The Prince of Storms

by Sweetmiss2121

Chapter 19: Queen Molestia Final part: The wild Ride to Victory

The prince of storms Ch.19: Queen Molestia Arc Final Chapter: The wild ride to victory

Konoha – Hokage Tower – Council room -

Tsunade had just finished assembling a veritable ‘War Council’ formed by the various Clan-Heads of Konoha and the elders/retired counselors of Minato’s (short-lived) tenure as Hokage and even Hiruzen’s own office in the now-kinda-over-filled room, even if it WAS the second biggest room in the Tower.

(The biggest of all was the Hokage’s personal bathroom...Tobirama apparently couldn’t ‘function’ without his personal sauna close-by.)

“I must say, not even when we where facing Obito and the Akatsuki ALL OF US have been called in a single place.” Hiashi admitted surprised.

“Most surprising.” an Elder answered nodding.

“I can give you a one-word answer as to why I am moving the best resources Konoha has to offer.” Kakashi said simply as he sat at his personal desk facing the assemble.

And why Suna is doing the same.” a projection of Gaara said from a corner of the room.

Same here.” the projection of Ay the Raikage added from the opposite side.

And same going for Spring.” Princess Koyuki said looking especially giddy about the thing.

“I knew borrowing the Akatsuki’s communication jutsu would have been a good idea.” Unoichi Yamanaka, Inoichi’s cousin taking momentarily the position of Clan-Head until Ino was ready for it, said in pride.

“Yep!” Chouza conceded nodding.

“And what is this one-word answer?” Tsume Inuzuka asked huffing with Hana sitting next to her (already training for the position) and with both women looking annoyed.

“Naruto.” the Hokage answered simply.

“Oh, okay then. Makes sense.” the Inuzuka Matriarch answered satisfied with several approving grunt from the others around her and more muffled-ones from ‘behind’ the projections of the other Kages.

Really...That MUST be a Bloodline Ability about making friends...Or his Pony Blood acting-up even as a human...I can’t give it any other explanation.” Kakashi couldn’t stop himself from thinking in awe at the acceptance of that as a good reason for all they were doing.

“Since you all are accepting this then...Surprisingly…I guess we will also need to give you others the full disclosure as to why our blond friend is on a diplomatic Mission in a foreign country..Kakashi said chuckling at the wild muttering the others were going through with their speculations.

It was in that moment that a gentle knocking at the door stopped them dead.

“Can I?” Tsunade asked as she joined in the room.

“You want to make the official reveal? Be my guest!” Kakashi answered clearly looking amused.

“Come on, come in. They won’t bite.” Tsunade said motioning to Naruto to enter.

“H-Hello!” the young man said looking extremely sheepish, thing that immediately sent the people not ‘in the know’ on edge.

Hi there!” Ay said immediately with a shy smile, still looking sorry for his first outburst at seeing the blond’s pony appearances.


“HI NARUTO-KUN!” Koyuki said with a thousand-gigawatt smile.

“Huhuhu! Koyuki-chan, have you had good dreams lately?” the young man asked with a gentle smile.

Thanks to you? LOTS!” she answered nodding happily.

“Glad to hear that.”

“Can we return to the matter at hand? There must be a real emergency if you, of all people, needed help.” Hiashi asked curious.

“The land where he has moved in is...kinda different from the usual, and for a good reason we didn’t share exactly HOW MUCH DIFFERENT it is. Until now.” Tsunade said sheepishly.

“Okay?” Shikaku Nara said unsure.

“What can possibly be so different to warrant secrecy, Hokage-sama?” Shibi Aburame asked with his usual monotone.

“Weeeeell...Who of you here is REEEEEALLY good at forcefully dispelling Henges?” Kakashi asked lamely making both Naruto and Tsunade blush.

“Me excluded, since we are technically family I cannot be considered. For neutrality’s sake.” Tsunade said.

“Dispelling Henges...” Koharu muttered unsure.

“Curious request.” another Elder muttered in agreement.

“...My bugs.” Shibi offered after he and Shikaku exchanged a moment of silent communication looking in each-others eyes.

“Use them on Naruto, please.” Kakashi asked.


“He won’t act against them this time, trust me.” the man answered encouragingly.

Sigh! “As you wish...” the Clan Head answered as from under his coat thousands of small bugs flew towards the blond man covering his chest.

“Huhuhu! It tickles!” he admitted chuckling before his body seemed to ‘weaver’ like water as the Henge got disrupted until it dissolved without even the customary cloud of smoke…

...Leaving behind ‘Wind Alicorn Prince’ Maelstrom Knight for them to see.



“...Clink!” in the astounded silence that followed nobody noticed how Shibi’s sunglasses dropped so much from the shock to fall on his desk.

“Proudly presenting you, Prince Maelstrom Knight. Heir to the throne of night of Canterlot and actually son of Princess Luna before Minato-sensei was gently asked to hide him here with us until his real mother could be snapped-out from her moment of madness.” the Hokage said with a dull voice.


No, it’s not a Prank. No, I am not joking. Yes he is a winged unicorn called ‘Alicorn’. Yes, you can drink as I personally left a bottle of almost-lethal scotch under your seats. Yes, we are here to help saving a nation of pastel-colored ponies from tyranny...And Yes, you can pet him, but gently as he is still not used to it.” Kakashi said simply as he took one of said bottles from under his seat to take a big mouthful and downing it as a way to give the others permission (and because he needed it after the Equestria group finished briefing him about Molestia before the meeting even started).

“H-Hi!” still looking pretty flushed Maelstrom gave a shy wave with a hoof while every human on the other side as one gave the offered bottles a look and then taking a generous shot from them.

“...Holy shit.” Hiashi himself admitted shocked, now finally getting the reason why Hanabi had out of the blue started insisting in becoming a foreign diplomat.

“I guess you had never seen an Alicorn then.” Luna said amused as she too entered the room causing a new round of drinking from the humans present.

“No! That was lacking from my album of memories!” Shikaku answered with wide eyes.

“Do not squeal, Hana! Do not!” Tsume hissed to her daughter.

“I-I-I can’t hold it b-b-back!” the young woman answered visibly struggling as her voice was strained.

Trying to defuse the situation, the young stallion flashed a mischievous smile many in the room recognized and flew towards the two Inuzuka women in a theatrical fluttering of his wings to gently nuzzle both and then sit on his haunches on their shared desk to look at them with his large sapphire eyes.

“That’s Cheatin-Gyyyaaaaaah!” Hana couldn’t even finish her answer as she dove for a hug burying her face in his mane.

“Do you like?” Maelstrom asked amused as he circled her with his wings.

“Uh-hu!” she answered with closed eyes.

MANY chuckled at watching Tsume try and fail to look stern while biting her lips in envy, same going for Ay doing the same while sweating bullets.

Unfair, I want a hug too...” Koyuki said whining.

“Huhuhu! As you can see, human or pony, our Naruto is still the same.” Kakashi said chuckling amused.

“The problem is that he, his friends and the whole land they live in is facing a great danger, and WE are the only ones that can help.” Tsunade explained.

“So he is not a diplomat of Konoha to...” Hiashi said in realization.

“Equestria,” Luna said.

“To Equestria, but the other way around. I see.” the Hyuga Clan Head said nodding.

“What menace is it?” Hana asked immediately, actually whining a little when Maelstrom returned to stand next to his mother.

In answer Luna’s horn lighted-up to summon a translucent copy of Celestia’s Corrupted form.

“My sister: Celestia, ruler of Equestria during the day while I rule over it during the night. For a thousand years we have guided Equestria as firm, yet gentle, rulers...But what you see here is my sister’s Corrupted Form, a mockery of her fair appearances.”

