Sexy Brain Parasite Story

by Damaged

Same Ol' Same Ol'

The day progressed, and to Rainbow Dash's relief she had no more incidents of unwanted arousal. Getting home from school—running of course, since she had run there in the morning—she heard the whining sound from the laundry before she even got inside. "Oh dang, Thunderbolt!" Tossing her bag onto the living room couch, she moved quickly through her house to her pet.

"C'mon boy, you have earned some inside time." She spent some minutes crouched down making much of Thunderbolt, before Rainbow Dash stretched upright. "Oh man, I still have all that laundry to do, and I stink from track…"

Walking through to her bedroom, Rainbow Dash plucked up the backpack she had used for their trip to Camp Everfree, and hauled it through to the laundry.

While Rainbow took care of mundane things, Thunderbolt had found something interesting. Snuffling, the big shepherd stuffed his nose into Rainbow Dash's schoolbag, and after a little work found his prize. Wrapped in paper towel, the dog took a long inhale of the scent within. Perking his tail up, he trotted for the back door with Rainbow's undies in his mouth.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash—sorting clothing in the laundry—managed to grab Thunderbolt before he got past her. "What have you got… No! Bad dog!" She tried to pull her panties from the dog's grip. "Let go of those!"

Inevitably, the ripping sound of fabric signaled that Thunderbolt had won. Tugging sharply, the dog pulled the ripped underwear from the defeated girl's hands and ran through the dog door.

"I wanted to wash those…" Rainbow Dash's mind ran with what the dog would want her underwear for, until she remembered what they were stained with. "Suddenly, I don't want to know why you took them." Revising her opinion of Thunderbolt's behavior, Rainbow Dash finished sorting her laundry, got the first load into the machine, and closed the door for the night.

"Might as well have just tossed them into the bin at school." Rainbow Dash made her way through to her bathroom, turned on the shower and stripped quickly. "Oh no, then I bet some guy would get them, and knowing my luck they would find out they were mine!" Stepping under the hot water with a slight shudder, Rainbow Dash felt herself immediately grow warm at the touch of the water, but also more.

She didn't need to worry, panic, or feel bad; masturbating in the shower was the perfect place for it. Leaning back against the wall, she lifted one leg up and braced it nearly vertical. "Mmm,"— she stroked along her folds, quickly pressing two digits into herself—"and I bet if a guy found them, and knew it was me, he would tell me I had to screw him or he would tell Principal Celestia." Her fantasy, and the pose she had taken, combined well to give her just enough discomfort to make it feel real. "And then he wouldn't stop. He would hold that over me, making me have sex whenever he wanted…"

Rubbing up her body with her free hand, Rainbow clutched one of her small breasts and squeezed it firmly. The delicious hint of pain played to her fantasy further, and with a satisfied groan she pushed her fingers up to her knuckles. Trembling in bliss, Rainbow's eyes closed to imagine the dirty situation her phantom lover had put her in.

Deep in her head, the parasite spread further. Each rush of hormones gave it a burst of activity. Her subarachnoid space was now permeated by a thin mesh of extra neuron links, and despite its seemingly complete binding with her brain there was more connections to make.

Resting after the break-neck pace, the parasite tickled the part of her mind that gave Rainbow Dash a slight high, a reward for being a good host.

Panting heavily after her orgasm, Rainbow Dash didn't notice the shift in focus within her head. Instead, she worried about getting clean, getting ready for bed, and finally—after a hasty microwaved meal—actually sleeping.

Rainbow Dash had gone to bed with a buzz of pleasure about her, but when she woke it was an inferno. Not even bothering to get out of bed, she reached down between her legs with both hands and started to stroke herself.

Grinding two digits from her right hand into her, she stroked her clitoral hood with left. Rainbow's whole body felt afire with pleasure, and she arched her back in bliss. Need was everything, and she loved being caught in the grip of it. "Ugh. Ugh! More!" Rainbow had never been all that vocal before, but she had not been this turned on before in her life.

Bucking her hips into the covers above her, Rainbow Dash made soft grunts of pleasure, and imagined her perfect guy on top, driving himself into her. Screwing her eyes closed, she turned her head to the side and bit into her pillow and screamed into the soft fabric.

Deep in the girl's brain, the parasite rejoiced at its host's obedience. It flooded her with more hormones, and could sense Rainbow's brain light up even brighter with a second climax, then a third.

Panting, Rainbow let the pillow drop from her mouth while she stared up at the ceiling. "What… what the… fuck…" Her chest rose and fell, seemingly out of her control. "That was the best time ever! What was that, two? No, three orgasms! Holy crap this is awesome!"

Tossing back the covers of her bed, Rainbow Dash saw something that wasn't so awesome. "Oh…" She gave a little chuckle at the mess in her bed. Her sheets were sticky, and her hands had spread her feminine ejaculate all over the place. "I guess I am just that awesome now." Irrepressible, Rainbow Dash jumped from her bed and grabbed at her covers.

Marching from her bedroom, still messy herself, Rainbow made her way to the laundry with her bedclothes. Lifting her voice, she felt literally on top of the world. "I'm awesome, take caution!" She tossed open the laundry door. "Look out for me, I'm awesome as I wanna be!"

At that moment, Thunderbolt charged into the room, and before Rainbow could even think to act, the dog shoved its snout between her legs. "Whoa! Hey, get out of there!" She quickly shoved the dog back. "No! Bad dog!"

No sooner did she yell at him than the dog turned and ran back out through his doggy door. But as he turned, Rainbow Dash caught sight of something that shocked her. Long, red, and jutting out beneath him; Thunderbolt had apparently been extra "excited" by his master's scent.

