Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

A New Day

"That was pretty awesome." Rainbow Dash munched on her breakfast, and without even realizing it, her other hand started back up. But rather than the insistent rush, she just stroked slowly, building pleasure but not need. "Don't know what I dreamed of, but wow am I hot today. Maybe I just won't get dressed?"

It was an easy decision to make. She could even work on her bike like this, and no one would bother her. So rubbing slowly, letting her mind wander, Rainbow Dash finished her breakfast and stood up. "Whoa… okay, maybe I need to do some cleaning, too…" The seat was sticky with her own mess, and she realized the hand she had used was too. "Bath first, then clean the seat off."

Dropping her hand down to cup her crotch—to keep from dripping any mess—Rainbow Dash made her way to the main bathroom of the house and grabbed a towel from the rack. Her bathrooms were one of the few places Rainbow Dash reverted from her tomboy ways and really let her hair down. Filling the tub with hot water, she put in some muscle relaxing salts, as well as oils to keep her skin from drying out. With the big tub at an appropriate level, she slipped in and gave a little squeal of surprise. When the water washed over her groin, the tingle of ongoing pleasure grew into more real arousal. "I bet he would turn me over on that hood and do me from behind."

Closing her eyes and letting the fantasy continue, Rainbow Dash worked herself over, but no matter how much she worked nothing really sated her need. She rubbed herself through one orgasm and into another. But it wasn't until the third that, like a switch, her body seemed to calm down. Deep in her brain, the parasite was glutted on the chemicals it needed to live. It rewarded Rainbow Dash in the only way it knew how, it triggered more arousal.

Nowhere near as intense as the earlier need, Rainbow gave a happy sigh and just slowly kneaded at one of her small breasts. The warm waters of the bath made it easy to coast in, relax, and just enjoy some extended horniness. She was staring up at the ceiling while groping her chest, when her phone rang. It was quiet at first, coming from her bedroom, but Rainbow Dash jumped up and from the tub, grabbing the towel to alleviate most of the water sluicing form her. "Coming!"

Running stark-naked through to her bedroom, Rainbow Dash dug her phone out of her discarded shorts just in time for it to stop ringing. "Oh for…" Tapping at the screen, she discovered the call was from the Principal's Office at her school. "What does she want on a… on a…" Staring at the screen, Rainbow Dash read the date. "…Monday?!"

Punching the call-back, the phone rang twice before Rainbow Dash heard Vice-Principal Luna's voice. "Hello. Canterlot High School. Vice-Principal Luna speaking."

"I am so sorry!" Rainbow Dash poured out her best apology voice. "Really! The camp must have taken more out of my than I thought. All that magic, and then I passed out, and I only just woke up!"

"Rainbow Dash, please. Calm down. It is perfectly understandable after all… that." Luna was at the camp, remembered the crazy fight with magic gone off the rails. It had become a bit of a theme with the school, one she wished would change. "Your home-room teacher, Miss Cheerilee, said you were absent. I know you are living alone, and wanted to make sure you were alright. If you are feeling up to attending, it would be wonderful to see you here."

It was just about the softest telling-off that Rainbow Dash had ever been given. The Vice-Principal was strict, but in her own way it was obvious that she cared extra for all the students living from their own means. "Yeah, I was just washing up to come in when you called. I'll be there in ten seconds flat!"

"You don't need to be quite that… fast…" Luna was speaking to a dead line, and hung up her phone. "She can't really be serious? Surely she won't be able to get ready for school and ride her bike all the way here in—" Luna froze; there was knocking at her door. "C-C-Come in."

"Told you it would take ten seconds!" Rainbow Dash was ponied up. Dressing had been the majority of her ten seconds, so the run from home to school had taken just three. One second had been slowing down and opening the front door of her house, another had been opening the front door of the school. She didn't count knocking as part of her ten seconds. "Uh… I guess I will go to my first period class now?"

"That…" Luna's eyes nearly glazed over. She looked at the girl from head to foot. Perked up pony ears sat atop Rainbow's head, and a pair of blue-feathered wings sprung out from her back. "That will be fine, but you might want to… calm down?" Luna gestured to the top of her own head to pass on the hint.

Inside Rainbow Dash's head, the parasite was undergoing rapid change. Its metabolic rate had accelerated in accordance with Rainbow Dash's own body, and it could sense all kinds of amazing changes in the girl that had it realizing why it had been attracted to her. It had come seeking ponies, and it was sure the pony nature of the girl had finally shown itself. Dash was a pony.

The rate at which the parasite grew had changed so much that in the moments since leaving her home and reaching school, it had nearly doubled the amount of tendrils linking itself to her. With a sudden jerk, the world sped back up, and the parasite was almost disappointed that she had reverted—if a parasite leeching its intelligence off someone could feel disappointment.

