Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

A Hybrid's Noble Decision

The smoke still hadn't cleared from the collision between Indominus and Soarin, and the Mane Six were starting to get worried. They knew Indominus was tough, but with the power Soarin had been using against him, they weren't sure if he would be ok after such a tremendous attack. Then Applejack pointed out from T-Rex's back.

"Look everypony, it's startin' to clear up."

Everypony could see that the layers of smoke were beginning to dissipate from the area. The dinosaurs and ponies started looking over the battlefield to see if they could spot Indominus or any of the Wonderbolts. Rainbow saw that all of the other Wonderbolts had been knocked out cold by the blast. In the distance she caught sight of two massive figures silhouetted against the smoke. When the smoke cleared completely, Rainbow was astounded to see that both Indominus and Soarin were still standing.

Both hybrids looked drained of strength and neither of them were in their Immortal Phoenix forms anymore. The force of the explosion had been enough to change them both back to normal, but Indominus was looking more exhausted. With all the damage he had taken prior to transforming, and no doubt the damage he had sustained while using the form itself, the hybrid dinosaur was bent over on all fours to keep himself from collapsing. Soarin looked just as beaten and wounded, but he was just standing where he was. No swaying, no movement, no cocky insults, nothing.

Then Indominus had to suddenly step back in surprise as Soarin's massive body fell forward and collapsed on the ground.

"Well....I guess....that was more....intense than he could handle," Indominus said as he dragged his battered body away from Soarin and towards his friends and family.

The dinosaur's pace was so slow because he had taxed himself quite a bit during the fight. His healing power was having difficulty dealing with all the wounds and slashes Soarin had caused while in his Phoenix form. Even his entire body felt like a lead weight after all the energy he had spent battling the mutated Wonderbolt. He was grateful to see that the other Wonderbolts were still out cold from the force of the explosion. The hybrid relaxed when he saw his friends and family flying down to meet him and save him the energy.

Delta and Echo went under Indominus's arms so he didn't have to worry about collapsing. He felt relief when Rainbow began nuzzling his face in delight.

"I'm so glad you're safe Indominus."

"Ya really had us worried there," said Applejack.

"I know, I wasn't counting on Soarin to have all of my power when he mixed my DNA into the formula."

"I'm surprised that he managed to stay in control of his mind in the first place. That mixture should've distorted his brain with the nature your DNA possesses," said Twilight.

While Indominus was slowly getting his strength back, Fluttershy, Blue and T-Rex kept an eye on the Wonderbolts and Soarin. Tyrannosaurus could see that the green glow on Soarin's hadn't gone out, and that the Wonderbolt had one eye open even while he was face down in the dirt.

"Blue, Fluttershy, do you see what Soarin's trying to do," T-Rex whispered.

"Oh I see the sneak attack he's trying to pull on our brother," said Blue.

"I'll keep an eye on him, you two start gathering power to counter his attack," said Fluttershy as the two carnivores started building up energy in their mouths.

Blue went on the opposite side of Indominus, confident that she and Rexy could keep their brother protected. Fluttershy was ready to give the call to alert her friends while they guarded the recovering dinosaur. She could see the spikes on Soarin's back starting to glow again, indicating that he was close to making his sneak attack.

"EVERYPONY, WATCH OUT BEHIND YOU!" Fluttershy's warning caused everypony to turn around just in time to see Soarin get back on his feet and launch a huge green blast at them.

T-Rex and Blue ran in front of Indominus and unleashed their blasts which met Soarin's halfway. The two blasts were evenly matched when they collided with each other, and the tie caused another explosion to block Soarin from view. The explosion also rocked the area enough to shake the Wonderbolts awake in time to see the smoke covering the field. Rainbow, Scootaloo, Twilight, Fluttershy and the dinosaurs all began flapping their wings to disperse the smoke, but when it cleared they saw that Soarin had vanished. The only visible indication he had been there was a gaping hole right where he had been standing.

"Where'd he go," said Scootaloo.

"He couldn't have just camouflaged himself and slipped away like ya, Indominus," said Applebloom.

"Or been killed by the explosion," Sweetie Belle added.

"He must be tunneling under the ground," said Charlie.