“Their are exceptionally Pure, so when they fall victim of something VERY...Well, Wrong, they change in attitude, powers and personality. They are literally Corrupted by said evil influence.” Tsunade explained sighing.

“I am technically immune, so to say, to it as my training in the Ninja Arts and the battles I had growing-up here made me ‘desensitized’ to it. In fact, I had to be forced into corruption to briefly fall to it.” Maelstrom explained.

But you are okay now?” Gaara asked worried.

“He is. Luckily as he said, he is not too ‘pure’ to fall victim to Corruption. And I am actually happy for it.” Luna said smiling proud of her son.

“The fact remains that as I fell victim to Corruption because of my Sorrow and Anger and now my sister too has just succumbed to it...” she also added.

“How deep must Sorrow be to literally corrupt somebody physically?” Chouza said sadly.

“Sorrow is soul-crushing, very few can face it and come out unscathed.” Shibi answered nodding sagely.

“Actually...” Maelstrom said blushing.

“Is not exactly Sorrow that Corrupted Celestia...” Luna added as she too, along Kakashi and Tsunade, had their face turn bright red.

“Eh?” was the unanimous question of the others, Projections included.

“...Apparently Celestia-san had to work hard for a thousand years to cover for Luna-san’s absence, a tiresome and stressful millennium of work without stop or vacations...And without romantic company...” Tsunade said.


“Lust...My Sister got Corrupted by her pent-up Lust of a millennium without male company at night...She has renamed herself Molestia, Queen of Lust...And I would like to beg you to help us because unless we find a counter to her power to defeat her...Everypony who directly faces her will be overwhelmed by Lust and turn into a mating maniac...And I fear she may actually force herself on my son, her nephew, in her haste to FINALLY have stallion satisfy her.” the Moon Alicorn answered in what was clearly the HARDEST answer she had ever given to somebody.


“This is gonna be a looooong meeting.” Kakashi muttered groaning.

The next day – Konoha Hospital -

Inside the big construction a single room, the most isolated, had been literally ‘cut-off’ from the rest of the hospital under Tsunade’s direct order with ANBU patrolling the corridors so that nobody could even just get close to the room the blond woman and Sakura had used to house the Element Bearers that had fallen victim of Celestia’s pink sun once Ino Yamanaka had FINALLY snapped them out of their hypnosis-like brainwash after eight long hours of mind-walking.

“How are you?” Twilight asked worried.

“Still a bit dizzy, Twilight.” Fluttershy answered from her bed.

“You sure nopony tried...something...While you were like that?” Dash asked in dread.

“Nope! I remember looking for Meally...I think...It is AAAAALLLL fuzzy!” Pinkie answered with a reassuring smile.

“Miss Sakura checked, nopony touched them.” Rarity confirmed.

“Hu-uh...” the purple Unicorn said nailing the dress-maker with a cold glare.

“I-I-I know you are angry because me and Spike didn’t tell you about us! B-B-But I am serious about Spike! And-and-and He is serious about me!” Rarity hurried-up to say.

“Mistress.” Twilight muttered with narrowed eyes as she walked closer making her friend answer by walking backwards until she had her back pressed against the wall.

“I-I-IT WAS THE PINK SUN! Y-YES IT WAS!” Rarity tried saying in panic.

“From what I saw, the modified sunlight only brings out Lust, it doesn’t ‘Suggest’ fetishes...” the other answered as she loomed over the white unicorn.

“T-T-Twi! I-I-I can explain!” Rarity begged.

“Mistress...And I guess Spike it’s your pet...A TOY!?”

“TWI! STOP!” it was in that moment that Spike entered the room with few drinks to see both mares arguing.

“Really, Twi. Getting angry won’t help things along.” Dash added as she walked to stand between the two.

“Ah can understand why ya’re angry, but blastin’ Rarity through tha wall won’t fix a darn thing.” AJ replied as she too moved to shield Rarity.

“Have you at least considered if Spike REALLY likes that sort of stuff?! Have you asked him?!” Twilight roared in anger.

“He does!”

“...Not exactly...” The small dragon admitted with a low voice.

“RARITY!” the purple mare bellowed furious.

“L-LET ME EXPLAIN!” Spike said immediately as he walked to stand next to the dress-maker.

“...You really don’t like it?” Rarity asked with a hurt expression.

“Well, some of it feels nice...But you tend to go overboard...And some of the insult hurt more know...’set the mood’...” he admitted.

“I-I can tone it down then, but why you didn’t tell me sooner?” she offered as she nuzzled him.

“Thank you. But you liked it, so I kinda ‘muscled-through’ everything so to make you happy.” he admitted with a low voice.

“Silly little thing, it is supposed to make both feel good, not only one of us.” she answered kissing his forehead and giggling at his blushing.


“And...Nopony said we cannot ‘switch roles’ from time to time...” she added shyly.

“Oh! I-I-If you want.” he muttered in surprise.

“I do.”

“...Glad to see you fixed this.” Twilight said bitterly as she walked away.

“Twi, I-”

“You do whatever you want, as always. Do it all you want, I don’t care.” she answered without looking at him.

To her surprise both hugged her tightly and refused to let go.

“Get-off!” she growled.

“Twi, please!” Spike begged.

“Please what?!”

“Please accept it.” Rarity answered.

“You don’t need my permission! You don’t need me knowing! You don’t need me!” the mare said with wet eyes.


“That’s a low blow...” Twilight said sniffling.

“Why you didn’t tell me? If Princess Celestia wasn’t Corrupted you would have still hold everything secret, it hurts! I thought you trusted me!”

“It’s not something easy to fit in every-day-talk, Twilight. ‘Good evening! See what a beautiful day this is? Ah, by the way, me and your assistant like to play Mistress and Pet when intimate.’...You really think that I would have been able to say THAT?” Rarity answered.

“But you-”

“She is not forcing me, we have not done anything yet either, we are just ‘experimenting’” Spike added.

Sigh! “If she breaks your heart I want to be free to blast her all I want until I am satisfied.” Twilight answered sighing.

“I doubt even Discord would stop you in that case, but yes, you will be free to do it.” Rarity said with a small smile.

“Even if that will never happen in the first place.” Spike added.


“ win.” Twilight finally conceded with a defeated tone.

“Thank you, Twilight! I swear-” WHAM!

“TWILIGHT?!” Spike yelled with wide eyes as he saw Rarity fail to finish her sentence because the purple Unicorn blasted her against the wall.

“THIS was just a TINY preview of what I will do to you IF you make my baby boy suffer.” Twilight said with an overly-gentle smile that made the other mares plus dragon gulp in dread.

“Duly...Noted...” Rarity answered with a groan from the hole in the wall she was in.

“How cute. Friendship truly is great.” A new voice said bitterly from the door.

“Who’s...Oh!...It’s you.” Dash said growling as she recognized the young woman.

“The displeasure is mutual.” the human answered.

“Who’s she?” AJ asked confused.

“Hinata Hyuga, nice to meet you...although, the ‘Nice’ in it is there just for good manner’s sake.” the young woman said marching inside to sit on the only empty bed in the opposite side of the room so to watch the whole group of mares.

“So you have met her already, Dash?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yep! Last time I came here. She is still not happy about us.” the Rainbow-maned mare answered smirking.

“You stole away the man I love, you cannot pretend me to be happy.” Hinata answered growling.

“It is not stealing, my sister simply returned my son to me.” Luna answered as she too entered the room.

“THIS DOESN’T MEAN THAT YOU CAN KIDNAP-UUUHMPF!” Hinata’s screaming went cut short when the Moon Alicorn’s horn lighted-up to force her mouth closed.

