//------------------------------// // A Simple Mare // Story: A Simple Mare (Retype) // by Kerpy Hooves //------------------------------// Kerpy's Past: It was a peaceful day in Appleoosa, But that peacefulness had to be stopped by the shriek of a filly. That filly’s name was Kerpy Hooves. She was enduring the pain from her abusive mother for her two sisters, Spirit, and Sunflower. Kerpy’s Lavender coat was coated with crimson, and her red and blue mane was coated with blood. Her mother, Treble, was beating on her and her sisters of what they did. “YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO US ALL!!!” her mother said angrly “B-B-But mom! I love you!” they all said in union. “SHUT UP!!!!! I KILLED YOUR FATHER, NOW IT’S TIME FOR YOU ALL…” Kerpy’s mother gave another whip to Sunflower. Kerpy swooped in and took the blow to her stomach. Kerpy Fell to the ground, dead… “Y-Y-You killed her mom…” said sunflower “OF COURSE I DID!!!” Their mother said triumphantly. Kerpy was unconscious, not dead. When she awoke, she saw the most horrifying thing ever… her youngest sister cowering behind the oldest! Adrenalin coursed through her veins. Kerpy’s mother, Treble saw her coming towards her. “Wh-WHAT?! YOU SHOULD BE DEAD!!!!” Her mother said in outrage With a swift movement of her hoof, Kerpy snatched the whip from her mother’s hoof. Kerpy stared at the whip for a while before knowing what she was doing, she whipped her mother’s hoof off! Her mother bellowed in pain. While, sunflower who was cowering behind spirit saw everything. “M-M-Mom? Are you okay?” sunflower said unsteadily “DO I LOOK BUCKING OKAY TO YOU?! You….” She pointed at kerpy, “YOU DID THIS TO ME…. And now…. YOU WILL PAY!!!!!!!!” Treble pulled out a shot gun and aimed it at Kerpy. Kerpy was surprised but stood her ground. “GET AWAY FROM HER MOM!!!!!!” spirit yelled. “NO BUCKING WAY, UNLESS YOU WANNA GO FIRST SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!” Kerpy stood her ground but took the chance of spirit’s out blow as a chance to strike her mother down a notch. Kerpy quickly whipped her mother’s other hoof off. Her mother bellowed in pain again. Her mother started shaking uncontrollably. Until, an angle burst out of her leaving a carcass behind. “Kerpy…” it was her mother’s voice “Y-Yes? Mother?” The angle gently smiled. Kerpy was shivering from head to hoof. She couldn’t believe what she had done! “You have a very special gift for driving away evil my dear.” “What?” “What I mean is that you are immortal dearie! You had the power to overcome your fears and took off!” Kerpy started smiling of all things! “KERPY? Are you alright sis?” Spirit said. “Sissy! You killed mommy!!!!!” Sunflower looked quite alarmed “Yeah… so what? She was abusing us, I had nothing else to do.” “YOU COULD HAVE OH I DON’T KNOW, HIT HER?!” spirit yelled “B-B-B I-I-I…” and Kerpy ran…. She ran as far as her hooves could carry her little body. 100 years later: Kerpy has run a long way from Appleoosa. When she finally stopped, her coat was a light brown, and her blue and red mane had turned dark brown. She looked around her surroundings. There were tall skyscrapers everywhere she looked! “Out of the way you rouge!” a random stallion yelled at her Kerpy just stood her ground. “I said out of the way!” the stallion yelled louder Kerpy looked up at the stallion but it turned out to be a young colt! The colt looked into Kerpy’s sad eyes. “H-hey…. I didn’t mean it….” The stallion said “I-I-Its fine….” “I’m Blueblood.” “I’m Kerpy…” They shook hooves. “So do you have anywhere to live?” Blueblood asked. “No… I just arrived here…” “Where do you live?” “I don’t have a home…” “So you’re an orphan?” “I suppose…” “Alright, maybe my auntie Luna could adopt you!” “O-okay…” Kerpy said unsurely. Blueblood led Kerpy to a magnificent castle! She looked around amazed by what she saw. There were statues everywhere. The most interesting one she has seen was the one of a “Draconequus” which is what Blueblood said what it was. Blueblood began telling what his aunts have done. Blueblood told of how he got his cutie mark. “Hey Blueblood? What’s a cutie mark?” Bluebloods eyes widened in surprise “You mean you don’t know what a cutie mark is even?” Kerpy just sadly shook her head Blueblood started explaining a kind of special talent sort of thing and then he asked me what’s my talent. “Well… I can sing I guess…” “Great! Lemme hear you sing then!” Kerpy started singing in her beautiful voice of hers; she wove her song around her life. She became one with music. After she was finished she heard loud cheering all around her!!! She looked around to see who was cheering for her, instead of just blueblood; the whole entire kingdom has come!!! Kerpy squeaked in surprise. “WE LOVE YOUR SINGING!!!” everypony yelled. Kerpy squeaked in surprise again. Blueblood tousled Kerpy’s hair. “You like my surprise?” Her eyes dilated. Her mouth agape “Of course I do Blueblood!” “DO you wanna meet my aunt Luna?” “Sure” Blueblood led her into the castle. She reluctantly