Indominus and the others began scanning the ground for any signs of movement. Rainbow, Fluttershy and Twilight went to the skies for a broader view of the area, but couldn't spot any hints of where the Wonderbolt was. Indominus couldn't pick up Soarin's heat signature when he was buried so far into the ground and that made it more difficult to sense where he was. Then the group began feeling the ground rumbling underneath them. T-Rex and Indominus could sense the vibrations through their feet, and it allowed them to feel where Soarin was tunneling.

"Everyone get back," Indominus yelled out as he spread his wings and prepared himself for when Soarin would resurface.

Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack and the CMC got out of the way just in time as Soarin resurfaced underneath Indominus, seized the dinosaur by the neck and dragged him into the sky. The other dinosaurs spread their wings and gave chase after them, gaining on the hybrids once Soarin leveled out.

"Now I've got you, monster," Soarin said as he tightened his clawed grip on Indominus's neck. The hybrid was still rather drained after the explosion, but fortunately he didn't have to worry because backup was coming to help him.

"Wrong Soarin," the Wonderbolt turned his head to see Blue landing on his neck. "We've got you." She then began biting on Soarin's face near his eye and slashing away at his throat with her sickle claws.

Indominus dropped a few feet before leveling out as the remaining raptors swarmed Soarin and started attacking him. He could see that his raptor sisters were drawing blood from slicing all over Soarin's body. Despite his immense size and power, Soarin couldn't do anything against opponents that were smaller and more agile than himself. He was so preoccupied with the raptors that he didn't notice another threat waiting to strike him from above.

Blue could see Rexy descending on Soarin from above and gave a call out to her sisters who immediately understood what she was trying to tell them. The raptor squad flew away from Soarin's body and he was about to attack the nearest velociraptor when a sudden red blast hammered him into the ground. Indominus followed after his brother and sisters once their attack had left Soarin in a crumpled heap. The Wonderbolt glared at the dinosaurs with a savage green glow in his eyes when they landed.

Soarin charged forward roaring savagely and Indominus sprinted ahead of his siblings to meet the deranged Wonderbolt. They butted heads and locked their claws against each other in a stalemate. Despite his weakened state, Indominus was able to match Soarin's strength by drawing on more anger. But the threat of reawakening the Devil was rising the longer Indominus continued to fight Soarin. He once again had to split his concentration between keeping his anger from becoming too much and trying to beat Soarin for good.

"I'm rather surprised monster, I've been dealing bone breaking blows to you and beating you with your own power. Yet somehow you still have the strength to keep attacking me."

"Soarin, if there's anything that I gained in the past few weeks leading up to this fight, it was endurance." That statement caused the rest of the Mane Five to stare at Rainbow, who had a rather sheepish grin on her face.

"What did you do to him Rainbow," Twilight asked as Indominus and Soarin started slashing away at one another.

"I think the better question should be, what didn't I do to him?"

"Ok. Better that I don't know the details."

Twilight's attention was drawn back to the Wonderbolts when the group noticed that they had recovered from the blast. The Mane Six and CMC resumed their fights with the Wonderbolts along with the dinosaurs so Indominus could focus on his conflict with Soarin. But things were about to take a turn for the worst for the hybrid, as the evil he had managed to bury was beginning to resurface. Just after Soarin and Indominus got separated from a collision with their attacks, Indominus was about to charge back, but only made one step forward before he froze to the spot.

The hybrid dinosaur could hear the demented voice pounding within his mind, and could feel it trying to take over him with rage again.

"Did you really think that you'd be able to shut me out Indominus? You can't get rid of something that's part of what you are."

Indominus struggled to shut out the Devil's taunting words, trying to keep him from working his influence inside the dinosaur's mind. But this time, the hybrid had to deal with two devils: the one that threatened to destroy everything he loved, and the mutated one that wanted him dead. Soarin took advantage of Indominus's predicament and nailed the hybrid across the face, sending him tumbling across the field. As Indominus tried to get up, he could feel intense pain in his head. telling him that the Devil was trying to work the insane rage inside the hybrid's mind and make him go savage once more.