“It was NOT Ponynapping. But merely a recovery mission, to use a term you know. NOW we will resolve this issue you still have with our world and THEN I will accompany the girls to a new meeting with this Village’s Clan Heads where we have finally found a way to resolve the Corruption of my sister after twenty hours of no-stop brainstorming! Your tantrums will either stop or be put on hold, young lady!” Luna roared making the Hyuga girl shrink under her glare.



Taking a deep breath the Moon Princess stood in the middle of the room to look at the present girls with narrowed eyes making them shy away slightly.

“You have five minutes to come to an understanding before we need to go back to their Tower, so sit down and TALK LIKE CIVILIZED PEOPLE AND PONIES!”

“Ya want us to fix this in five minutes?” AJ asked with a raised eyebrow.

“In a word? YES!” Luna yelled with all her fury blowing the earth pony back.


“It’s her fault! Everypony that knew him accepted his being a pony, but she still whines about it!” Dash said petulantly.

“I do not whine! I am just saying that you denied me a chance to be with my crush!” Hinata answered offended.

“Oh cry me a river, darling! That is the exact definition of whining.” Rarity answered huffing.

“Eeeyup! Even Bloom stopped whinin’ already and she is still a filly.” AJ added annoyed.

“But what would he even find in you?! You are a horse!”

“Ah’m hard-workin’ just like him.” AJ answered smirking.

“I am by default ‘20% cooler’ than anything in our universe, of course we will be a good match since he is the same for YOUR universe!” Dash added.

“We actually occupy the same Universe, Dash. We are just from two different planes of existence.” Twilight muttered.

“Maelly likes her brain.” Spike translated.

“I like parties and pranks so...” Pinkie offered shrugging.

“...Uuuuhn!” Shy simply looked down when the Hyuga girl looked at her.

The bitch stole my ‘shy girl’ gig.” the human girl thought in anger.

Groan! “Can the tired and still-sporting-an-headache Trixie sleep, please?” Trixie asked whining as she finally woke up.

“I am glad to see you are okay, my student.” Luna said elated.

“Thank you, teacher. But who is the screeching monkey?” the mare asked.

“I AM NOT A SCREECHING MONKEY!” Hinata screamed in answer giving start to a screaming contest between herself and the girls.

“Sweet Harmony give me strength...” Luna begged while looking at the sky.

She almost envied her son for being forced outside the Village for a quick Mission with his Team.

With Maelstrom – several hours later – road back towards Konoha -

The by-now ‘Legendary’, so to speak, Team 7 plus Jounin Rank Shinobi Yamato were tree-jumping in silence as they were returning from a very delicate Mission near Iwa.


“...What?” Maelstrom, henged to look like his old human self, asked annoyed as the silence kept going.

“...You dropped a mountain on the guy.” Sasuke finally said with a dead-pan tone.

“Yeah? So what?” the Alicorn Prince answered nonplussed.

“You DROPPED a whole freaking MOUNTAIN on top of our target and his men.” Yamato replied putting a lot of emphasis on the key details.

“I can’t see your point.” Maelstrom replied unsure.

“They think you overdid.” Sakura explained.

“...It was more like a small plateau more than a mountain...” he answered shyly.

“It was still several thousands tonnes of rock, Dobe.” Sasuke countered.

“But it worked!” the Prince answered whining.

“...Point taken.” the Uchiha young man conceded.

“Touche.” Yamato chorused.

“HOOOOY! HOOOOY!” a well-known voice said as another Team joined them.

“Oh! Temari-san! Good day!” Yamato said surprised as Gaara’s sister joined them soon followed by three kids.

“Do you have a Team now, Temari-chan?” Maelstrom asked amused.

“Yep! Kankurou was supposed to be their Sensei, but he has no patience with Genins so we switched jobs, now HE is Gaara’s secretary and I have a Team...Honestly, I got the better end of the deal, it’s way less stressful dealing with brats!” Temari answered laughing.

“Hey! That is not nice, sensei!” the only girl of the Genin trio answered pouting.

“We were going to stop to rest, it’s their first Mission outside Suna so I want them to start slow, mind keeping us company? Peace or not there is still plenty of bandits roaming around and I would hate to put my boys in danger so soon.” she begged with a wide smirk.

“...Oh! FINE! But only a couple of hours!” Yamato finally relented as EVERYBODY else in the group turned to look at him with narrowed eyes.

“Thank you!” Temari answered satisfied.

“And even should somebody be so stupid to attack, I am sure the Dobe here will be fast and drop a mountain on them as well.” Sasuke added casually.

“OH COME ON, TEME! This was the first time I did it!” Maelstrom growled annoyed.

“Tell that to those monks who saw their monastery be forcefully relocated of a few miles!” the other answered snorting.

“A Mountain?!” one of the boys asked disturbed.

“Naruto-kun is very ‘peculiar’, so to say...Right?” Temari answered latching to his arm to pet him.


“While we rest...Please be a dear and transform, I need cuddles.” she asked with a feral smile.

“That would be very irrespons-” Yamato tried saying before Sakura unceremoniously shoved him aside and down the tree he was standing on.

“If somebody will get cuddles, that will be me.” the pink-haired girl roared as she pried the blond away to hide him behind herself.

“I was the first to ask, pinkie.”


“...You do not look happy,” Sasuke said impressed.

“They are treating me like a teddy-bear, you would in my place?”


“Sick pervert. OKAY! THAT’S ENOUGH!” he answered removing his henge.

“NARUTO! NO!...Why nobody ever listen to me...” Yamato muttered depressed as the Genin trio gasped in shock at seeing the Alicorn appear in place of the human.

“WHAT THE FUCK?!” the two boys yelled with wide eyes.

“PONY!” the girl instead yelled with starry eyes of awe.

“If you two cannot share like friends, then neither of the two will get cuddles!” Maelstrom said opening his wings wide to fly up, take the Genin girl of Suna with himself and land on a near cloud on the notes of the girl’s giggles and happy squeals.

“So soft!” she said in wonder as she was moved down to lie on the cloud.

“What do you think? Cuddles?” the Prince asked aloud to be heard by Sakura and Temari.

“YES!” the girl answered happily as she hugged the Alicorn close so to be covered by his wings and falling rapidly asleep.

“Damn youuuu.” Sakura growled while glaring at Temari.

“You started this!”

“Why I didn’t accept him teleporting us to Konoha?” Yamato asked whining.

“Because he admitted to be still not fully a Master of that spell and you got scared of leaving pieces behind. Now suck it up, this situation is partially your fault as well for not accepting the suggestion.” Sasuke answered sighing as the two young women kept arguing.


The next day – Konoha – Hokage Tower - Hokage Office -

As soon as Team 7 registered their return and confirmed their small Mission ending in success (and the post-script about re-drawing few maps to show the new location of a certain mountain), the Alicorn Prince, his mother, Trixie and the bearers of the Elements of Harmony were called into the small office to talk with Kakashi.

“You managed to come-up with a plan, your Highness?” Twilight asked in surprise.

“We have several ideas, but nothing certain as neither I or them have a clear picture of how Celestia’s corrupting powers work in detail.” Luna answered sighing.

“I have run few tests on the blood samples I took from all the girls, to compare a ‘Lust-influenced mare’ no a ‘Healthy’ one.” Tsunade said uncertain.

“Luckily both Hana-san and Yoshino-san have enough knowledge about animals, with the former being a registered veterinarian, to theorize what was wrong...No offense.” Kakashi added.

“None taken, your MAIN BRANCH of medicine is for humans, so I understood the need of a different name for it.” Luna conceded with a reassuring tone.

