Blaze the Pony Tale

by Wolven5

237. The Loss of Faith - Part 18

The atmosphere was oppressive and dim for Aurora. The mare couldn’t stop shaking, as the dark dungeon walls seemed to loom over her. This cell had none of the finer furnishings Celestia spruced the majority of her dungeon with, this cell…

It was the real thing, reserved for those like Aurora.

She could feel the cold metal of the magic inhibitor ring locked around her horn, and the unbendable iron chains keeping her front legs shackled together to limit her movement. But the stonewalls and the steel bars of her cell door were nothing in comparison to the icy glare Celestia was giving her. The alicorn was brimming with anger and disgust, that one among her council had turned traitor and committed such an act of treason, endangering her kingdom. Standing beside the seething alicorn, Sombra and Twilight looked equally angry. All stood within the cell walls staring down the terrified unicorn in front of them.

For a time, the cell was filled with silence, as Aurora suffered under the piercing glares of the royals before her, wishing this were all just some nightmare she could awaken from. Eventually however, Celestia found her voice.

“To say that I am deeply furious right now, Aurora? That would be an understatement... You are a duchess of the Aristocracy. One of the ponies who have the highest honor of serving and protecting Equestria. Yet you betray your fellow pony to our enemies. Even now as I stand before you, it is taking all my will not to unleash my rage and turn you to ash...”

Her voice had remained level and calm, but the venom and fire behind them was all too clear to Aurora. She tried to will herself to close her eyes or turn away from the scorn in front of her, but Celestia’s stare had her paralyzed with fear. Sombra took a step forward, his barrel broad and powerful, letting his height further intimidate the mare in chains before him.

“Your treachery goes beyond harming us, Aurora – You have endangered the entire kingdom! Our ally, the changeling Thorax witnessed your communication with the changeling Thorn, the changeling commander that led the ambush where Prince Shining Armor was injured and Prince Midnight Blaze kidnapped. Multiple incidents and several lost lives are upon your head!”

The male alicorn lowered his head, bringing his eyes level with Aurora in front of him. While Celestia’s eyes had been filled with rage, Sombra’s eyes contained something else. Aurora almost gasped when she realized that beneath the clear anger, a smidgen of understanding lay within. The mare was still terrified, but that one small feeling behind his old eyes, brought some calm to her.

“We have heard Thorax’s report of the conversation you had with Thorn, and it is clear that there is more to this than simple treason. As such, Aurora, you have two options. Option One, tell us everything that you have done, and any information you know about the changeling threat, and a sliver of mercy will be shown to you. Or Option Two, you can resist and try to hide what you have done. I would not recommend you choose Option Two…”

Aurora opened her mouth, but no words seemed to come forth. She tried, a few times, but all she managed to produce was a scarred stutter. Sombra remained still, his eyes searching her own, trying to find a clear understanding of her motives without having to resort to darker methods.

Finally, Twilight Sparkle spoke up.

“Aurora, right now I am doing everything I can not to scream at you. Midnight, my… my beloved is in danger, and our nation could be next. We need to know what you know. Please tell us, or we are going to have to dig on our own and we really don’t want to do that.”

It was this, almost desperate plea that finally released whatever kept Aurora’s words contained as she took a shivery deep breath and uttered, “I… I… I didn’t know at first that-that he w-was a changeling…”

Sombra backed up out of Aurora space as the mare tried to compose herself and speak. Celestia didn’t seem to be able to do anything but glare, but Twilight beside him was watching and listening with rapt attention, praying something this mare in front of her said could get her to Midnight.

“It… it was after the meeting with P-Princess Celestia… about her plans to abolish the Aristocracy… that our positions and titles would no longer be passed on to our future family generations. I… I was so angry… to think that, that ordinary common folk could be granted such positions, such prestige, that even more non-unicorns could be given power within the Kingdom… I just… I couldn’t stand it…”

If anything this just seemed to make Celestia even more furious. Sombra’s gaze beside hardened, but the kindness in his eye didn’t waiver. Twilight was too focused on gleaming for facts to even make a statement about how primitive and backwards this mare’s thinking was.

