Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Working Out

Rainbow Dash messed up her list. She was on her bike, and she had the engine revving as she pulled into her garage. She was horny again, of course, and until she got to do her special shopping tomorrow, she would be stuck relying on her SonicBoom. With the door sliding closed behind her, Rainbow Dash leaned as far forward as she could, and pressed her belly and groin firmly into the seat. One final twist of the throttle, and she shuddered into climax.

The weight of the world fell away from Rainbow Dash, and she could focus on the amazing pleasure rushing through her, driving her to scream out. Her throat got sore from her vocalization, but Rainbow didn't feel it. She wailed, moaned, and gave happy little groans as the lightning bouncing around her body slowly receded. Just one orgasm didn't match the madness her body had been putting her through of late, but it seemed to sate her needs.

Turning the key, Rainbow Dash pulled her right leg over the bike, and wobbled as she made her way inside. No sooner was she in the door than a cold, wet nose shoved to the crotch of her skirt. "N-No, Thunderbolt!" She squealed, and in her shock she didn't push him away quick enough.

With his snout under her skirt, Thunderbolt licked along Rainbow's shorts, tracing the wet outline of her inflamed vulva.

The shock of the contact drove Rainbow Dash to take a step back and shove with both hands. "No! Bad!" Twisting to the side, she pointed at the laundry. "Go on, back out!" The moment she gave the order, however, Rainbow Dash regretted it. The dog hadn't done anything actually wrong, it was kinda her fault for being in such a mess. "Just… just until I get cleaned up."

Thunderbolt didn't understand the extra bit, but knew a good telling off when he heard one. Tucking his tail between his back legs, he trotted to the laundry and, just inside, turned and sat. Dipping his nose down a little, he gave the best sad eyes he could as his master walked past.

"Don't… ugh. You are the worst." Rainbow left the laundry door open as she walked past, but held herself back from petting Thunderbolt. "I swear, I could find a dead body in the backyard and if you gave me those eyes I would help you bury it…"

Rainbow Dash did take the precaution of closing her bedroom door before shucking out of her things. Kicking her shorts and panties into the bathroom—onto the tiled floor—she followed after them and started the shower.

Climbing under the warm water, Rainbow Dash sighed and let the water fall over her body. Before she knew it, she was washing her hair, and working on getting rid of the worst of the day's dirt and grime. A berry-scented body-wash was applied, and Rainbow worked it over her petite chest, and started downwards. Of course, one hand brushed her lower belly, and right away the switch turned in Rainbow's head.

The shower wasn't a place to get clean anymore, but somewhere to be dirty. Running a single finger up and down her slit, Rainbow reached behind her rear and grabbed with her free hand. Crushing her rump in a tight grip, Rainbow found herself leaning forward and poking her ass against the wall. Her imagination was hers to control, and she couldn't help but imagine Derpy behind her, wearing one of the toys that strapped on—that she had seen on the adult toy website.

Two fingers pushed between her plump folds, and Rainbow Dash imagined Derpy pushing up against her rear, shoving the toy into her. Rocking her hips, she fingered herself, and squeezed her ass to heighten her fantasy. Pleasure was the focus of her mind, and Rainbow was getting very adept at manipulating it. Letting go of her rear, her hand flattened and drew back.

A loud SMACK pierced the air, and a deep moan followed it. "Yeah… Derpy… again!" A hand connected with her rump, and Rainbow bit at her lip not to scream. "One… one more.. please?" She swapped hands. Quickly plunging three fingers of the new hand into her, she drew back the slickened fingers of her free hand and smacked the virgin side of her sore rear.

Pleasure exploded, and Rainbow felt her pelvic muscles pulse, clamping down around her delving fingers over and over. She didn't stop the happy, staccato gasps as she climaxed hard. Riding the wave of pleasure, she wasn't thinking straight when her hand reached out again, and then swung back on her rear.

As soon as her palm connected with her ass, Rainbow Dash was shoved hard into another orgasm. She lunged her face forward and clamped her mouth down on the shower sponge just before her. Screwing her eyes closed, she started to smack herself again and again.

Rainbow Dash's eyes opened. She was in the shower, warm water flowing over her. The girl known as Rainbow Dash, however, was fast asleep. Deep in her head, the parasite examined the parts of her mind it was connected to, and worked out that sleeping shouldn't happen in the shower.

The parasite couldn't reach—from the floor—the taps, but it ignored those and crawled the strange, not-pony body into the larger part of the bathroom. Rolling her hips just a little at first, Rainbow Dash shook sharply from side to side. It wasn't a human action, it wasn't really even a pony thing, but the parasite could feel the memories of Rainbow watching her pet shake dry.

As luck would have it, Rainbow Dash shook awake from the violent motion, and even as her mind stirred from sleep, the parasite learned of a way to rouse its host without expending its own chemical hoard.

"Ugh… did I fall asleep after…" Rainbow Dash blushed as her memory brought back not just what she had done, but who she had fantasized over. "Derpy? Really? Ugh…" Climbing to her unsteady feet, Rainbow fumbled her way into the shower and turned it off. Mostly dry, she ignored the towels and walked into her bedroom. Looking at her bed, she slumped forward, naked, and lay across it.

The parasite stretched again in her head. It was more interested in another memory, than the girl's admittedly wonderful efforts at feeding it. It was still hungry, and it knew just what would work. Crawling Rainbow's body off the bed, it worked her arms and legs until she reached the door.

One of Rainbow's hands reached up, and muscle-memory closed it around the handle and pulled down.

