Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Saving Indominus

Once the dust finally settled after the brutal assault, Soarin struggled to get back up. Despite his mutated body, he had taken some serious damage from Rainbow's Immortal Phoenix attack. His body felt like a lead weight just from the effort of trying to stand up. As he caught sight of his teammates, he noticed that they were all winded as well. Taking the full force of two Immortal Phoenixes had taken its toll on the Wonderbolts, and left them drained of strength and energy. But despite everything that had happened, Soarin had lost his chance at ending Indominus for good.

"I think we're finished for the day, Soarin," said Fleetfoot as she staggered back to her hooves. "They'll surely kill us if we go after them again."

"But we were so close. That monster was finally in our grasp and we were going to end him once and for all. If only Crash hadn't interfered, then it would've been over."

"I get where you're coming from Soarin, but look at us," said Spitfire. "We've taken too much from them already, and the rest of us are starting to return to normal."

Soarin looked around and saw that the Wonderbolts were indeed shrinking back to their normal sizes. The battles had worn the formulas out and had exhausted the pegasi. Although he wanted to go after Rainbow, Soarin decided that he needed to replenish their supplies so that the Wonderbolts would be ready for the final round. His own body didn't even have enough strength to go through another fight as well.

"Alright Boss, let's head back to the compound and rest up. We'll finish that wretched beast once we get our strength back."

"I'll have the pegasi in Cloudsdale prepare more formulas for the last fight, and we're going to need a lot of formulas. Because next time, we'll have an army of every Wonderbolt that's still around. Our sheer numbers and your power will kill that monster for the last time."


With their plan ready, the Wonderbolts dragged their wounded bodies back to the compound to heal for the final confrontation.

Meanwhile, back at Rainbow's home, her friends were all getting frantic with worry. Twilight had picked up Spike from the library like she said and had filled him in on all the details. Everypony had gotten worried when they heard the tremendous explosions and roars that had come from the battlefield. Hearing Indominus's painful roar bellowing across Equestria sent a chill running down Spike's spine. Charlie and Echo could smell that something wasn't right in the air and it had them on edge.

"What happened out there Twilight?"

"I'm not sure Spike, I'd like to know what could be taking her so long."

"Somethin' must've gone wrong. I'll bet those Wonderbolts somehow managed to survive Indominus's attack," said Applejack.

"I just hope that Rainbow and the dinosaurs make it back safely," Fluttershy added. But as soon as she said those words, her answer burst through the front door carrying the hybrid's damaged body.

Rainbow, Scootaloo, Rexy, Blue and Delta were standing in the doorway of the clouddominium, panting hard from the effort of hauling Indominus's body at mach 5 speeds to escape the Wonderbolts. The power Ra had given Rainbow was dissipating from her body, she didn't need it anymore now that she had gotten her husband out of danger.

"Ponies.....please help us," her friends came rushing over at the horrible sight of Indominus's ravaged body.

"Rainbow Dash, what happened to him," Pinkie said in shock.

"He's been traumatized, we have to get him upstairs."

"Upstairs? We need to get him to the hospital," said Twilight.

"I'm afraid that's not possible Twilight," T-Rex said. "We just managed to escape from the Wonderbolts, and they were going to turn him into a rainbow."

"Our only choice was to bring him here, so can you girls please help us get him upstairs," Scootaloo said desperately.

"Of course darling," Rarity said as she, Sweetie Belle and Twilight put their magic around Indominus's body and carefully lifted him off the exhausted family members.

Charlie and Echo walked underneath Indominus's floating body to act as additional support and Spike went along to open the bedroom door for them. The unicorns and alicorn gently placed Indominus on the bed and felt their hearts sink at the sight of the battle wounds that covered the hybrid's body.

"He put himself through all of this, because he wanted to protect Rainbow Dash," Twilight said sadly.

"Indominus really will do anything as long as he can keep Rainbow safe," said Echo.

