Living The Dream

by Kickass222urmom

The last brony

The sex scene has been removed.

Chapter 11

Four days. Its been four days since the scene with Luna. I haven't seen her since, but that's a good thing.

A lot has happened over the last four days. One thing is that David finally was able to buy that suit he wanted made, thanks to me working my flank off. I haven't even seen it yet, he just left it in his room.

Another thing is that I haven't had a lot of time to spend with Twilight, but I told her I would make it up to her.

The princess did give us a reward. A pass to enter the Palace at any time and five hundred bits, which we're going to use to remodel the house a bit.

I haven't seen Rainbow Dash since she almost killed me, again. That is actually a plus in my book, I could go on living with out seeing her again.

The rest of the time I've been extremely busy. Working at the Cafe, Looking for the last brony, and doing research on Equestria.

But that's enough of a recap of events of the past few days. Because, as of this moment, I finally have time to myself and I'm going got use it to relax.

I was laying on a cloud above Canterlot. I told David I was going for a walk, but I figured out that laying on a cloud was much more relaxing than walking.

The wind picked up and the cloud began to move. Well, there goes my relaxation. I slide off the cloud and glided down into Canterlot.

Once I landed, I was met with the familiar stares from all the high class ponies. They all had the same look, disgust.

It was getting pretty annoying. The same thing every time I left my home, stares and whispers.

Sooner or later, I'm going to snap. They view me as a freak, which is fine, but they should learn to move on.

I shook my head and began walking down the street, all their eyes on me. I laughed to my self, this would be the perfect time for 'Boulevard of broken dreams' to start playing.

I already know what I'm going to do for the rest of the day. Head to Ponyville and look for that last brony.

After a few more minutes of walking, I came upon my home. I opened the door and yelled in, "Yo Louie! I'm heading to Ponyville, what to tag along?"

There was a bark from inside and scamper of paws. Louie came around the corner and barked happily.

I smiled down at him, "Hop in my saddlebag and we'll get going."

He nodded and climbed into my saddlebag.

Seconds later, we was on our way to Ponyville.


Fluttershy walked out of her house and took a deep breath. She exhaled and smiled brightly. A new day.

She hadn't been to Ponyville for the past few days, because she still didn't know how to approach Giro. But that didn't matter to her, she comfortable here with all the animals.

Fluttershy walked over to the small river next to her house and smiled down at the small critters that ran around on the mud and water.

The ground slightly shook, and the animals behind her all made sounds of horror.

Fluttershy turned and screamed.

In front of her stood a dragon. A full grown dragon!

The dragon smiled down at her nicely, "Hello, my names Malbatorus. I didn't mean to scare you."

Fluttershy passed out and fell back.


I landed in Ponyville and smiled. Man I love this town.

Louie jumped out of my saddlebag and barked happily.

I looked at him, "Follow me Louie."

First, lets check Sweet Apple Acres.

I walked down the street followed by Louie, wagging his tail. Soon, we was walking down rows of apple trees.

Louie barked again.

I looked down at him, "Louie, will you stop barking all the time."

He looked up at me and smirked, and barked again.

That little bas....

Applejack walked out of a row of trees, two apple baskets on her sides.

She looked over at me and smiled, "Well howdy there Giro. Ah haven't seen ya since ya got here."

I smiled back, "Sorry about that. I've been in Canterlot and kinda busy with work."

She laughed, "I hear ya. Say, who's your little friend?" She asked while pointing at Louie.

"Oh, hes just my..."

Louie glared up at me.

I smirked, "Pet."

Louie looked at me evilly.

Applejack nodded, "Ah think he and Winona would get along great."

I smiled and my eyes went big. Idea forming. "Hey Applejack, where is Winona. I want Louie to meet her."

Applejack laughed loudly, "Well, ah reckon shes down near the barn. Here, Ah'll take you to her." She turned and started heading down the path.

Louie did a sort of sight and started following Applejack. I followed Applejack, smiling to myself.

As we neared the barn, Applejack yelled out, "Winona! Come here girl."

A second later, a small brown dog ran around the barn and headed towards us.

Winona ran up to Applejack and sat down in front of her, panting.

Applejack reached down and began to pet Winona's head, "Here she is."

Winona looked past Applejack and over at Louie. A sort of smile appeared on her face.