"Okay, that was strange. I guess he smelled my mess…" Rainbow wasted no time throwing her sheets and covers into the washing machine, but she did spot a few drops of red staining one sheet. "What…? Oh!" Red colored Rainbow's cheeks. "Guess I need to start wearing some pads at night."

Despite the interaction with her pet, and with having to do the washing, Rainbow Dash still felt amazing. Within her head, the source of her great mood started expanding its network of neurons, taking a greater hold of her brain with every passing minute.

A quick shower, when she got back to her room, seemed like the better option. Jumping in, Rainbow's hands seemed to migrate directly from the shower controls to her groin. "Just… just wash up now. No playing…" But she stroked along her folds with a finger, and before she knew it she had pressed her back into a corner. Rubbing her way to oblivion, Rainbow shouted out again and again, singing her own song.

Each stroke sent a spark shooting from her groin through her body. They seemed to lance all over, making every inch of her body into an erogenous zone. Her orgasm rushed up on her, and she rode through it with a softer touch. Panting hard under the shower's spray, she didn't actually stop. "Again? Don't mind if I do!"

A new world of pleasure unfolded with multiple orgasms. Rainbow Dash pushed herself through her second and third before she slowly started to get her wits about her. The groaning and moaning sound that wrapped her world in a blanket stopped when she closed her mouth, and with a laugh of realization she knew it was her own voice that sounded so sexy. "I really, really needed that trip out of town. I wonder if this is part of my new powers?"

Cleaning up, Rainbow kept herself in check, and didn't give into temptation. Leaving the shower, she grabbed a towel up and started drying herself. Looking into her bedroom, she saw as her alarm clock finally reached seven-thirty, and started blasting. "Ha! Beat you!"

Squeaky clean and dry to boot, Rainbow Dash practically bounced out of the bathroom. A trip to her dresser secured her panties and a push up bra in her size. "Girls, no sport today, so you are going on parade." Hooking the bra straps over her shoulders, Rainbow Dash leaned forward into the cups and secured the straps behind her. The specially shaped bra picked up her somewhat lacking A cups and gave them a real life.

For the first time in her life, Rainbow Dash looked in the mirror and saw more than just a body that could use a little improvement. "Damn I look awesome today. I feel awesome too!" She stopped a moment, and reached for her special drawer. Opening it, she took out the thinnest pad she had. "No point ruining anything…" It took barely a moment to unfold and fasten the sticky-backed pad to her panties. A spray of her favorite scent, and she was ready for more.

With the less fun bit of her morning out of the way, Rainbow threw her wardrobe doors open and stepped inside. Not for the first time she mused that Rarity would die if she saw the big walk-in robe so empty, but Rainbow Dash just didn't want to have all the dresses and stuff that her friend would no doubt thrust upon her. Reaching for her favorite shirt, Rainbow Dash paused. Her hand wavered, and she reached for one of the ones she normally wouldn't wear. It wasn't in her least-favorite pile for its colors, but rather its cut.

"Girls, you get to show off a little today." The thought of the V-cut neckline—even if it was nothing like what some women would wear—tantalized Rainbow Dash's thoughts enough that she almost felt like stripping off again and taking another "shower." Pulling it up and over her head, it wasn't until it was all the way down that the tomboy looked at herself in the mirror.

It didn't really show her chest off at all, but the bra under it gave her a more distinctive push, and the V of her shirt hinted at the top of some cleavage. A smile spread from ear to ear, and Rainbow Dash lifted her right arm up and high-fived the mirror. A pair of her normal shorts went on, but she hummed about something more. Studying her figure, she couldn't see any outline of her pad on the shorts, but all the same she wanted to make sure. "A skirt should be fine." In her favorite colors, of course.

Running shoes were the last option, and even if she was dressing up a little, she still had to be able to ride her bike to school. Grabbing some extra pads and some headache pills in case things got bad, she packed her bag and walked out to the kitchen.

Breakfast was the usual, but when she was about to sit down in her favorite chair, she noticed the mess still on it. "Oh man, I can't believe I forgot to clean that up!" Grabbing her wallet and stuffing that in her bag too, Rainbow Dash was ready for school… nearly an hour early.

"I might just ride around town for a bit first." Grabbing up her helmet, Rainbow Dash grabbed her wallet from her school bag, her helmet from the garage, and soon was astride her SonicBoom. Pushing her key into the ignition, she turned it and smiled. The bike rumbled to life under her, and her still-sensitive groin buzzed nicely with the vibration of the engine.

A press of the door remote was all it took and Rainbow Dash kicked the bike into gear and revved it at the same time. Instant power surged under her, and it was all Rainbow could do to hang on to the big bike as it jumped out of the garage like a pedigree stallion.

Each time she brought the revs up and shifted gears, the vibrations ran right through Rainbow. She ducked her head down into the wind and zoomed down the streets and out onto the interstate. A zen-like state pulled around Rainbow, and she was in awe of how perfect it was to be on the big bike. Before she realized it she had been riding for nearly twenty minutes.

The time on her bike's dash warned her that she really should get back home, and with a little reluctance she turned around and started back. Riding away from something was so much better than riding towards it. The town represented a lot of things to her, not the least of which was her friends, and if there was one thing worth riding back into Canterlot for, it was her best friends.

Stopping by her house, Rainbow grabbed her school bag and her guitar (for practice later in the day). Slinging both on her back, she got back on her bike and, at a much more reluctant speed, made her way to school.