"His loyalty pushed him to this kind of extreme? Indominus is really brave to go this far for her," Sweetie Belle added.

"I don't understand how one creature could put himself through all of this just for Rainbow Dash," Spike asked.

"Creatures do crazy things, for the ones they love," said Rarity. She felt herself tearing up seeing Indominus's condition. Twilight noticed and draped a wing over her while Spike hugged her.

"Don't worry Rarity, we're going to help him get through this. Let's try and heal up some of these wounds."

"Yeah, you're right Twilight. We should do what we can to help him."

The unicorns coated the hybrid dinosaur in their magic, trying to heal the numerous wounds and gashes that covered his scaly hide. Spike and the two raptors could only watch, hoping that Indominus would be able to pull through.

Back in the living room, everypony was wondering what Rainbow had in mind for taking care of Indominus. If she didn't want to take him to a hospital, then what was she planning on doing for him?

"So fill us in Rainbow, how exactly are we going to save Indominus?" Rainbow turned to Fluttershy with a look of complete desperation.

"What is it Rainbow Dash?"

"Fluttershy, I never thought I'd ever ask you this, but you need to get Discord here." Her answer caused everypony's faces to drop, out of everyone she knew, Rainbow Dash wanted to call in the Lord of Chaos.

"I'm not sure that even the Lord of Chaos could help our brother, Rainbow," said Rexy.

"Rainbow Dash, Ah know that this is a tough moment for ya, but why in the wide world of Equestria would ya want to ask Discord for help?"

"Because Applejack, he's already healed Indominus once before."

"Are you talking about the time that he and Indominus had their sparring match?"

"Yes I am Scootaloo, He used his magic to heal every wound from their scuffle. His powers can actually heal wounds caused by the Immortal Phoenix, which Indominus's own body couldn't do. That's why I know he can help Indominus, and is the only one that can save his life."

"Well. he has said that he can do anything so many times," said Pinkie. "Ok Rainbow, if you really think Discord can save Indominus, then let's see if we can contact him."

"Of course Rainbow, I'll try to contact him and see if he can help us," said Fluttershy.

"My my, I seem to be quite the hot topic nowadays."

Everypony looked up at the ceiling and saw Discord snaking his way out of it.

"Now what's all the commotion about," Discord said once he touched down. "Why does everypony look like they've seen buffaloes on rockets with clown make-up going through Ponyville? Ooh, I'll have to remember that little idea for later."

"No time to explain Discord, you need to help Indominus," Rainbow said while trying to pull him towards the bedroom. The others started following her while Discord was still confused about the whole situation.

"Help Indominus? What does he need me for? He has enough power to handle himself and besides, he swore off using the-"

"Listen Discord, Indominus is in serious trouble," Fluttershy said sternly. "The Wonderbolts set up an ambush for him and nearly got him."

"Soarin got a hold of his DNA and became a hybrid himself," Rexy added.

"That savage Wonderbolt forced him to use the Immortal Phoenix too many times and almost killed him," said Scootaloo.

"In the end, he chose to sacrifice himself to save us because he felt they were too much for us to handle," Blue added.

When they arrived at the bedroom and Discord saw the dreadful shape Indominus was in, it was all the confirmation he needed. The Lord of Chaos even noticed that Twilight and Rarity's magic wasn't having any effect on the wounds Indominus had taken. The situation was going to require more powerful magic than what ponies could provide. Discord snapped his fingers and conjured up machines that he hooked up to the dinosaur to monitor his vitals and pump air into his lungs. He then spoke in a clear and direct voice.

"Give me plenty of room everypony, this is gonna require a good deal of magic."

Discord clasped his hands together and when he separated them, a sphere of ghastly black shadows had formed in the center.

"To make sure that those rats don't find him in this condition, I'll need to blanket Equestria for a time. May this veil of shadows keep Indominus hidden until I can heal him from this trauma."

