Supernatural: Day, Night, and Shadows

by BioQuillFiction

Chapter 2 Day: The Sun Speaks

The next few days had been informative for Castiel, to say the least. Rose has been helping Castiel in taking care of Celestia. She taught him how to burp her, change her cloth diaper, how to wash said cloth diapers, and how to play with her. Castiel was standing over the crip, Celestia inside, giggling at Castiel’s attempt as trying peek-a-boo.

“Is she still looking?” Castiel asked, his hands covering his face.

Rose, finding Castiel’s...lack of personality, dumbfounding. “How is it angels are tasked with looking after humans, yet you can’t even act a little bit like one?”

Castiel turned over to Rose, his hands still covering his face. “We are tasked with keeping the souls that enter heaven’s gates happy, what happens on earth we rarely see what is going on with the earth.”

Rose rolled her eyes, walking over to Castiel and taking his hands off his face. “ old are you? WHat kind of angel are you?”

“Why do you wish to know?”

“Well it seems we’re gonna be around each other a lot, might as well say a few things to get to better know each other.”

Castiel pondered the thought, they will be spending a lot of time together as Celestia has already attached herself to the both of them. “Alright. Well, as for age I have been around a short time before earth, it’s the year 400 BC, don’t ask about that just yet, so let’s say… close to four hundred million years old.”

Rose’s eyes widened. “Wow. Not what I was expecting, but, makes sense.”

“As for what kind of angel I am, I am a regular angel, we mainly observe and when told to, complete tasks.”

“Tasks like?”

“Keeping certain people alive, performing miracles for people who will become of importance, those tasks.”

“Ah. Alright. So...if you’re an angel, where are your wings?”

“My wings are more ethereal than physical as your churches and holy books and...images have informed.”

“Oh. Is it true if an angel has it’s wings cut off they become human?”

“Well, yes and no. If our wings are to somehow be striped from us, we can no longer enter heaven, but only if our grace is taken from us will we become human.”

“Oh, so this grace is what makes you angels. All your powers and abilities come from it?”

“Yes. Every angel has grace, and the more grace and angel is made with the stronger they are. As you can assume, the archangels have the most grace of us all combined, along with being made from energies found only from the most early era’s of creation’s beginnings.”

“Oh. Huh. Alright then, well As you know, my name is Rose, I’m a, er, was, a single mother. My husband died several months before I gave birth. I managed the work with some help from friends and family, but the winter proved harsher than expected. My child and I froze to death. Then, well, here you are, and here I am.”

“Ah, so I guess that is all about us then…”

“I suppose. So, do you have any…angeless you got your eye one~?”

“What’s an angeless?”

“Nevermind… So, have any other Angels come to see little Celestia yet?”

“No, why? Is that important?”

“Well, let me put it this way, you’re her father, so that makes the Almighty her grandfather, and the other angels her aunts and uncles, she should meet them.”

Castiel pondered this. “Well, she has more moral qualities than most of us angels have. Alright, I know a few angels who wanted to meet her anyway.” Castiel said, picking up Celestia as she cheered. She loved Castiel holding her. “I will be back.”

“Wait, I can’t go?” Rose asked.

“While, yes, you can leave it’s...unorthodox for a soul to leave it’s personal heaven.”

“So because it’s unusual I can’t go?”

“...Yes.” Castiel said, vanishing with Celestia.

“God damnit...Huh, saying that in heaven different than on earth.”

Gabriel was amongst morals, as he usually was. Lucifer and Michael were at it again and he hated seeing them fight, so he watched the humans from his own vessel, an elderly man, bald head and a long grey beard wearing apparel similar to that of Castiel’s. Then, his head rung as his “Angel Radio” Picked up a message.

Gabriel. Castiel asked.

Castiel? You rarely talk to me, what gives? Gabriel asked, confused at the sudden outreach.

The human soul aiding me in raising Celestia has informed me that some “Family time” might be appropriate for her development, so I am asking if you would like to see her.

Gabriel’s eye’s went wide. Heck yes! I have been dying to see that ball of sunlight from what I heard! Where are you two?

Meet me in the place known on earth as Egypt. By the Nile river.

On my way! With that, Gabriel vanished, excited to meet the mystery Niece.

