Devastation By a Hybrid's Rage

by TyrannosaurusVenom

Battle of the Hybrids

The mutated Wonderbolt charged towards the family at incredible speed and grabbed Indominus, while his massive wings brushed the others aside. The hybrid dinosaur felt his whole body being lifted up and slammed into the ground as Soarin's mutated form towered over him. Everypony else was alarmed to see Indominus overpowered so quickly.

"How's it feel to be on the other end of the monster foot? We'll see what your precious Crash thinks of me when I have her all to myse="

Soarin was cut off as Indominus raked his claws across the Wonderbolt's face. The Wonderbolt staggered back from the slash, only to be blasted away by the enraged dinosaur. He landed right in front of his teammates, but was back on his feet in minutes. Rainbow could see the red glow in Indominus's eyes as he got back on his feet, which meant that her husband was going to fight to his full potential to win this fight. He was practically glaring daggers at the Wonderbolts.

"Alright everyone, it's time we show these Wonderbolts who they're dealing with! GIVE THEM EVERYTHING YOU HAVE, AND SHOW NO MERCY!"

Twilight ignited her horn and cast the growing spell she had prepared on everypony else. Her friends and the rest of the CMC grew to the size of the dinosaurs. Rainbow, Scootaloo and the raptors transformed and grew to their own massive sizes as the Element of Loyalty squared off against the pony she had idolized for so long.

"I'm sorry for having to do this Spitfire, but none of you will listen to me because of Soarin. I hope that you'll understand why I've chosen Indominus."

"Spare me your talk Crash, time to pay the consequences for your foolish decision."

"Make sure to stay close to me, sugarcube. Ah don't want anythin' to happen to ya."

"Don't worry Applejack, Ah'm not about ta leave ya," said Applebloom.

"You too Sweetie Belle, I'd don't know what I'd do if they hurt you."

"Not to worry Rarity, I'm staying with you as well. Besides, we've got Scootaloo's family on our side, and they have experience with fighting the Wonderbolts."

"All too true Sweetie Belle," said Echo. "Now let's do like Indominus said and make them pay!"

The groups charged towards each other and the fights were underway. The Mane Five each took on a Wonderbolt with Applebloom and Sweetie Belle helping their sisters. Delta was giving Fluttershy a hand with her opponent while Charlie got to fight against High Winds. Blue took on Surprise and Silver Lining and Echo went after Misty Fly and Lightning Streak, given they already had experience battling the Wonderbolts from their last encounter. Tyrannosaurus handled the last of the replacement Wonderbolts and Scootaloo got to have her chance to fight Fleetfoot. That left Rainbow Dash to face off against her long time idol, Spitfire, and Indominus to settle his score with the mutated Wonderbolt, Soarin.

The Mane Five were doing their best to combat the bigger flyers, but half of them couldn't go after the Wonderbolts. Rarity and Sweetie Belle could only fire their magic blasts into the air and keep their opponent off guard. Delta was spending most of her energy keeping Fluttershy from being hurt, since she didn't have the courage to fight a Wonderbolt. Applejack and Applebloom could only fight their opponent whenever the Wonderbolt made diving attacks on them, but their strength more than made up for it. Their attacks and kicks dealt very painful damage to the unfortunate Wonderbolt. and made it harder for him to fly. Pinkie could only fire projectiles and herself with her party cannon against her opponent, but her unpredictability put the Wonderbolt at a disadvantage. There wasn't much he could do against a pony who could defy the laws of physics and fight him in the air with just a party cannon to help her.

Twilight was stuck in an aerial dogfight with another Wonderbolt and trying to knock him out of the sky with her magic blasts. Being bigger made her opponent a more open target, and it was easy for the Wonderbolt to get hammered once Twilight nailed a few blasts on his backside. Thanks to her training with the dinosaurs, Scootaloo had the combat experience to fight Fleetfoot in the air. Her impressive speed and slashing claws kept the talkative Wonderbolt on her toes and unable to make any effective strikes.

"What's wrong Flatfoot? Don't tell me you're afraid to fight a runt like me?"

"Oh, you've got a big mouth for being a child. You really should watch your tongue!" Fleetfoot angrily charged forward, but it was what Scootaloo was counting on.