"You know that you can't kill him without the Immortal Phoenix. Unless you want to let that mutated wannabee slaughter your hide, you'll give into the primal rage within your heart and tear him apart."

"Like I'm going to let you have your way with my body again," indominus said within his mind as he pushed the Devil aside. "You've nearly killed Rainbow Dash and put my family in danger! I won't let that happen again!"

Indominus's sole desire to keep his family safe was enough to give him the strength to resist the Devil's influence. The demonic beast found that he couldn't take over the hybrid's mind so easily, and that Indominus was actually able to overpower the rage.

"I'm not letting you interfere in this match, Devil. I will stop Soarin and the Wonderbolts by myself, and you will not be part of it."

"In spite of your determination, you will eventually fall. When that does happen, I'll have complete control of your mind and body, and I'll have my way in the end. No matter how hard you struggle, you will always succumb to your anger."

"We'll see about that, Devil," Indominus said before focusing his attention back on the fight at hand.

Soarin loomed over the struggling hybrid who was dealing with a personal struggle as well as the fight at hand.

"What's wrong beast, is this fight too much for you to handle? You were so savage before, when you slaughtered Blaze and Firestreak like cattle. Now it's time to end your life and to live in an eternal nightmare."

Rainbow saw what was coming and started speeding towards the fight, but stopped when Indominus halted Soarin's punch with one fist covered in gold fire. She was shocked to see that despite the conflict going on inside his head and being wounded from the fight, Indominus was finding the strength to stand up and keep battling Soarin.

"You have no idea what kind of nightmares I've endured," Indominus said before becoming the Immortal Phoenix again and nailing Soarin in the face with a left hook.

Rainbow relaxed upon seeing Indominus regain his control in the fight and reacted fast enough to block a sneak attack by Spitfire. The Wonderbolt and the rest of her teammates had finally gotten back into the fight and resumed their brawls with the others. T-Rex and his raptor sisters had gone back to battling two Wonderbolts a piece, and were holding their own despite their earlier scuffle against Soarin.

"I'm getting really fed up with your husband's stubborn fighting, Crash," the pegasus said as she and Rainbow exchanged blows in the sky.

"Well get used to it Shitfire. Indominus has been in fights all his life and he can take down Soarin just like every beast he's beaten before."

The mutated Wonderbolt had gone back to his Immortal Phoenix form again and the blows between him and Indominus were sending shockwaves across the area. The force from each hybrid's attacks was tearing up the ground around them and causing earthquakes that were disrupting some of the fights. Even from her aerial fight against Fleetfoot, Scootaloo could see that with all the damage they were taking, it was only a matter of time before one of them gave out. Indominus clamped down underneath Soarin's neck and threw him across the ground before taunting the Wonderbolt.

"So Soarin, are you going to fight me, or just spout useless talk?" The hybrid began charging up energy in his mouth for another powerful blast, but before Indominus could strike, the tables suddenly turned on him.

Indominus felt terrible pain coursing through him like every nerve in his body was being struck by lightning bolts and torched by fire all at once. It caused the blast in his mouth to dissipate and the hybrid nearly collapsed before bracing himself on all fours.

"See what you get for not letting me have control of your body," the Devil taunted within his head. "Now you're reaching your limit and will die in this fight, unless you let the rage push you beyond the pain." Indominus was realizing what the demon in his heart was talking about: he had used the Immortal Phoenix too much and was now facing the consequences of his actions.

By taking so much damage over the course of the battle and using the Immortal Phoenix too many times just to match Soarin, Indominus had put too much strain on his body. Now he was losing strength, growing weaker with every moment and losing control in the fight. Unable to find the strength to defend himself, Indominus was at the mercy of Soarin as the scaly Wonderbolt seized his chance and assaulted the weakened hybrid. But unlike Indominus, Soarin wasn't showing any signs of fatigue or his body taking more damage than he could handle while he was attacking the dinosaur. Unfortunately, this turn of events had a negative impact on more than just Indominus: Rainbow Dash was about to have the tables turn on her as well.

Rainbow and Spitfire had just separated after nailing punches across each other's faces, but she suddenly saw her body shrinking and starting to change back to normal. Everypony was baffled by how Rainbow was losing her power when she hadn't taken nearly enough damage for it to happen. Once Scootaloo caught sight of the change and saw how Indominus was unable to defend himself, she remembered something very important Indominus had said at the Grand Galloping Gala.

