//------------------------------// // 7. Allies // Story: Derpy's Beautiful Love // by EverlyTheBlackRabbit //------------------------------// Time Turner and Derpy carefully walked upstairs wondering what was going on. Slowly making their way they didn't find a thing. Derpy wondered if whatever it what was disappeared. She was wrong as soon as she heard a loud smash. "Time Turner, I think we should go. Whatever it is must be dangerous! We should go and find someone for help!" Derpy frantically suggests. "You go. I'll stay as a witness!" Time Turner suggests. "No! It's probably real dangerous!" She says grabbing his arm. All of sudden, coming flying around the corner appeared Glow Hearts with wings flying rapidly. Something else came behind her. With it's sound waves coming from it's hands, targets the cupid. She falls on the ground with a loud thud. Derpy gasps. She runs over to the nurse. As she looks at her, she notices the red masquerade mask. Must be an addition to her disguise, thought Derpy. "Gl- I mean, Cupid, are you alright?" Derpy asks. "I'm fine," Glow Hearts gasps. She sits up staring at the black mist looking creature that was beginning to take shape that Derpy found very familiar. "Vinyl?!" she exclaims. Time Turner had run over to the two, "Any idea why it is taking form of a familiar friend?" "That because it is her! The enemy must've got to her and now is taking control of her strongest negative emotion!" Glow Hearts shares. "It must been real strong. I'm having a real hard time targeting her heart." "Aim her heart?" Time Turner exclaims. "Won't that dangerously hurt her?!" "From my arrows it won't but she's not really giving me chance with those sound waves of hers." "Sound waves?" Time Turner looks over at the silhouette figure of Vinyl placing her hands directly at them. She let's out another of her sound wave power hitting the three. The three all fly then fall to the floor while closing their ears from the loud sound making their ears ring. Glow Hearts comes up with a charm using the liquid in her heart flask, she makes a red glass wall appear before them separating them and dark Vinyl. Vinyl tried another of her sound waves but the red wall didn't shatter. "It worked!" Time Turner says astonished. "For now," Says Glow Hearts. "I'm getting weak. This wall won't hold up long. We got to run!" The three stood up and ran downstairs. "Do you two know a place we can trap sound waves in this school?" "The music room!" Time Turner eagerly says. "The room is sound proof." "Perfect!" Glow Hearts grabs the two by the back collar of their shirts, spreads her wings and flies fast to the music room. "That was exhilarating!" Time Turner shouted excited. Derpy giggled, she found his enthusiasm cute. Glow Hearts smiles as she felt her flask fill up. These two are real something, she thought. "Now to trap her in. You two hide in another room." "You're going to fight her on your own?!" Derpy asks worried. "Well all I can do is trap her for now. It will give me time to stop her." A loud crash sound was heard from the second floor. "Hide! Now!" Derpy and Time Turner quickly went to the room they were closest to. Glow Hearts goes into the music room. Dark Vinyl comes downstairs, finding the music room open, she goes in. Glow Hearts quickly flies out through the second door. She makes a charm that closes every entrance in the music room close shut with a red lock. "No way in, no way out!" She says. "Oh good! You trapped her! What's next?" Time Turner asks peeking from behind the door. "Sorry. He was really curious," Derpy confesses. "It's okay, Ditzy. Now I got her in place." Glow Hearts necklace glowed making a bright pink bow and arrow appear in her hands. Directly pointing at Vinyl's heart, her eyes glow bright red while her white wings spread out. She aimed and let go. The arrow flew through the door into the room right at Vinyl's heart. Dark Vinyl froze, falling on her knees. The black mist shrinks and poofs, disappearing from her heart. "What happened?" Vinyl says removing her shades to rub her eyes. Glow Hearts necklace glows again transforming back into as her nurse identity. Inside the nurse's office. "Glow Hearts, don't you need to make Vinyl forget all this?" Derpy asks. "No. My arrow took care of everything including her memories. So now she should be at ease now that heart is in the right place," Glow Hearts answered. "Now," Glow Hearts takes out a piece of candy from her pocket. She looks over at Time Turner, "What to do with you?" Time Turner looks at her nervous, "Me? I can keep a secret! Right, Derpy?" He turns to her. Derpy nods, "Yes he can!" "Actually, I still haven't got news from my Master if I'm allowed to keep Derpy know this secret. So till then you have to keep my secret as well but if m Master declines then I will have to erase both of your memories." RING RING RING She turns around putting her phone to her ear. "Hello...actually now there's two who know...the same girl and her friend...Thanks! Laters!" She hangs up and looks over at the the two. "Lucky for you Time Turner, the boss said yes. Now if you both can stand next to each other and show me your right wrists." The two do so. Derpy blushed a bit as she stood close to her crush. With both hands Glow Hearts placed two fingers on their wrists. A heart image with wings printed on them. "Now these marks are pretty powerful. Only you two can see them no one else. The enemy can't posses you with it's power but that doesn't mean that he can't you someone else to try to hurt you. So please be careful. I got one more charm to cast on for you guys to help you defend yourselves but that one's going to have to wait." "This is amazing! I can't believe it! This is an incredible discovery!" Time Turner says excited as he stared at his wrist. "I read his heart," Glow Hearts whispers to Derpy. "If he can question it, it can make him happy." Derpy hugs her. "And your heart says whatever can make him happy, you're thankful for it!"