followed. Kerpy was unsure to trust this colt with her secret about her being immortal or not. “U-Ummm Blueblood? How long until we get to Luna?” “About a few more minutes… HEY!!! You got your cutie mark!!!” “What?!” “Look on your flank!” Kerpy gave a quick glance to her flank and saw a cutie mark that resembles an eighth note! Kerpy jumped up and down with joy, the dust floating off of her coat and mane and tail. Revealing a lavender coat and a red and blue mane and tail. “K-Kerpy?” “Yes blueblood?” “You look different…” Kerpy finally took a look at herself and she saw a beautiful filly. Bluebloods jaw was dropped… “Come on Kerpy… Let’s go to Luna…” Kerpy followed Him all the way to Luna’s quarters. “WHO GOES THERE?!” princess Luna yelled “It’s me auntie…” Blueblood said “and I have brought a friend…” Luna opened the door and she saw a very cute filly. Luna’s eyes widened. “Who is this blueblood?” “This is Kerpy” “Hello…” “Hello Kerpy…” “Auntie? Would you mind adopting Kerpy? “Of course I would love to!” “Really?” Blueblood and Kerpy said in union. “Of course! I love fillies!” “R-Really?” Kerpy said hopefully. “Of course yes!” Kerpy started jumping around her new found mother. 10 more years later: Kerpy has grown into a full mare. She was beautiful, however she was a princess. She didn’t want to live with her mother any longer. Princess Luna and Princess Celestia have been great mothers, but they had to do stuff around Cantorlot. She often asked why Luna didn’t make time for her. But none of the servants would answer! Kerpy wandered around Cantorlot and everywhere including Cloudsdale. There she met a cute rainbow mane filly. She said her name was Rainbow Dash! Later on in the year, she saw a few ponies moving out of Cantorlot, and into a small village named Ponyville. So she decided to follow them. She snuck out of the castle during the night and flew after the ponies going to Ponyville. During the night however, Luna saw her sneak out! So Luna decided to follow her Child. Luna also crept out of the castle. Luna quickly followed Kerpy into the everfree where Kerpy eventually stopped. “This seems like a nice place to settle down…” Kerpy said quietly “What is that filly doing?” princess luna wondered outloud. “Who goes there?” Kerpy demanded Luna quietly creeped out and revealed herself “It is Us, Princess Luna, Your mother Kerpy! Why would you leave?” “Because…. I don’t wanna live higher than the other ponies! I wanna live on my own, paying my own bills, getting my own job…” “Okay… I give you permission to do as such, but I shall stay with you, for the first few weeks, in case you get lonely…” “Yes mother…” They started building a small house in the forest. Luna levitated the heavy objects towards kerpy and kerpy built the house. A few days later, they finally finished the house! It had everything, a bathroom, two bedrooms both with queen sized beds, a kitchen, and a living room with a fireplace! “Finally finished!” Kerpy said with satisfaction. “Yes it is quite lovely” said princess Luna as she finished the last star she was painting on the house. “SO where is this ponyville I have heard so much about?” said kerpy “I think it was in the south, north of Cantorlot.” “alright! Might as well visit! Come on mother!” “I’m coming I’m coming!” Luna said They trotted away to Ponyville. When they arrived, they met up with a bunch of new ponies. They met the pink party pony Pinkie Pie, who later on threw a party for their arrival. They also met the loyal Rainbow pony Rainbow Dash. They met the pony whose nose is always in a book Twilight Sparkle. They met the fashionista Rarity. The hard worker Applejack. And the shy pony Fluttershy. They were all so nice! Along with their sisters, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, and the athletic filly Scootaloo, they were the cutie mark crusader, that’s what they called themselves. Applebloom looked like a great handypony, Scootaloo looked like a great dancer, and Sweetie Belle looked like a great singer! They were all looking for their cutie marks. I also met my long lost cousin, Derpy. 1000 years later: “Mom? Where are you?” “Oh I am right here honey!” an evil voice rang out. “Y-You’re not my mom!” “Oh of course I am! I am just the other side of Luna, Nightmare!” “You are not my mom Nightmare! My mom wouldn’t encase Equestria in darkness!” “Oh of course she wouldn’t but I will!” Nightmare Moon Gave a wicked smile at Kerpy. Kerpy tackled Nightmare as an attempt to stop her, but Nightmare was too strong! She just simply kicked Kerpy in the neck just like how her mother did that long ago… Kerpy was furious and Nightmare escaped. After the elements of harmony revived Princess Luna back, she returned to Cantorlot forgetting Kerpy Ever existed! 