Discord spread his hands out and the sphere began growing and expanding into a veil of shadows. The blanket of darkness started spreading outward, out of Rainbow's home and across all of Ponyville. Ponies were alarmed at the sudden darkness that was enveloping their homes, and immediately stuck close to any unicorns that were using their magic to light the way. Discord's blanket of shadows continued to spread until it had covered over half of Equestria, and stopped just underneath Cloudsdale. With his special brand of chaos, Discord had managed to conceal Rainbow's home within the shadows so that the Wonderbolts wouldn't be able to find Indominus in his weakened state.

Luckily, Canterlot was high enough to where Discord's shadows couldn't reach it. Celestia and Luna were about to send their letters off to Twilight when the guards told them about the phenomenon. Both Princesses were shocked beyond belief to see most of their world covered in nothing but shadows. It didn't take Celestia long to figure out who could produce such chaos.

"Why is Discord choosing to act up at a time like this? Luna, we need answers on what the heck is going on here. First there's a chance that something terrible has happened to Indominus, and now there's a veil of shadows covering most of Equestria that could only belong to Discord. I don't know what to do about all this."

"I understand that it's a lot to handle sister, but there's not a whole lot we can do about it. Only Twilight has the Elements, and I'm sure she's caught up in whatever's happened to Indominus. We need to find out just what the Wonderbolts did to him, maybe Discord's chaos is linked to it. They have been friends for over awhile now."

"That's true, let's just hope that Discord's reason for casting these shadows isn't too serious. Let's send our message to Twilight and once we get an answer we'll go from there."

"Sounds good to me, I hope that we can help out the dinosaurs this time."

"We will Luna, we will."

The Princesses used their magic to send the message they had prepared for Twilight. As she watched their letter disappear into the sea of darkness, Luna prayed that despite whatever was going on, she prayed that Indominus was still alive.

Back at Rainbow's home, after he had cast his shadow spell, Discord snapped his fingers and instantly everypony heard a mixture of growls and roars enter the room at once. Twilight and Rarity used their horns to light up the room and almost screamed when they caught sight of all the monsters that Discord and Indominus had befriended in front of them, along with two new faces neither Fluttershy nor Rainbow recognized.

"Easy Twilight, they're friends of me and Indominus. We met them on our first day of bonding," said Discord.

"It's true girls," Fluttershy added. "Me and Rainbow got to know them as well."

"Why'd you bring them here Discord?"

"Because Rainbow Dash, they're here to help protect Indominus while I do what I can for him." Rainbow's face relaxed into a relieved smile as Discord continued. "Now boys listen up," the monsters all gave Discord their full attention. "Today, we're going to do whatever it takes to protect Indominus at all costs."

All of the monsters got one look at Indominus's devastated body and it tugged at their dark hearts, especially Red-Eyes. Indominus had seemed like an unbeatable force in his eyes, the black dragon never imagined that the hybrid that became his mentor would ever go down. He was ready to do what he could to look after Indominus until the dinosaur recovered. All of the monsters gave determined growls to Discord, signaling that they were ready to take action.

"Excellent. Now Red-Eyes, I want you and every monster that can fly on the roof of this house. Keep your eyes open for anything that dares come within blasting range of here. If you see even a shred of blue and yellow uniform, you drive it away and rip it asunder if you have to."

"Will do, Discord," said Red-Eyes.

"Good. As for the rest of you, guard every single window and opening in this house. No Wonderbolt comes within ten feet of Indominus, or else you introduce them to your claws and throw them out in a body bag. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes Discord," said every monster in unison.

"Good, now go take your positions while I tend to my hybrid friend."

Red-Eyes took King of Yamimakai, Zoa, and the new monsters, Barox and Dark Chimera onto the roof to keep visual. The battleguards, Armored Lizard and Garoozis went across the bedroom to every window to give Discord the reassurance that Indominus wouldn't be harmed. With every monster set up and keeping watch, Discord could finally focus his attention on Indominus. Rexy, the raptor squad, Mane Six, Spike and CMC all gathered around the bed as Discord ran a glowing paw over Indominus's body while keeping an eye on the monitors.

