Guards in Training (FNaF/MLP Cross)

by KaylaCautio

Moment of Truth

Finally the day had arrived. I had gone to the pizzeria with William and Vincent to wait in the former's office for the previous week's trainees. I was really curious about William's decision, seeing as most of the girls had pretty redeeming qualities for the job, but at the same time they all had quirks that could risk their lives if they weren't careful. I was sitting in the back of his office while he did some extra work when the door opened and the girl's finally filed in.

"Ah, hello, girls. I was wondering when you were going to show up." William smiled to them and closed his laptop to show that he was now giving his full attention to them. I perked up a little as well and stood by William's side, just as he had told me to earlier. "I take it you've all met Kayla. She was the one who helped you through your individual training. I've been paying close attention to her advice, I trust her to help me make decisions like this." Just then, I became suspicious. Would he have really asked all of the girls here if he only wanted to hire one of them? He's not the kind of guy to enjoy the disappointment of other people. I simply kept my mouth shut as I looked over the girls and waited to hear his decision.

"So, you all seem to have some qualities that would certainly help with this particular job, which makes you all possible candidates. At the same time, you all have quirks that could potentially act as setbacks... but then again, who doesn't, right?" He chuckled a little as he leaned back in his chair for a minute. "But in all seriousness, the decision was a bit tough. You all seemed to be reasonably qualified. Heh, I almost didn't sleep last night as I was trying to think it over. But, I have made up my mind, and my decision is final. I trust none of you will be disappointed in what I'm about to say..." He had become more serious the more he spoke, and now even I was a little nervous. The girls all seemed to shift a little in anticipation for his answer. Finally his eyes opened and he smiled. "You're all hired!"

The girls were in shock for a moment, just as I was though I tried to hide it, then they all screamed in excitement and hugged around each other. I turned to my stepfather. "Will-- Uh, Mr. Afton.. you said you only wanted one guard. Why are you hiring all of the trainees?"

He simply smiled to me with that typical mischief in his eyes. "You've been working here for a while, Kayla. You know how stressful this job is. And people wanting that particular shift are kind of hard to come by. I figured we're gonna need all the help we can get." He shrugged, and luckily this answer enough to convince me. I turned back as he cleared his throat to get the girls' attention. "Now, Rarity, we'll start with you on Monday. And just to have it out there, if any of you ever want to have a day where you work the day shift instead of your normal shift, just come to me and I'll move some things around for you. You'll still be paid for the same hours if you work the day shift rather than your usual night shift." The girls all seemed excited still, but at least they showed that they were paying attention.

Soon enough he dismissed them, they thanked him, and walked out of the office with excited chatter. I sat back where I was before. "Well... that was actually kind of easier than expected."

"Yeah, I guess so. And don't worry, I will arrange the schedule so you can still have some shifts to yourself."

I couldn't help but smile at this. I was never usually close to my stepfather, but now I realized just how understanding he could be. "Thanks, William. Though, to be honest, I can't wait to work with those girls again. After all, they do still have some things to learn about this place."