She ran over to Louie and started sniffing him. Then sat down in front of him and barked.

Louie barked, and turned way.

Winona tilted her head and nudged his neck with her nose.

Louie pushed her away with his head and sat down, definitely.

I smiled. I walked over to Louie and put my mouth next to his ear, "You do know that your a dog and don't have a chance with any pony, right? Besides, your a dog, shes a dog. So its not wrong."

He tilted his head side to side, thinking about what I just said. Then he smiled and turned to Winona. He barked a few times.

Winona jumped up and barked happily. Then they both ran off towards the small field.

Applejack laughed, "Should have gave them a ball or something to play with."

I smiled, then remembered why I was here. "Hey Applejack."

She turned to me, "Yes sugar cube?"

"Have you seen any new ponies around town?"

She thought for a second, "Well, just one."

Great! "Where, when, and what did they look like?"

She thought again, "Down near Sugar Cube Corner. Two hours ago. And its a unicorn with a dull green coat and neon blue mane. Sorry, but that's all ah remember. But don't worry bout missing him, he looked like he was going to be there a while."

Great, now I have his location and looks, "Thanks Applejack."

"Sure thing sugar cube."

I turned, "Also, tell Louie to meet me at Twilight's."

"Tell him?" She asked confused.

Oh, that's right, "Don't worry, he'll know what you mean."

"Alright then."

I began running back to town, not wanting to miss him.

Soon, I was standing in front of Sugar Cube Corner.

I glanced around. The crowd of ponies around me indicated it was lunch time. Not a good time to look for a brony.

A flash of dull green appeared on the other side of the crowd.

I ran through it and emerged on the other side, but only to be disappointing at what I saw. It was just a sign being put up on a building.

I sighed and turned, only to be surprised to see a dull green unicorn standing along next to the entrance to Sugar Cube Corner. Finally! I ran over to him before he had a chance to disappear again.

He looked at my strangely, "Wow! Strange pony dude."

Yeah, that's definitely a human. "So let me guess. Brony?"

He smiled, "Yep! And proud to be one."

I laughed, "Aren't we all? Anyways, I'm also a brony."

He laughed again, "I could have guessed that dude."

I looked him over. His mane was down to his neck and straight, and his tail was also straight. That's all I could see other than the blank flank and the slight glow in his eyes.

I smiled, "I've been looking all over for you. Now, I finally found all the bronies in Ponyville."

He nodded, "Cool dude." He reached out with his right hoof, "Names Greg."

I reached out and shook his hoof, "Mines Lance, but I'm know as Girokon or Giro for short to all the ponies."

He smiled, "A pony name? I like." He put a hoof to his face and looked deep in thought, "Aha! I got it. Call me Mellow Haze, or Haze for short."

Well, that was fast. "Nice pony name dude."

He nodded with a smirk, "So how many bronies are with you?"

"Three of us. But there are thousands of others in all of Equestria"

"Dude! That's like... to many bronies." He said in a relaxed voice, like the kind a stoner would use.

I laughed, I already know what he was back on earth.

He smirked, "Have you fucked a pony yet. Because I total have already."

Nice chose of vocabulary. "Almost. Which one did you do?"

He smirked again, "Dude... like I don't know. I think it was that... I don't know... She was like blue.. but not on the show."

That sums it up. Its not like there are over a hundred blue mares in town. "Good for you."

He closed his eyes and nodded, "Man, I need to learn to use magic. There's something I want to bring here."

I already know what he wants. "I have a book on it back at my house. You can..."

He got a determined look in his eyes, "Dude, take me there. I must read it!"

"Alright, just let me make a stop at Twilight's."

He nodded, "Dude, shes so hot. I could so tap that."

Wow. "Actually, shes already mine."

He laughed, "Oh I see dude. Take the second best pony for your self."

"Who's first?"

He looked at me like the answer was obvious, "Damn dude! Pinkie Pie of course. That bitch can party."

I can already tell I'm going to like and hate this guy. I smiled, "That's great."

I turned and started walking towards the library, "Come on Haze."

I heard him trot up beside me, "Dude. I so need to find that one pony. You know the one with... with the... I forget... Oh yeah, the one with the nice ass."

I sighed, "Which one would that be."