"This power isn't going to wear off like it did before, is it Indominus?"

"Not this time Rainbow, back then the power was only temporary. This time it is a part of us now. So as long as we are alive, that power will always be with you."

That word kept repeating itself over and over in Scootaloo's mind until she made the horrible connection. Rainbow's power was tied to Indominus's very life force, and with how much damage he was taking from Soarin and the Immortal Phoenix, his life was slipping away. If Indominus was killed, then Rainbow would never be able to transform again. To make matters worse, Twilight's growth spell was starting to wear off too, meaning that she and the others couldn't continue their fights. The newly recruited Wonderbolts abandoned their battles with the Mane Five, deciding that the ponies weren't a threat if they couldn't fight back. They joined up with Spitfire who had just slammed Rainbow Dash into the dirt with her power faltering too much.

"Looks like you can't fight without that monster's help after all, Crash."

"If we do kill him, then there will truly be nothing you can do against us," said one of the new Wonderbolts.

"Alright Wonderbolts, two of you will keep Crash in check so she can't save her pitiful husband's life. One will help Fleetfoot in stopping that kid from getting in the way too. The last of you will help me immobilize that behemoth so Soarin can kill him and end this battle."

Two of the replacement Wonderbolts zoomed towards the ground and held Rainbow Dash down while her body was unable to maintain the guardian state. Another joined Fleetfoot's fight against Scootaloo and the filly found herself ganged up on and was overwhelmed by the double teaming. Both Wonderbolts pinned her to the ground as well and Scootaloo was trying desperately to get free and save her father. Seeing as the Mane Five couldn't stay big with Twilight not having enough magic and the other dinosaurs were being kept preoccupied by their fights, nopony was able to help save Indominus from the beating he was about to endure. They could only watch as Spitfire and the second Wonderbolt flew over and restrained Indominus after Soarin had punched him away.

With his heavily damaged body so drained of strength and energy, Indominus couldn't maintain the Immortal Phoenix and the flames parted away from him. Spitfire and the replacement Wonderbolt held him by the arms and pulled his head back to see Soarin advancing towards him.

"At last I'm going to have my vengeance against you monster. You had us groveling in the dirt last time, so how's it feel to have the balance of power be taken away from you? NOW PAY!!"

Only Applejack, Rarity and Twilight had the heart and will to keep watching as Soarin began punching Indominus across the face repeatedly. The others had to look away and cover their ears as the sight was just too gruesome to witness. It angered everypony to see Indominus being ganged up on and beaten so savagely, when the only reason he was fighting was to protect his family.

"I can't take this," Twilight said angrily. She struggled to gather more magic in her horn and managed to summon enough to make herself big enough to lend a helping hoof. "Boys, Rainbow, Scootaloo! We're saving Indominus, so get ready to charge Soarin," Twilight called out as she started flying towards the detained fighters.

The alicorn unleashed a volley of magic blasts at each Wonderbolt that was either fighting the dinosaurs or detaining Rainbow and Scootaloo. The Wonderbolts were caught off guard and knocked away by each blast, allowing the dinosaurs to help their brother. Scootaloo furiously took off ahead of them having a serious bone to pick with Soarin while Twilight tried to convince Rainbow to get back in the fight.

"I can't help him this time, Twilight. Remember he said as long as he's alive, the power will be part of me. But with how badly he's getting beaten, I can't even keep the form going long enough."

"Is that how you're going to repay the dinosaur who's literally giving his life to save yours? Then I guess you'll be fine with Soarin killing him right in front of you." Rainbow looked up at Twilight with fire in her eyes. The alicorn could see that getting Rainbow angry was helping her get back to her giant size and maintaining the guardian state. Twilight was trying to get Rainbow angry enough to hold the guardian state long enough to save Indominus, but the method was rather extreme.

"What did you say?"

"That you're fine with letting Soarin kill your husband. If you don't think you can save him, then you're basically letting him die." Twilight realized she might've pushed too hard because Rainbow had gotten her size back and was glaring with the anger of a demon.

