//------------------------------// // Prologue // Story: Bushkeeper // by Odd_Sarge //------------------------------// "Guys?" The laughter of the teenager's friends had finally dawdled off into the distance behind him, leaving a large portion of the forest silent. "Guys?" Andrew called out again. There was no answer. Groaning, the man went to retreat, but a spark caught his attention. Slipping forward a few more steps into the woods, he peeked into the brush ahead, curious about what he had seen. There was a slight chill to the air as he passed through the leaves, but Andrew didn't quite mind; he was more infatuated with the small glint of light that seemed to escape his vision at every moment of perfect clarity. Back on the trail again, Andrew soon fell into a rhythmic step, the mystical phenomenon leading him further and further away from his friends, and deeper into the woods of the national park.