“I… I was taking a walk through the gardens when… when this unicorn stallion approached me… He said… said that he agreed with me, and that he could do something to force Celestia’s hoof… make her change her mind about the Aristocracy… He said that if I passed along any information from the council meetings, he would use the information to create problems in Equestria that only the Aristocratic council could fix, and show that only we should have the power to run Equestria, not the commoners… I-I agreed.”

The mare gave a despondent sniff before continuing.

“It was only after I had told him about the mine that things got out of hoof, when I heard about the changeling attack. I sought him out and demanded to know what was going on! But then… he dropped his disguise and revealed himself as some kind of changeling officer! He mocked me and told me  I was his… That if I didn’t comply and continuously feed him information th-that he’d… He’d…! He’d kill my children, right in front of me! I-I had to do as he said! I couldn’t bear the idea of my colt and filly being slaughtered for my mistakes! I’m sorry! I am so sorry…!! I didn’t mean for any of this to happen…”

Aurora just broke down before them, tears flowing from her eyes as she curled into a ball on the floor. Celestia watched her, anger in her eyes still, but also pity. Sombra and Twilight both lowered their brows, not sure what to feel, pity for this mare who had been tricked and threatened, or anger for having resorted to this because of petty tribalism and greed.

However before anything more could be said, the cell door slammed open and a panicked guard raced into the room, fear in his eyes.

“Your Majesties, you’ve gotta come quick!”

“Soldier, what is it?” asked Sombra, his wife and Twilight both looking concerned at how frantic the guard was.

“It’s- I… The city, Canterlot!” he panted before gathering himself and reporting, “Enemy forces have been sighted on the city outskirts, Your Highnesses; Canterlot is under threat!”

The three alicorns shared a disturbed look.

Insect wings buzzed so loudly that they could be heard from the highest towers of Canterlot castle. Hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of changelings were marching or buzzing en masse towards the city. But it wasn’t just changelings – They were accompanied by dozens of new kinds of changelings, such as the manticore-changelings Shining Armor had seen back in the energem mine, along with changelings that looked like minotaurs, as well as three hulking-sized changelings resembling the ape-goat Cyclops monsters!

Many of the changelings wore cobalt-colored armor with stag beetle jawed helmets, armed with spears that resembled barbed stingers, shields shaped like black beetles, and some carried large orbs glowing a poisonous green!

The alicorns, the element-bearers, Twinken, Spike, and Thorax stood upon a balcony and took in the coming threat with dread. Thorax had insisted Elytra stay with Twilight and Shining Armor’s parents – He did not want her to see this.

“This is worse than before…” Thorax fretted aloud, everypony looking to him while his gaze was locked outwards towards the coming threat. “So many hybrids! Plus they’re armed, and some of them have Bug Bombs!”

“Bug Bombs?” echoed Sombra, as the weapons sounded serious.

“Those orbs they’re carrying!” Thorax began to pace as panic rose in his voice, “They explode with changeling magic and anyone caught in the blast is magically poisoned and become helpless, unable to defend themselves!”

“So they don’t kill,” gathered Celestia.

“Only if you’re too close to bomb when it goes off,” Thorax elaborated as he began to hyperventilate, “Changelings” – Gasp! – “need to capture” – Gasp! – “live victims” – Gasp! – “since we can’t-”

“Thorax!” Cadance came over, placed a comforting wing over the young changeling to get him to stop fidgeting, and then gestured him to place his hoof over his chest and then take a deep breath.

It helped.

“Hoo, thank you, Princess Cadance,” Thorax sighed before clearing his throat. “The Bug Bombs are meant to incapacitate enemy units or potential victims. Because, well… Changelings can’t feed off the love of… dead prey.”

“Makes sense,” Blueblood nodded before asking, “And… the hybrids?”

Thorax sighed fearfully as he looked out over the balcony again, barely able to notice the larger figures among the changelings in the distance.