Waiting at the door for his master, patiently, Thunderbolt shot to his feet when it opened. Rushing through the doorway, he licked his master all over her face. He loved her so much it ached, but she was acting a little funny.

The parasite remembered through Rainbow Dash's own memory. It lacked all but the most basic of thought processes, but it could make use of Rainbow while she was fully asleep. Moving, rolling, the parasite squirmed until it was laying flat on its back.

Thunderbolt spotted the prize that had been denied him the previous day. Shoving his snout forward, he dropped down and licked along his master's place that always smelled and tasted good. There was little taste, or smell, but he was a determined dog.

Rainbow's mouth opened into a smiling groan. Her body was happy to act on its own, and while the girl slept, her dog lapped at her body again and again. It didn't take long for her to get sopping wet, but Thunderbolt was diligent in his role, and made sure that not a drop leaked past him.

In her head, the parasite rejoiced at finding a way to just force its host to get pleasure. With such a ready source, it planned to work itself well into the night, struggling to adapt to its host's immune system, and bind ever more links to her. It was almost done, were it able to count, it would judge the job nearly three-quarters done.

Hearing his master moan wantonly at each lick, Thunderbolt shifted his hindquarters, settling the ache that was growing there. Unless his master shifted to a better position, this would be the extent of his fun.

Hours later, before the sun began to creep up on the edge of the horizon, the parasite pulled itself away from the big, sleeping dog. Thunderbolt had passed out with his head resting on Rainbow's abdomen, and while it took a little effort to pull away, it slowly worked her over to the doggy bed, and curled her up snugly.

Rainbow Dash's dreams had been the best yet. Despite finding it strange, she could almost remember the feel of Derpy's tongue working over her folds. Sunlight was stealing its way through the curtains of her bedroom, and from the angle of it she knew she wound up in the doggy bed again.

Naked as the day she was born, Rainbow yawned and stretched. She crawled up to hands and knees, then stood up from there. "Oh it figures. I sleep in your bed, and you get mine!" Indignity was rife in her tone, as she berated Thunderbolt. "Well, if I don't get to sleep in, neither do you. Up you get!" Like a playful child, Rainbow Dash launched herself into the air, and landed on the side of the bed.

Thunderbolt was bounced into the air, and gave a yelp of surprise before spinning around to see his master in a playful mood. His eyes noticed her body was revealed, but he had had enough of her the previous night. Barking playfully, he dove off the bed and ran from the room as fast as he could.

"Oh no you don't! You can't run away from me!" Running after Thunderbolt, Rainbow Dash charged through the house and through the laundry. She threw open the back door of her house and rain into her yard. Looking around, she spotted Thunderbolt—predictably holding a tennis ball in his mouth—but also saw her neighbor trimming a tree. Their eyes locked, and Rainbow Dash squealed and ran back inside.

Her heart pounding, Rainbow Dash remembered the look of surprise on the elderly man's face. Embarrassment was washed under by exuberance. "Well, I guess that should get his blood-pressure up. I probably did him a favor!" Strutting through her house, Rainbow felt better than ever. She had a day off school, the flu had seemed to ease a little, and nothing could bother her.

Walking back to her room, she only felt a slight itch of need, but judged a shower a good plan. "Just no falling asleep in there this time." Despite the ache between her legs only being a gentle pushing, she decided to get some fun out of the way. Derpy came to mind, but she shoved the girl's face away from her mentally. Flash tumbled in behind her, and Rainbow found it much more stimulating.

Staying upright, she stroked up and down her sides to begin with, imagining her lover being in the shower with her. He would rub her, working her into the mood for sex with just his hands alone. Then the first kiss had come, and she lifted one arm up and kissed her upper arm. His lips were soft, in her fantasy, and she kissed him needily.

It was all her phantom lover needed to encourage him. Rainbow worked two fingers inside her body, and closed her eyes to imagine Flash Sentry, hunk, shoving into her. "Oh Flash… yes…" Moans accompanied her words, and Rainbow was deep in the fantasy. She moved with her invisible lover, and he filled her again and again.

When her climax rushed up and washed her under in pleasure, Rainbow bit her arm to silence the scream she knew was coming. Panting, pulling her mouth back from her limb, she couldn't help but laugh at the bite mark. "If anyone saw that, they would think I was up to some really naughty stuff… Which I am."

Cleaning herself off, Rainbow climbed from the shower, dried off, and got dressed. Rainbow Dash had more confidence than ever, and strode from her room wearing tight jeans and a similarly tight shirt. The second of her two lift bras gave her a bit more of a chest than usual, and dressed such she danced her way into her kitchen.

Fluttershy's song was catchy, and it had latched onto her brain and wouldn't let go. Rainbow hummed it, not fighting the control it had over her. Breakfast was quick, porridge and a sprinkle of honey, and with something solid in her belly, she was heading for the garage.

Her SonicBoom looked like a monster to her. The slight stain on the back of the seat reminded her of a creature with blood on its fangs. It was beast, and it was probably going to get her horny again just riding it. "Okay, and somehow I got horny just thinking about riding." Grabbing up a cloth, Rainbow wiped off the seat and climbed on. "Ow ow ow!" It took some easing to her her sore rear to rest on the seat. "Maybe I overdid the smacking juuuust a little bit?"

With her backpack on her shoulders, her wallet the only thing inside, Rainbow Dash climbed on the big bike and started it up. The vibration of the engine was everything she remembered, but after spending some quality time in the shower, she could think past it. "Alright, let's fly." Her words reminded her that she needed to try using her wings, and before taking off on the bike she pulled out The List, and added, "Learn to fly," to it. "Yeah!" The engine roared, and Rainbow Dash rode out into the morning.