"I am not giving up on Indominus, I will not let anything take him away from me, and Soarin will be dead before he kills my husband. You listen to me Princess, nopony is going to take my Indominus away from me. NOPONY!!" Rainbow transformed out of sheer anger and exploded off the ground towards Spitfire and Soarin.

"Note to self: never tell Rainbow she doesn't care about Indominus again. Because she might put me in the hospital for a week or two," Twilight said before going after her friend.

Indominus was completely helpless and could only endure Soarin's relentless assault as the beating continued. The Wonderbolt was still not letting up and blood was spilling out of Indominus's mouth. Spitfire was reveling in seeing the beast that had killed her teammates suffering for his actions. But the beating was about to be cut short as Indominus's salvation arrived to save his life.

"GET AWAY FROM OUR BROTHER YOU MONSTER!!" Soarin was interrupted as the four raptors rammed him at incredible speed, sending him away from Indominus.

Spitfire and the replacement Wonderbolt were about to react when they were halted by a magic field that was surrounding and immobilizing them. Neither pegasi could move and were at the mercy of two angry souls as Rainbow and Scootaloo drove down a double hoof pile driver blow to their heads. They were instantly knocked out cold from the blows and released their hold on Indominus who collapsed from all the punishment he had endured. The sisters grabbed the Wonderbolts and threw them in the direction of where Twilight had blasted the rest of their teammates. That just left one Wonderbolt to deal with: Soarin, and he was about to be assaulted.

Soarin had gotten up after the raptors had rammed him and was about to attack them when he was blindsided by a powerful blast from the side. Tyrannosaurus had taken advantage of the moment and ambushed Soarin as payback for his brother. The blast sent Soarin skidding towards his teammates who were getting back up from the sneak attacks Twilight, Rainbow and Scootaloo had used on them. Unfortunately, they were about to be out cold again as the ponies and dinosaurs gathered together and fired one united blast in their direction. None of the Wonderbolts had any time to react and were thrown far away by the force of the united attack.

"That was for my family, Wondernothings!" Rainbow turned her attention back to Indominus now that the Wonderbolts were out of commission for a while.

Everypony gathered by the fallen hybrid dinosaur to see if he was still breathing. Indominus had hundreds of claw marks across his face and his body looked like it had been through a dinosaur sized meat slicer. Scootaloo and Tyrannosaurus tried nudging and shaking Indominus to wake him, but the hybrid didn't respond. The Mane Six were beginning to fear the worst when Indominus didn't even show any signs of stirring.

"No Indominus, you can't leave us like this," Rainbow said while trying to wake Indominus. She was becoming more panicked with each passing moment, she didn't want to believe that her husband could be killed.

"Please dad, I can't lose you again. Me and Rainbow Dash need you," Scootaloo said desperately. "Our family isn't complete without you, and I can't imagine my life without you in it. You've been more of a father to me than my former parents ever were, and there's no way that you could lose to the Wonderbolts of all things."

"Girls, look." Everypony tried to see what Blue had pointed out, and they gasped in relief.

Indominus's eyes were straining and slowly fluttering open. As he began to open his eyes, Rainbow and Scootaloo were delighted and thankful that he had managed to pull through.

"That's it, dad. You're alright."

"He's awake, Scootaloo. He managed to hang in there."

The hybrid dinosaur slowly turned his head and tried to make out who was standing beside him.

"Scootaloo? Rainbow Dash?" The hybrid strained to open his eyes, and was glad to see that the ponies he loved were standing before him.

All of the dinosaurs, Rainbow and Scootaloo helped Indominus back onto his feet and put his arms around them so he wouldn't collapse again. His face stung badly from being punched and slashed so many times. Rainbow and Scootaloo nuzzled him to try and take away some of the pain. Indominus caught sight of the Mane Five and the other CMCs smiling and glad to see that he was still alive.

"Thank Celestia you're still alive Indominus," said Twilight.

"What happened to Soarin and the rest of the Wonderbolts?"

"Your family sent them away Indominus," said Fluttershy.

"Though we're not sure how long it'll be before they come back," said Applejack.