“So? What are we gonna do?” Dash asked.

“Tinfoil hats! it’s gonna be tinfoil hats! Am I right?” Pinkie asked excited.

“To be honest we DID consider those too, but we discarded it immediately after.” Luna said.

“Aaaw!” the pink-maned mare moaned with a sad expression.

“We cannot tell where Magic stops and more physical changes starts, but we think this will be a nice start.” Tsunade said showing the group a series of small bottles filled with pills.

“What are those, Baa-chan?” Maelstrom asked confused.

“Hormone suppressants, it will stop the more mundane causes of the rise in lust (hormonal speaking), Hana and Tsume were most helpful in preparing those tailored to you species, two every eight hours and HOPEFULLY it should stop most of Celestia-san’s influence.” Tsunade explained.

“How long will they last?” Twilight asked.

“Take two every eight hours for maximum effect, but once finished helping Celestia-san you’ll have to spend the following week drinking lots of water to purify your body, come back here daily and we will check for side-effects too.” the busty blond answered.

“Then there are the bugs.” Kakashi said making Shibi Aburame enter the room.

“BUGS?!” Raroty yelled with wide eyes.

“It was difficult, but we managed to find the ideal counter to what we believe is the kind of pheromones Celestia-san can generate around herself.” Shibi answered.

“The pink mist...” Trixie muttered shivering, giving a thankful smile to Maelstrom as he moved to cover her back with a wing.

“Some of it was still on your fur, Trixie-san, unless it always changes we should be able to ‘overpower’ it with the ones produced by the Aburame Clan bugs they will lend to you.”

“What we will use is a sub-species of queen bee, her pheromones can either entice the males into copulation in case of lack of enough willing males or calm them down if there are too many; She regulates it based on the amount of sexual pheromones she can feel in the air and counter it by mass-producing a calming agent if the concentration is too high.” Shibi explained as from under his coat eight of said bee flew out of his coat to gently crawl inside the ponies nose.

All for their discomfort of course.

“We tested it and saw that in the right quantities of Celestia’s Mist the Chinsei Pheromone production is triggered into activation, being already in your nose should make it faster to affect you. The Aburame ‘trained’ them into staying still and do not attack you, so you don’t have to worry.” Tsunade said making the others finally breath as they had instinctively started holding their breath as soon as the bees entered their nose.

(Chinsei - Tranquilizer)

“Why would Miss Bee produce that?” Fluttershy asked sad.

“...Would you like being gang-banged by your whole town whenever it is time for mating?” Shibi asked curious.


“Exactly. She does that to prevent a mass attack of willing males.” the Aburame answered nodding.

“So between pills and bees we will cover the physical effects...But what about its Hypnosis-like effects? I am the one more battle-oriented of the two, and yet even I felt strained in resisting Celestia’s corruption.” Luna asked.

“That...Will require a bit of trust towards us….Let’s say a HUGE amount of trust.” Kakashi said uneasy.

“I am listening.” the Moon Alicorn said with narrowed eyes.

“You should let the Yamanaka Clan hypnotize you before going.”

“WHAT?!” the group yelled.

“Yes. A subliminal message about not accepting any other hypnotic order outside of one made by a Human...It’s all we could come up with. We promise we will fully remove it! There will remain no trace afterwards!” Kakashi said immediately as he saw several horns light-up in anger.

“Kakashi-sensei...” the way Maelstrom said that made the man recoil as if insulted thanks to the tone he used.

“Don’t you dare trying anything fun.” the Prince finished hissing in anger.

“That is all we can do?” Twilight asked.

“We are no experts in Magic and Luna-san too had very little to help us with.”

“My sister’s new powers are still a mystery, without proper study there is little I know, and being too close to her is inadvisable without falling prey to her and obey her every command...Mitigate the effect of her Lust Aura at the best of our abilities was all we could do. I personally empowered those bees with all the spells I thought will help and gave my best pointers in potion-making for the pills...But Potions was more Celestia’s forte back in the days; she technically knows more than me in that field.” Luna answered sighing.

“What do you think, girls?” Twilight asked her friends.

“It doesn’t look like we have lots to do like this.” Dash answered groaning.

“We must-a hurry before things get out of hoof and everypony start looking for somepony outside their couples...Ah don’t want some weirdo looking funny at Bloom.AJ added worried.

“I think we can trust them, they do heal me and Shy!” Pinkie tried saying.

“And they promised to remove the hypnosis.” Shy also said.

“Trixie didn’t like being the slave of Celestia. So everything is fine to stop her.” Trixie said still shivering.

“My sister helped you save me, so I will pay her back and save her.” Luna declared strongly.

“Then we will follow your plan.” Twilight said nodding.

“Good. Unfortunately Kurama’s willingness or not, neither pills or hypnosis will work on Naruto. We have prepared special nasal filters for him...Hopefully that AND both his and Kurama’s combined force of Will will cover the lack of medication.” Tsunade said sighing.

“And the bees?” he asked.

“That too may not work, but we left it just in case since those are ‘natural’ pheromones, not artificial.” Tsunade answered.

“While the girls and Luna-san visit the Yamanaka…Naruto...We may need you to remain here, there is something we need to discuss.” Kakashi said exchanging a meaningful look with Luna making her sigh in dismay.

“O-Okay?” the Prince replied unsure as he sat in front of the desk while the mares were escorted out by the newly-arrived Ino.

The next day – Right outside Ponyville – Equestria -

In a very isolated patch of trees right outside the entrance to the small town a portal opened and a dark-blue hoof tentatively peaked outside and wave around a little before being hastily pulled back, then it was Luna’s head to pop-out of the portal as she looked around with narrowed eyes while sniffling the air.

“Seems like we can come out freely, there is no compulsion in the light.” she said after a full minute of waiting to then walk out of the portal soon followed by her son and the Elements of Harmony.

“Trixie? Come on, it’s safe.” Maelstrom begged with a gentle smile.

“O-O-Okay.” the mare said unsure as she too walked out making the portal close behind her making her jump a little in surprise.

“I don’t like this calm, things are never THIS calm.” Dash muttered worried.

“Let’s see what is happening in Ponyville.” Twilight said making the group nod.

A short walk later they could see things actually looking pretty normal compared to Celestia’s first arrival as Corrupted, the only difference was the empty look in every pony’s eyes and the frozen smiles perennially etched on their faces.

“Creepy as hell.” Maelstrom muttered disturbed as everybody moved to let them pass while bowing to them.

“My sister’s control on them...Disgraceful.” Luna hissed in contempt at the complete and absolute silence that reigned in the small town as nobody was talking, only going through the motions of their everyday life.

“Helllooo?” Pinkie tried asking while moving a hoof in front of a near mare’s face and getting in answer only a slightly larger smile and a similar gesture before the mare walked away.

“Creepy.” Pinkie said shivering.

“Your highness?” a familiar voice asked gently.

“S-S-S-SHINING?!” Twilight said in horror as her big brother and several other guards joined the group with all of them sporting the same empty smile and eyes.

“Your Highness Maelstrom! Princess Luna! The Harvest! The Harvest!” the other guards said excited.

“THE HARVEST! THE HARVEST!” every pony around the group yelled in Ecstasy as one.

“Harvest? What are you speaking of?” Luna demanded angrily.

“You all have been chosen! The Harvest has come!” Shining Armor answered with a broken smile.

“Harvest of what?” Dash asked worried.

“You all will be the first to undergo the Harvest! Mistress Celestia has chosen you!” one of the guards behind Shining answered.

“She will feast on your bodies! The Harvest! The Harvest!” another added giddily.