“As I mentioned before, Changeling Hybrids aren’t created often because the Hive Mind doesn’t control them as well as it controls the regular changelings. I think it’s safe to say there are some manticore changelings out there, but I’m not sure what the rest are. Probably made from few creatures, and good news is since they’re not pure changelings they lack a changeling’s shapeshifting abilities, except turning into a normal version of their hybrid heritage.”

“You mean a manticore changeling hybrid could make itself look like a regular manticore and nothing else?” Shining Armor ventured a guess.

“Uh-huh!” Thorax nodded.

“We must move quickly,” Sombra took command, “Celestia, alert the citizens, order an evacuation to the bunkers, and prepare the city’s magical defenses. I shall lead a ground assault to meets these encroachers head-on!”

“Hey Prince Sombra!” Rainbow Dash flew up in front of him, “Thunder and Soarin and I can go to Wonderbolt HQ and get their help in repelling any aerial attacks!”

“Speaking of aerial attacks,” Blueblood spoke up, “I have an airship prototype at my company for just such an occasion.”

“I can prepare a medical team,” Cadance volunteered, “I have a feeling we’re going to need it.”

“EVERYPONY, PLEASE!” Celestia fanned out her wings, everypony hushing up, “One at a time, we must get organized and determine who can help with what effort.”

It was decided quickly enough. Sombra, with the aid of Duke Firestorm of Defense and Security, would lead the ground resistance while Rainbow Dash, Soarin, and Thunderlane flew off to Wonderbolt HQ to rally the best fliers in Equestria for aerial support.

Blueblood went to his company, New Heights Avionics, to get his experimental battle airship, with Rarity and Fancy Pants accompanying him.

Cadance and Fluttershy, along with Doctor Miracle Cure, the Duchess of Health and Welfare, would be in charge of relief and aid.

Celestia ordered an evacuation of the city into specially prepared bunkers in case the enemy forces breached the city, with Applejack and Big Mac helping in the evacuation. Meanwhile Celestia would prepare the city’s magical defenses, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich following her around and setting up a few… surprises for the changelings.

Luna insisted to Twinken the time to enter his brother’s dream was now, and requested Twilight, Shining Armor, and Thorax to accompany them. Thorax had been reluctant to leave Elytra behind, but Celestia assured him that Elytra would be watched over by Night Light and Twilight Velvet in a castle safe room. After some “encouragement” from Twilight, Spike assured Thorax he’d be with Elytra to keep her company.

As everypony prepared for the looming threat, Twinken looked out the window of Twilight’s tower, with Twilight beside him, dreading what was to come.

“I’m scared…” Twinken whispered, grateful when Twilight wing-hugged him, and he looked up at her, “but I’ll do my best.”

“I know you will,” Twilight smiled supportively at him when they heard not so subtle can-we-move-this-along throat clearing.

They turned to see Luna and Shining Armor, the former saying, “It is time, Twinken. It would have been ideal for you to find Midnight’s dream on your own, but time is no longer our ally.”

Shining Armor sighed as he could see the coming threat out the window, approaching the foot of Mount Canterhorn.
“I should be out there, doing my part…”

“You have done plenty already,” Luna assured him, “but in your current condition you would be of more help here.”

“She’s right, Shining Armor,” Twilight agreed, “you might not be able to fight but you can still cast some strong spells in case there’s trouble.”

“And I’ll sense any changelings that might still be lurking around in disguise,” added Thorax.

“Now then, with that settled,” Luna raised her voice, “I must now guide Twinken through the Dreamscape to find Midnight’s dream. After that, it will all be up to you, Twinken, to help him however you can.”

Taking a deep breath, Twinken nodded determinedly, “I’ll do my best.”

Luna nodded back before looking at their three escorts, “Watch over us while we slumber. I cannot say for certain how long we’ll be under, but it is crucial we are not disturbed until we both wake up.”

“You can count on us,” Twilight assured, Shining Armor and Thorax nodding in agreement.

