The Anthology of Detective Pipe Glass

by The Stainmore Phoenix

Broken Clock Part 1

Van Hoover was facing a large rainstorm. That wouldn't stop the normal bustle of the town from happening. The day saw local frenemies Moorland Mist and Pipe Glass stuck in Pipe's office. The two were working on a hot soup and pasta.

“I'd hate to be the poor newcolts, who have to stand in this weather and give out papers,” Moorland said.

“Agreed,” Pipe said.

She gave a sigh.



“Ever faced something you know is disgusting, and felt powerless to stop it?”

“No. I have answers to any problem that arises.”

Moorland nodded. She noticed a clock sitting, with a cracked glass shield, on the back cabinet.

“What happened to the clock?” she asked.

“Clock was broken when it was shipped here,” he said.

“Ah,” she said.

The two sat in silence. Some time later, when the rain lightened off, Moorland left. Her journey took her passed the local high school. She stopped and noticed bullies mercilessly picking on a filly who was having trouble standing up for herself.

“Knock that off!”

The bullies turned to see Moorland marching up to them.

“It's the fuzz!” One yelped and ran, but Moorland stopped them.

“What are you playing at?!” she barked.

“She has got no right to even be here!” the ring leader snarled. “She's getting special treatment for having some stupid thing called a “Learning Disability”. A fake disability.”

“Those are real,” Moorland snarled. “Don't you dare say it's fake, you close minded wretch!”

They were locked in a glaring match. The bell rang and they all ran away, leaving Moorland to lift the battered filly up. Walking in, she had the filly in the nurse's office, while she called the parents of the bullies and turned to the school staff, who didn't even give two flying cares about what happened.

“I've seen bungling criminals more intelligent and up to speed than you,” Moorland muttered under her breath.

The parents came and took their daughter home and when the bullies's parents arrived, Moorland proceeded to rip into them. Every pony across Equestria could hear her snarling and barking. When she finished, she returned to her office.

“Pipe crawl under your chitin?” asked an officer.

“No, Desk Sergeant Dial. Rich types,” she growled.

She sat down and was preparing to do some paperwork when the phone rang. She answered it.

“Moorland speaking.”

“Moorland, it's Pipe....I hope your sitting for this.”


“That filly you helped....she's in hospital, in a coma...”


The entire building's glass would need to be repaired from that explosion, if they weren't reinforced glass.

“Her parents found her hanging from the ceiling fan in her room. I just raced her to the hospital.”

“Pipe, get your trench coat, hat and sense of justice and meet me at the hospital.”

“I'm at the hospital. I'm using a pay phone. The mom's on the verge of insanity, the dad's boiling over and her twin brothers want to find these bullies.”

“Wait there. I'll be down.”

After getting the confirmation he would wait, she grabbed her coat and hat and hurried out. She only hoped time was on their side.