She dodged the attack and struck a powerful uppercut to Fleetfoot's gut. The attack left the Wonderbolt slumped over and gasping for air.

"Ah.....H-how are you that strong?"

"I learned plenty under my family, including how to get under the skin of a stubborn pony like you." Scootaloo followed up by smacking Fleetfoot straight down into the dirt and going after her.

While Scootaloo was holding her own against her opponent, the raptors were having a fair time battling their opponents. Charlie was forcing High Winds closer to the ground where she could use her faster ground speed for surprise jumps on the Wonderbolt and snapping her jaws at every limb that tried to attack her. Blue was attacking Surprise and Silver Lining more savagely than her last fight and using the full extent of her agility. As for Echo, neither Misty Fly nor Lightning Streak could get close without the raptor slashing away at their hides or firing deadly blasts on them. Tyrannosaurus was easily dominating both replacement Wonderbolts with his massive bulk and tremendous strength, smacking the giant ponies around and digging into their bones with his teeth.

Rainbow Dash was going toe to toe in the air with Spitfire, but also trying to keep from giving into the killer instinct instilled within her by Indominus. Despite having the greater strength and combat experience, Rainbow couldn't bring herself to strike Spitfire hard enough to put her into the ground. The last thing she wanted to do was kill the one Wonderbolt she had looked up to for so long, but she had no choice since they had turned their backs on her. So while fighting her idol at her best, Rainbow was also holding back the lion's share of her power. But as hard as Rainbow's fight was, hers was nothing compared to the struggle Indominus was going through.

The dinosaur was finding himself struggling against a mutated hybrid that was giving him a run for his money. Every time he slashed at Soarin, the mutated Wonderbolt took each blow and struck back harder. He nailed Indominus across the face and used the opportunity to dig his claws deep into the dinosaur's underbelly. Indominus roared in pain as Soarin's claws dug into his skin, he hadn't felt such pain since his confrontation with Black Death.

"Now that I've got your power, I can slaughter you just like you slaughtered our teammates," Soarin said as he towered over Indominus.

Soarin might've had size and strength over Indominus, but he didn't have the dinosaur's brains. The hybrid noticed that Soarin's glowing underside was exposed and he had no reinforced hide like Smaug's. The dinosaur arched his neck in an upward position and fired a huge blast into Soarin's stomach. The surprise attack tore Soarin's claws out of Indominus's underside and sent him skyrocketing into the air. Immediately, Indominus spread his wings and climbed after the trailing Wonderbolt.

Soarin spread his wings after moving out of the blast's path, but was knocked away when Indominus rammed him head-on. The force from the impact sent Soarin spinning away and vulnerable to Indominus's claws as the hybrid came speeding back in and started slashing away at him. But as fierce and strong as Indominus's attacks were, they weren't enough to put Soarin down. The Wonderbolt seized both of the dinosaur's arms and held him in place. Indominus started gathering energy for another blast, but this time Soarin surprised him.

The spikes on the Wonderbolt's back started glowing the same green color as his chest and before Indominus could attack, Soarin unleashed a massive green blast at the dinosaur's face. The blast was so close that Indominus was forced to take the full brunt of it. He could feel every scale burning against the white hot blast, and even worse, felt himself slowly losing consciousness from the exposure. Against Soarin's blast, Indominus struggled to gather energy and fired his own right in the midst of it, causing an explosion to engulf them both.

The explosion interrupted all the other brawls as everypony turned to see the two hybrids plummeting towards the ground. Rainbow saw that Indominus wasn't slowing down and the explosion had knocked him out cold.

"So much for your great husband," Spitfire said as she charged forward for another attack.

Rainbow nailed a direct punch on her face and it sent Spitfire reeling away long enough for her to call out to her stallion.


The hybrid struggled to regain consciousness from hearing his girl's calls. Right before he reached the ground, Indominus heard one more plea from Rainbow, jerked his eyes open and released a blast at the dirt. The attack slowed down his descent long enough for Indominus to spread his wings and land on all fours. Soarin wasn't so lucky and regained consciousness just as his body made impact with the ground. Both hybrids shook off the landings and got back on their feet for another face off.

"Ok, I'll give you this Soarin, you're much stronger than before."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere, and it's because I stole your power. Now I have all your strengths at my disposal, and I'll kill you with them."

