//------------------------------// // 2 // Story: Sky Bolt and the Twin Stones // by BadgerBrony900 //------------------------------// " So thats all that happened? " Said a dark gray pony poking me in the side with a slight giggle, " Yes, I probaly won't even see her again til the concert." I said slightly annoyed poking him back". Time for a nice nights rest, I thought to myself as I walked back to the studio with the band. As we walked back into the studio we were cooled by the air of the studio. I gave everyone a goodnight before I walked to my own room. As I took off my jacket and put it on the hood I felt uneasy, something just made me want to go back and see that pegasus.... I snuggled into bed shrugging off the thought, but it just kept crawling back into my head, I slowly drifted into sleep only for it to keep me up. I don't know when but, I just drifted into slumber... [*Day before Concert*] " C'mon we got this, we got the song, now we just need to make sure everything goes smoothly for tomorrow" said Nimble as he paced around the room. " Ill go check on the final preperations for the concerts " I said lifting a hoof. " Okay, you go, I have a feeling this will work" Nimble said finally calming down. As I headed the door I think I heard Nimble say one last thing, but I closed the door to fast. As I walked towards the Town Square where the concert was being held, I was barraged by screaming fans, just drooling for autographs. It probaly took about an extra hour than it would of regularly of tooken me to get there, but I got there, and thats what counts. As I saw many ponies planning and working on remaining parts of the stage, gray pony with glasses walked up to me. " Nice to meet you Mr. Sky Bolt, I am the Mayor of this fair town of Pony Ville " She said to me with a slight hint of pride in her voice. " Uhhhhhh, yah I just want to know how the plans on the concert are going?" I said looking around at the stage, " Very well, We will be done before tomorrow" she said before looking around at the stage with me. " Well, ummmmmm.... I guess Ill be going now" I said walking off the stage back to the studio.... only to be barraged by more fans. Finally after seemingly an hour of fans both asking for autographs and questions, I made it back to the studio, " Yo man, so we ready to go for tomorrow?" said Moon Bass sitting ina bean bag chair watching tv. " Yah they said everything will be ready for tomoroow." I said taking off my jacket and plopping myself in the bean bag chair next to Bass. " So in the mean time........" [*10 Minutes before concert*] " Haha... We got this, this isn't are first concert... right? " I said nervous out of my mind. A just as nervous Nimble walked up to us, " Heh heh... yah..... But boss aid this love song has got to work or were out of the contract." almost about to shake himself out of his own hoofs. The mayor walked out onto the stage, " Mares and Gentle Colts, we present to you, Sky Bolt and the Twin Stones!" She walked off the stage and as we walked on the stage I was deafened by the roar of the crowd, I tapped the microphone letting the crowd know were ready. Right before I was about to speak into the microphone, I saw her.... That yellow pegasus, she looked like she didn't want to be here, but it appears of what I assume to be friends dragged her here. " So ... Uh um..... Yah we have a new song here for are fans of ours, we call it, Together in our dreams. " I said in a nervous tone and probaly blushing like crazy, I felt that this was going to fail, I just couldn't do it, the feelings the yellow pegasus gave me.... were driving me crazy. Ahem, I cleared the voice and I looked back at the band letting them know to start. [ Sorry guys not really a song writer...] " As time goes by, I know we will remain together forever" " As things go for better or worse, I know things between us won't change." " But time has changed annnnnnd I was wrong, But I know, We will be, together forever " In our Dreams" " Its been a few years and Its been forever, but I still have those memories" " But I just can't get rid of your face, in our dreams" " Ladetedumdadodee-" I started to choke and Just things came out of my mouth, I probaly looked a tomato by now, I looked back at my band who was just face hooving themselves, I didn't know what to do, from the booing to the yellow pegasus, to everything, I broke down, I started crying as I ran off the stage to who knows where. As I slowed my pace and cleared my head, I looked around to see where I was, I was on the outskirts of town... I walked up a hill, It wasnt tall enough to over look the town but tall enough to over look a portion of it. I layed down on the grass, Looked up to the stars, I stared endlessly at Luna's stars of the night. I don't know when, But I fell asleep, only to be greeted by the booing of the fans in my dream. I woke up in a sweat next morning, I was blank at first but the memories of last came back into my head. I sighed knowing I just face the rest of the band, I walked towards the town, and the studio. As I looked at the streets of Pony Ville I was right about The Fan love, no pony even dared look at me in the eye as they turned away with disgust. as I reached the studio I was greeted by a note, " Dear, Bolt The boss Is pissed, he is removing this band from the face of the earth, and all you have to know THIS IS ON YOUR SHOULDERS, So were taking everything and leaving you in the dust. Don't even try to look for as by the time you read this we have already taken the train to where ever it takes us. Sincerely, Buck you." I looked away from the note, almost about to cry again, but I instantly rejected that feeling and opened the door. The note didn't lie the studio was deserted and raided, I walked in sadly looking at everything..... I looked in my room, and hopefully I will find something they forgot, I looked under my bed, and yes they didn't take it, My acoustic guitar, though old and dusty its my most prized possession, It almost looks like my cutie mark. I hugged and cry tears of joy before remembering, What do I do now.... I opened the door and Celestias sun shone brightly in the deserted studio, I left out a long sigh before walking out the door, preparing for the worst.