“With that settled, Twinken,” Luna looked to the little unicorn with a trepid and parental hesitance, “just close your eye, and… sleep…”

Luna’s horn glowed so softly it was almost undetectable but the effect was apparent as Twinken suddenly felt drowsy, his little body settling down upon a pillow that Twilight quickly provided… and in no time at all he was snoozing away. Luna followed shortly after, leaving Twilight, Shining Armor, and Thorax to watch over them in suspenseful concern.

Doors of Luna’s Hall of Dreams passed her and Twinken by quickly until finally she stopped the flow and stepped towards a specific door. Twinken walked up beside her and looked upon this door to see his brother’s cutie-mark… and a strange soft green glow emanating from the crack beneath it.

Twinken looked up at Luna, who gestured him forward, so Twinken slowly and nervously reached out with his hoof… his eyes scrunched shut, expecting something bad to happen… only for a solid pressure to stop his hoof from going any further. He peeked through one eye and sighed in relief to see his hoof touching the door and nothing had happened.

“It appears Twilight’s theory is correct,” Luna spoke, “She and I discussed it, and we think that while whatever the changelings have done to Midnight is keeping me out Midnight’s sleeping mind is somehow able to recognize your touch and does not repel you.”

“Does… that mean Midnight knows he’s asleep or… in trouble?” asked Twinken, a light tremble of concern in his voice.

“I am afraid I would say unlikely,” Luna sighed with a shake of her head. “Our conscious minds do not work the same as our subconscious minds, Twinken. The subconscious is a mysterious thing, almost a will of its own but tied to the conscious mind, influencing us subtly and oft allowing us to perceive what our natural senses do not.

“I cannot say for certain what you will find in Midnight’s dream, but whatever it is you must convince him to wake up and fight!”

“Something tells me it’s not gonna be easy…” Twinken said warily… but he turned to his brother’s dream door, looking ready to face the world as he declared, “But I’m not gonna let him down!”

Luna couldn’t help but feel like a proud mom, as she reached over and placed her hoof on Twinken’s shoulder, and he looked up at her as she said solemnly, “You are destined to do great things, Twinken. It is not because you are younger brother to an alicorn prince, but in you I see a valiant and noble heart. When all of this is over, I am going to make you an offer.”

“What kind of offer?” Twinken had a feeling this was big.

Luna smiled and chuckled lightly, “You have enough to think about for now, so let’s save that for when everypony is safe and sound.”

She looked at the door, Twinken following suit, as Luna spoke, “As I said, I can’t be certain what you will encounter in Midnight’s dream, Twinken, for we have no clue as to what the changelings have done to him at this point.

“But remember – It is a dream, and as long as you keep that in mind nothing in there can truly hurt you. What you must be concerned with is helping Midnight to realize whatever scenario he is trapped in it is not real and that he must wake up.

“Do you understand, little one?”

An eerie shiver caused Twinken to shake his flanks but he took a deep breath, and nodded.

“Then go forward, and good luck,” Luna bade, her form fading away, and Twinken she had woken up.

The rest of the hall of dream doors faded away as well, leaving Twinken alone with the door to his brother’s dream, surrounded by a starry void. Now that he was alone, the full weight of the task ahead of him fell down upon the little colt’s shoulders. It was scary, a little nerve-wracking, and a chilly terror pinched his innards with the realization that whether he succeeded or failed may just very decide the fate of many.

His brother was counting on him. His real brother! Not adopted, not honorary, his own flesh and blood. Twinken could still remember the feelings he’d felt when he’d opened Midnight’s birthday present, the locket showing a picture of them and their parents!

His father, Ignitus, looked like a great stallion, his mother, Faerie Tail, looked beautiful and kind, and having gotten to meet his uncle Joe had made it even better! As short as the time they’d spent together before Luna showed up to bring him to Canterlot, Twinken had been so grateful to have it. He’d asked Joe questions about his mom and dad, and Joe had been happy to answer most of them… except for any questions Twinken had put forward about where his parents were now.

Joe had been uncomfortable but refused to budge, telling Twinken his brother Midnight would answer those questions.

And he sure is hay will… Twinken vowed to himself before touching the door and it opened at his will as he whispered, “I’m coming, big brother.”