"You don't have all of my strengths Soarin," Indominus said as he transformed into his Guardian state.

"This time your little body change trick doesn't concern me."

The beasts charged each other and collided with their heads while locking claws. In his Guardian state, Indominus was almost on par with Soarin in terms of strength, but not enough to overwhelm him. Soarin was able to force the dinosaur backwards and slammed his down on all fours with incredible strength. The monstrous Wonderbolt leaned forward and clamped down on Indominus's back with his teeth. The dinosaur could feel the monster's teeth slashing into his skin and grinding against his bones. With pain biting at his very skeleton, Indominus dug his claws into Soarin's underside and bit down on the glowing stomach.

Each hybrid tried to deal as much damage as possible, and Indominus had the advantage of attacking Soarin's soft stomach. While Soarin was able to deal damage, Indominus's protected back was laced with spikes and osteoderms, giving more damage to the Wonderbolt's mouth instead. The hybrid slashed away at Soarin's stomach as the Wonderbolt resorted to slashing away at Indominus's hide. Despite Soarin's strength, size and the advantage in striking power, Indominus was tough and durable enough to handle the punishment.

His experience and battle-hardened body allowed him to handle the Wonderbolt's strikes more easily. Indominus's enhanced claws caused blood to flow out of Soarin's stomach, and the Wonderbolt lost his grip on the dinosaur. Soarin staggered as he nearly doubled over from the blood leaking out of his stomach, and Indominus knew he had to make this attack count.

"Alright, let's hope that I can pull this off without him taking over. If this doesn't finish Soarin, then I'll have to deal with the Devil again."

Soarin watched as Indominus roared into the sky and became engulfed in golden fire. The Immortal Phoenix had made its return and Indominus used it to assault Soarin with unrelenting force. He clawed and tore away at Soarin's face with such speed and intensity that the Wonderbolt couldn't strike back against it. Indominus could hear Scootaloo and Tyrannosaurus roaring in support as he bit down on the underside of Soarin's neck. The mutated Wonderbolt roared in agony as blood spilled from the bite marks in his neck. Indominus delivered a single devastating punch to the face that sent Soarin across the battlefield.

Then with a bellowing roar, Indominus spread his wings and bolted for the battered Wonderbolt. The raptor squad and the rest of the Mane Five moved out of the way as Indominus barreled past them and collided with Soarin. The collision caused a massive column of golden fire to erupt and surround both creatures. Only this time, Indominus emerged alone from the golden flames and as he landed, his own gold fire dissipated without much damage done to his body.

"I knew it, I knew he could pull it off," Rainbow said after witnessing Indominus's immense display of control and dominance.

"Oh cry me a river, Crash, he got lucky." Rainbow shut Spitfire up by throwing a slash across her face.

"I've had it with your lip, Shitfire. Now I hope you won't mind if I put our fight on hold to congratulate my husband."

Rainbow raised her front hooves up and smashed them down on Spitfire's head with enough force to send her crashing into the ground. She then flew over to Indominus to check and see how he was holding up.

"That was pretty nice Indominus, how'd you manage to control the Phoenix like that?"

"I guess you could call it a little bit of luck. This time my anger didn't have any influence over me and I could focus my efforts."

"Well I have to say it made short work of that mutated behemoth."

"Oh you'd like to think that, wouldn't you Crash?" The lovers turned in the direction of the deep voice that spoke up from the flaming wreckage that Soarin had been in.

Soarin emerged from the smoldering flames with a sick and menacing glare in his eyes. Rainbow was in disbelief at seeing how Soarin could survive the full force of Indominus's attack in his Immortal Phoenix state. Then she saw that the wounds Indominus had caused were slowing beginning to heal themselves. But what alarmed the lovers even more, was that the remaining golden flames weren't damaging Soarin. The fire was going away from Soarin and not causing any new burns to his body.

"This fire worked against me and the others before, but now it seems that your strength isn't as deadly anymore. I wasn't expecting to get your healing factor as well, nor being able to take your hits either, beast. Now I'm curious as to what else I can do with your power."