10 years later: Kerpy got quite used to the quietness in the everfree. She knew every inch of the forest like the back of her hoof. She ran in and out of the everfree only to visit a lone zebra, Zecora. Zecora also lived in the everfree. One day however, she heard knocking at her door, not her knocking on Zecora’s door! She thought it might’ve been Pinkie Pie, she’s been trying to get kerpy out of her house for the last 10 years. She reluctantly opened the door, and there stood, the most amazing stallion zebra ever! He said his name was Aranar Solus. “Hello?” He said curiously as he peered into the house, for the door just swung open! Kerpy squeaked in surprise “Who’s in there? I come in peace, I am just looking for Ponyville.” “I know where ponyville is…” kerpy said in a small voice. “You do? Then please! Show yourself!” Kerpy stepped out of the darkness and she looked grey, thanks to all the dust. “Oh my… are you discorded?” “Discord-what now?” kerpy asked “Discorded, Discords rein nearly killed the elements of harmony.” “Oh… well, you need instructions about how to get to Ponyville?” “Yeah… would you mind showing the way?” “Sure just follow me…” she said nervously. They weaved through the forest, until a break of light came through! A pink flash appeared before Kerpys eyes and she was tackled by none other than, PINKIE PIE “THERE YOU ARE!!!” Pinkie pie squealed “Yes I am here pinkie…” Kerpy stood up and dusted herself off. Pinkie smiled widely and she noticed Aranar standing next to Kerpy. “Kerpy? Who’s this?” “Oh! I forgot to ask for your name mister?” “Aranar, Aranar Solus” “Alright Mister Aranar Solus.” “Oh you can call me Aranar Miss Kerpy.” Kerpy blushed for the first time in years. Pinkie noticed this and decided to leave, and plan for this new arrivals arrival. 1 more year later: Kerpy and Aranar were seeing each other more and more often during the day. One day it was Kerpy’s birthday! Kerpy was ecstatic for today because she knew a new spell that would definitely impress everypony. She was studying with Twilight Sparkle all day and all night. But, when she went to twilights house one day, all the lights were off! “That’s strange… Twilight? Twilight? Where are you?” “SURPRISE!!!!!!!” The lights went on and standing in front of her are all her friends! Pinkie pie, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash. Most importantly, her friend, Aranar Solus. He kneeled on one knee and said the five magic words: “Kerpy, Will you marry me?” her emerald eyes glinted and she jumped around him saying over and over “yes!” Present day: One day, the day before the wedding… Discord appeared in front of Kerpy. “Hello again Kerpy…” “Hello Daddy…” Kerpy said sorrowfully. “Where’s Treble? It must be been a few thousand years since I saw her…” “Yes… It has been a long time hasn’t it?” “Yes it has Kerpy, Now where is she?” “Sh-She’s….. She’s dead alright?!” Kerpy outburst Discord stepped back a few inches, “she’s what now?” “She’s dead…” Kerpy said coldly, “I killed her… she was abusing me spirit and sunflower.” Discord put his eagle claw on his chin and thought. “Hmm…. I feared that may happen.” “Feared what daddy?” “Feared that you may have killed your mother… I heard that you have accomplished a lot?” “Yes… what’d you hear?” At this time, Aranar was looking for his bride to be, until he looked outside and saw her confronting Discord face to face. “DON’T HURT HER!!!” “ARANAR?!” “Kerpy…? Who’s this?” Kerpy stood between the two. “Daddy-“ “He’s your dad?” Aranar asked. Kerpy turned towards Aranar “Yes he’s my dad, daddy-“ “He’s the stallion you’re going to marry?” “Yes daddy, he’s my very special somepony.” Discord held out his lion paw to give a shake. Aranar looked suspicious but shook it anyways. “So, you’re discord? You don’t seem so bad…” Aranar said “Of course he isn’t! He’s my dad! And now I get the discorded part… Daddy? Did you do something?” “Y-Yes…” Discord hung his head low in shame. “I discorded your friends, Applejack, Rainbow dash, Twilight Sparkle, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rarity. I’m sorry Kerpy…” “First time he has ever apologized…” kerpy whispered. Aranar’s eyes grew wide with surprise “really?” “yes really…” Discord said overhearing their conversation. “So what do you want daddy?” Kerpy asked “Come here and Ill tell you dear!” Discord said with a laugh. Kerpy scooted closer to Discord, and he held her hoof in his eagle claws. “Now my dear, close your eyes…” Kerpy closed her eyes and Aranar watched in interest. “Okay now…. calm your mind…. Clear your mind of everything…” Kerpy did as told and the color started draining out of her. “What are you doing to her?!” Aranar exclaimed. “Just giving her a post-wedding present!” Discord said with an evil grin. Aranar tackled Discord and snatched Kerpy out of his paws. “Keep your hands off of her!” “Alright… alright…” Discord said disdainfully. “Kerpy? Are you alright?” Aranar said with concern. Kerpy’s eyes fluttered open. “Urrrmm….. WH-where am I?” Aranar hugged her tightly “Oh I am soooo glad you’re okay…” Kerpy’s eyes turned bright yellow, “what? Who are you? Where am I? Daddy!!!” Kerpy glomped Discord. Discord stuck his tongue out at Aranar,” it’s alright Kerpy… Daddy Discord’s here…” “Wh-What?” Aranar asked. “I win!” Discord exclaimed. ~To be continued…?~