"Dude, like I would know. I can't remember... That's right, the one with the rainbow sticking out of her ass."

"Rainbow Dash?"

He nodded, "Yeah man, that one."

God, why me? Why did you put this guy, out of all the bronies, in Ponyville?

I walked up to the door and opened it. Spike walked up and looked at Greg.

"Who's that? Giro, where do you keep finding all those new ponies?"

I smiled, "Oh you know...."

Greg jumped forward, "Wow! Little dragon dude! Like.. can you breath fire and burn things." He picked up Spike and examined him.

Spike started to squirm, "Hey! Watch it buddy. I'll show you what I can burn!"

Oh shit! "Haze, put down Spike before you lose your mane."

Greg dropped spike, "Not my mane! This thing is awesome!"

I sighed, "You two get along now. I'm going to speck to Twilight."

Spike looked at me, "Shes not here Giro."

I turned to him, "What? Where is she?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. She left a few hours ago."

Well shit, that's just my luck. "Tell her I stopped by."

Spike nodded, "Sure thing."

Me and Greg walked out.

Greg turned to me, "Dude.. I just noticed something!"

I looked at him, "What?"

"That dragon dude was Spiro!"

What the hell?! "Okay?"

He nodded, "Ah yeah man. We was in the presents of the almighty Spiro."

Damn, this is going to be a long stay here in Equestria.

I looked up to see Louie running towards us, fast. He stopped in front of me and pawed at the ground quickly, 'We have to leave now! Its hard to explain but fly!' He jumped in my saddlebag and pointed to the sky and barked.

I sighed, what did he do. "Greg, get on my back. I'll take you to my house."

"Awww yeah! I get to ride a flying horse!"

I hate my life.

Greg climbed on and imitated Louie and pointed to the sky, "To the wind magic flying pony."

I sighed loudly and slowly lifted up. Its going to be a long flight home.


Twilight walked into the Royal Throne room. She had been called here by the princess to discuss an important matter. What it was, she did not know.

Princess Celestia smiled, "Twilight Sparkle, my most faithful student, I'm so glad you could make it."

Twilight bowed, "The pleasure is mine Princess. What did you want to discuss."

Princess Celestia motioned for her to come closer, which she did, "I want to talk to you about your friend Girokon."

Oh no. "Why?"

She looked uneasy, "There's a secret I've kept for many years. And hes part of it."

Twilight looked at her, confused, "What do you mean Princess?"

Celestia smiled warmly, "I think its time you learned the truth about the outside world of Equestria, or what was the outside world."


Celestia kept her smile on her face, "What I'm about to tell you is a secret and can't leave this room. Its about another race of beings."

Twilight, still confused, looked up at the Princess, ready to learn,"Please, tell me more."

Celestia nodded, "You are going to need to accept this, because if you don't, you may not want to see Giro again."

Twilight looked down, but her nerdy side took over, "I can accept it."

Princes Celestia smiled, "Then lets began at the beginning."


I slumped down in my bed, tired as hell. I let out a relaxed breath.

It was hard flying with Greg on my back, and he didn't help by moving around a pointing at every thing. If I hear, 'Dude, I could so tap that' again,I'm going to scream.

I closed my eyes, I've been home for the past six hours showing Greg everything and trying to help him learn magic. To much work for me.

The moon outside my window was high in the sky. Time for the much needed rest I've been craving all day.

As I began to fall asleep, I heard my window pop open.

What now?!

I looked over to see Twilight climbing in.

She looked over at me and smiled, "Hey Lance."

"Hey Twil..." Did she just say Lance! "How do you know..."

She smiled weakly, "The Princes told me. I know everything about you and your race now."

Well, there goes my happy relationship. "Oh."

She smiled warmly, a smile that melted my heart, "This doesn't change the way I look at you. In fact, its made me more into you."

That's just... damn. I smiled, "That's good."

She then smiled miscellaneous, "We never got to finish what we started a few days ago."

"What do you... OH!"

Her horn glowed and I was pined to the bed as she climbed up on top of me.

I shook my head smiling, "You seem to forget. I'm on top remember."

She kissed my neck. "Not this time, you had you chance on top."

Well, shes got me there.

"You ready for this?" she asked.

I chuckled slightly, "Lets find out."