The hybrid looked behind him and spotted where the Wonderbolts had ended up. Indominus seemed to be pondering the situation as he became silent, then surprised everypony by letting go of T-Rex and Blue and stood to his full height. He seemed so honorable and strong standing on his own despite all the pain, suffering and ruthless attacks he had taken from the Wonderbolts. What Indominus said next shocked everypony and scared his family.

"I think it's best if all of you get far away from here. I will finish the Wonderbolts by myself."


"Indominus you can't be serious," said Fluttershy.

"There's no way we're going to leave you to fight those awful Wonderbolts by yourself," said Pinkie Pie.

"Girls, I don't want to hurt any of you. Right now the Devil is awake and throughout this whole fight he's been trying to take control of me. I've been able to shut him out and stop him from controlling me again with my will alone, but I can't risk him hurting any of you. That's why I have to do this alone, besides with the power Soarin has, he's too dangerous for all of you."

"But, you'll come out of this fight alive, won't you dad?"

The hybrid dinosaur looked at Scootaloo with a very solemn expression. He didn't say a single word and the look was enough for Scootaloo and Rainbow to understand what Indominus was saying. The Mane Five caught on as well and Indominus bent down as they came running over to hug his face. All of them were deeply sad at what Indominus was going to do.

"No, you can't leave us Indominus, not like this," said Fluttershy.

"But darling, we won't be able to bring you back this time. If you do this you'll be gone for good," Rarity added.

"I'm sorry Rarity, but this is the only way to stop Soarin."

"We've always loved having you around Indominus. I'll always think about you everyday," said Pinkie.

"Thank you Pinkie, I'll miss your apple fritters."

"You are such an honorable soul for doing this, Indominus. Your sacrifice will live on in Equestria's history," said Twilight.

Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were crying their eyes out as they nuzzled they hybrid's head.

"You've been such a good friend to us, and you helped take care of Scootaloo," said Applebloom.

"Our lives won't be the same without you," Sweetie Belle added.

"I'm sorry for having to do this girls, but there isn't another way. Promise me you'll be there for Scootaloo."

"We will Indominus," both Crusaders said together.

The others gave Indominus room so he could give his goodbyes to his family, and it was a heartwrenching sight. Tyrannosaurus and the raptors were all nuzzling him like they had met him for the first time. They had been together for so long and none of them could imagine having one of their own being taken away. After what seemed like an hour, the dinosaurs moved aside so Indominus could spend time with the ponies he loved the most.

Scootaloo approached Indominus first, tears streaming down her face as the thought of losing Indominus for good was too much to take. Indominus embraced her in a deep hug as she buried her face in his shoulder and cried. The hybrid dinosaur held his adopted daughter in a comforting embrace and gently stroked her back as he spoke softly to her.

"Hey c'mon Scootaloo, you need to be strong."

"I-I know, but....I love you too much daddy." Indominus turned his head and gently nuzzled Scootaloo in his embrace.

"I love you too Scootaloo, that's why I need to do this. It's to keep you and everypony else safe."

Indominus looked up to see Rainbow Dash heading for him with tears rolling down her face as well. Before he could even utter a single word, Rainbow put a hoof to his mouth.

"Don't speak, just kiss me." The hybrid nodded his head once and locked lips with his wife.

For what seemed like an eternity, the three of them stood there in each other's loving embraces. Indominus held Scootaloo close and continued to gently stroke her back while kissing Rainbow with so much emotion that he finally started shedding tears of his own. They were the first two ponies to ever show Indominus any love or affection for the first time in his life, and he was holding them for what would be the last time. Everypony else bowed their heads in respect for the sacrifice that awaited Indominus. When they finally parted lips, both lovers nuzzled each other and gave brave last words.

"I'll be forever grateful for getting the chance to fall in love with you. No matter what anypony says, you'll always be Rainbow Dash to me."

"Indominus, I'll always love you. No matter what happens, you'll always be in my heart."

Indominus released his hug on Scootaloo so he could give her some much needed encouragement. He wiped away the tears from his eyes gazed at his girls one more time.

"I'll never meet any other creatures like you two. You've been the kindest ponies I've ever met, and Scootaloo....there's something you need to know." Indominus leaned in so that only Rainbow Dash could hear what he was about to say. "You've made me proud, my daughter."