"Is he going to make it," Rarity asked.

"His body's been severely traumatized. Many of the bones in his body have been splintered from fighting the Wonderbolts and using the Immortal Phoenix for so long. I've never seen a creature put himself through so much pain for somepony he cares about. It truly is a miracle that he didn't die from all this, he must have the willpower of a god to somehow still be alive." Discord looked up at the girls and asked them one simple question. "The Wonderbolts really did all this to him?"

"Ah'm afraid so Discord," said Applejack.

"It's just like T-Rex said, that self-absorbed brat Soarin got a hold of Indominus's power and used it on himself to become a giant, scaly freak," said Pinkie Pie.

"That's putting it mildly Pinkie," said Twilight. "Soarin turned into some kind of abomination and was somehow able to use the Immortal Phoenix himself."

"HE WHAT!? That Wonderbolt has the freakin' IMMORTAL PHOENIX!?"

"Afraid so Discord," said Fluttershy. "He beat Indominus so brutally that he thought Soarin was too dangerous for us to be around. So in an act of total sacrifice, he told us to leave and attacked all of the Wonderbolts with enough power to cover the sky and beat them all."

"Except he didn't beat them," Rainbow added. "The Wonderbolts are still very much alive and were going to make him into a rainbow."

"But you saved him Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo added. "Now he can be saved. He can be saved, right Discord?"

The Lord of Chaos gave a grim look at Indominus's body after he had heard everything. He wasn't sure how Indominus could take so much. The hybrid had taken pain that would've killed any other creature, all because he was so concerned for Rainbow Dash. He had nearly killed himself trying to protect her, it amazed Discord to no end.

"With his body in this kind of condition, I'm not a hundred percent certain that I can heal his body completely."

Rainbow flew over to Discord and held his eagle claw in her hooves. Everyone could see that she had a look of absolute desperation in her eyes.

"Discord, I'm begging you. Please save him, we can't lose Indominus again." He held Rainbow's hooves and gave the most sincere answer any of the Mane Six had ever heard.

"I told you I would do whatever I can Rainbow Dash, and that's what I'm going to do. We're not going to lose Indominus, he means too much to both of us. I promise you that I'll save him."

"We'll give you the room you need to handle this Discord, and thank you for doing this," said Twilight.

"You're quite welcome Twilight."

Everypony left the room so Discord could focus on healing Indominus. A big red sign with a syringe appeared over the bedroom door and was glowing red, indicating that Discord was working on Indominus. Spike suddenly burped up the message that the princesses had sent.

"Twilight, it's from Celestia and Luna."

"Come on Spike, let's go read this in another room so we can give Rainbow some time." Twilight and Spike left the hallway while everypony gathered around Rainbow in a much needed group hug.

"You can do this Indominus, we believe in you," said Fluttershy.

"The Wonderbolts can't beat you, you're too strong to lose to them," Rarity added.

"We believe in you Indominus," said Pinkie.

"You've got to hold on," Applejack added.

"Please Indominus, don't leave me," Rainbow said sadly.

Inside the bedroom, Discord was pouring his magic into trying to heal Indominus's body. He had to put more effort into his magic because the wounds were so extreme that they were taking longer to recover. The magnitude of the fight itself had left Indominus in a condition where Discord had to use more magic than before to patch him up. But having to use so much magic was going to take its toll on Discord, and the monsters in the room could see him getting tired from the sheer effort.

"Are you doing alright Discord," asked Armored Lizard.

"Yeah....whew, it's just a lot harder than I thought. These wounds are tougher than the last ones, I might have to use my maximum effort to help him. His vital signs are still very weak and his heart rate is still too slow. At this rate, he'll never recover."