“Queen Celestia shall be satisfied! Her maidenhood demands Stallion’s essence! Her thirsty mouth request mare’s juices! The Harvest! The Harvest!” another guard still added.

“Eh?” AJ asked confused.

“Celestia wants Maelly to mate with her while me and you others should be technically...Licked there by my sister until our climaxing satisfy her thirst.” Luna explained unsure if she should blush or feel disgusted.

“Harvest! Harvest! Harvest! Harvest! Harvest! Harvest! Harvest!”



“Mistress’ romp must be satisfied!”


“...You know? For one angry zombie-like mob...This is a damn strange one.” Maelstrom said with a weak chuckle as the group slowly backed away.

“Eeyup! They keep lookin’ at us in a way Ah don’t like.” AJ confirmed shivering.

“Trixie doesn’t like this! Trixie wants to go back to the ninja Village!” Trixie begged.

“Dash too doesn’t like this!” Dash added nodding.

“Little Twi! Come on! Your teacher needs help! How can you refuse her?” Shining said.

“She wants to do dirty things to me! That’s what she wants!” Twilight answered with her tail flattening to better cover her privates.

“It’s not dirty if Mistress does it!” the stallion answered making others nod behind him.

“Stand back!” Luna ordered as her horn lighted-up.

“Ready to run, girls! Otherwise we’ll need to fight our way through them.” Rarity said with narrowed eyes as her horn too started shining in magic.

It was in that moment that several gas of leaves rained from the sky to burst into a thick cloud of smoke separating the girls and Alicorns from the angry mob.

Milestone, Millstone, Moonstone and Wishbone: from you brothers this attitude I won’t condone!” a voice said darkly as more smoke-bombs were thrown making the various ponies fall asleep.

“This voice...ZECORA!” Twilight said in surprise.

Cologne, Storm Cone and Cyclone: Never I thought I’ll see the day you’ll turn into beasts of hormone.” the zebra said as vines came to life to tie-up several guards.

“She is helping us, she is somehow sane!” Luna said she saw Zecora appear from the woods and motion them to reach her.

The Sun is Lust and the wind pheromone, believe me, all this to me is well-known!” Zecora kept saying as she reached for her saddle-bag and fished-out a vial of bright-yellow powder.

But my hut is a safe zone for the Heroes alone!” she then said throwing the vial high in the air.

“Oh my gosh that’s a lot of Flashing Powder! CLOSE YOUR EYES EVERYPONY!” Luna yelled with wide eyes.

TO ALL YOU OTHERS I’LL JUST SAY: BEGONE!the zebra finished saying just as the vial broke against a tree producing a blinding explosion of light with a faint WHAM! Sound.

“THIS WAY!” still keeping their eyes closed the group followed Zecora’s voice towards the Everfree Forest.

“You can open your eyes now, the powder effect is finished.” she then said once the group was far enough.

“I am happy to see you, Zecora! How did you stop Celestia from corrupting you?” Maelstrom asked with an elated smile.

“I felt the tingle of Celestia’s influence begin and acted accordingly, the Forest and its magic mitigated the effect enough for me to have the time needed to finish my countermeasures.” she answered as after a long run finally the group could see her hut.

“It’s strange to not hear her rhyme!” Pinkie said curious.

“I don’t think Miss Zecora feels the need to in this situation, Pinkie.” Fluttershy answered.

“Exactly.” Zecora answered as she hurried the others inside before slamming the door closed and start pouring a colourful mixture on the corners.

“What is that?” Twilight asked curious.

“Mostly salt, but empowered by a mixture of herbs and crystals I then ‘cooked’ into a potion and then left to evaporate to get the magical salt, it purifies the house from the Queen of Lust’s Influence since it is still ‘evil’ magic at its base...” Zecora answered sighing once done.

“So as long as you are here you are safe?” Shy asked worried.

“More or less, every eight hours I have to add new salt, and I am starting to finish it...I maybe have enough for other two ‘recharges’ then...Then I will join Ponyville, I fear.” Zecora answered in dread.

“Then we will stop Celestia before that, have no fear!” Luna said with a reassuring smile.

“AJ?” a young voice said from outside making the farm-mare turn bleach-white in horror.

“B-B-Bloom?!” she stuttered.

“Rarity?” another voice asked.

“BELLE!” Rarity yelled with wide-eyes as the door was forced open by Celestia herself.

“There you are, Dash!” Gilda said with a forced triumphant smile.

“GILDA?! Scotaloo?!” Dash watched in horror as the three ‘crusaders’ and the griffon followed the Corrupted Alicorn dressed like ‘french maids’.

I think I am going to throw-up...Those three are fucking KIDS!” Kurama admitted at seeing the three kids dressed like that.

“Took you long enough to get back home, sister! You and Meally are the key elements to my finally complete my collection...You shouldn’t have forced me to wait!” Celestia said with a childish pout.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MA SISTER?!” AJ roared as she tried to pounce on the Alicorn only for her to remain frozen mid-air by the other’s magic.

“Nothing, yet. I am holding the as incentive to have you follow my orders.” she answered nonplussed as she nuzzled the three girls making them giggle.

“What do you want?” Rarity asked with a bestial growl promising unending agony.

“Meally to do me on the front, Luna to lick me on the flank and you others in cute outfit for me to ‘taste’ to my heart’s desire...To start, other things will come later, I have A THOUSAND YEARS-worth of pent-up stress to blow, and you will either help me...Or be forced to watch powerless as I throw everypony you hold dear to the ‘hungry’ guards I am keeping aside just in case of your refusal,” the Corrupted Alicorn answered simply as she started walking away to let several guards appear at the door.

“Not if I fight you!” Luna hissed angrily.

“To what end? Only the Elements might pose a threat to me, if only I did not control the little sisters of two of them. This not considering that I can just amplify my hold on the sun and our whole world will turn into an endless mating mess until everypony will lose their mind and turn into soulless drones only thinking about mating...How long do you think they will last before hunger and thirst and fatigue will start demanding their toll?” Celestia answered smirking.

“...” Luna simply glared at her sister’s back for several seconds before her horn stopped glowing and she took-in a huge breath.

“Can you give us a couple hours to get ready?” the Moon Princess asked with a defeated tone.

“WHAT?!” Spike and the Elements yelled as on in shock.

“You have one hour then my guards will take you and bring you to me in the throne room in Canterlot, the first few hours I want to be bend over the throne and used as a harlot, then the real fun will start.” Celestia answered giggling as she shoved AJ down the ground and then teleport away.

“Leave us some privacy, we’ll need to be at our best to satisfy the Mistress.” Maelstrom said with a disgusted tone.

“Yes, your Highness!” the soldiers said repairing the door to close it.

“...Why you accepted, teacher Luna?” Trixie asked.

“While planning for our attack against my sister, we also considered something like this happening, she has the ability to lock the mind of everypony under the sun into an endless mating frenzy that would continue until they fall down dead, and apparently she also took care of holding your sisters as maids as an extra countermeasure against us...It was our Worst Case Scenario and is actually happening...” Luna said sighing.

“What are you talking about, your Highness?” Twilight asked confused.

“We...We’ll need to...Satisfy my aunt, as soon as she lowers her guard we will be able to blast her point-blank with the Elements of Harmony.” Maelstrom said looking down.

“It was the only plan I could come up with in this case, we have no other choice.” Luna added as if to reassure the girls it all was her idea, in fact Dash was the first to vocalize her denial.

“NO! WE ARE NOT DOING IT! YOU ARE NOT DOING IT!” Dash yelled as she moved to hug the Prince while glaring at the Moon Alicorn.