Soarin began advancing towards Indominus, who went back to his Guardian state just in case the Wonderbolt tried anything. Indominus was starting to wonder how Soarin could stand up to his power when he spotted something that concerned him. As Soarin got closer, the dinosaur could almost swear he saw traces of dark fire emitting from behind the Wonderbolt.

"So if I have your healing, then maybe it's possible for me to do THIS!"

Soarin bellowed a thunderous roar into the sky and what followed made Rainbow's stomach drop like a lead weight. Massive amounts of deadly black flame erupted from Soarin and began to envelop his entire body, exactly how the Immortal Phoenix would cover Indominus.

"N-no way....that's not possible! He can't have THAT power!" Rainbow and the others were rendered speechless as the black fire surrounded Soarin's body, turning him into a more demonic version of the Immortal Phoenix.

"Now that is what I call some serious firepower. Make that beast pay, Soarin," Spitfire called out as she came speeding towards Indominus and Rainbow.

"With pleasure, boss," Soarin said deeply before he exploded forward, smacked Rainbow aside and seized Indominus by the throat in his mouth.

Rainbow got back on her hooves just in time to catch Spitfire's diving attack and square off again.

"Face it Crash, your husband might've been the dominating beast last time, but now that Soarin has his power, he'll tear him to shreds."

"You really shouldn't make assumptions so soon, Shitfire," Rainbow said before headbutting Spitfire away. "Indominus has faced opponents tougher than Soarin, and he'll beat your mutated teammate too." Rainbow Dash resumed her battle with Spitfire while Indominus was trying to get out of a tough bind.

Soarin's strength had grown exponentially after transforming into his new flaming state. His bite was digging deeper into Indominus's neck and the hybrid was trying desperately to get air. Indominus's claws slashed across Soarin's face, but the flames shielded him with the same kind of invulnerability as the Immortal Phoenix. The Untamable King was truly battling a near exact copy of his own power and strength. It left Indominus with only one course of action to even remotely stand a chance: he would have to fight with the Immortal Phoenix to its full extent once again, or die trying.

Soarin threw Indominus out of his mouth and started slashing away as the dinosaur tried to defend himself. With the power of the Immortal Phoenix at his disposal, Soarin was far faster than Indominus had ever been without using his own deadly power. The hybrid dinosaur couldn't keep pace with Soarin, or find the time he needed to focus and transform. That was, until the Wonderbolt got careless and punched Indominus too hard, putting enough distance between them for the hybrid to change.

By the time Soarin was within striking range again, Indominus had transformed into the Immortal Phoenix again and collided with the Wonderbolt. The collision caused a massive shock wave to spread throughout the area, shaking up everything and disrupting the other fights. The Mane Five and the CMC were concerned about how Indominus was going to beat a near copy of his powers. The rest of the dinosaurs were overcome at the sight of Soarin's new state, and knew that they had to help their brother out.

Tyrannosaurus smacked one of the opposing Wonderbolts with enough force to knock him out cold. When the other replacement Wonderbolt tried to step in, T-Rex clamped down on the pegasus's neck and slammed him into the dirt. Before the Wonderbolt could get up from the attack, T-Rex slapped the pony with his tail and his victim went unconscious. With both Wonderbolts down, Tyrannosaurus went to help his brother against the flaming Wonderbolt. The two flame engulfed hybrids had touched down again and were slashing away at each other with neither of their bodies showing any signs of damage. Soarin was about to strike again when he felt Tyrannosaurus's bone crushing bite force on his neck.

Despite the Immortal Phoenix's protection against attacks, T-Rex's bite force packed enough strength to immobilize Soarin. But it wasn't going to last long, for the flames were licking away at the inside of the dinosaur's mouth, and starting to burn him from inside.

"You foolish monsters are all the same." Soarin was about to dig his claws into T-Rex's underside, until Indominus sent the Wonderbolt away with a powerful blow to the face.

The attack sent Soarin careening away and gave enough time for Indominus to regroup with his brother.

"Brother, you can't beat Soarin like this. He's too much for you, I'm the only one that can face him."

"It doesn't matter Indominus, we promised that we'd help you beat the Wonderbolts, and there's no way I'm going to turn my back on this. Once I get Blue and her sisters to help, we'll trap that behemoth so you can polish him off. Plus, we need to finish this quickly before the Devil awakens again."

"I know, and I don't want him to make me hurt Rainbow again."