Metatron was in his archive room, going over his notes. As God’s personal scribe, writing his near every word was his purpose, his job, it was why he was created, and he rather enjoyed it. True, he was significantly less powerful than even the most standard angel, and was often un affiliated with them in most every way. Now, to his surprise, someone was contacting him on Angel Radio.

Who is this? Metatron asked.

This is Castiel brother. Castiel replied.

Castiel? Why have you contacted me? No angels ever contact me.

I am inviting a few siblings to meet Celestia as since she has a more mortal personality, might be vital to her development.

Really? Who else have you invited?

So far, Gabriel. There is only one other I plan on inviting today.

Oh… Metatron thought it over, while he had a duty to his creator to be by his side to write his will, a change at viewing, studying, MEETING something made by a friend god had never mentioned before… The temptation was too louring. ALright, I’ll come. Where are you meeting?

Egypt, by the Nile river.

Alright then, be there in several minutes. Gonna have to find a vessel.

Castiel took a deep breath. While he thought it a good idea for Celestia to at least meet him once, merely thinking about it made his regret the idea. Castiel sucked up his fear, and called.

Casidy! What’s up baby bro! Castiel’s elder brother answered. Lucifer.

Please brother, it is Castiel. Castiel said, annoyed.

Yeah, well, call me I’ll call you what I want. Speaking of...why did you call me? Only pops and Michel call me, dad to say I’m grounded and Michel to insult.

You are aware of the being god entrusted me with raising, correct?

Yeah, the horse from another dimension made by dad’s girlfriend.

Castiel was confused. The Lord had intimate relations with Celestia’s maker?

Dude, it was a joke. But yeah, what about her?

I am having a few others meet her today. I already asked Gabriel and Metatron, both have agreed. Castiel explained.

Really? Well...been awhile since I talked to Gabe, and I would LOVE to see Metatron outside the office. Alright, I’ll join in the get together too. Where is it, nah, don’t tell me, I’ll just sense for it.

Castiel sat at the Nile’s edge. None of the more dangerous wildlife dared near him, or Celestia, who was rolling around in the sand playfully. This was her first experience on earth, and so far she was enjoying it.

“Now there’s the little spitfire! Wait, wrong pony.” Gabriel said, appearing out of nowhere and, for some reason, had his vessel shrunk to Celestia's height.

“Why do you use your powers for bizarre acts brother?” Castiel asked, unsure of what to make of the scene.

“Cause it’s fun and I’m bored.” Gabriel replied, poking Celestia in the nose. She cringed, then laughed, poking Gabriel in his chest, making him chuckle. “Hey, that tickles!”

“You have so much power...and you use it on that?” Metatron spoke. Gabriel, Celestia, and Castiel all turned to see him, his vessel that of what seemed to be a street child of this particular region. His hair was brown, garments were dirty, and age had to be no older than ten.

“Ha! I knew you were a kid at heart too Metatron.” Gabriel laughed, making his vessel normal sized and hugging Celestia, who hugged him back.

“Give me a break, I’m new at picking vessels and this was the only one I could find!” Metatron said in defence.

“Well, well, the gang’s all here?” Everyone, save for Celestia, felt a chill go up their backs. They all turned around, seeing Lucifer in a vessel of his own. The vessel was male, red eyes, black hair, and was adorned with gold and fancy ornaments. “Like? Heh, didn’t guess the pharaoh to be a person who could hold me. I like his look, nice and...shiny.”

While Metatron and Gabriel were a tad shocked at seeing Lucifer among them, Celestia looked at him, and smiled, hopping off of Gabriel and walking over to Lucifer, who looked at her. “Uh...what do I say?”

“Well, you’re her uncle, so...tell her you are her uncle.” Castiel offered.

Lucifer looked at him, and reluctantly nodded. He then looked back at Celestia. His hatred was towards Humanity, his brother Michael, and his father, so seeing Celestia, something he had no reason to hate, nor was affiliated with his anger at his family made him feel...strange. “Hey there...I’m your uncle. Lucifer.”

“L...Lucify?” Celestia spoke, making Castiel’s eyes widen.

“She’s never spoken before.” Castiel spoke, earning surprised looks from the other three angels.

