Live Up To Myself

by HazelGems

Barely Tolerant

A nearly pitch black room was illuminated by the bright glow of a computer screen. It was nearly midnight and Moondancer was just finishing up an essay. It wasn’t due for a whole week, but she liked to be well prepared, and all that free time can be spent proofreading. The entirety of her Saturday night was spent on this, but it’ll be all worth it to keep up her perfect grade. There was nothing that can distract her on these last few paragraphs.

Of course, the universe loved to fuck with her, as the front door of the dorm slammed open. Her roommate was back, and Moondancer was filled with dread. Did her party seriously end already? It was hard to concentrate with all the noisy shuffling back and forth of footsteps. Who the hell did she bring with her? The rules explicitly stated no overnight visitors! This wouldn’t be the first time that her roommate flagrantly broke the code of conduct, but this time may be the final straw.

It’ll need to wait for tomorrow; this essay required as much of her full attention as possible. Well, as much as her attention as possible. What could they be doing, going back and forth this much? Her concentration was constantly being interrupted with a door closing or a floor creak. At one point, she heard the shower running. Thankfully her fears of it lasting all night were relieved. The noise stopped before 1pm, giving Moondancer the focus needed to finish her assignment. In the morning, she’ll give her roommate a piece of her mind.

When it came to bedtime, her mind was hard to keep quiet. Fears and anxieties kept her mind racing, but she was used to it by now. She would eventually drift off to sleep.

She woke up at 6 am sharp. Her body was hard wired to wake up at just the right moment. As soon as her eyes opened she started on her daily routine. Check her computer for emails and messages, choose her outfit for the day, take her meds and get her morning coffee. The last one is tricky since it involves leaving her room. There was no telling what the thrashing wonder did on the other side. Moondancer gathered her courage and peeked through.

The living room seemed okay, save for the futon in use. From her angle, it was hard to tell who was sleeping on it. She didn’t want to think about it, instead opening the door and heading right for the kitchen, not even bothering to look. The coffee pot was already full and waiting for her, so she quickly looked for the cream and sugar in the drawers. By the time she took out her personalized mug, she heard some rustling behind her.

“Morning ‘Dancer.” Rainbow Dash greeted her with, a hint of grogginess in her voice.

She attempted to ignore that and proceed with pouring her coffee. That nickname that Rainbow Dash gave her was irksome.

“Y’know, one of these days you’ll say good morning back.” Rainbow continued.

If there’s anything that can be said about the jock, it would be persistence. She would have to give in and do something dreadful. Have a conversation.

“Why are you on the futon?” She asked, not even bothering to make eye contact.

“Cuz I felt like it.” Was her short response.

“And who’s sleeping in your bed?”

“Just a friend.”

Moondancer was done crafting her blend, and turned around to have a good look at her roommate. Rainbow was sitting up on the makeshift bed, wearing only a tank top and underwear, her usual bed time attire, she noted. The bed hair was ruffled up in all manner of directions.

“You do understand that by bringing in a visitor to sleep over, you have violated over a dozen rules, right?” She accused.

“Yeah, but the dean doesn’t really give a shit about that stuff anyways. Probably the only good thing about that old bastard.” Rainbow said with a frown.

“Okay, and what if I were to test that theory, Ms. Dash? I happen to have a meeting with him on Monday.”

“Hey, if I go, then the wifi goes with me.” The colorful girl said with a shrug.

Moondancer raised her finger in silent protest, but lowered it in utter defeat. Every argument she lined up in her mind the night before has been torn down with a single utterance. How could she have forgotten her roommate paid that precious utility?!

There was nothing left to do but to grumble and go back to her room. At least she had the rest of Sunday to work on her essay. On the way to her room, Moondancer could have sworn she saw a violet eye peek through a crack on Rainbow’s bedroom door.

As soon as the scary girl went back to her room, Sonata quietly came out. She snuck her way into the living room, the nice girl in the kitchen making eggs. It would be so easy to just leave through the front door and no longer be a bother. As soon as she peeked her head out, she was found out.

“Hey Sonata, you hungry?” Dash asked.

“Uh, yes?”

“Then take a seat. I hope you don’t mind them being scrambled, those are the only kind of eggs I can make,” she chuckled. “I bet you could do a better job making sunny side up than I could.”

“I’ve never cooked before….”

The nice girl paused, giving a glance back at her. Sonata was beginning to feel self-conscious of her looks. She slept in some borrowed pajamas for bed, but put on her messed clothes before attempting to head out.

“Gilda’s a cook, she’ll help you on that. Unless you want to do baking, otherwise you’re pretty much fucked. She never quite got the hang of baking.”

Sonata sat down, wondering how hard making her favorite foods would be. The kitchen was about half the size of her shack, the table seemingly big enough for just two people to eat on.

“Did that other girl eat already?” Sonata asked, reprehensive.

‘Moondancer? She eats in her room. She’s always in her room. I’ve tried so many things just to get her out and have a conversation and junk, but no luck.”

“I don’t think she wants me here…”

“Hey, don’t pay attention to her. She doesn’t get what it means to stick up for someone other than herself!”

Sonata just sat at the table in silence. She didn’t mind being forced to leave, if it meant causing people less trouble.

A plate of scrambled eggs and toast was served to her, along with a glass of orange juice.

“Thank you, um…”

“It’s Rainbow Dash.”

“Thank you Rainbow Dash.” Sonata said with a smile.

She took a few bites out of the yummy food, then realized something.

“Hey, how do you know my name?” she asked.

“Well, you and your sisters were registered in the school, so your names were put out by the news after the whole brainwashing incident, along with a warrant out for your arrest. Technically you’re still wanted.”

Sonata’s eyes were showing pure terror, dropping her fork. She hadn’t thought about the situation she was in!

“Hey hey, calm down, you have nothing to worry about. It’s not like you’re the first person I know who’s had problems with the law. I’ll defend you if something comes up. That’s what friends are for.”



Sonata felt happy.

This girl is very nice.