Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged


It was love at first sight. Rainbow Dash stepped into the shed, and her darling was already waiting for her. Her sudden flu, the strange feelings she had been getting, and thoughts of the enhanced ponying up; all faded. She had purchased her darling second hand. Five hundred and twenty eight cubic inches of Hemi goodness. Or it would be when she had finished fixing it.

The hole in the side of her engine had been welded over, it had punched a rod out, but not twisted the block. A tingle between her legs was not unexpected, but Rainbow ignored it while she looked at her "list of things to fix."

"Hi, Rainbow Dash." Flash Sentry, with Derpy hanging off his arm, walked up and stood opposite Rainbow Dash, looking across at her over the engine. His awe at seeing the motor being slowing restored to life never faded. "How is she going?"

Rainbow's head snapped up, and she felt an intense pull in her libido, as if some being had just yanked it into overdrive and steered towards Flash. Leaning forward, she pushed her hands down onto the crankshaft journals. "W-Wonderfully." The word was so unlike what Rainbow would normally use that she jerked to her senses, then straightened up.

A glance at Derpy told Rainbow all she needed to know, and she gave the other girl an apologetic smile. Everyone at school had watched the gray-toned girl slowly reel Flash Sentry in, but no one complained that the mopey guy now had someone realistic to catch his eye. "Sorry. I've been feeling really off today; came down with the flu…"

For a moment Derpy had gotten a bad vibe from Rainbow, but her friend had seemed to snap out of it right away. "We should get to work on our bike, Flash." Her hunt for Flash Sentry's attention had led to Derpy even taking up shop to be with him.

Just as Rainbow breathed a sigh of relief, a flush of need hit her groin like a tsunami. Inside her head, the parasite had used her time ponied up to secure even more links with her brain. Looking like a woven bundle of wiring, the nerve links that bonded throughout her brain all flowed down to a central point. The parasite was almost ready for its next stage, but had some more growing first.

Opening a virtual flood gate, the parasite washed rainbow Rainbow's body in the chemicals needed to get her horny. It could feel her brain sparking all over, and although it wanted to start observing what she would do in the grip of its forced arousal, the parasite was not ready for that yet.

Unable to think too far, Rainbow Dash leaned over her motor and thrust one hand down the front of her shorts. She had only just taken the time to glove up, and the soft latex felt both strange and alluring.

"Ughh…" Rainbow tried to clamp her free hand over her own mouth, but at least one head already turned towards her. Derpy's eyes focused on Rainbow Dash, and as Rainbow stared back, she stroked herself ever onward.

"I'll go see if Rainbow is alright." Derpy stretched up on tip-toes to kiss Flash on the cheek. Turning, she walked towards the girl she could see fingering herself openly in the workshop. In a piece of chrome, Derpy saw the reflection of Flash, his eyes glued to her own pants. A warm tingle rushed through Derpy at the smile on her boyfriend's lips.

Staring blindly at the floor, Rainbow Dash was trying to keep her voice down, but she knew she would scream out in orgasm any second. A figure suddenly took up all her vision, and she jerked her head up to look into Derpy's oddly lazy eyes. "D—"

Derpy shoved some folded up cork gasket into Rainbow's mouth. "You can think about him, Rainbow." Derpy leaned forward, giving Rainbow a tiny bit of privacy in the room. "You can think of his hard muscles, his soft lips, and his jutting erection. But Rainbow, just remember I am your friend."

Rainbow Dash's eyes were wide, and she was staring at Derpy's shirt. The other girl had bigger breasts than Rainbow—not that that was hard—but she had never been so jealous of what Derpy had before. Clamping her teeth hard into the soft wood, she groaned out in need. She wanted more, she needed more.

"What's gotten into you, Rainbow Dash?" Derpy reached out a single finger and tilted the other girl's chin up. "Or is it even Flash you are interested in?" Unable to keep a silly giggle back, Derpy watched as Rainbow Dash climaxed right in front of her. "You really are into one of us. Work out who." Derpy, her confidence built by finally having what she wanted, turned and walked away from Rainbow Dash.

Breathing hard through her nose, Rainbow leaned on the engine for balance, and used it to hide that her other hand was still moving. Her eyes seemed to flicker between Flash Sentry, and Derpy Hooves' butt. Part of her didn't care which, just wishing she was with one of them right now. Fantasies rushed through her thoughts, and Rainbow imagined both of them doing all kinds of things to her, things that she could barely think about before her pleasure swelled far enough to wash away conscious thought.

Grunting hard into the cork stuffed in her mouth, Rainbow rode her digits into a second orgasm. The pulsing waves of pleasure that came from her clutching muscles was enough to sate the monstrous need Rainbow had. She pulled the hand from her panties and quickly pulled the gloves from her hands.

Derpy watched Rainbow run from the shed, and turned to their mostly inattentive teacher. "I think she was feeling sick." It was the honest to goodness truth, and Derpy was happy to cover for her friend, even if Rainbow seemed a little stranger now.