Walking along, Rainbow Dash felt great. She stretched and did a little spin, letting herself pony down again. Her wings retracted, her ears turned back into human ones, and the world seemed just a little faster again. Hefting her bag a little higher on her back, she pivoted on one foot and turned into her math class.

"Rainbow Dash. How nice of you to join us." Mrs. Harshwhinny's dry tone belied a sharp wit for tardy students. "How curious that the fastest student in school is late." The jab got a small laugh from the class, until she turned to deliver her glare upon them. "Please, take your seat."

"Yes Missus Harshwhinny." Rainbow Dash didn't particularly like mathematics, but it was something she was inexplicably good at. Geometry was easiest for her, and strangely enough algebra was a close second. Today she was fortunate, algebra was on the board.

Rainbow's phone buzzed very softly. Of course during school hours it was set to buzz, and she lifted it out to read the screen.

"What's up?" Twilight's cute little picture floated beside the message.

Rainbow tilted her head to the side to see her geeky friend. Happiness at having someone worried about her tickled up and down her spine, and her thumbs quickly worked over the screen. "Not much. Slept in. What about you?"

"Miss Dash?" Harshwhinny had picked up that she wasn't getting the full attention from some of her class. "Would you like to come to the front of the class and show everybody how to solve this?" Of course, it was only part vindictiveness; despite her acidic nature, Harshwhinny liked it when her students stepped up to a challenge.

"S-Sure!" Rainbow Dash stuck her phone into her shorts pocket and stood up. Her eyes traced the problem on the board. "Quadratic? Easy!" As her feet drew her closer to the board, Rainbow Dash felt a slight pang of desire. It stopped her in her tracks and completely distracted her from mathematics. Wavering for a moment, she took a deep breath. "Right, so the derivatives equal…" Another jolt of arousal struck. "… Minus B plus or minus the square root of B squared minus four times A and C, all on two A." As she spoke, Rainbow wrote the formula.

Just as she started to plug in values, however, her phone buzzed. Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, and she tried to get hold of herself. If her phone had been an inch closer to her groin, she knew she would have folded to her knees. "So we plug in the values… and solve for… Mrs. Harshwhinny! I need to use the bathroom!"

Harshwhinny was mildly surprised when Rainbow Dash raced out. The stories of the girl and her friends "ponying up" had all been true, but it was quite something to see her do it right in front of her. "Is there someone else who can hold their bladder for more than ten seconds?"

Rainbow didn't use her full speed, but she did rush her way to the nearest girls' bathroom. Inside, she locked the door to the whole bathroom, and without making it to a stall finally did fall to her knees. "What the hay is going on?!" Pulling down her shorts and panties revealed puffy, aroused folds. Hesitating only a moment, Rainbow Dash reached down and stroked herself.

Fantasies poured into Rainbow's head, and she felt the bathroom and its cold tiles depart. She was in the back seat of a car, and her mystery man was inside her again. Lifting a hand up under her shirt, Rainbow Dash squeezed at her own breast, while her other hand paid careful attention to her groin. She rocked on her knees, rolling her hips until she couldn't hold back anymore. Spreading her wings wide, Rainbow Dash felt pleasure spike through her body.

The parasite was excited by this new development. Its growth exploded while its host fed it. Fastening itself ever tighter to the girl's brain, it rewarded her for a job well done, and quenched her arousal.

Lifting her hand away from her crotch, Rainbow was startled by her phone buzzing. "Hey, you started all this." Reaching into her pocket, she pulled the device out with her clean hand.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Twilight always wrote with such perfect grammar.

"Yeah. Just needed a break. Meet after class?" Rainbow typed slowly with just one hand, but she shimmied her way to the sink to wash up. In the mirror over the hand-basins, she saw her bare groin, and how sticky she was. "I never used to make this much mess… guess this is what 'the talk' was all about, huh?"

Paper towel, and a lot of it, was carefully used. In no time Rainbow was able to pull her pants back up with confidence. Studying her image in the mirror, Rainbow Dash turned around and made sure she looked fine. "Okay. Let's do this." Confidence she had in spades, and so Rainbow walked back to her class and weathered Mrs. Harshwhinny's dry humor. The problem on the board had been solved, and with the precise handwriting that Rainbow Dash knew was Twilight's.

She kept off her phone, focused on her work, and made it through first period maths. The moment the bell went she shot to her feet and looked for Twilight. It was impossible for Rainbow to hold back a smile as her dorky friend came up to her. "Sorry about all that. Too much coffee for breakfast, ya know?"

"Oh yeah. You don't have to tell me about that. Some nights I live off coffee and, then I have to—" Twilight stopped her mouth before it went too far. "You really know your calculus, Rainbow."

"Hey, don't spread it around. I am trying to get an athletics scholarship, and they don't exactly want girls who are closet nerds." The moment she said it, Rainbow Dash knew her big mouth had gone a touch far. "Not that being smart is bad. You are really smart, and cool, and awesome at all the magic stuff."