“We have no other choice, Rainbow Dash! My sister will even burn this world down with the sun if we refuse!” Luna yelled in answer.


“Eh? Where?” the others asked confused.

“Dashie?...Have you been reading ‘something’ lately?...Maybe written by Ero-sennin?” Maelstrom asked amused making her face burn bright red.

“DASH! You shouldn’t read that kind of books! They are dirty!” Shy yelled scandalized.

“BDSM.” the other answered.

“Shutting-up now!” the shy Pegasus said immediately while covering herself in her wings and curling into a tight ball.

“And you call ME an egghead! You take notes from books!” Twilight said offended.

“You have a secret room full of notes.” Trixie whispered to her.

“Yes but other than you and Princess Luna nopony knows about it.” she whispered back.

“I soo do not need to know every detail of my son’s love life!” Luna grumbled while face-hoofing.

“Am I really that shallow to you?” the Prince asked looking hurt.


“You think that I will break-up with you just because MAYBE I will prefer doing it with Celestia? First off she is my aunt and then you need to remember that those things happen only in that kind of books. I am not going to say ‘Oh! Sex with Celestia feels so much better! Between us is over, Dash!’...I was not that kind of guy when I was human and SURE AS HELL I am not that kind of stallion now that I am a pony.” the Prince said hugging her close to himself.

“Promise?...And please let me breath.” she asked with a muffled voice since his hug forced her face to be pressed against his chest.

“Sorry, sorry. But yes, I promise! I do like to think we are together because we like each-other, not because we are a good match at mating.” he answered lightening the hug so she could breath normally.

“ the bees and the pills are useless?” Dash asked.

“The bees are there as a counter...The pills...” Luna said blushing fiercely.

“They are Aphrodisiacs, don’t they?” Rarity asked sighing.

“Yes, Maelstrom has been informed just to have him cooperate.” Luna answered sighing.

“So we have no choice...I am sorry, Spike...” Rarity said with an apologetic tone.

“I don’t like this...” the small dragon whispered.

“Huhuhu! Jealous?” the dress-maker asked nuzzling him.


“Good, I too get jealous when another mare approaches you, so we are even.” she answered kissing his cheek.

“Have no fear! It will all be Mare-on-Mare Action for her, our target is tire down my Aunt enough so that she won’t be able to do anything when we will blast her with the Elements!” Maelstrom said with a reassuring tone.

“Mare on-” Gulp! “Mare?” Spike asked sweating.

“SPIKE!” Rarity roared.

“They are my friends! DON’T YOU DARE HAVE DIRTY FANTASIES ABOUT THEM!” she yelled furious.

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie yelled with wide eyes.


“Don’t look towards here, sugah! Ah’m already taken!”.

“The horrified Trixie orders you to not look at her with dirty eyes!”

“RARITY! Stop corrupting him!”

“I WAS ONLY HAVING FANTASIES ABOUT RARITY!...I-I-I mean I WAS NOT having fantasies! No sirre! No-no! No fantasies of any kind!” Spike yelled in answer.



“...Let’s just go and deal with my sister, please, before this day gets any worse.” Luna said sighing while looking at the sky as if to ask for divine help.

“Yes. We better.” Twilight said glaring at both Spike and Rarity that decided to remain in the FAR back of the group so to leave as much distance as possible between them and Twilight.

“Take your pills, people. Let’s get this over with.” Maelstrom said sighing as the group departed.


The Corrupted Princess could no longer wait! Soon her itch will finally be scratched by her beloved sister, her cute pupil Twilight and her precious nephew, her marehood was literally crying in excitement!

“Soon! Soon! Any moment now!” she said in glee, first the Elements and their cute flanks, the her sister’s and her adorable little tongue and then her nephew and his horn…first the stallion, THEN the tongue and closing with the Elements? Oh, dear! She couldn’t choose!

“GRAB HER!” it was in that moment that Twilight and Trixie jumped her from behind to circle her neck with their hooves.

“YOU FOOLS! YOU CANNOT FIGHT ME! OTHERWISE THIS WORLD WILL BUR-OOOOOh!” Celestia started said in anger before her voice melted into a long moan as the two Unicorns’ tongues started running along her horn.

Mmmmmh!” both moaned as they took turns in swallowing its tip.

“OOOOH! THERE! THERE, MY PRECIOUS STUDENT! Ooh-OOOOH!” the Princess moaned as she lied down on the floor to let the two lie on her back to better lick her horn.

Outside the room -

I can’t do this!

Don’t be a chicken! We need to do this!

But she’s my aunt for fuck’s sake!”

Hoy! it’s our last chance! Be a man and FUCK that girl!”

You sure you can’t take over? I won’t be offended!”

No, it’s YOUR aunt, not mine.


Your problem, not mine. I am not the guy whose aunt clearly wish to suck-off. So Man-up and Good Luck!

Oh, God...Oh, please give me strength...”

Back with Celestia -

“Sister?” Luna asked with a hot whisper.

“Uh-hu?” the other replied with half-lidded eyes.

In answer the Moon Alicorn grabbed her in a tight magical hold to force her to lie on her back making her ‘eep’ in surprise.

“We others want a turn too.” Luna explained as the other Elements started licking her chest and neck with AJ and Dash focusing on her breasts alone.

“OOOOOOH!” the Corrupted Princess howled happily as she lightly trashed under the group’s attention.

“Something here is being left alone, I will deal with it myself.” the Moon Alicorn said as she dove between her sister’s legs to savagely lick and suck on her drenched opening.


“A-A-Auntie?” A new voice asked shyly.

“AAAHN! M-M-MAELLY?” Celestia said turning her head to the side to see her nephew standing above her, and as soon as she looked south she focused other thoughts entirely.

“Can you?...Can you...S-Suck it?” he asked taking-in a huge breath.

“YES!” she said happily as she unceremoniously shoved the whole thing as deep as she could in her throat.

“FUUCK!” the Prince yelled in surprise at the sudden action.

Just because she is Corrupted, otherwise I would bucking kill her.” Luna thought angrily, and unknowingly having the exact same thoughts of the other girls, for different reasons of course.

When the Corrupted Sun Princess could no longer hold herself back she blew every pony around her with a short blast of concussive force so to raise back on her hooves.

“Enough foreplay!” she said drooling with lustful eyes.

“You see this hole?” she then said turning around and moving her tail to the side.

“Is that...Steam?” the Prince asked worried.

“Yes, I am HOT and bothered and you have a DICK, and now I want that deep inside me! NO gentle, NO nice love-making! I WANT YOU TO ROUGHLY FUCK ME RAW NOW!” she ordered.

...MAYBE I can take your place if you still want, I understand that you may find it strange since you are related.” Kurama offered as his eyes, just like the ones of everybody else in the room, zeroed on the drenched opening.

“I am straight as an arrow...But even I would tap that...” Dash admitted.

“Have no fear! I will deal with you others too! SISTER! LET ME SUCK YOUR MAREHOOD!”

“M-M-M-MY WHAT?! But I took a vote!” Luna answered with wide eyes.

“You promised to stay away from Stallions, but I am a mare! We are sisters! let’s taste the forbidden fruit together!” she answered with crazed eyes.

“I-I-I-I-If I must...” the Moon Alicorn answered with a heavily-trembling voice and fiery blushing face.

Said that Luna walked to lie down so that she and Celestia could be in a 69 position.

“This is awkward for me as well, my son...D-Do-Done this we will raid the castle’s reserves of cider and erase this from our memory, Okay? J-J-Just be strong.” the Moon Princess said doing her best to not look at her son, especially since with her lying down the first things he would see would be his throbbing horn, and she dearly wanted to avoid that.