Forgetting about school, Rainbow Dash unlocked her bike, jumped on, and turned her key. "Ffffff…" She trembled as a third orgasm shook through her. The bike's engine was better than her hand, which led to Rainbow Dash twisting the gas a few times. The fourth orgasm rushed up on her out of nowhere, and she revved the engine as she fell over the edge of bliss.

Derpy turned the key, sending the engine spluttering. "What's wrong?" Pulling the keys out, she ensured Rainbow Dash wouldn't be riding off on her, not that the girl looked like she could ride anywhere. "You saved our asses so many times I am starting to lose count, so I owe you at least a lift home."

Rainbow Dash stared at the girl as Derpy slung a leg over her bike in front of her. "D-D-Derpy—" Her words were suddenly drowned out by the bike revving to life. Like a rocket of pleasure, the bike's engine seemed to be shoving up inside Rainbow. She wrapped her arms around Derpy and clung to the other girl's back.

Ignoring the tight grip, but thankful Rainbow had missed her breasts, Derpy slipped the bike into gear and took things slow. When Derpy took off from a light and revved a little too high, she felt Rainbow's hips start to bump against her back. In a strange way, it was kinda cute, but in another Rainbow was not Derpy's type. "Doing this for a friend…"

When the bike shut off, Rainbow Dash gave a whimper. She had lost count of her releases, and was a trembling mess. Strong arms guided her, and when she started to fall, lifted her up. She couldn't think straight, but she did know someone was carrying her through her own house, and more arousal grew.

Cool metal all around her startled Rainbow out of her daydream of Derpy—she had actually worked out who was carrying her—pinning her to the bed. She had just a moment to ask, "Hey? What gives?" just before the icy-cold water started to fill the tub.

"When you are ready, come back to school. Or get yourself checked out." Derpy gave her friend a pet on the head. "And I am taking your bike back. You can run and grab it later."

Rainbow felt like her world had exploded, then imploded. She shivered at the cold water, but was so devastated by her repeated orgasms that she couldn't reach for the cold tap. Groaning, she reached hand up and barely got to the hot water control. The ice that had been seeping into her body eased, and then warmed.

In the girl's head, the parasite was not fully sated. Most of its hunger had been slaked, but it sparked more need in Rainbow Dash with the careful manipulation of her hormones. Hands searched her body again, and dessert was served to the creature growing in Rainbow Dash's head.

Just rubbing wasn't enough anymore, Rainbow Dash slid two fingers into her soaking vulva, and pressed them down into her supple body. "Oh fuck that is good…" In her own home, the need for quiet was gone, and Rainbow knew it.

She fumbled at her bra for a few moments, wanting to stroke her chest, but the strap proved more than she was capable of working on. Giving up on complex clothing, Rainbow Dash pushed down on her skirt and shorts, shoving them away from her along with her panties. She struggled a little in the water, fighting at the restraint of her clothes around her ankles.

Kicking her legs, nothing Rainbow could do would get her tight shorts past her shoes. She whimpered and kept struggling while she worked at herself. Desire swelled, bringing more thoughts with it. Flash—or was it Derpy—tied her legs up. Rainbow bucked her hips upwards, and felt Flash/Derpy's hand push at her pelvis, while their other pressed fingers into her body.

Controlled by those fingers, manifesting as her own, Rainbow screamed in pleasure as she hit her peak. Her free hand reached down and stroked along her thighs, adding yet more pleasure to the soup bubbling inside.

Shaking, Rainbow Dash couldn't stop her body trembling in the hot water. "Fffff…" The heat all around her only fueled her desire, but her need seemed to fail and flee. Stroking her fingers faster, the amazing level of arousal died before she was completely spent. "No! No no no!" She tried to keep going, but everything felt so normal again, just like she would normally feel if stroking herself. It was like someone had turned the hot tap off in her brain.

The sound of running water finally sank into Rainbow's head, and she reached out and grabbed the taps. Turning the water off, she yanked on the plug to let the water that was still in out. With her heart beating heavy in her chest, Rainbow Dash looked down at herself. Her dress and shorts were done for, she could see discoloration in both. Her panties had an odd bloated look that she realized was her sanitary pad.

"What the heck is going on…?" Rainbow Dash reached down to her shoes and untied them. One, then the other, and she could slip off shoes and ruined clothing both. Standing up in the tub, Rainbow felt wings on her back, and they were soaking wet. "Well this just gets better."

Willing herself to pony down, Rainbow stepped from the tub and reached for a towel. Her shirt was soaked, as was her bra. Fumbling behind her back, nervous fingers undid the clip and let her slip shirt and bra up and over her head.

"If this keeps happenin'…" Letting the thought trail off, Rainbow started toweling herself dry. "I can't let this keep happening. Or at least I need to work out a way to not have it happen." Rubbing the towel through her hair, Rainbow pondered the problem.

Still a little fuzzy after all the excitement, Rainbow reached her bedroom before it finally dawned on her. "Hey, all I have to do is work that stress out and I should be okay, right?" Almost mechanically, she started grabbing her usual garb from drawers, and started pulling the clothes on.

"Maybe I should get something to… to help…" Thoughts of adult toys ran through Rainbow's head, only she had no experience with the things at all. Freshly clothed, she gathered all her sodden clothing and hauled it to the laundry.