“Really?” Metatron asked, summoning a quill and parchment and began writing.

“Yes! Out little niece’s first words! I’ll get the cake!” Gabriel said, vanishing. Not a full second later, he returned with a three layer chocolate cake, the words “First Words” Written in pink frosting on the top layer. He placed the cake on the floor. “Wonder what else I should get?”

“...Where” Metatron asked, utter confusion across his face.

“Her first words...were my name…” Lucifer said. “And...she said it wrong.”

“Well, she is an infant, I think, I am sure over time she will say all our names properly.”

“Unca Lucify!” Celestia said, somehow jumping into Lucifer’s arms and hugging him.

Lucifer, for his part, didn’t know how to respond. He had never actually had a hug before. He felt her tiny body clinging to his Vessels, yet...the hug itself seemed to go deeper than just the flesh of the vessel. It touched Lucifer’s actual form, his angel body. He, unknowingly, hugged her back. “Wow… Does she do this a lot?” He asked.

“Yes.” Castiel replied.

“That’s...good to know.”

“Oh God! Lucifer! Are you crying?!” Gabriel shouted.

“What? No!” Lucifer said, feeling his face...he was. “What the?!”

“Ha! You love your niece! Yes, you do have a heart under all that emo attitude!”

“I would smite you if Celestia wasn’t here.”

“That’s right, keep admitting it.”

“THAT’S IT!” Lucifer said, placing Celestia down. “Watch me teach your idiot of an uncle Gabriel a lesson.”

“Unca… Unca Gaby?”

“Yes! My own baby nickname!” Gabriel said with joy.

Lucifer rolled his eyes. “ me beat the grace out of his ass.”

“Language.” Castiel said.

“Bite me.” Lucifer replied.

“This is all fascinating...and sides of you all I had no idea existed.” Metatron spoke, still writing.

“That’s because you’re always in your stu-” Gabriel was saying, before Lucifer punched him halfway around the earth.

“Wow. Wonder where he’ll land?” Metatron pondered.

“Wherever it is, it’s not far enough.” Lucifer said. He turned around, and noticed something was missing. “Where’s Celestia?”

“Cake.” Castiel pointed, Celestia sticking her flank up in the air as she was head deep into the pastry, and showed no signs of stopping her assault on the bakes good.

“Awh, how cute.” Gabriel said, walking up behind Lucifer.

“Damn, was hoping you’d be gone longer.” Lucifer sighed. “So, where did you land?”

“Middle of the ocean, bright side, there’s now a Mariana Trench!”

“There is nothing by that name on earth?” Metatron questioned.

“There is now, and at the very bottom is a perfect imprint of this vessels face.” Gabriel said, pointing thumbs at himself. “Also Celestia just finished off that cake.” As he pointed it out, the other angels noticed that where there was once a three layered chocolate cake, now slept a crumb covered Celestia, a childish grin of joy on her face as she slept. “Dawh, now that is just plain adorable.”

“I agree, it’s rather cute.” Metatron added.

“’s silly, I’ll admit.” Lucifer said.

The three angels then looked over at Castiel, who looked at them in confusion. “What?” He asked.

“You don’t have a comment?” Gabriel asked.

“’s a very...child appropriate action.” Castiel said, making the other three roll their eyes. “What?”

“We are definitely gonna gonna be visiting her more so she knows what fun is, because you...are a brick.” Gabriel said.

“Dito.” Lucifer said. “I call Fridays!”


“I’ll take mondays. I’ll be the one actually giving her an education.” Metatron stated.

“Not surprised you’d take that job, meanwhile I’ll be her fun loving uncle.” Lucifer said.

“Hey! I’m the fun loving uncle!” Gabriel protested.

“In your dreams.”

“Why not let Celestia deside?” Metatron said, gaining their attention. “She’s starting to talk, so, when she’s talking full sentences, ask her which of the two of you is more fun.”

“That could work.” Gabriel thought.

“Agreed. May the best fun loving uncle win.” Lucifer said.

“You’ve doomed us all Metatron.” Castiel said, his voice with worry rather than it’s typical monotone.

“That may be, but better them let an unbiased third party decide rather than brawling and destroying egypt.” Metatron countered.

“...Fair enough.”