I insist! I-If you feel dirty I can take over all right!” Kurama insisted gulping before discreetly checking a notepad he was keeping hidden between his tails and the ‘Have sex with sisters before dying’ note on that.

“NOW PLOW YOUR AUNT, MY STUD OF A NEPHEW!” Celestia yelled wiggling her ass a little.

“You know what? I don’t care anymore...” the Prince muttered with an empty tone as he summoned several clones of himself.

“YES! YES! GANG-BANG ME! GANG-BANG IS GOOD!” Celestia said giddily.

“You two help me with Aunt Celestia, you others...A girl each...If I am lucky the Memories I will get from you others will hopefully drown the ones about me doing my aunt.” he then ordered shaking his head.

“H-Here? Right now?” Fluttershy asked worried.

“Nopony said it has to be straight-up sex, Shy. We can do other stuff.” a Clone answered.

“We too, Twi.” another said to the purple Unicorn.

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Can I have two? I want to try something! It’s an awesome idea!” Pinkie asked.

“...Sure...Okay...If you are sure...” Maelstrom answered unsure while calling a second clone for her.

A lot of traumas are popping-up...And I think I saw a glimpse of PTSD peaking around the corner, Want me to erase them?” Kurama asked gently.

Yes, please.”

“Then Me and Spike will be in the next roo-” Rarity tried saying.

“NO! STOP! TIME-OUT!” Twilight yelled immediately making everybody freeze.

“I’ll be back soon...” she then said walking outside while grumbling angrily to herself.

From the throne room they could her the Unicorn curse and growl as doors were hastily opened and closed for five minutes before she finally returned with a box hovering behind herself.

“Here! Monopoly: Equestria Version. You can play with this, but: No kissing, no cuddling, no dare game, no innuendos, no dirty jokes, no meaningful looks, no ‘alternate payment’, no stealth kisses or stuff, etc, etc, etc! You’ll play vanilla OR ELSE!” She roared making both mare and dragon shrink under her smoldering glare.

“But we are only two players...” Spike tried saying.

“Throw the dice twice, each will play with two figures.” the mare answered dully before marching towards her assigned Cloned.

“I am especially mad now, so you’ll have to do your best.”

“I always do my best, Twi!” the Clone answered smirking.

“Perfect! Sorry the interruption, we can start now.”


“...I’ll be the candle and the bottle then.” Rarity said sighing.

“And I’ll be the boat and the pony.” Spike answered deflating.

“Who wins will be the M while the loser will be the S once we are back home.” the dress-maker whispered winking making him perk-up instantly and nod.

And so, for the following eight hours, the Elements of Harmony, two Alicorn and Trixie did their best to sate the Corrupted Alicorn’s Lust while waiting for the right opening to strike and purify her.

“OOOH! OOOH MY GOODNESS!” Shy yelled as the Clone Magical grip forced her back legs apart to leave her backside wide open.

“Should I start from the little flower...Or with this little plucked thing on the back?”

“F-Fla...Li...F...” she whispered.

“Speak louder or I will leave you here until the others are done!” he answered smirking.

“M-M-My butt! L-L-Lick my butt!”

“How dirty you are!” he replied making her go redder.



FUEEEEEEEEH!” the Shy mare bellowed with crossed eyes as his thick tongue dove inside her ass with merciless hunger.



“Holy Sh-C-Calm down, Dashie!” another Clone asked shocked.

“NO! I AM GOING TO SURPASS THAT STALLION-THIEF! When you will pop-away he will get such a rush of memories that everypony else will look like nothing! SO FUCK ME HARDER AND CUM MORE!” the Pegasus roared as she managed to push the Clone down until he lied on his back to ride him at ludicrous speed.

“Little help!? I am getting raped here!” the poor Clone shrieked worried before the cyan mare decided she wanted to tear-off his tonsils through kissing making few other Clones standing in wat just in case rush to help him.


“COME-ON, SUGAH! AH WANT TO FEEL GOOD!” AJ yelled smirking, smile soon dropping with her mouth opening in a wide ‘O’ of pleasure as her Clone gave a bite to her mane to roughly pull her head back.

“You want to feel good? Well, ya asked for it! I won’t stop at three this time so hold-on tight! I am gonna reshape ya until you will walk bowlegged for the rest of your life!” the Clone said in glee.

“WAIT! AH WAS JOKING! AH WAS JOKIIIIIIII-KYAAAAAAAH!” the farm-mare tried saying before the furious rapid-fire thrusting inside her tripled in speed as he clearly tried to cram as much of his dick he could inside her, even ignoring the fact the he technically shouldn’t go THAT deep and soon turning AJ into an unresponsive rag-doll able only to moan and groan incoherently while drooling.

It Feelsh Sho Good! Don’t shtap bwease! It Feelsh Good...It Feelsh Good...Ah love that dick...” well, she COULD talk still, she just had her vocabulary reduced to the bare minimum.


“...Go To Jail: Go directly to Jail. Do not pass GO, do not collect 200 bits.” Spike red aloud.

“Darnit! I needed those bits!” Rarity cursed with a low voice as one of her figures went moved to the jail area.

“My turn!...YAY! I rolled 6!...NO! WAIT! COOOME ON!”

“YES! You walked in my richest area! Pay-up!” the dress-maker said happily as the small dragon stopped in one of her blocks, one with so many hotels the card-board under it couldn’t even be seen.

“How did you even stack all those in that place alone?” Spike asked incredulous as he paid the due astronomical fee to the Fashionista.

“I may have a passing knowledge of this game,” she answered cheekily.

“So unfair!”


Her moist slit allowed him to enter quite easily, his girth was just right to reach deeper than anything she had to accept as a substitute for a real stallion, and he had the right background do not doing it ‘Nice’.

Celestia was loving the primal, savage way her nephew was reshaping her insides, he never slowed-down, if ever, at best he grew faster, rougher, HUNGRIER as his rod (Hot even for a mare like her) kept going in and out with no mercy; and she thanked the fact that he had clearly reverted to a more non-Equestrian mind-set to have his way with her! She could easily tell the different mind-set between ponies’ “Intense Love-making.” and a Shinobi’s “You will lost count of your orgasms, bitch!” idea of sex!

“HOLY HARMONY!” she bellowed as he forced her to lie on a side to adjust himself, grab her left back-leg to push it back and then use her new powerless position to brutalize her body as he kept coming and coming inside her in an endless flood of warm sticky ropes of cum.

“SHUT UP!” he said growling, once done with her he had already decided that a six-hour shower will be his first stop.

Then therapy, LOTS and LOTS of therapy.


“INSTEAD OF TALKING USE THAT MOUTH FOR SOMETHING MORE USEFUL!” Luna yelled annoyed as she shoved her sister’s face between her legs.

“I just hope your father is not watching...” she then said to Maelstrom with a distraught tone.

“Me too.” he answered with a similar expression.

Up in Heaven – Isolated corner -


“OH MY GOODNESS!” Storm yelled while looking at the whole scene with unblinking eyes and his front hooves occupied down south.

“Storm are you okay?” Minato asked worried as he followed the screams of the Stallion to find him mid-jerking-off.

EEEP! IT IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!” the stallion said with wide eyes.

“OH MY GOOOOOOD!” it might have been the shocking surprise, the notion of the pony masturbating to his own son having sex with his aunt, being busted mid-wank or even a combination of all the above, but Minato’s scream of horror came-out sounding like the one of the movie “Troll 2”, only this time bad acting was not an excuse for it.

