Shadowbolt Chronicles: Codename Prism

by RDDash

9: Don't You Dare to Hoard Junk

Rainbow and Matilda have been in the radio room of the vault. They were about to leave, however, Rainbow wanted to do one last thing before they go.

"So we are doing this then." Rainbow was about to switch the radio beacon online, with a bit of tweaking they managed to modify the original set up, which was basically vaults entertainment system, but now it was also a window to outside world.

"You are the boss! If you think we should, then flip it." Matilda shrugged off.

"Right I knew that!" with that said Rainbow Dash flipped the switch. "Well, whoever gets to here first gets to keep it, the rest isn't my problem."

Pinkie C-153-c have been sleeping on the couch tonight, then she suddenly woke up and looked around Rainbow C-127-a wasn't there she was in the interdimensional library of fanfictions, she was trying to read one of the books.

"I love you, daddy!" Who'd write such trash!"

Rainbow Dash has been wearing her usual armor, plus a brown cloak that has been completely covering her multi colored mane and coat. She found it somewhere in the vault, it was dirty, but this will do. She didn't want to attract attention, but she also didn't want to look suspicious. In that regard, she liked Imperial body armor or any suit of armor for that matter. In her own words The helmet does not discriminate.

The day has been windy, that didn't stop them from flying thought across the urban jungle of partially destroyed buildings.

"You know the rules right? Recite them to me!" Rainbow Dash flapped her wings slightly faster than usual and accelerated to maintain her cruise speed of two hundred meters per second at the approximate altitude of three hundred meters above sea level. Any lower and she would literally kiss the ground goodbye. She could always reduce the speed and then get even lower, but where the fun in that?

"Fly light and low to the ground, scavenge only caps and ammo. If someone or something else shoots at you, scatter and return fire. If your gun is lost or broken find another one. Don't fight the battles you can't win, yeah, yeah I know, you don't need to tell me twice!"

"This is very important, I don't want you to pick up every single junk you can find, just so you would then end up getting to get shot at because you would be too heavy to dodge!"

"Yes, boss, but why do we need to fly anyway, and what about food?"

"It's like asking why do we have wings, and why shouldn't we use them! About food, well I'll tell you what, if you can find anything edible after two hundred years of nuclear winter, then be my guest! We would just need to find something locally I suppose, or I suppose we can always use this!" Rainbow gestured at her sniper rifle.

"An omnivore huh!"

"Not that it matters but yeah, after about several years on the fish diet you'll get used to it anyway. Wait, did you just assumed that ponies are herbivores?"

"Well yes, in a way! But I have a proper excuse, most ponies I've met prefer vegetarian life style the ones that don't are a bit nutty!"

"Nutty, care to explain that?"

"Well they are cannibals, and after that, it doesn't take long for a gunfight to happen."

Rainbow took a double take, she flipped her wings perpendicular to the ground and then decelerated herself to fifty meters per second. She then recovered and accelerated back to two hundred.

"Yeah, I am pretty much had the same reaction when I first heard about it. Didn't take long to shove the bullet right between the eyes, and then..."

"Thanks, I think I got the picture!" The stray bullet passed by her head Rainbow pulled the carbine set it on full auto and emptied the whole mag at her attacker "Hey does anypony told you not to shoot when others are talking!"

"Hey buck you!" earth pony raider had been struggling at maintaining steady aim at her constantly zigzagging target.

Tsk, he is not dead yet, I am starting to lose my edge." Rainbow had been considered to toss a few grenades to shut him up. Meanwhile distracted by Rainbow's effort to trying and kill him the raider pony didn't bother to pay attention to Matilda, that was right now aiming at him with her .44 revolver. With a single bang, she dispatched him on the ground.

"Where in the bloody polar bear did he come from! " Rainbow was still fuming at the thought of wasted ammo,

"We are probably on their territory, anyway thanks for the distraction!"

"Yeah okay, let's just see if he have anything on him."

"Already one step ahead of you here catch!"

Rainbow caught 7.62 combat riffle, she casually looked at it, and then threw it back to her. "Nuh, you have it, you are probably better with it than I am."

"Come on I know them they are the worst scum in the wasteland. Let's have a game, the loser would have to do something for another!"

"Hm the conditions sounds vague, I like it." Rainbow reloaded her carbine with the fresh mag.

"What was that? I am too busy wiping out those losers, I can't hear what you are saying..."

Pinkie C-153-c have made a sandwich, she burped, she went to the room where she has interdimensional cable set up and turn it on, she was truly a Simple Pinkie. Rainbow C127-a was still at the library reading fan fiction.

"That needs to be 20% coo..*vomit*"
Several hours later, "Hey boss, I think we hit a jackpot!" Matilda has been waiting in front of the large box with something big inside.

"Hold on! What Is it?"

"Dunno! But it must be important, big boxes are important! Should we open it?"

"Eh, it wouldn't hurt, as long as we are not looting everything we see, so come on let's open it" She then took a crow bar and well she opened it.

"What is it, what's inside?" Matilda went to her "Oh, it's just booze!"

"Meh, it's good enough for me, do you want some?" Rainbow opened the bottle and chug it a full gulp. "Well, I guess there is no more flying for me today. I guess we will try to sell it elsewhere."