy again, and this time it sat much better. Pulling at a few of the laces tightened the corset a little. "How is that?"

Derpy looked down at her suddenly greater cleavage. She could only mutely nod back to Spicy. The moment she did he started pulling at the lacing. Each step of the way the corset became tighter and tighter. Each time Derpy thought it was too much, Spicy would seemingly move to the next lace as if he knew.

Working at the bunny ears of the corset, Spicy slowly got it tightened just right. Tying off the last of the laces in the middle, Spicy made a large and extravagant bow. "How tight is it?"

"Really tight!" Derpy thought it would be worse than it actually felt. She kept her panic down at the tight-gripping garment, and started to move in it. Turning a little, she noticed how it kept her body more straight. Then she saw the mirror to the side of the dressing room and froze. Looking back was a gray-skinned blonde with the most amazing figure she had ever seen. Perfect hips curved up into a corseted waist, and her boobs seemed huge.

Spicy knew he had his sale from the grin on Derpy's face. "I can't wait to see his face." He reached behind himself and unfastened the door. "Hold on to your libido!"

Flash, trying to work out where he had seen Sonata before, turned his attention to the back of the shop. When Derpy stepped out, he froze. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Eyes locked on Derpy's chest, he didn't get to see his girlfriend's smile turn radiant.

Watching Flash's eyes move up and down with each breath she took, Derpy felt like strutting—so she did. In sneakers, she took her first step, and turned too far. Falling, she windmilled her arms out and grabbed on to whatever she could for support. Unfortunately, what Derpy grabbed was a large rubber dildo, and as she fell down and landed on her back, it managed to find its way poking down her top and planted into her cleavage.

Rushing to Derpy's aid, Flash crouched to help her up, only noticing the dong at the last moment. Derpy giggled up at him, and he couldn't stop himself from laughing back. "You should see her in a car. Behind the wheel she is as graceful as a cat." He scooped his arms under Derpy, and lifted her up off the floor.

"My hero!" Derpy laughed and kicked her legs. When Flash leaned down to her, she tilted her head up and bonked her nose against his lips. "Oops!"

Flash claimed his reward kiss anyway, and keeping it as brief as possible under the circumstances, he set Derpy Hooves back on her feet. "But I was serious. Y-You pick something too."

"You mentioned that you were going to be out for the weekend?" Spicy eyed Derpy's form, and while he didn't agree in quite the same way as Flash that she looked good in the corset, it was definitely showing off her charms quite well. When Derpy nodded, he laughed. "Well, we wouldn't want your boy there to be all worn out when you get back."

"Worn out?" Derpy was full of giggles, and when Spicy ushered her across two aisles, she let herself be guided. Looking at the shelf he gestured to, she tilted her head to the side. "How does that work?"

Sonata couldn't help but guess at the special shelf Spicy had taken Derpy to. "It will either be the Gates of Hell or a plastic chastity restraint." She tapped her chin and looked to Flash. "I would go with the latter if you had to choose."

Plucking one of the devices from the shelf, Spicy held up the plastic chastity lock to Derpy. "You know Rainbow Dash?" He pushed his thumb through the restrictive part of the toy.

"R-Rainbow Dash?" The change in topic was so smooth Derpy almost got mental whiplash. "Uh… yeah?" Her eyes were glued to the toy in Spicy's grip.

Spicy slowly closed the toy around his thumb, and sealed the locking ring around his finger. "She had a little accident." The moment he said the last word, he could see understanding on Derpy's face. When she ignored his trapped thumb, and looked in his eyes, he knew she knew—so to speak. "She might need some help. I am not sure if—"

"Rainbow Dash has never been big on guys." Derpy reached up and poked at the chastity lock on Spicy's thumb. She jerked at it, and a light suddenly went on in her head. "Oh! It is for locking his penis up!"

Color drained from Flash's face as he stared at his girlfriend enthusiastically examining what he thought to be the most terrible thing ever. "D-D-Derps…?"

"I'll take it, and don't worry about Rainbow, she is just coming out of her shell." Derpy reached for the locking clasp and unlatched it from Spicy's hand. When she saw the little loop for a padlock, Derpy giggled a little more.

"I sold her a few things, mostly introductory stuff. Hopefully she will be able to get her urges under control. I guess everyone hits puberty differently." Spicy grabbed at one of the little padlocks on the shelf and passed it to Derpy. "You will want that, too."

Flash's eyes were locked on the device in his girlfriend's hands. As she approached, however, the angle made sure he could see the corset she was wearing. A rush of warmth filled him, and he couldn't deny that she was the most sexy girl he had ever seen. "You are going to owe me sex for this."

"Done." Derpy stuck her tongue out at Flash. "But only if you wear it all day Saturday, and all night. In the morning you can ravish me." She gave a brusque nod, as if they were discussing who would be reading the funnies in the newspaper next.

"Safety instructions!" Spicy slipped up behind the counter and started ringing things up. "Only lock it when he is soft, but you can put it around him when he is hard. I,"—Spicy took one of the keys from the key ring of the padlock—"will keep one of these." He looked at Flash. "If you lose the key, or your beau is away and you need it off, come here and I will give it to you."

The instructions were actually reassuring to Flash. He looked at Spicy, and got a slight nod back that almost had him relaxed. "O-Okay. What about—" He stopped what he was going to say when Spicy pointed to the long slit down the front of the device. "Oh."

Derpy winced at the price that flashed up, and counted six tires that she could have been shredding for the cost of the corset alone.

"How long have you two been together?" Spicy put the chastity lock and padlock into a paper bag and passed them across to Derpy. He might not swing her way, but he had to admit the corset really made her bust a thing to behold.

" 'Together' together?" Flash was mesmerized by the same assets that had caught Spicy's attention. "Uh… about a week now."

Derpy barked a laugh, causing her breasts to bounce in the firm grip of the corset. "We have been friends since we were little kids. It just took me awhile to get it through to him that I really loved him."

"Huh…" Spicy could see Flash was about as entranced in Derpy as a guy could get. "So the friendzone is dead?"

"You must really love her if you would let her clamp your dick up in that." Sonata froze when three shocked faces turned to her. "What? It's true!"

"If you need anything else, anything at all, drop in. Or call me." Spicy gave an exaggerated wink to Flash, but he was surprised when Flash plucked one of his business cards up and put it in his pocket. "Oh my, is my radar broken?"

"No!" Hiding his flustered feelings well, Flash shook his head. "In case I need that dammed key." And with that, he shooed Derpy towards the door, and followed his laughing girlfriend outside.

Sonata just smiled. "They were nice."