All of a sudden, Indominus's heart rate started going crazy and the hybrid dinosaur jerked up roaring wildly. Discord tried to hold him down, but the hybrid was somehow too strong to be restrained. That's when Discord saw what was causing the hybrid to go insane: his eyes were glowing bright red, the same red as the eyes of the Devil.

"Boys, over here! I need some more muscle!"

The four monsters abandoned their posts and held down Indominus by all four limbs. Each of them could feel the hybrid's body struggling with strength that he shouldn't have in such a weakened state. The Mane Five heard the commotion and had just opened the door when they heard the most sinister and wicked voice coming from Indominus.

"I will not be contained anymore. Now that he's too weak to resist me, I'm taking over this abomination's body." The Devil made Indominus turn his head despite Discord and the monsters restraining him and looked at the ponies. "All of you are going to be torn to pieces by my claws, especially you Rainbow Crash. By your husband's own hands, you'll be reduced to nothing but a wrecked and mutilated corpse."

"Not if I can help it!"

Discord tapped into the full power of his chaos, causing his whole body to glow with a dark shade of red. He clasped both hands down on Indominus and began filling the room with a bright light. The Devil tried to make Indominus fight back, but Discord and his monster friends' combined vaunted strength was too much to overcome. Everypony could only shield their eyes as Discord used his power to enter Indominus's mind and confront the Devil.

"Devil! You will never hurt another soul again," Discord bellowed as he dove deep into the realm of Indominus's mind.

Discord found himself in the same destroyed battlefield from when he had confronted the Devil the last time. He started looking all over the battle land and found Indominus in a serious predicament. The hybrid dinosaur was being held by the neck in the Devil's massive hands, who was staring at Discord with a sadistic green and evil red glowing eyes.

"There's nothing you can do to save him Discord. He can't fight me anymore, and soon, his whole world will burn, crumble and die by my hands."

The Devil released one hand on Indominus and his claws started glowing a dark purple flaming color. He was about to sink them into the hybrid's neck when he felt a powerful force punch right into his chest. In his arrogance, the Devil had underestimated Discord's power and the Lord of Chaos had punched him with enough force to paralyze the monstrous entity on the spot. While Discord glared at him with a stare that could match Fluttershy's, the Devil actually coughed up some blood as his hold on Indominus gave way and he released the dinosaur. Discord caught Indominus with his tail and stopped the Devil from falling by putting one eagle claw finger underneath his chin.

"You just made a terrible mistake Devil. If there's one thing you should never do around me, it's say you will kill the ones I care about. Especially Fluttershy and Indominus, because then you get to see a power that Equestria will never be prepared for."

In the blink of an eye, the tables turned on the Devil. Discord punched him hard enough to send him skidding across the battlefield. The draconequess then roared into the sky and massive amounts of red energy began surging around him along with his eyes glowing bright red. He then charged the Devil and began overwhelming the monster with savage ferocity and powerful attacks. For a while Discord actually had the upper hand against the incarnation of Indominus's anger, but the Devil wasn't going to go down so easily. After he received a left hook to the face, he retaliated with a punch that caused Discord to stumble back a few feet.

"You think your chaos can overcome my rage? Don't you know Discord, RAGE CREATES CHAOS!!"

Both beasts charged at each other and a giant sphere of light erupted when they met head on. The Devil was paralyzed again, only this time Discord had punched him so hard that his lion paw had gone through the monster's chest and out his back. The Devil doubled over and fell to his knees with Discord standing over him.

"You're not mine to kill, that pleasure belongs solely to Indominus. He will bring your downfall Devil, and you are not going to interfere again until that time comes."

Discord conjured up a giant stone behind the Devil and fired a blast that knocked him into it. Before the Devil could retaliate again, thousands of chains erupted all around him and pinned his massive body to the stone. He tried to break free, but even with all his strength he couldn't break even a single link.