"Then go and use that strength of yours to its best while I help our sisters with their opponents."

Tyrannosaurus went off to help out the raptors while Indominus went after Soarin, who was getting back up from the attack.

Their blasts and attacks only provoked each other into attacking more savagely, but it was like a battle between two near invincible forces. With Soarin sharing in his invulnerability, Indominus's strength and power could hurt him but it wasn't enough to bring down the massive Wonderbolt. Then while he and Soarin were locked with their claws, Indominus remembered one important detail from a previous fight: that the Immortal Phoenix could be overwhelmed.

He remembered how Discord had filled him in on all the details about their sparing match. The Lord of Chaos explained to Indominus how the full power of his chaos had been enough to overwhelm the Immortal Phoenix and changed Indominus back to normal. Also how Indominus's own strength had been enough to cancel out Discord's full power as well. But since Indominus didn't know how durable Soarin was, he wasn't sure if his strength would be enough to overwhelm him. Regardless, it was the hybrid's only chance of bringing down the power consumed Wonderbolt, so he released a blast that knocked Soarin back but didn't hurt him.

"Heh heh, there isn't much you can do against me, monster. I have all your power and strength, and there's noth-" Soarin was interrupted by four massive blasts that slammed him into the ground.

"For being a monster of your own, you sure jabber too much," Blue said as she, her girls and Tyrannosaurus started making their way towards the fight.

"What? How did all of you manage to beat the other Wonderbolts?" Soarin caught glimpses of his beaten teammates in the distance. All of them had been beaten senseless, badly marked up and down in the dirt, but still alive.

"Your teammates are quite predictable, after fighting them the last time, all we needed was to remember their moves and bring them down," said Delta.

"Just because you have our brother's power doesn't make you the greatest creature in Equestria," Echo added.

"You're nothing but a second rate joke Soarin," said Charlie.

"Now girls, let's help our brother stop this mutated wannabee," said T-Rex.

Tyrannosaurus charged ahead and met Soarin head-on as the Wonderbolt was getting up from the recoil of the numerous blasts. The force from T-Rex's ramming impact against Soarin's head dazed the Wonderbolt and left him open for a tail swipe and Indominus slashing away at him again. The raptors joined in by firing blasts from all directions and T-Rex added to the overwhelming confusion by biting down on Soarin's neck and blasting the Wonderbolt's face. With the multitude of attacks and Indominus's savage power, Soarin was too overwhelmed to retaliate against any of the dinosaurs. The rexes rammed Soarin with their heads and sent him tumbling over into the ground.

"We'll hold him Indominus, and you build up the strength you need to bring him down."

"Got it brother."

Tyrannosaurus and the raptors gave Indominus covering fire by focusing their blasts on Soarin and keeping him overwhelmed while their brother gathered strength for one devastating attack. In the middle of the blasts, Soarin was struggling to advance forward despite not receiving much damage. His anger was starting to build as his thoughts were drifting to everything Indominus had done to him.

"I didn't come this far to be outdone by a bunch of dumb animals. That beast mocked me, humiliated me in front of hundreds of ponies and nearly killed the Wonderbolts. I am not going to be brought down by some filthy, scaled abomination THAT THINKS HE CAN WALK ALL OVER US!!"

Incredibly, Soarin roared in anger at the dinosaurs and ran towards them, powering through the blasts and firing his own to separate the group. Indominus clenched his right fist and sprinted towards the raging Wonderbolt, the distance between them getting thinner every second. Tyrannosaurus and the raptors started putting more distance between themselves and the two hybrids as came close to striking distance. They had gotten back to where the Mane Six were still brawling when the collision happened. Indominus and Soarin's fists collided with one another and the extreme force built up in them caused a massive explosion to erupt from in-between the point of impact.

The explosion was growing bigger and bigger with every passing minute and it forced the Mane Six to abandon their fights and Twilight was able to teleport all of them to a safer distance. The Wonderbolts weren't able to get clear in time and wound up getting caught in the blast radius. The dinosaurs, Mane Six and CMC could only look on as the explosion enveloped most of the area. With no way to see what was going on, all they could do was hope that Indominus was going to make it out alive.

"Please Indominus, please be ok," Rainbow thought as she waited for the smoke to clear.