//------------------------------// // The Gang Springs the Trap // Story: Dude, Where's My Sandwich? // by Super Trampoline //------------------------------// "Get your Business Professional Diplomas right here!" Shouted Rainbow Dash, as she and the other hawked the new "Ponyville (Totally not a sham) School of Business" Diplomas they were selling for fifteen thousand bits plus a couple back massages. Ms. Harshwhinny's professionalism sense drew her to the commotion. I wish I could describe what happened in more detail, but I'm almost out of time myself. There was a tense standoff though. There was a crack of lightning and set against the suddenly cloudy sky and roll of thunder, stood Ms. Harshwhinny on top of a building, like a professional villain. This time though, the gang was ready. Starlight Glimmer Froze her in one of those OP crystal things she used a bunch in the season 5 finally. "Ms. Harshwhinny, Pinkie Pie pleaded, "It doesn't have to be this way. We can share Cheese Sandwich. Have you not ever cut a Sandwich in half?" Ms. Harshwhinny screamed. "I wouldn't know, because I've never eaten a cheese sandwich. They aren't professional!" Then she exploded. Except she was really a pony unlike earlier, so there were blood and guts everywhere. Ew.