"I wouldn't bother wasting your strength with those chains, they're made of adamantium: the strongest metal in existence. You will not be breaking out of those chains until Indominus is ready to fight you for the last time. Enjoy your little confinement, oh great Devil," Discord said as he began using his unrestrained magic on Indominus's body to heal him.

The area began filling with the same bright light, and as Discord started to fade away, the Devil bellowed out to him.

"You haven't seen the last of me Discord. These pathetic chains can't hold me forever. I'm going to get loose and when I do, I'LL TEAR ALL OF YOU TO PIECES!!"

Back in the bedroom, the light finally dimmed so that everypony could see what had happened. The Mane Five and dinosaurs entered the room to see Discord and the monsters were still standing over Indominus, who was no longer thrashing about or had the glowing eyes of the Devil. What surprised them the most was that his vital signs were slightly stronger and all the wounds on his body had been completely healed.

"Discord, you did it. You-" Fluttershy stopped when she caught sight of him.

Discord looked like he was on the verge of dying from what he had gone through. His face was drenched in sweat and he seemed so exhausted that his body was shaking just from standing. Fluttershy and Echo put Discord's arms around them so he could relax more easily. The others took notice of Discord's exhausted state and were genuinely worried about him. None of the Mane Five had ever seen Discord so beaten before, it was unnerving to them.

"Discord, what in the world happened," asked Applejack.

"T-the Devil....he...he tried to take over Indominus."

"The Devil? That beast Indominus told us about the last time he needed to talk to you," Fluttershy said horrified.

"Fluttershy? Just what are you talking about? We've never heard Indominus talk about some beasty that was giving him trouble," said Pinkie.

"We'll explain later Pinkie," said Scootaloo. "First things first, just what exactly happened Discord?"

"The Devil, he took advantage of Indominus's weakened state and tried to take complete control of his body. I had to use my full power to stop and restrain him again."

"But if you were able to stop him, then why do you look so tired Discord," asked Rarity.

"Between stopping that monster, holding him in check and healing Indominus's body completely, I used up more magic than I ever have. Right now, I don't even have enough magic to transport us back home."

Discord snapped his fingers in an attempt to try and transport himself back to his domain, but when nothing happened it confirmed his fears. The Lord of Chaos was too exhausted to get himself or any of the monsters back to his realm: he was going to be around Rainbow's home for longer than he expected.

"But on the bright side, his vitals are getting stronger. With those wounds healed up, his body can recover faster in time," Discord said while glancing at Rainbow Dash. "Now it'll be just a matter of when he'll wake up."

Rainbow and Scootaloo flew over and hugged Discord by the neck.

"Thank you for saving him Discord, you've definitely become a true friend to us," said Rainbow Dash.

"You don't know how much it means to us knowing that you just saved my dad from death," Scootaloo added. "Come on, we'll set up the couch so you can rest."

"Thank you kindly girls. Boys, remember, don't let anything happen to Indominus while I'm away. He may be recovering, but he's still vulnerable to any attacks."

"Don't worry Discord, we're not going to abandon him," said Armored Lizard.

The monsters resumed their guarding positions while Rainbow, the girls and the raptor squad helped Discord downstairs so he could recuperate. Tyrannosaurus chose to stay behind so he could keep an extra watch on his brother and monitor his vitals for any sign of improvement.

"You can do this brother, we all believe in you. Discord's done his part, now it's up to you to come back from this."

Downstairs, the girls had laid Discord down on the couch when Twilight and Spike joined them after reading the letter.

"What was all that commotion about girls?"

"Ah believe Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have somethin' to tell us in regards to that," said Applejack.

So Rainbow Dash finally came clean about the inner turmoil and struggle that Indominus had been keeping hidden from them. She told them everything Indominus had told her about the Devil being born out of all the years of rage he had built up since being in his old world. Even how it was the Devil that had driven him to kill those Wonderbolts on that fateful day. Discord and Fluttershy backed up Rainbow's story by adding how Indominus had come to them in hopes that they could help him deal with the monster inside his heart. All of the ponies were left with wide eyes and gaping mouths now that the truth had finally been revealed.