Scootaloo instantly nuzzled Indominus's face as fresh tears came down her face. For the first time in her life, she'd had one of her saviors and her idol tell her that they were proud of her. She'd never received such praise in all her life, and now her new mother and father had both said it. Indominus licked the tears away from her face as he stood back up. He could hear Soarin beginning to stir in the distance and knew that the time was close.

"Now girls, it's time for you to go. Promise me you'll be strong and look out for each other."

"I will Indominus."

"I promise too, dad."

Both pegasi gave Indominus one last kiss on the cheek before they turned away and regrouped with the others.

The Mane Six and CMC began climbing onto the dinosaurs' backs as T-Rex and the raptor squad started to put distance between themselves and Indominus before he made his sacrifice. Twilight was about to take off after them when she saw that Applejack hadn't followed them. She was still standing in front of the brave hybrid dinosaur like she had something to tell him.

"Applejack come on. We have to get away from here."

"If ya don't mind Twilight, Ah'd like to have a word with Indominus, for one last time." Twilight saw the sad look in Applejack's eyes and agreed.

She had enough magic to give Applejack the growing spell so that she was near Indominus's size and could have her moment with him. The hybrid dinosaur and farm pony stared at each other with sorrowful expressions, since Applejack had been Indominus's emotional support before he married Rainbow, she had a special place in his heart. The others took off while Charlie and Twilight stayed behind waiting for Applejack.

"You'll die, ya know that." Indominus only gave a single nod as he continued to glance between Applejack and where the Wonderbolts were recovering. Then he asked her one last honorable and touching question.

"There's one thing I'd like to know Applejack. Tell me, was it wrong of me to defend Rainbow by going after the Wonderbolts? Did I do the right thing in choosing to protect her by attacking them?" Applejack stared solemnly into Indominus's eyes as she gave her answer.

"Ah'm not going to lie to ya Indominus, although the answer might be difficult for you to understand. This is the honest truth." Indominus gave Applejack his full attention as she spoke. "Since you and Tyrannosaurus came to Equestria, the two of you have spent your time caring for Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. You boys put your lives on the line for all of us too, and helped save Equestria. Because of your selflessness, when Equestria found out about you two and your raptor sisters, the ponies praised you and welcomed you as our saviors. You in particular Indominus, have gone out of your way to give Rainbow Dash the love she never had and remained loyal to her. In my eyes, even if you were attacking the Wonderbolts, you only did what you thought was right. You were only looking out for Rainbow Dash and wanted to keep her safe, you were never wrong because your heart was always in the right place."

Indominus smiled warmly as he and Applejack held each other in one last hug.

"Thank you Applejack, I needed to hear that. I'm glad that I got to have you as a really good friend through all of this."

"Me too, Indominus," Applejack said as tears started streaming down her face. Indominus caught sight of the Wonderbolts getting up and making their way towards him. The time was approaching and his moment was getting close.

"Now you need to go AJ. Get out of here, and.....promise to help Rainbow get through this."

"Ah will Indominus, Ah promise Ah will." Applejack let go of Indominus and gave him a light peck on the cheek before running after the others.

Twilight took away the spell and Applejack climbed onto Charlie's back. The raptor and alicorn made a beeline for the sky, and that left Indominus by himself against all of the Wonderbolts. With his family and friends putting more distance between themselves and the battlefield, Indominus could carry out his last act of bravery. There were few creatures that had the courage for the sacrifice Indominus was about to make. The hybrid dinosaur stood alone against the army of Wonderbolts and Soarin's mutated state.

"So, you'd rather have your family run off than witness your demise," Soarin said smugly at the lone, battered and wounded hybrid, who was standing alone against overwhelming odds.

"It's a shame that your life has to end like this," said Fleetfoot.

"I'm sorry that Crash had to put your life on the line just to prove she was right," said Spitfire.

"You're wrong Shitfire. She never asked me to do this, I'm doing this of my own free will."

"So the monster actually has a conscious of his own huh? Well no matter, after I've torn your body to pieces, we'll be going after Rainbow Crash and the rest of your pitiful family."