Back to the rutting group -

“CELESTIA! HOW DARE YOU...WHAT THE FUCK?!” To rarity’s surprise Discord of all people barged inside having finally broke free from the compulsion on his books.

“You broke free?” Spike asked surprised.

“TOOK ME LONGER THAN EXPECTED SINCE IT WAS A STRONG SPELL! WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!” someone stuck in screaming mode, the overwhelmed Dragonequus asked while looking at Celestia as she demanded an extra Clone to fuck her backside while the Original kept hammering her front, all in-between mouthfuls of Luna’s juices.

“We are waiting for Princess Celestia to lower her guard enough for us to use the Elements, and having her mating was apparently the best plan we could come up with.” the Fashionista answered sighing.

“...” the mismatched creature stood in silence as his eyes kept scanning the room.

“Yeeah...The others didn’t like the idea of Maelly doing it with Celestia, so he had to call some Clones to not have them feel ‘left behind’ or something.” Spike said as he valiantly tried to ignore Twilight’s happy gurgling moans as she kept inhaling a Clone’s dick all the way down her throat while the stallion ate her out with sloppy slurping noises, that and the challenge the purple Unicorn had ongoing with Trixie about which one of them could swallow more.

“I-I-I don’t...I can’ he? Are they?”

“Why he is not blinking?” the small dragon whispered worried.

“I don’t know.” Rarity answered uncertain.

In answer Discord simple punched a hole in Reality right next to him to pull-out Ino making her lean outside of the small portal all the way down to her mid-section.

“What are you...Oh!...Oooh!” the Yamanaka girl asked annoyed before noticing the debauchery going-on, getting the message and rapidly moving to take notes on the pad Discord gave her.


“Meally! There is so much! I am bursting! I am bursting!” Pinkie moaned as the Clones with her kept pumping more and more semen inside both her ass and gaping pussy.

“Suck me too!” a third Clone asked in need as he shoved his dick on her face to show his painful erection.

“Jeez! Have no fear, I won’t leave you hanging, silly!” the pink-maned mare said giggling as she engulfed the throbbing head with her mouth to give hit a strong suck soon making the stallion come with an elated roar as the flood made her cheeks puff-out while she greedily drank all she could.


“Oooh, sister! Do you see this? This can be our life from now on! Endless love and Pleasure! No worries or troubles, just we others loving each other!” Celestia said she she drew Luna closer for a deep kiss.

“Guah!” the Moon Alicorn groaned as she was forced to feel her sister’s tongue down her throat for few seconds before finally pushing Celestia away.

“You too, Maelly! Kiss me! Kiss me as you fill me up again! Feel the wonderful sound of our juices mixing and the gushing of your seed filling my belly! KISS ME! KISS ME AND BE MINE AND MINE ONLY!” she ordered opening her front hooves wide while the stallion behind her kept thrusting inside her savagely.

When he leaned forward she expected an equally-hungry kiss to match his furious thrusting, but what she got instead was a bite to her neck so strong to draw blood, and the mixture between her incoming new orgasm AND the blinding pain of the bite had her howl in what must have been a mind-shattering climax that had her almost blank-out.

“NOW!” Luna yelled as she too noticed the wavering of her sister’s consciousness.

In an instant the Clones dispelled (Making poor Maelstrom erupt in an almost-lethal orgasm himself from the sensory overload, making him weakly wonder if his balls would actually survive all that spewing of sperm as black dots filled his vision) And the girls rapidly charged their Elements to hit Celestia full force throwing her against the wall strong enough to leave an imprint of herself.

“...” deep silence then fell in the room as the now non-Corrupted Celestia slumped to the floor boneless.

“Oooh...I think my balls have shriveled like a prune...” only Maelstrom weak chuckle was heard as he lied on the floor to catch his breath.

“Take some ice, my dear.” Luna answered concerned as she summoned an ice-bag for him and his abused crotch.

“Thanks, mom.” he answered with a relived sigh.

It was in that moment that Celestia woke-up to observe the whole room with wide eyes before she left her head slump down to not look at everybody’s face.

“I am...Really sorry for what I did...T-There are no words to express how horrified I am of this situation...” she muttered shyly.

“You okay at least, sister?” Luna asked.

“Y-Yes...I am a bit sore though...” the other admitted with a low voice as her back kept dripping from the astounding quantity of semen she had been filled with in both holes.

“...” only growls from the mares present was heard in answer to that making Celestia flinch and shrink under the combined glare she was victim of.

“...You too, Discord...I-I am sorry.” The Sun Alicorn added weakly.

Sigh! “Let me take a shower, eat something and sleep. Then we will continue this discussion, I can forgive you a little because you were Corrupted...But what you did to me was humiliating to the extreme.”

“I-I am sorry.” she answered sobbing as tears started falling from her eyes as her whole body trembled from her hiccups.

“H-Hey! We are not that much angry! We don’t hate you!” Luna said immediately as she moved to her side to hug her.

“I am sorry!” Celestia repeated as she kept crying.

“Auntie...” Maelstrom muttered as he limped his way towards her to add himself to the hug.

“Princess.” Twilight said sadly as she too moved to hug the desperate Alicorn.

“Come on!” Rarity gently nudged Dash forward.


“She was not in herself, she was Corrupted and so not thinking straight. Come on, Dash!” the white Unicorn prompted.

Sigh! “Okay, Okay.” the cyan mare conceded huffing angrily as she too joined the otehrs around Celestia, thing that acted as the signal for a group hug (Yes, even Discord joined) that acted as the final nail on Celestia’s self-control as she broke-down into a sorrow-filled wailing as she kept apologizing over and over.

Two days later – Royal Castle – dining room -

The group composed by the Elements of Harmony, Princess Luna, Maelstrom, Discord, Spike and Trixie had finally recovered from the taxing Mission against Celestia and the even harder one about damage-control to salvage Celestia’s image.

“Uuugh! Modifying all those memories as been boring!” Discord groaned as he cracked his back.

“I have you now that I had to do the same in every dream of everypony and other sentient creatures everywhere.” Luna answered with a loud yawn.

“We all were there helping you, Princess.” Twilight added with dark bags under her eyes.

“Eeyup, dream-walking feels strange.” AJ added groaning with her face resting on the table.

“Good morning...” Celestia muttered shyly as she finally came-out from her room to join the others.

“We are not angry anymore, Celly. Please do cheer up!” Discord begged annoyed.

“I am sorry.” she answered.

“We know.” the other chorused rolling their eyes.

“Have you all take your contraceptives?” the Sun Alicorn asked.

“Yes, we even asked back in Konoha for further help in that regard, auntie.” Maelstrom answered.

“...You must find me disgusting to look at, don’t you?” she said sobbing.

“No, auntie, I am not.” he answered with a gentle smile as he moved to nuzzle her.

“Thank you.” she answered kissing his cheek and freezing.

“It was not a romantic kiss.” she tried saying as every eyes nailed her with a furious glare.

“...Smooch!” in answer she stole a quick kiss to his lips before bolting out of the room.

“GET HER!” Luna roared as she and the others hurried to chase the Sun Alicorn leaving Maelstrom alone with Rarity, Discord and Spike.

“WORTH IIIIIIIT!” Celestia was heard screaming as she ran away from the blood-thirsty horde.


“You will ruin the table, Maelly.” Rarity said stopping the Prince from leaving an imprint of his face on the table surface.

BUUUUUUUH-UUUUUUH!” at that then the Wind Alicorn settled for simply cry fat tears of despair while his friends consoled him on the notes of Celestia’s shrieks and Luna’s curses and spells.

“You can do it, you can survive this as well.” Spike offered patting his back.


There must be a day where nothing bad or strange happens! Even just for the sake of his health!