"So all this time Indominus's anger has been trying to take over his mind and drive him to destroy everything?"

"I'm afraid so Twilight," said Rainbow. "The Devil wants nothing more than to destroy all that Indominus holds dear to his heart."

"That monster has tried so many times, and he recently tried to take control while Indominus was helpless to defend himself," Discord added. "I managed to restrain him, but it took up most of my chaos magic to do it. Right now Indominus is recovering, but he still needs more time before the Wonderbolts find him."

"You've done us a massive favor by saving his life, Discord. Are you going to be ok after using so much magic?"

"I just need some time to rest and I'll get enough magic back to help again."

"That's good to hear," said Rarity. "By the way Twilight, what did that letter say?"

"Oh, about that. The Princesses want to know what's going on, they saw part of Indominus's sacrifice and want an explanation on the veil of shadows you cast, Discord."

"Give me an hour and I'll have enough magic to transport them here. Tell them to just wait and when I bring them here, then we'll explain everything."

"That's actually a pretty good idea and after what you've done for Indominus, we'll help you explain everything that's happened to Celestia and Luna. Any objections girls?"


"Unh unh."

"Sounds good Twilight."

"I trust his plan darling."

"Yeah, it sounds good to me too."

"Then it's settled. Spike. send a reply to the Princesses at once and tell them to be patient. They just have to wait one hour and then they'll get the answers they're looking for."

"I'm on it Twilight."

While Spike got to work on the letter, there wasn't much for anypony to do. All they could do was just wait, which didn't give them much confidence in their already dire situation. Applejack pulled Rainbow and Scootaloo aside for a minute to see how well they were handling things.

"Ya holdin' up ok, Rainbow?"

"I've been better AJ. I just don't know why all this had to happen, all because I chose Indominus Rex? Because I chose somepony who actually loves me for who I am and not just for what I have? Why did it come to this?"

"It wasn't yer fault Rainbow, some things in life are simply beyond our control. Ya couldn't have known that Soarin was gonna go on the warpath. Or that he was willin' to go to any extreme just to get rid of him. None of this is yer fault Dashie, it's all his. You chose who you thought was the better stallion, and Soarin's the one who can't accept that there is somepony who is better than him."

"Applejack's right Rainbow, choosing to fall in love with Indominus was never the wrong choice. Just like how he thought defending you from the Wonderbolts was right in his mind, you only did what you felt was right in yours. There is no right or wrong when it comes to loving somepony who is willing to do anything for you."

"Thanks girls," Rainbow said as Applejack and Scootaloo hugged her. "I don't know what I'd do without ponies like you in my life."

"Probably do something crazy or rash right about now," Applejack said jokingly. Rainbow merely brushed it off before AJ spoke again. "Actually Rainbow, it might do you some good to be near Indominus. If you're so worried about him, then go be close to him. It'll help give yer mind some peace and besides, Discord said he's gettin' better. It's only a matter of 'when' he wakes up, not 'if.' So go and stay by your husband."

"Ok Applejack, I'll do that," Rainbow said as she motioned for Scootaloo and the raptor squad to follow her.

When they entered the bedroom, all Rainbow did was curl up on the bed, increase her size and snuggle close to Indominus. Scootaloo did the same thing and curled up next to Rainbow, while T-Rex laid down beside his brother. The raptors didn't increase their sizes and merely crawled up the rexes' bodies until they were resting beside their heads.

"Remember Rainbow, we'll always be here for each other," said Blue.

"We're in this mess together, and we'll find a way to win," said Delta.

"I know girls, and I'm still glad that we are one big family."

"Not just any family Rainbow Dash, we're the Family of a lifetime," said Scootaloo.

The dinosaurs and ponies slowly closed their eyes with the events of the day finally taking their toll. They all drifted into sleep while in each other's embrace as one united family.