"WRONG SOARIN!!! YOU'RE NOT GOING ANYWHERE NEAR MY FAMILY!!" The Wonderbolts were slightly alarmed by the rise in Indominus's tone. "Your fight is with me and me alone, my friends and family are no longer your concern. Got it? You self-absorbed delusional rats!

Even when he was weakened and drained of strength, Indominus could still deliver some serious trash talk. It still managed to get underneath Soarin's skin and tug at his frustration.

"I've had enough of your smack, behemoth. Wonderbolts, ATTACK!!"

The Wonderbolts all charged towards Indominus with Soarin summoning forth his black flames again. Despite the danger of using the form again, Indominus ignored his own pain and became the Immortal Phoenix for the last time. He charged towards the Wonderbolts and attacked them all by himself. Each of them were getting burned and thrashed by the hybrid's incredible vaunted strength and the gold fire. Soarin was the only one that couldn't be harmed so easily, but was still feeling every last attack that Indominus was managing to land.

As he punched Fleetfoot aside, Indominus could feel his body screaming in pain from the effort he was making. He had to end the fight in one attack that would be strong enough to take out all of the Wonderbolts at the same time. The hybrid saw a moment of opportunity amidst the flurry of punching hooves when Soarin was rearing his fist back for another strike. Indominus met the Wonderbolt's punch with his own and the resulting collision forced them both back a good distance. The hybrid saw that this was going to be his last chance to end the fight and he had to make it count.

The Wonderbolts and Soarin zoomed towards Indominus again, with the Wonderbolt gathering more green power in his jaws. Indominus sped right towards Soarin in the midst of the brawl with pain eating away at his body from using the Immortal Phoenix. Despite all the pain he was enduring, Indominus was gathering massive amounts of energy in his mouth to use in one final attack.

"This is where you take your last breath monster. I'll finally be able to take you down once and for all." Indominus merely laughed at Soarin.

"You are a complete fool Soarin. I'm going to crush you, and throw your body into the wind."

As the distance between them became closer, one final thought ran through Indominus's mind.

"Scootaloo, Tyrannosaurus, I'm doing this for you, and especially for you....Rainbow Dash. I'll always be grateful for the love and kindness all of you have shown me. I hope that this last act will be enough to show my devotion to you and the friends I've made. Goodbye my family."

"FOOL!! YOU'VE DOOMED YOURSELF," the Devil yelled out as Indominus opened his maw.


Both Soarin and Indominus released full force blasts at each other at point blank range with everything they could summon. Both attacks collided and began changing into a growing dome of energy and fire. The sheer golden fire from the blast overwhelmed Soarin and the Wonderbolts as they were engulfed by the energy and their screams were drowned out. In order to make sure the Wonderbolts couldn't escape his final attack, Indominus had unleashed the attack so close that he had no choice but to be taken by it as well. The hybrid's roar echoed across the battlefield as he gave all the energy he had left and was swallowed up by his own blast.

From far off in the distance, the ponies could see the giant, glowing and growing dome of fire. Rainbow felt her heart tearing apart from hearing Indominus's roar from so far away. Knowing that he was giving himself up in one last attempt to beat the Wonderbolts and that he wouldn't be walking away from it was too much. From T-Rex's back, Scootaloo and Rainbow held each other in a sad embrace as they watched their hybrid's sacrifice unfold. As Indominus's final roar continued to echo across the landscape and the giant dome of power continued to grow, the Mane Six, CMC and dinosaurs gave a heartfelt farewell to the brave guardian.

Applejack: And so, one of Equestria's greatest warriors has vanished in a blinding flash of light.

Twilight: Having made the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of his loved ones.

Pinkie Pie: He had the kindest heart any of us had ever seen.

Rarity: A soul that always put others before himself.

Fluttershy: He cared for his family and friends like a true protector.

Rainbow Dash: The only one that ever really loved me, and won my heart.

Sweetie Belle: A true friend.

Applebloom: A wonderful companion.

Scootaloo: A real father.

T-Rex/Raptors: Our only brother.

Dinosaurs/Mane Six/CMC: His name was Indominus, a proud and honorable hybrid dinosaur.